My Son Isn’t Mine - 4 (Last Part) in English Fiction Stories by S Sinha books and stories PDF | My Son Isn’t Mine - 4 (Last Part)

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My Son Isn’t Mine - 4 (Last Part)

                                                        My Son Isn’t Mine  4

Part 4 

Note - You have read so far that Sumeet and Eleen had been physical in Rishikesh during training . Sumeet couldn’t come to meet her because of his mother’s cancer, now read  further  story ….


Sumeet went to Mumbai with his mother and Eleen returned with her mother. Smeet got her mother checked at TMH Mumbai. After a week of intense investigation the doctor said “ Why didn’t you bring you mother earlier ? “ 

“ I didn’t know . My mother hid her illness for my education . “

“ I can understand but she is in the last stage, almost terminal. I am sorry to say . We will start her treatment but  can’t help much besides managing her pain . Pray to God .”

“ How long can I hope to live with my mummy doctor ? “

“ Hope for the best but medically I expect utmost  four to five . Be brave , take care of her and yourself also .”

Sumeet  wanted his joining date to be extended by four months at least . The company advised him to join immediately for a day or two and take unpaid leave . That way he can maintain his seniority in the company . Sumeet followed company’s advice and was on leave . He used to be by the side of her mother most of  the time . 

After a few days he informed Eleen also about his mother . Eleen was to join her PG semester in the end of September after nearly two and half months. But in the meantime she started feeling unwell which indicated pregnancy. She bought a pregnancy test and self tested . The result was positive . Her mother also noticed changes in her . She asked her Eleena “ Tell me clearly what’s wrong with you. To me it seems you are expecting .”

Eleen’s silence , her bowed head and tearful eyes confirmed Angelina’s doubt. She pulled her hair and shouted “ You bitch , what have you done? How can we show our face in society ? “. 

She also started crying and asked “ Is it Sumeet’s sin ? “

“ It’s not a sin mama . We are going to marry soon. He has assured me that even if his mother didn’t agree, he will marry me in a court here itself . “ 

“ How dare you say it’s not a sin . Both of you have committed a sin . Call that bugger and ask him to come here immediately .”

“ I will call him but he is in Mumbai with his ailing mother .It might take some time .” 

After some time, Eleen called Sumeet and explained her situation . When she asked him to come and meet her immediately he said “  I can understand what you may be facing there . But please try to understand my situation also . My mother is in the terminal stage of cancer. I can’t abandon her . “ 

Eleen was on  the speaker , her mother was also listening to their conversation . She said “ What do you want ? Do you want me and Eleen to commit suicide to save our face in the society ? “

“ No aunty , how can I do that? I owe my responsibility but I have to discharge my duties here too .”

“ Please don’t tell me a story . Tell me if you are coming immediately .” said mother 

“ Then pray to your God that my mother should die right now .Then I can come fast after cremating her . Otherwise how can I come , you suggest . “

 “ Are you befooling us ? Then you suggest what we should do ? “ 

“ No aunty I can’t befool you or Eleen . But you may  have to wait for a few months before I come , maybe four to five months .”

No , we can’t wait so long . “  mother said angrily 

“ Then either let Eleen abort or let her carry the baby. I will give her my name whenever I happen to come . “ 

“ We are catholics , Eleen can’t abort . She can’t wait for you for so long . “ 

“ Then if someone is ready to marry her , she can marry and forget me . What else can I do?” 

“ Go to hell man . Don’t ever show your face to us .”  mother  shouted and hung up

Angelina was shivering with anger and Eleen was shivering due to fear . After consultations with some close friends Angelina said to her daughter “ Look Eleen , pregnancy is such a thing that you can’t hide it for a longer period . I have two old close friends in Kochi . Both are nurses there in our hospital’s branches . I will take leave so that i am always there in your difficult days . You will deliver the baby there . I have also talked to some distant relations in the UAE to find a groom for you . Forget that man who has pushed you in this situation . “ 

Eleen went to Kochi with her mother . After living there for about a month Angelina made all arrangements for a comfortable stay and her delivery . While Angelina was leaving Eleen said “ Mama , can’t I get admission in my PG ? I come back here  after a couple of months ? “

“ No, not at all . You can join PG after delivery . Heaven is not going to fall for a delay in your PG. First get rid of this problem which is your creation ..”

Eleen remained at Kochi . In the meantime Angelina had managed for a groom for Eleen . He was Sam , a widower and working in a Pharma company in Dubai . He lost his wife in a road accident after one year of marriage. . He had no kids but he was ready to accept Eleen with her present condition. Eleen got admission in PG at Kochi itself . 

After one month Sam flew from Dubai to Kochi .  Angelina also came to  Kochi for her daughter’s marriage. Eleen and Sam got married in the court there . Sam had a contract with his company in Dubai according to which he could not leave the company for a year .

 On the other side Sumeet's mother's condition  was worsening day by day . The doctor said “ I can’t predict her last day but that could happen any day .”

Sumeet’s mother was insisting him to marry before she breathed her last . She said weeping “ Don,t you want to see me dying in peace ? “

“ No mummy , please don’t say this .”

