The Legendary Princess - 7 in English Love Stories by Veduu books and stories PDF | The Legendary Princess - 7

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The Legendary Princess - 7

                                                                       The Legendary Princess - 7



As I sat in my dorm room chatting with my friends, laughing and enjoying the start of a new college semester, I suddenly felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. My friends looked at me with confusion as they asked where my belongings were. Hadn't I brought them with me when I moved in? Panic washed over me as I realized what had happened. In the rush and excitement of starting college, I had completely forgotten to inform my family that I was not attending a regular college, but a hostel. My heart raced as I quickly got up from my seat and started to search for my phone to call home. I was in a state of panic as I realized that I had forgotten to inform my parents that I was attending a magical college and lived in a dorm on campus. As I dialled my parents' number, I tried to explain the situation as calmly as possible. My mother's voice on the other end was filled with concern and confusion as she” asked why didn’t you not informed me earlier!!and I don’t understand a single word you are speaking fairy, magic…. What is going on there!”. I reply her calmly” Mumm, I will explain everything later!” I could hear the worry in her tone as she assured me that they would arrange for my belongings to be sent to the hostel as soon as possible.

I had to think fast…I explained everything to my friends suddenly Lisa said “Shoot u got to be quick once the gates are closed you won’t be able to go back to your house especially now that you are a new student you will have to wait at least for 3 months”. “WHAT 3 MONTHS?!” I grasped “I GOTTA HURRYY” Feeling a mix of anxiety and guilt, as I left dorm Lisa Yhuga Litten Sen and Navie joined me “we are friends and a now right we gonna help you out too”

, a familiar face appeared in front of me. It was Louis. What’s the matter why are you all in such a hurry? “I explained the situation to him,” Oh My God you got to hurry” he immediately understood the urgency of the matter. Without wasting a second, he took out his wand and cast a spell that transported us directly to the director's office. I made my way to the director's office to explain the situation and seek help in retrieving my belongings. Mrs. Margret, the director of the magical college, looked surprised to see us materialize in her office out of thin air. I quickly explained the situation to her, and she nodded understandingly sand said “You don’t have to worry dear I’ll manage everything sorry for not telling you about there earlier”. She smiled warmly…How calm she was in such a situation. With a wave of her own wand, Mrs. Margret summoned Charles. Charles entered the office, looking slightly dazed at being summoned so suddenly. She asked me “call your parents if they had packed your belonging so I could open the portal to your house” …I said “They should have packed my belongings by now”.” Alright then here we go “saying this she casts a portal to my house and I see my parents coming from portal..confused in awe of the magical world they had stumbled into. As soon as my mom saw me she hugged me “We were worried about you dear”” Me too Mumm “I said with tears in my eyes. Mom asked me “Do you really have to stay here dear” …Confused me thought “Is it really my place? Do I belong here?” I looked at Mrs. Margret She said “well this is your decision, But I really think you should stay here and discover the world and explore new things…U even would get to discover how you got your powers which a normal human cannot possess” … Normal humans cannot possess what does she mean am I…. not from this world? “Charles why don’t you show them around Mrs. Margret” said “You can take your time to decide we still got an hour or two”. We showed them around the magical college, explaining the different classes and activities that we participated in. My parents were enthralled by the magical creatures and spells that they witnessed during their tour. As the time went on, my parents became more and more fascinated by the magical world that they had been introduced to… They asked endless questions, eager to learn more about this hidden part of reality. Charles and I happily answered their inquiries most of them were about my health hygrines and all, sharing stories and experiences from our time at the college. As time was ending I got my answer. Yepp I am going to stay here..As we reached the portal back where Mrs Margret and my friends were waiting for us she Asked me “Soo, what is your decision”. “I am going stay here and learn new experiences”. Mom turned to me and hugged me “I f this is what you want dear we won’t be stopping you but you have to promise to take care of yourself” with my eyes full of tears “Yep I will”

Mrs. Margret said “We have 10 mins before portal closed’ mom dad and I shared a hug as we said our goodbyes. I watched as my parents left through portal… As I returned to my dorm, I felt grateful for the adventure that had unfolded. I realized that sometimes, the most unexpected events can lead to extraordinary experiences. I missed my parents though but I got new friends to be with sharing their incredible stories with…