TWILIGHT HUNTERS - 3 in English Fiction Stories by Kumar Venkat books and stories PDF | TWILIGHT HUNTERS - 3

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Kyle could not sleep that night. He went for a walk alone in THB base. While he was walking, he saw someone in a closed chamber training alone. It's Victor. He intensely training with weapons. Victor observed Kyle hiding and looking at him.

Victor :- "You can join me if you want".

Kyle :- "How'd you find me? I am sure i was hiding."

Victor :- "If you are not alert in the field, you will be eaten by a walking beast. Once you start practicing, you'll get used to it.

Kyle went into the training chamber and took an Ax.

Victor :-"That's a silver Ax. Every weapon in this room is made of silver. Werewolves' bodies can be weakened by attacking with silver metal. Take care while using it."

Kyle took that Ax with a tight grip and jumped to attack Victor. Victor dodged it and grabbed his hand, threw him at the wall. Kyle stood and attacked him again. This time, Kyle was really furious and attacked him with the intent of killing.

Kyle stood and fought him for a long time, but he couldn't even land a hit on Victor.

Victor :- "You have strength and speed, but you lack skill, Kyle. You'll be a good hunter in no time."

Kyle:- "I'm not done yet."

Kyle started attacking him again. They trained for some time and fell down together. They are lying on the ground holding weapons with their hands.

Victor:- "I lost my father. He was an Army officer. They told us a wild animal killed him while he was at a camp. But that's not a wild animal. It's a Werewolf."

Kyle :- "I'm sorry Victor."

Victor :- "It's alright, I've killed that Werewolf. But i couldn't find peace. So i stayed here with them. This is not just a team, this is my family, Kyle. Now you are my family too."

Kyle :- I really lost myself in grief, Victor. Now i am glad because i found you guys. Now i can go and sleep."

They slept there that night.

Next morning, Brad started to give training to Kyle.

Brad :- "Before we start you need to know everything about what we do? Where did it all started? When did this all started?

Twilight Hunters is not an organization that started recently. It started a long time ago, in the year of 1483. This organization was established by King Charles IX. It all started when King Charles lost his mom because of a Werewolf. At that time, everyone believed that a Werewolf was a Mythical creature who came from Hell. Some people believed that Werewolf was sended by the god to punish the Sinful humans. King Charles searched for so many ways to kill Werewolves. Finally, he found their weakness. Then he created a mighty team with trained soldiers to hunt down those werewolves. They have founded the real secret of werewolves, that they can transform into humans. Werewolves stay in their human form in the daytime, they can only transform into beasts at night. The Werewolves count has been gradually decreasing these days. I think they were scared of us and went hiding. But the hunting of werewolves is still going on since that time.

Kyle :- "Then why don't we follow a Werewolf until it turns into a human and then kill it ?"

Brad :- "1st, we can't follow or spy werewolves that easily. Their senses are so strong and they are so aggressive. They can kill a human in seconds.

2nd, even though they are in their human form, their strength and speed would be 2.5 times more than the average human. But when they transform into a Werewolf, their speed and strength will be 3.5 times greater than the average human.

So, we should be trained to hunt those things."

Kyle :- "How are we going to kill that thing then?"

Brad :- "Silver, Silver is the main weakness for a Werewolf and the most important weapon is the Ricinus plant, which is very poisonous to werewolves. We use those weapons and special traps, sonic sound waves, special electric weapons and guns with silver bullets. We are still in the development of some weapon designs."

Kyle :- "This is bigger than i thought."

Brad :- "Our organization is all over the world, In every country. We are just a single unit."

Kyle :- "Then if we are that huge organization why don't people know about us? Does the government know about us too ? If they know about the Werewolves, why don't they send the army to kill those things?"

Brad :- "No doubt you have these questions. If people find out about the werewolves, they'll panic, and it will be difficult for us to track werewolves that are in human form. The government knows about us but only a few higher officials and the country's defense minister. The world governments don't want their people to panic and create global disturbances. It will create a lot of problems. So we handle them on our own. And we are not that much army as you think. Nobody wants to be killed by a Werewolf. Any other questions?"

Kyle :- "Now i understand everything. OK, you can start my training now."

Brad :- "I only give you theoretical training. Now Caroline will teach you how to track and trap werewolves."

Caroline :- "Hi Kyle, Shall we start"

Kyle:- "Hi Caroline"

Caroline:- "Kyle, pay attention while I'm speaking with you."

Kyle :- "I'm listening."

Caroline :- Werewolves always live as a pack. The leader of the pack is called alpha. Alpha is the strongest one in the pack. They would always like to live in the same place, same den. If the Werewolf is alone, that means either it is abandoned by their pack or it is the only survivor in that pack. They leave traces like footprints, hair, and their smell. We can trace a Werewolf by using these basic clues."

Suddenly, they heard an alarm at the base.

Kyle:- "what's that sound?"

Brad:- "Finally we found the Werewolf that has escaped from us. We encountered a Werewolf a few months ago. We failed to eliminate it, but we pierced a tracking chip through its body. Now it came near to one of our satellite areas, that's why we got this signal."

Dexter:- "Will I go this time?"

Brad :- This would be a great opportunity for Kyle to learn. Sarah, Victor, take Kyle with you and eliminate the target."

Sarah :- "Kyle, this could be dangerous. Stay with us".

Victor gave a weapon to Kyle.

Victor:- "This is the silver Ax that you used to fight me last night. I think you learned how to use this thing."

Kyle:- "I won't miss this chance to become a strong hunter. I'll eliminate the target with my own hands".