Crush Stories - 3 in English Short Stories by SCG STORIES books and stories PDF | Crush Stories - 3

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Crush Stories - 3

So hello everyone 😊. Sorry for uploading the second part late because I am in 12th grade right now so I have to manage my studies as well hope you understand 🙏. I see alot of you guys message me but I don't have the subscription. So you can message me on Instagram my id is "sahil_gaikwad.07". It is a private account but I'll still reply you guys👍👍. So welcome again to this 3rd part of this amazing series.

So the 5th grade ended up good and bad for me. Good because I achieved a lot many things like awards, medal, council member title and a little bit of popularity. But that year also became bad because I and Z became rivals🥺🥺.

The 6th grade started which was even worse for me😭😭. Studies became more hard and Z and Khushal 😭😭😭😭, They literally flirted infront of everyone. My friends made jokes about them both that they will marry someday and their kids name would be so and so name........ And I can't these things but I can't even tell them to shut their mouth or else they'll start teasing me instead😔😔.

God was just doing nothing this whole year. I guess he was eating 5star chocolate🍫( eat 5star and do nothing 😏😏 see the joke guys). But God then helped me one last time in 7th grade.

7th grade started and again classes got shuffled. I and Z in same class 7B and Khushal in class 7A😮😮😃. The happiness inside me was next level. Thank you God😇.
Now our class teacher, though she was not the best but she was very nice and kind hearted person. I'm telling this because she showed her kindness by making me sit with Z 😍😍😍. Now I and Z again became friends and this 7th grade year was the only year when I was the most connected to her as compared to my 4th, 5th and 6th grade years. We shared alot many things together and I fell more deeper for her. My heart❤️ used to tell me to propose her but my mind🧠 told me don't do it or else you'll get slapped 😮. Maybe I was afraid of rejection. I as I was a very shy person didn't propose her that time. Now 7th grade ended but now something happened which god also didn't knew about it.........

CORONA VIRUSSSS...... Pandemic came in India and government declared lockdown. My 8th grade and 9th grade went totally online. My God it was the worst time😣😣.
All my efforts all my connections with her broke because of this stupid Corona virus😡😡. Now I only can see her through screen. I cannot even talk to her or show some gesture. It's only my eyes focusing on her eyes ❤️❤️❤️.

9th grade also ended and government decided to open schools once again but we have to wear masks this time. So the 10th grade started and everyone wearing masks looking like some creepy doctor🤢😵😵.

10th grade started and I saw Z after 2 years. Oh my eyes, it felt as if I saw heaven.

There is my friend, my brother from another mother, my real bro whose name was Pratyush🤜🤛. I told him after the end of the school as we were going home together that I have a crush on this girl name Z. He told me he already knew I had crush on her🤯🤯🤯.
He will definitely knew as he was my brother my friend who understands me very well......

The next day I reached school and I saw Pratyush. He came running towards me and told me "Sahil!! I have a good news for you"
I asked him what's the news🤔🤔🤨. He told me that Z is on Snapchat. Now I have never used social media like Instagram or Facebook or Snapchat because If I download, then my mother would welcome me by my belt, my chappal, and jhaadu.
So because of that fear I never downloaded such apps and told Pratyush that I cannot download Snapchat. He told me that he can help me hide this Snpachat on my mother's phone😲😲😲😲..........

After school I and Pratyush hurried to my home. My mother was in the office and she leaves her phone in the house. So we downloaded Snapchat and Pratyush helped me create the Id for me. God literally sent and angel named Pratyush for me😇😇😇..

We created the Id and we sent a friend request to Z on Snapchat......

Just look at Z's attitude. She accepted my request after 3 day😭😭. Am I a stranger to her😡

I got the worst texting skills that time. I messaged her "Hi". She sent me "Hi" I messaged her "how are you?". She replied "fine". Then I messaged her "Ok". That's it.

Then we sent snaps to each other. We used to talk very less because of this stupid covid-19 my connection with her broked up 😡😡😡.....

Days went by and I was scared for her that I might lose her. It was 22nd Feb which was her birthday ( I still remember her birthday 🤯🤯). I decided to propose her. I cannot give her any gifts because my mother will not give money for it. So I messaged her in the afternoon with all my courage in my heart😤 that:-

Happy birthday.......
I wanted to tell you something.......
Please don't get angry.........
I have a crush on you 🥺🥺🥺....

She replied:-

But I'm committed (she loved Khushal)....

That's it just within few seconds my hear broke💔💔. I felt as if someone just stabbed me from behind🔪🔪. All my memories came infront of my eyes as a flashback. Tears came out of my eyes like waterfall. Yes, it was my first rejection 😭😭😭.

I messaged Pratyush. He told me that I had a lot of courage to propose at such a time to someone. He motivated me a little but he can't help me alot, he is also new at such things.....

Loving someone for 6 years is not a joke. Thinking about that person every single day in the hope that one day that person will be mine is like a dream come true. But most of the dreams are dreams which cannot happen in real life🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭.

It took me more than one month to forget her. I explored a lot of people, talked to many girls, proposed them, got rejected again. But then one girl proposed me but she was not my type......

After this all happened I gave my boards exam and after that I went to my native place. I understood that these things are all not much great. Focus on yourself and God will surely give the right person to you. Just believe in yourself 😊😊.......

So it's be 2 years I someehat forgot her. She is with Khushal in a happy relationship and I am just thinking to be successful somehow after I finish my 12th. In 11th grade I was in a relationship with a girl named T ( I don't want to tell her name) but we broke up 💔 after 1 year relationship because she was not able to focus on her studies and academics.

Right now I little bit miss Z🥺. But I am happy with whatever I have. Good friends, family. Well I actually want to become an actor and definitely give auditions after I finish my 12th.

So this was my story. How much I loved Z and my efforts for her. The main thing is that our first love is always wrong.... I don't know how true it is but still for me it is true.... So this is the last part of the series and here's the end of it

If you guys want to message me then here's my insta because I don't have any premium of matrubharti......

Instagram:- sahil_gaikwad.07
It is a private account and has very bad posts🤢🤮🤮🤮. So I am already giving you the disclaimer.

So stay happy everyone. Grow well in life.😊

Thank you 😊
Love you all❤️