The Wrong Bride - Loving My Sister's Fiancé - 10 in English Love Stories by Aisha Kapadia books and stories PDF | The Wrong Bride - Loving My Sister's Fiancé - 10

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The Wrong Bride - Loving My Sister's Fiancé - 10

"You really don't realize what influence I have on you? Or on your future, right?" He asked, glaring at me, his voice laced with controlled rage while he took one step towards me.

I took one step back, glaring back at him. "You think I care about my future after I had been living like a servant for a person like you for eight years?!"

"You talk about respecting the person in heirarchy and power and yet you don't respect your own boss?!" He said, taking another step towards me and for a second, I flinched seeing his eyes darkening with burning rage but I continued on anyway, taking two steps back from him.

"You don't need to be respected to feel as a boss, Heath." I said, eyeing him warily as his gaze flickered down my face, to my half-exposed heaving chest, lingering there for longer than I expected. His tempting gaze then shifted to my bare thighs and legs, leaving a trail of tingle down my burning core, making me feel hot and uncomfortable under his intense stare.

"You talk about being treated as a woman when the state you are in right now, makes me think you'd suit to be treated as someone employed to give pleasure instead."

He called me a prostitute. A slut!

I grinded my teeth in frustration. "You know what?! Thanks for reminding me you were my boss and you hold key to my future and blah blah blah..." I took two steps towards him and stood erect facing him, my eyes reflecting rage and determination. "'Cause then I wouldn't have realized how much I actually hate men like you."

"Men like me?"

"Yes. Men like you! Men who pretend to be strong and dominant only over someone they know are actually employed under them and they never leave a single opportunity, or rather I dare say, a day, to bully and assault them-"

"Assault?! When-"

"But when a real power comes to stand in front of them, they behave like a frightened deer, afraid of the tiger in the bushes, afraid when it'll swallow the life out of them while they continue being pathetic and clingy to the power they know they can never win against!"

"Are you talking about my father?!"

"Yes! We both know how much power he actually holds against you-"

"He doesn't hold any power against me! He just likes to humiliate me in front of public reunions and make my sister the star of everything!"

"Because your sister holds much potential than you! And you know you can never win against her even though you'd try your best, only to get defeated by her again and again-"

"Don't utter a word about it, you understand?! Otherwise I won't sit still. You'll have more than your job to sacrifice if you mess with me?!"

I didn't believe I was hearing him, out of all the persons I expected, to say this to me. "What can you do besides killing me? You can't even keep the girl you love by your side and you talk about threatning someone? Especially me? Or wait, did you actually forgot I used to do these filthy tricks for you 'cause you didn't want to get your hands dirty. You still remember it right? Or should I remind you, just some two weeks ago, about the salesman of the Carter Estates you made me threaten which made him a whistle-blower of his department and as a result, the whole branch of that Estates went down after being accused for corruption, dropping their shares tax in the market and you took advantage of-"

"Shut up. Are you actually blackmailing me?!"

"No, No, Mr Evercrest, how can someone as lowly, the sick soul of a servant as me, would dare to blackmail someone as rich and powerful of a billionare as you? I was just reminding you that my hands are as dirty as these pretty innocent hand of yours which order me around to complete all these tricky inhumane tasks you give me everyday."

I walked closer to him, buttoning the upper few buttons of his shirt which fell open and weren't broken, when I grabbed his collar. "And I also wanted to remind you to now look out, watch out for yourself, get a hold of yourself in time when you can, and look back to see how much you've changed past these years to actually threaten me."

"You were not my friend. I admit. But I know. That I was your friend. That true friend you can trust your life with. That type of a person I was for you. And I am glad you gave me that position in your life." I whispered, my lips close to his, before I put my head on his chest, hearing the sound of his heartbeat, almost hugging him. He stood still, not making any movement, his hands on his side, water from the rain dripping from his fingertips.

When I didn't see him making any movement, I turned on my heels and started to walk away from him but I felt a tug from behind. Turning back, I lifted my gaze to see him holding my hand, just by my index finger.

I looked at him in confusion. "What're you doing?"

"You're coming with me."

I looked at him as if he had gone insane. "I'm not going anywhere with you." I made myself clear. "And if you're worried I'll embarass you and your feelings in front of Kiara, I assure you, I won't talk to her ever again."

"Why wouldn't you talk to Kiara? Isn't she your sister? Are you doing it for me?"

I sighed loudly. "All this time, I had been doing things for you, Heath. Many things." I looked at him. "Now I want to stop."

"Why?" He looked at me in confusion.

"I just don't think it's good for both of us." I pulled my index finger out of his grasp. "And yes, one more thing." Placing my hands under my purse, I searched it throughly before pulling out a light yellow envelope with his company seal, which became wet the moment I pulled it out, and placed it on his hand.

He turned it back and forth to look what it was but the rain was making it almost impossible for him to comprehend it.

"What is it?" He said, eyeing the envelope.

I took a deep breath, praying for some miracle to stop my tears from spilling out in front of him. I had been humiliated enough already. I didn't want to be treated as a frail servant by him anymore. "My resignation letter."

To be continued...