Stumblings are necessary in life - 5 in English Motivational Stories by Er.Vishal Dhusiya books and stories PDF | Stumblings are necessary in life - 5

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Stumblings are necessary in life - 5

Stumblings are necessary in life
People often say that the mind opens by eating pistachios almonds but I am a little satisfied with this but I believe that the mind open not by eating pistachios and almonds but by Stumblings. Unless a person faces stumbles in his life, his mind cannot open. Otherwise he can never move ahead in his life . Therefore, Stumblings blocks are very important in the life of every person. Let us understand the importance of Stumbling block in life through a story.
There was a 25 - 26 year old boy in a village. His family members were very upset with him. He had done engineering and used to roam around the village all day and harass people. He would even tease someone's daughter and sister. People were very upset with him. His parents were also troubled by his actions and hearing people's taunts. One day early in the morning someone came with a complaint asking him to explain to his son because that boy had harassed his daughter. The man said this and went away. But after that the boy's father got angry and chased his son away from home. The boy ran away from home and wandered here and there for a few days. Then he got a job in a company. He started working. But he had no money to stay, so he slept at the railway station at night and did duty during the day. He had no clothes. There were just some clothes. He would wash them and wear them before going for duty. Seeing this, an employee of the company asked, "You don't have any clothes, should I give you some clothes?" Hearing this, the boy felt a little shy and then said that he had no problems, everything was fine, it was only because of his mischief that he had been thrown out of the house. And it came to the boy's mind that his family members have sent him away and he will not do any work. What will happen. Then he started working hard and studying along with it. The family members would call him but he would flatly refuse. That he will return after becoming something. Then what was left after working hard for a few years, he got selected as an IPS officer. His name and his name of parents appeared all over the news paper. People were surprised how such street boy became an officer. When he returned home in his red light car, his parents chest swelled with pride. That my son has returned as an officer. The son hugged his parents and cried a lot and said if you guys don't let me . So I would not have been able to become such a big officer. The lesson learned from this story is that if we humans do not face obstacles in life, we can never move forward. As much as that boy was a vagabond, if his parents has not thrown him away from home and he had not started Stumblings, he would never have returned as an officer.

Er.Vishal Kumar Dhusiya