The Angel Inside - 57 in English Love Stories by Khyati Makwana books and stories PDF | The Angel Inside - 57 War begins

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The Angel Inside - 57 War begins

Jay's POV

The day I chose to avenge Amy was the moment of ultimate change. My steps never halted as I walked through the hallways.

The moment I entered the court, the people around me had their eyes wide, gawking at me as if I had grown two heads.

While I walked out of my car, there were cameras flashing on my face. But my eyes were darted at one specific woman who stood a few feet away. My face was stoic and the shades that had covered my eyes had the underlying motive to hide my sleeplessness and dark circles.

She had been frowning at me while my gaze bore into hers. If a stare could kill her, she would be resting six feet deep. But she couldn't understand.
Her eyes held fear, which later turned into a smirk. She was challenging me. But I knew deep down she wasn't expecting to ever face me. Oh. How wrong she was to even think of me as a mere loser!

I walked inside the court without giving a shit to the media as my lawyer followed behind.

The court hearing started while my lawyer talked about Amy's past as a child, It was heartbreaking for me. My lawyer had informed me that Mr. Park had helped him. Finally, he was trying to bring justice to his daughter. The lawyer continued with the list of allegations and chronologically explained Amy's past as a victim, not a gangster.

I knew Amy wasn't some pure angel, her position on earth was at the level of Satan's. She was evil but from my perspective, her situations had driven her decisions. Who chooses the underworld by will? She was a kid, manipulated by that rich mafia boss who turned her into one of them.

It wasn't her choice and I decided to pose Amy's life as if her evil self never existed. She was a pure angel.

Just for me.

Though I hated her for betraying me, there was no option. I couldn't bring her back from the dead. Right?

I needed to move on and forget. Forgiving was difficult.

My lawyer continued by further narrating the unannounced attack on my grandmother. And how the hospital's report was fabricated to hide every clue about the murder.

Once my lawyer had finished speaking. The defence had started denying all the allegations, commenting harshly and calling it a hoax, accusing me of my intention to bring down Mrs. Park's name and ease my ego.

Because she had no criminal records in the past, she was a fair businesswoman.


Big. Fat. Lie.

If using her influence wasn't enough, she attacked Amy's reputation every now and then. She had been jealous of Amy's success.

The argument between my lawyer and the defence felt like forever until it finally came to an end after an hour.

The next date was settled again for the court hearing, as the judge wasn't convinced by the minimal proof my lawyer had presented. He wanted strong proof against Mrs.Park.

A sigh escaped my lips while I stood up, rose from the seat, left the courtroom, and went straight to my house.

The house that held Amy's memories that I hadn't cherished once she left. I opened the door; my steps had been slow. With each step, my past memories with her flashed through my head like a movie.

My eyes went to the couch, which had been a bit dusty and abandoned. I reminisced about her lying on it after she returned from work and waiting for me to lift her up and walk to the bedroom. My heart ached.

My eyes looked around, whereas my hand unconsciously caressed the walls as I slowly walked in. My slow footsteps echoed through the empty house. It felt hollow.


My legs felt weak, and my hands landed on the nearby furniture, gripping for support. And accidentally grabbed open a drawer. It wasn't furniture meant for drawers.

How did it even exist? I peeked inside only to find a tablet in it. It was out of battery. I found a charger nearby and plugged it in. After a few minutes of charging, it finally switched on.

I was curious. It definitely had something important in it that Amy had kept hidden in such a manner.
As soon as it switched on, the first thing that flashed was the password. I didn't know the password.

But I could try 5 times and the sixth time it will wash away all the data.

I had to think hard.


But it was a 5-character password.

What could it be?

I randomly put names until the 4th try but all were incorrect.

Now was the last chance and surprisingly, it flashed a hint. Which said "doctor's favourite".

Doctor's favourite?

What kind of hint was this?

Doctor? Was it about me?

My favourite?

It suddenly hit me in the head.


My unconscious habit of calling her Satan in public had made people's heads turn.

5 letters.

I loved to call her Satan.

And it was the correct one.

The screen is unlocked.

The screen was mostly blank. It looked strange with only 3–4 icons here and there. I tapped onto one. It switched to a map. Was it tracking locations? And the pointer was still at the location, which was my house. I tapped into history.

And it listed my house. The hospital I visited was on my daily route from home to work.

"You didn't remove my gift. How obedient!"

Her words lingered in my head. It was the magnetic earring that I hadn't removed till now. It was close to my heart, even though she was stalking me.

I switched back tapping on other icons, some of them were audio recordings of people talking. What were these?

Her rival's whereabouts, maybe.

After surfing through her tablet, my attention was grasped by one audio. It was Mrs. Park's voice.

"You see. You have been thinking so highly about yourself after losing two years of memory. I think I need to make you remember."

"The world thinks of your mom as a coward who committed suicide after her company got raided and trapped in an underworld business syndicate. Well, any of it isn't true anyway. I overdosed her with sleeping pills. The day before she was to go to court and prove her innocence and blooop- she died."

" I even had to kill Mrs. Conor. That old hag had tried to save you but damn, she succeeded even after dying."

My hands froze. Eyes stuck on the screen that continued to play the recording. My voice beamed in it, apologizing to Mrs. Park. I wanted to smack my past self in the face. I was sorry for that woman who had tried to kill Amy. For a while, I did nothing but blankly stare at the screen.

I knew my next move now.

The next time the court hearing began, my lawyer didn't give the defence, a chance to speak for once. This time not only voice recording but I had made people attend the court as witnesses to Mrs.Park's cruelty. She surely had a dislike for Amy but I never knew she wasn't good with people around her either. Her servants, people working under her company were all victims of her shitty personality.

