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Chamatkari Man - 6

Let me tell you one more thing, those who regularly write or read have more mental power than the common man. It is a simple thing that when we read or write, we are calm from within, that is, the mind is focused on writing and reading, at that time the mind does not wander anywhere else. Those whose inner mind becomes strong, they see the future events exactly in their dreams. Example- Abraham Lincoln – Lincoln had seen himself being murdered in his dream, he had also seen the murderer, saw blood scattered all around, saw himself covered with a white sheet and his family members standing near his dead body in grief. He had also seen the date of that day, the time of the murder that day in his dream. Lincoln woke up and at the same time he wrote in his diary the date of writing and the date and time of the dream. Not only this, he also told his wife about that dream. Lincoln used to see the events that were to happen in his dreams. His dream came true and in the same way he was murdered in the White House.
We can also see all this by developing the power of the inner mind. In such sadhana, it is necessary to have a guide. Success can be achieved by having a guide. Panchtanmatra sadhana – It has been told earlier that the mind experiences the essence through the sense organs. The mind gets knowledge from the eyes, nose, ears, skin and tongue. It enjoys pleasures by associating with them and by their qualities. Before Panchtanmatra sadhana, it is also important to understand that there are five elements in the body. These five elements have five sense organs – the nose belongs to the earth element, the tongue belongs to the water element, the eyes belong to the fire element, the ears belong to the sky element and the skin belongs to the air element. Their functions are their qualities, for example – the nose has the quality of smelling, we also breathe through it, but the smell that is felt is due to the quality of the earth element. The option for breathing can be the mouth, but the smell will be felt only through the nose. The quality of tongue is to give the feeling of taste. Tongue can be helpful in speaking but the main quality is taste which is the quality of water element. Eyes have the quality of seeing; the feeling of seeing is through eyes, knowledge of form is the quality of fire element. The quality of sky element is listening; knowledge of words is through ears. The quality of air is touch – it is felt through skin. The qualities of these sense organs can be developed more, this is tanmatra sadhna. There is no need to do any japa in this, only the power of sense organs is increased through practice.
I will discuss about that. The practice of eyes has been explained in the previous chapters. The ability to see can be increased by Tratak method. Far distance can also be seen by Antartratak. This is the practice of the quality of fire.