The Wrong Bride - Loving My Sister's Fiancé - 12 in English Love Stories by Aisha Kapadia books and stories PDF | The Wrong Bride - Loving My Sister's Fiancé - 12

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The Wrong Bride - Loving My Sister's Fiancé - 12

He didn't say anything for a while. Just continued to walk side by side with me. And I decided not to break this silence. I didn't even know why he came after me.

"You still didn't tell me your reasons."

"I was going to. But I chose not to."


"If you're worried about your new PA, I have kept the loads of profiles of experienced professional PAs who have trained in better environment for this service, with Mrs Rothy. You can have those profiles from her anytime you want and read them thoroughly to decide who you want to be your next P-"

"I asked you a question, Scarlett." He demanded.

I ignored him and continued with my advise. "And you know a very interesting thing. They can fight too. I mean they can use their fists. I used to be very sorry when you'd require to hire the bodyguard for your safety-"

"You're not answering the question!" He snapped at me, his temper suddenly rising, but I ignored him again, hoping he would do the same.

"-And I always wanted to protect the the powerful men. You know, like superwoman. It was my dream. To be the protector of the galaxy. It would've been cool if I could protect you as well-"

"I asked you the damn fucking question to answer!"

"I don't want to answer you!" I snapped at him.

"Why do you keep on going against everything I say?!" He cornered me against the wall, pressing my back against the cemented concerte.

"I just don't like to follow your orders everywhere! It makes me feel stuffed!"

"I wasn't ordering you-"

"You always do! Hazel, do this! Hazel, do that! Hazel, I want to do this for me! It's the last task I'm giving you! And guess what? It never happnes to be the last! It fucking never does! I'm fed up with you and your-"

"So that's why you're quitting your job?!"

"I don't want to answer you! Leave me alone!" I pushed him away from his chest, and started to walk faster. I could hear him coming after me and I increased my pace.

In normal shoes, I never doubted my legs but these heels were killing me already. I knew I'd be a limping mess the moment I reach my apartment.

Now I just wanted to go home, remove these wet clothes, take a hot shower, make a hot coffee, drink it and watch some romantic comedy drama all night until I fell asleep.

I could feel him coming closer to me, behind me and I started to run faster in the rain, wiping the tears from my eyes.

My chest was paining and my heart was twisting uncontrablly in my ribcage. It was getting harder for me to breathe by each passing second.

I felt him grab my back, sliding his arms around my waist. He pressed himself further against my back, and I could feel his heart beating fast, blood pumping rapidly in his veins. I stiffened at how his tight chest and abdomen was feeling against the wet bare skin of my back.

"Got you." He put his chin above my head, his tight arms engulfed my thin body from behind. All my thoughts were focused on the fact that his muscular arms were now settling above my chest, creating tiny butterflies to dance around in my stomach.

His pressed his hands around me further, causing my breasts to be squished against him. My cheeks heated like tomato, feeling his hot breath fanning my neck, causing delicious shiver to pass down my spine. I blushed as I felt myself getting wet just as he nuzzled my neck and touched my cheek with his.

Stupid feelings always decide to come out in the wrong time. It's always the wrong timing between us. Always.

"Let me go, Heath. You know it's wrong." I whispered, as he shifted himself closer towards me.

"What's wrong with me hugging you?"

I took a deep breath. "You just got cheated on by my sister who you were about to marry in some weeks! Not to mention, you loved her so much you fought against your whole family to marry her. Is that enough of a reason now?"

With that being said, he left me abruptly and I could feel him still standing behind me. "You just have to mention that now, don't you? When I'm trying to cope up with the truth?"

"It's the truth. You really were getting married to-"

"Is that the reason you're leaving me?!"

I frowned. "What?"

"I was going to marry Kiara. You didn't like it-"

"Why wouldn't I like it if you'd marry my sister?!" I yelled, my own temper rising at his random observation.

"It's simple. You were jealous."

I looked at him incredulously. "Have you gone insane?"

"I could feel it whenever I'd spend anytime with Kiara and you'd always make excuses to go outside and get some fresh air. You actually were jealous and it took me so much time to realise it."

"What the actual fuc... " I looked at him in disgust. "You have gone nuts! What the hell is wrong with you?! I took break to get fresh air because of the lack of sleep after working overtime! I slept just three hours a day and the lack of rest had been interrupting my work. I didn't want to make any mistakes in my work with my diffused attention so I would excuse myself-"

"Thanks to God." I heard him mutter and confusion filled my expression. "I actually thought you were in love with me or something. That's why you were leaving me. You really scared me out there. I'd feel like a total jerk if I'd learn you had felt something for me while helping me woo your own sister for marriage-"

"So you were testing me?" I asked him, my eyes welling up in tears before they fell down one by one.

When he realized I was crying because of what he did, he took one step towards me to take my hand. "Look, Hazel, I really thought you liked me and that's why I felt bad seeing you quit your job because of me-"

"Why'd you feel bad? Did the thought of me being in love with you felt that disgusting to you?"

He grabbed both of my hands. "I didn't mean it to sound so-"

"Leave my hand!" I freed myself of his grip and started to walk away.


"Don't take my name!"

"But listen to me-" He tried to keep me in place but I had been hurt by him too many times, that I didn't even want to stay with him anymore.

"I don't want to see you ever again! I hate you!" I yelled at him and his face became serious in a second.

"You hate me?" He asked, looking at me and more tears spilled out of eyes, remembering his words.

"Yes I hate you, Heath Evercrest! I hate everything about you! I hate how you are so arrogant, how you are so rude, how you don't feel gratitude for the things people do for you! I hate how you are so full about yourself, how you take people for granted, how you always muhhhh-" He put his hand over my mouth, glaring at me.

"Shut up, you're annoying."

I shoved his hand away from my face and glared at him, breathing heavily. "I hate how you don't care about your family, I hate how you don't see the good in everything, I hate how you are able to do mostly everything and yet you feel underconfident around your own sister! I hate how you don't feel compassion for your mother muhhhhh-" With this, he grabbed me harshly and shoved me roughly against the wall, putting his arms on both sides of me.

"I said shut up!" He growled, his hands once again over my lips. Once again, I removed them from me.

"Don't touch me! You wanted to hear reasons why I'm leaving you, I'm telling you everything I had been meaning to write as one of the potential reasons in that official letter as to why I'm quitting! You invited it yourself-"

"I don't want to hear you insult me, stating your petty reasons-"

"If these reasons are petty, then you must think very highly of yourself, Mr Evercrest!"

"Don't try to outsmart me-"

"I have more than enough reasons to make you realize how much of a petty stubborn shit in the name of a son you have been to your family-"

"I don't need to hear you speak about my family! You don't hold any rights-"

"I don't need those fucking rights to drill some sense onto you! Besides, if you still think you hold any authority over me then listen to it properly!" I tiptoed on my heels, and put my lips above his ear. "I'm leaving this job. I'm leaving my position as a PA in your company. I'm not your servant anymore. You can't order me around anymore. Because I'm leaving you."

His fingers curled into fists, hearing my words. I felt him close his eyes before suddenly he hit the wall behind me, making me jump on my spot and I placed my arms on his shoulder in impulse. "I said fucking shut up! When will you ever learn to listen to my words properly?!"

Removing my arms, I leaned against the wall. "I think you didn't listen to me properly. I hate you. I don't care what you say." I said, making myself clear.

But when I attempted to walk past him, he put his arms on either side of me again, walking closer to me until there was no way for me to escape from him.

"What're you doing?" I asked him, as he didn't say anything but continued to corner me.

"You're not going anywhere."