My Son Isn’t Mine - 3 in English Fiction Stories by S Sinha books and stories PDF | My Son Isn’t Mine - 3

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My Son Isn’t Mine - 3


                                                  My Son Isn’t Mine 3

Part 3

Note - You have read so far that Sumeet and Eleen had gone to Rishikesh for their vocational training .There Sumeet saved Eleena from drowning , now read  further  story ….

When the doctor came in the evening Sumeet asked the doctor , he said “ Strictly no as per medical ethics . If you want you can leave only against medical advice at your own risk . Hopefully she should be free after two days. I have ordered some blood and lung tests to confirm if all is well .“ 

“ No doctor , we will not take any risk . “ 

Sumeet had to cancel train reservations for both . He was trying to book tickets after three days but due to summer holidays all trains were already overbooked with a huge wait list . The only option was to book Tatkal tickets . So he called an agent . The agent also informed that he would try his best but can’t assure of berths on the said date . The agent also said that it will  cost him dearly for which Sumeet agreed to pay any premium for confirmed tickets. 

Eleen was listening to Sumeet's conversation . When Sumeet went to  her bed , sat near her and said “ We will have to extend our stay for two or three days . “ 

“ My lodge won’t extend my stay as they are already booked for some other guests.” she said 

“ Never mind , I have talked to my lodge .They will extend my stay for three days .I didn’t ask for two rooms but will talk again for a separate room for you. Anyway, you are in the hospital for two days .There may be a problem on the third day . We will manage . ”

The next day Sumeet collected Vocational training certificates for both himself and Eleen . Then he met the travel agent and paid him in advance for Tatkal tickets . Thereafter he went to the hospital . He used to stay with Eleen till 8 pm , after that he returned to his lodge. 

Eleen was discharged on the second day late in the evening . Their train was on the next day in the night provided they got tickets. There wasn’t any vacant room for Eleen in Sumeet’s lodge also. Sumeet didn’t want to let her stay far away . He enquired about some nearby hotels and lodge but there wasn’t any vacancy.  So Sumeet asked her to stay in his room . Firstly she was hesitating but  Eleen agreed in the end . 

Sumeet said “ Don’t worry .It's a matter of one night . I will sleep on the sofa . The agent will bring tickets tomorrow. “ 

They spent a night somehow .But unfortunately they could not get even Tatkal tickets on that day . The agent had assured that he would get Tatkal tickets for the next day as he had lined up with the booking clerk also. 

Now they had to spend one more night in the same room. After dinner when Sumeet went to lay on the sofa, Eleen came near him and sat there . Eleen wanted to inform her mother for the delay . Sumeet said “ Don’t tell her any details about happenings here , just tell her that the training had been extended . “  

After talking to mother she said “ This is because of me , I am sorry. You are also suffering because of me .”

“ What rubbish ? It’s not because of you but it’s especially designed for me . “  Sumeet said, kissing  her hand .

“ What do you mean ? “

“ Yes , this has given me a golden opportunity to come so close to you and enjoy  such an awesome time with you . “   Sumeet started gently patting her hair.

“ You have saved my life. Now you own it . It’s your responsibility to keep me safe in your care.”

“ I know and I will . But you are going for a PG and I will be in a job at Mumbai . It means we will be apart for two years. “  Sumeet said caressing her hair 

“ Two years will fly by soon .” Eleen said caressing his chicks with both hands 

While she was doing so suddenly Sumeet pulled her near and put his lips and started kissing her . Eleen said pulling her away “ Is it a tax for saving my life .” 

“ No dear , I have already kissed you many times while giving you mouth ventilation . But there wasn't such a romantic feeling as it’s now. Let me have another chance to enjoy that feeling .”  saying this he pulled her again and went to interlocking lips . Eleen also felt a storm and lightning-like feeling . This continued till they had crossed all the barriers , which they had set themself . 

They separated only when the storm was over . When they became inherent both returned to their senses and realized what they did . Sumeet said “ I am sorry , it should not have happened . “ 

“ But now it has happened . We have to decide our future right now. Your assurance .”

“ What assurance do you want ? “ 

“ You will marry me .”

“ Do you have any doubt about that? ” 

“ See , my mummy is already susceptible to our relation due to our religions .”  said Eleen 

“ I have no problem with your religion . I am going to my home and ask for your mother's permission to marry you .”

“ This is sheer nonsense . Did you do all this with your mother’s permission .And suppose she didn’t permit then what will you do ? “

“ I will marry you in court . “ 

“ That sounds great .”  

Both embraced each other and went to bed . Next morning the travel agent gave them confirmed tickets . They had to go to Delhi by cab and from there they were supposed to board New Delhi - Ranchi Rajdhani Express which covered destinations for both of them. They reached Delhi and boarded the train. Sumeet got down first at Allahabad . Eleen’s destination was the last station Ranchi . From there she  had to go to Khunti, her native village, where her mother Angelina was waiting for her . Eleena stayed there for a week then returned to her college at Jamshedpur .

Sumeet was already at Jamshedpur . Their results were out .They collected their transcript . They got their degrees at convocation the next day . Then both went to Jubilee Park and sat on a bench facing the lake. 

There Eleen initiated talks , she said “ How is your mom ? “

“ Did you talk about our relationship ? “

“ I initiated and when I  told her that I love a local  girl .She said - many locals have converted to other religions. You can get a girl here in U.P also . But  you  are my lone child , if you love her seriously you can marry if she is of our religion.”

“ Shit , then  ? “

When I told my mother that my girl is not Hindu . She became serious and silent for about five minutes .Then she said “  You know your dad and granddad were highly respected here and even now people respect them . He established a school here which is now famous in U.P .  ”

“ That’s not my concern , come to my point . What’s next ? “ 

 I asked her about her view on marrying you . She said “ Give me some time . I will try not to disappoint you . “   

So I was very much hopeful but .. ? 

“ But what ? 

“ I saw her vomiting blood in the night . I took her to the local hospital where the doctor informed me that this was not the first time she had blood vomit . The doctor suspected cancer and  had advised her to consult a cancer hospital. But she had been deferring it till I finished my B.Tech.  So I couldn’t dare to ask to talk any further .I am taking her to Mumbai for a check up. I will ask my company to extend my joining date by a couple of months if the situation demands. “

“ I am sorry .Will pray for her recovery . But when she gets better, talk about us .”

“ Sure .”  said Sumeet 


Contd. ( Part 4 concluding part )