Every one of them had claimed that Mrs. Park had exploited and spoiled their lives. I didn't spare a glance at Mrs. Park the whole time but once I did, I couldn't hide the smirk that was appearing on my lips. I dipped my glasses a bit low to get a nice look of misery on her face. It was so satisfying to see her pissed.

After finally adjusting my shades, I hear the tiny hammer being banged on the desk to maintain silence. Since then, people have been gasping and mumbling around.

My lawyer continued to speak further about how Mrs. Park had framed Mrs.Lily Park (Amy's real mother) and murdered her too. How she had tortured Amy to death for years and how she was the one who had messed with Amy's car and made the scene look like an accident. How she managed to kill my grandmother without an ounce of remorse. She rubbed her blame on people for the things they never did.

The hospital report of my late grandma also dragged down the hospital's reputation in this case. The chief tried to deny all the allegations but I had submitted all the sneaky documents that were hidden from the public eye. It held records of various mishaps that occurred in the E.R. and how the whistleblowers of doctors had their licenses cancelled. There were ghost operations and illegal experimentation with medicines on the patients. All of it.

Things finally came to an end. I hear the hammer again. The judge had reached to the decision to put up life sentences on Mrs. Park and also the downfall of the most reputed hospitals in America. It felt as if a huge weight of responsibility was lifted off my shoulders.

Suddenly, Mrs. Park started to act crazy. She yelled curses out loud in the court. She glared at me and marched in my direction, hovering over my figure. She grabbed my collar and screamed at my face, denying the fact that she had killed Amy. I knew she didn't but I didn't care this time if I was being fair or not. Or what was right or wrong?

The words fair and righteousness had been thrown out of the window in my dictionary when it came to this old hag of a stepmother.

She was going bonkers at me, trying to hurt me, and hitting my head in the heat of the moment. People around me were desperately trying to pull her away from me. And they finally managed to break her off of me. I chuckled at her fuming face, wanting to provoke her even more. She screamed curses at the top of her lungs, acting all crazy.

I wanted her to know that she messed with the wrong person.

Which was me.

And all of a sudden, she dropped back to the bench she was sitting on and acted as if she were exhausted.


Her lawyer interrupted.

He appealed to the court to let him finish his clause before the judge.

He asked a psychologist to enter the box and that's where the bullshit began.

That hoax of a doctor claimed to be Mrs. Park's psychologist and said that she was suffering from a borderline personality disorder with a range of mood swings, random attacks, and impulsive reactions to things that had caused her to lose her memory and incidents at times.

The hell?

He submitted reports to the court, and my gaze burned at that old hag who had been secretly smiling, pretending to be sick.

Her lawyer continued to spew sh*t. He spoke as if Mrs. Park was an angel sent by God who had become a victim on Earth. He said Mrs. Park had been on medications and such trolling had made her condition vulnerable. And that she needed better treatment.

He was trying to gain sympathy for Mrs. Park from the court. It was a sudden turn of events that I never expected.

The judge had now changed the decision, instead of giving her a life sentence, she was being sent to an asylum for mental treatment. I knew what was going to happen. She was going to book a fu*king castle for her in the name of treatment. And will be set free within months.

I felt my years of work to find the culprit failing. My efforts were thrown off the cliff just because, according to the law, a sick person can never be given a life sentence or punishment by the law.

I was this close to shutting that bitch off behind bars. At this point, all I wanted was to strangle that woman to death. My hands balled into fists that were resting on my lap.

After the court hearing, the judge left. People passed through, getting out of the courtroom. With only me, my lawyer, and that old hag who had been looking at me with her wicked gaze.

She smirked at her victory and laughed. Her cackles echoed through the deserted room and into my head.

Mrs Park: It's right when people say that justice is blind. Mold it the way you want and, hey, you got justice! I can buy the law with money. Honey!

She continued to cackle like a witch and she stood a few inches away from me.

I bore my gaze into hers. In the eye, with nothing but blankness and an underlying determination to make sure she knows she is underestimating me. She delivers a smug look, snickering at me.

Words escape my lips.

"Karma is a bitch."

I don't spare another glance and leave the courtroom while her gaze mocks me to the core.

That witch won. Never ever I felt so deafeted in my life.

But how wrong was she to think of having a comfortable life after coming back? I wasn't going to let her be at peace.

While that witch spent her lavish time in the asylum, I planned to give her all the sympathy she needed. My first dial was to media and press. Her company's goodwill had turned null and void, and no one wanted to buy it either. I knew I was being pure evil but I had already crossed the line and reached too far.

I made huge investments in news channels to make exclusive stories about Mrs. Park that briefly discussed her past actions and a number of conspiracy theories to set her name on fire. I wanted her to struggle to walk freely across the street once she was back. I wanted to drop her to hell and make her regret living on earth.

My parents knew what I had done but they didn't stop me. Instead, they helped me buy that already-ruined hospital being thrashed by the media. Though it was my previous toxic workplace, as an employee, I knew this change was needed. And I was going to make the change. I was wrong and blinded by rage and revenge. But I needed closure. I couldn't spend the rest of my life regretting my decisions. It was either do or die.

Max helped me at each step. From establishing our brand-new hospital to destroying every ounce or even a silly chance of Mrs. Park's ideology of sympathy to reach the ground, she thought she would get people's kindness by acting sick. The moment she steps out of that asylum, I will make sure that she doesn't stand a chance to make a living. The ultimate reason was that Mr.Park had finally divorced that woman. And all her money gained from alimony had been spent on those lavish lawyers she had hired.

I wasn't going to rest, nor would I let her rest in peace.

Hey guys I'm back with another story update, hope you are enjoying the story while we are up close to the climax, so stay tuned 😊