“ Then please marry before I die . I have already seen a girl and asked her to come with her parents . You also know her . Her mother was our neighbor in Khunti and the girl used to visit us. She is Lakshmi . “ 

“ I don’t remember . Might have seen her  when I was too young .”

“ You swear by me to marry her . No excuse . “ 

The very next day Sumeet had to marry Lakshmi in a simple ceremony in a temple . Then the couple  came to the hospital to  get  Sumeet’s  mother’s blessings. After two days Sumeet’s mother passed away . After performing her last rituals Sumeet came to Eleen’s home at Jamshedpur . When he asked her mother about Eleen she said “ You forget her . Don’t bother her and meddle in her life any more  . “ 

“ Okay aunty , I wish her a happy life . What about her baby ? “

“ Fortunately she lost her in miscarriage . That was a great relief for us , you can say  it was a blessing in disguise for us .”

Sumeet also felt relieved that at this stage he could do nothing for  Eleen and she could escape what could have been a stigma in her life. 

Sam  flew back again to Kochi at the time of Eleen’s delivery . Eleen gave birth to a baby boy . Her mother was also present . The boy was named Dany . Although both Eleen and Sumeet were settled in their lives, Eleen could never forget Sumeet because of Dany . Sumeet also felt guilty for the agony  faced by Eleeen because of  him .  

Months and years passed by . Eleen gave birth to a baby girl , Emily . Eleen and Sam founded a laboratory in Kolkata . Eleen and Sam were happy with their kids Dany and Emily . On the other hand, even after 10 years of marriage Sumeet’s wife could not become a mother . 

One day Sumeet and Lakshmi visited Eleen’s lab for some fertility tests . The doctor asked for tests for both of them but Sumeet said “ No , first you test only Lakshmi . Then if needed I too will get tested . “   

Sumeet knew that he had already fathered a baby.Both Lakshmi and the doctor insisted for his test but he refused . So only Lakshmi was tested . The doctor said “ You can collect the report tomorrow late afternoon  around 3 P.M.. “

When Lakshmi asked Sumeet  “ Why didn’t you test ? “

“ Why waste money ? If needed I will get it done tomorrow or the day after .” 

“ We will unnecessarily waste time . “ 

“ But maybe we could save money for unnecessary tests .”

“ It’s useless to argue with you . “ Lakshmi said 

Next day Laskmi and Sumeet went to the Lab. to collect their results . They asked the front desk if the report was ready . The lady at the front desk said “ You were told to come at 3 PM . It's 1.30 pm only . The report is ready but  yet to be signed by the Lab. in charge . She has gone for lunch and after that she picks up her kids from school . She returns around 3 pm . You have to wait till then . “ 

“ Can you tell us  about the result ? “  Lakshmi asked

“ Sorry mam , I am not supposed to tell anything unless it’s signed by the competent doctor .” 

Around 3 pm Sumeet saw a lady with two kids coming towards the front desk . When she came closer Sumeet recognised her , she was none but his first love Eleen . Both exchanged Hi in a feeble voice . Then Sumeet aske “ Seeing you after years . How are you ? “

“ I am good . “ said Eleen and  without saying a word further she walked towards the front desk 

Lakshmi , and the front desk lady were looking at Dany and Sumeet one by one for quite some time . Sumeet was also surprised at the sight of Dany , he was a true copy of Sumeet . 

Lakshmi asked Sumeet “ Do you know this woman ? “

“ We were in the same college . “ 

The front desk lady said to Eleen “ They are waiting for their reports. The file is on your table mam . “ 

“ You can send someone upstairs to my cabin . I will sign them . “ 

Eleen proceeded towards the stairs with her kids . One of the staff followed Eleen .

Sumeet sat on a chair in the waiting lobby while Lakshmi was talking to the front desk staff .

She asked the lady “ How come your madam’s son looks like Sumeet ? “ 

“ It happens mam , you can see two or more similar faces . “ 

“ Is Dany her own son ? “ 

“ Why are you asking this ? “

“ There might be a reason behind my asking . “  said Lakshmi 

“ I am not sure but I heard that our madam was cheated by her boyfriend . “

At the same time Sam arrived and asked the front desk “ Madam has come ? “  

“ Yes , she is there . “

Sam gave some packets of sweets and said “ These are for you people .” 

“ What’s the occasion sir? Can you share ? “  

“ Sure , Dany has topped the Science Olympiad in his grade in India . “ 

“ Congratulations sir . “ 

Sam went upstairs to meet Eleen. Lakshmi asked the lady “ Who is this gentleman ? “ 

“ He is madam’s husband Sam . “ 

Now Lakshmi’s inner sense was haunting in her mind if Sumeet was Eleen’s boyfriend . That’s why he didn’t test for fertility because he was sure about himself . 

In the meantime the staff brought lab reports . Sumeet also came to see the reports . As per reports Lakshmi was incapable of becoming a mother . 

Sumeet consoled her and said “ Don’t be so sorry . There are other modern ways like IVF technology . Or in the worst case we will adopt a child . Both were returning  home in their car  Lakshmi was thinking of Sumeet to be  Dany’s father . Sumeet was thinking if he had married Eleena this genius kid Dany could have been his pride . He can’t even acknowledge Dany was his son . 



The End 

Note - This is a fiction only