TWILIGHT HUNTERS - 4 in English Fiction Stories by Kumar Venkat books and stories PDF | TWILIGHT HUNTERS - 4

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Kyle, Sarah and Victor went to a place tracking that signal. They arrive at an abandoned factory in the middle of the forest near the highway.

Sarah :- "I got the Ricinus dot bullet in my riffle. I'll get to the highest point here and look for a shot. You two should lure that Werewolf out and hold it until I fire. It's a good plan. Don't ruin it."

Kyle :- "I don't think splitting is a good option. We should stay together and catch it."

Victor :- "I think Kyle is right. You should stay with us and look for it."

Sarah :- "If we fight together, it can easily escape. I can stop it with my sniping skills. Follow my lead, remember the plan."

Sarah went to the rooftop of the factory. She is searching for the signs of the Werewolf.

Victor took out a spray and sprayed it on Kyle.

Kyle :- "What is this smell?"

Victor:- "It's the smell of deer's blood. It will make werewolves crazy. Now it will come and attack you. So we can catch it and Sarah will kill it with a Ricinus dart."

Kyle:- "So the Werewolf will be attracted to me. Why don't we use silver bullets? Why Ricinus dart bullets?"

Victor:- "Ricinus doesn't take much time like silver bullets, to kill it. Stop questioning and search for it. You'll go right, and I'll go left".

Kyle and Victor went on opposite sides into the forest to search for the Werewolf. Sarah observing everything from the rooftop through the scope of riffle. She saw something that was blinking, then she realized that it was the tracker that was pierced in that Werewolf. She understood that coming here was all a trap and when she turned around, the Werewolf attacked her suddenly. Dexter and Kyle heard Sarah's voice and ran towards the voice direction.

Victor fell into a large pit while running towards Sarah. Sarah took out her silver sword and fought with the Werewolf. The werewolf grabbed Sarah's leg and threw her away. She lost her consciousness. The werewolf is approaching towards Sarah, Kyle throws a rock at it's head and provoked it. The werewolf jumped on Kyle. Kyle fighting with the Werewolf with his silver Ax. The werewolf is so strong, he can barely attacking it. Kyle blocks the werewolf's attacks and stabs his Ax through its neck. The werewolf got angry and grabbed Kyle's Ax and threw it along with Kyle. Kyle was completely drained out of energy. He can't move his body. The werewolf slowly walked towards Kyle and suddenly a sword pierced through its heart, and the werewolf turned into a woman and then died. Kyle thanked Victor.

They went back to their headquarters with that woman's body.

Sarah :- "Going to hunt there, it was all a trap. We've been fooled by this lady Werewolf. She's so smart, she trapped Victor and tried to kill me."

Victor :- "Today's hero was really Kyle. He fought like a real hunter."

Kyle :- "No, If Victor hadn't come at the right time, i would've died."

Brad :- "Good job everyone. I really appreciate you Kyle. Dexter, I want the complete details about this woman and her friends. We are going for an investigation if her friends were human or not."

Dexter :- "It'll take time. But I'll try to do it as soon as possible. In the meantime, we should return to our social life. We've been neglecting it for a long time. People will get suspicious about us."

Kyle :- "Wait, what he's talking about."

Brad :- "Twilight Hunters is not the only life we live here. We have our own lives in this society, so people won't get suspicious of us, and it will be easy for us to do investigations on the werewolves that are in human form."

Dexter :- "Victor runs a pet shop. He's a good gentleman in society."

Sarah is a doctor in a reputed hospital. Caroline working as a news reporter.

Brad has his own businesses. I heard he's the richest man here.

And I own a restaurant."

Kyle:- "So we blend in people to know about the Werewolves that are mixed in human society.

Brad :- "Almost like that, We don't know when we'll encounter another werewolf. It may take some days, months or years. We can't live in this base as prisoners. We have our own lives. You should live as you want to."

Kyle :- "Thank you, Brad. i want to live as my parents wanted to be. I thought it wouldn't be possible.

Victor:- "You can live as you want. And you are always welcome to base. Everyone has access to this base. You can come whenever you want to train or to get any information."

Brad :- "OK then, everyone can leave except Dexter. We'll finish this investigation together. Don't forget to take your satellite communication devices guys. Kyle, whenever you get a signal from this device you need to come to base."

Kyle :- "OK Brad, Goodbye everyone."

Everyone said goodbye to each other and went back to their lives.

Kyle applied and got his new job as a professor at a good university.

It's Kyle's first day as a professor. He's so excited. When he entered university, he saw some guys bullying their junior.

Kyle :- "Hey guys, is that how you people have fun here? How about leaving him alone?"

Guy 1 :- "Who do you think you are talking to us like that, Huh?

Kyle :- "Someone who believes in standing up for what's right. Now, are you going to leave this kid alone, or do I need to escalate things?"

The boys stood aggressive to start a fight. Kyle closed his eyes and remembered his training and battle with the Werewolf. The bully's leader angrily tried to punch Kyle. But he dodged it with grace. Now everyone had attacked him, but Kyle anticipated every move and dodged. The bully's really shocked about his moves. The bully's leader angrily tried to hit him again. Kyle grasped his hand and revolved it and pushed him away.

Kyle :- "I suggest you think twice before picking a fight next time."

Kyle took the junior kid and gone.

Guy 1 :- "Robby, we have never been ashamed before like this. Now everyone in the university has watched what happened here."

Robby :- "This guy is not normal, something is suspicious about him. We should reveal what he's hiding.