My Blind Date Was My Boss - 9 in English Fiction Stories by jiaqing yang books and stories PDF | My Blind Date Was My Boss - 9

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My Blind Date Was My Boss - 9

Chapter 142: The Holiday
Mushage sits alone in his large office, with floor-to-ceiling Windows in front that have no guardrails and a panoramic view of the city.
There were so many clouds floating in the air that for a moment she felt as if she were in heaven.
There was a knock on the door and a tall blonde girl came in with a cup of coffee.
Her eyes lingered on Muchachi's face for a moment before she withdrew.
Mu Xia Qi to her behavior feel a little inexplicable, in the office for a while, there is less traces of Su Zichen.
It may also be because of his long work in the country.
In a hidden corner of the lounge, she found a picture of the back of a girl with long hair.
The location should be in a scenic spot, surrounded by tall trees, but the surrounding environment is a little cluttered.
The photo is supposed to be a snap, and the girl is standing there looking independent.
Muschach's heart is unexplained, this is his ex-girlfriend?
She turns to the back of the photograph, where the words are powerfully written in English: my sunshine!
She quickly put the photo back, but her own thoughts drifted away.
Unable to stay cooped up in her office, she got up and walked out the door.
Approaching the assistant's office, Mushaqi caught a glimpse of the blond assistant, who was discussing with a group of people.
She was standing in the corner, where a landscape tree shielded her petite figure.
They all spoke in English, and Mushaqi could understand roughly what they meant.
They are wondering whether Mu Xia Qi is the white moonlight in Su Zichen's heart, after all, they all like this capable Oriental handsome boss.
Blonde assistant confessed twice were not successful, she was glad not to be dismissed by Sue boss, after knowing that they and the boss is impossible, immediately put their own position.
Assistant b: As soon as I joined the company, I was told not to make any decisions about the boss, as if he had been waiting for the girl he loved.
Blonde Assistant: I think she looks like the girl in Sue's photo.
Mu Shaqi did not continue to listen, only felt that her heart was heavy, she was very clear that she had not known Su Zichen before, and it was certainly not the white moonlight in his heart.
She was not in the mood to go any further, the company was huge, as far as the eye could see.
Su Zichen returned to the office, saw Mu Xia Qi lonely standing in the huge French window, the sunset through the glass, spilled into the office.
It seems that her back is more lonely.
He frowned without moving a trace and walked up behind her. "What are you looking at? So entranced?"
Mushaqi did not turn around. He whispered, "Although the scenery is good, it passes quickly."
Su Zichen heard this, how to feel with a little sad.
He took her in his arms and said, "Take a picture of it so you can see it more often."
Mushaqi did not speak, quietly leaning in his arms, looking at the red sun that was about to set in the distance.
She knew it was impossible for someone as good as him not to have other experiences.
But what she cares about is that now the two of them are together, whether his heart is still hiding someone else.
They held each other quietly, watching the sunset in the distance.
Su Zichen kissed her ear and said, "Do you have something on your mind?"
Mushaqi pursed his lips, and finally did not ask, do you want to ask who his white moonlight is? Is there any contact now?
This appears to be more like a vexatious person.
"I'm just tired after flying all day." 'she whispered softly.
"And take you to a nearby spa resort to relax?"
Su Zichen put his hands around her waist, interlaced one hand with her fingers, and kissed her intermittently on her neck and shoulder.
Mushaqi shrank, "Is the resort far from the company?"
"It's a little distance, but it's not very far." His voice slurred and the hot breath sprayed in her ears.
Her whole body is crisp, and her brain is getting foggy. In a daze, the photo she had just seen flashed before her eyes.
Body slightly stiff, gently push him, "When do we start?"
Su Zichen's arms empty, slightly startled, "You can start now."
"So we're going now?" She lowered her eyes.
Su Zichen looked at the top of her head, thinking thoughtfully, "Are you hungry?"
Muschucky shook his head.
There is no speed limit on the highway here, the driver drove very fast, and soon arrived at the hot spring resort.
The resort door is quite idyllic, he booked the hotel car to pick him up, and drove for a long time before arriving at the hotel, which is how far?
After a long day, she was too tired to talk and followed him mechanically.
Su Zichen took her hand and walked ahead to check in.
All her passports had been placed by his side, after all, before today's departure also made a big mistake, halfway to the departure, she remembered her own passport, put it in the entrance, forgot to take.
And back to get back, was already late to get up, and then toss back and forth once, time is more urgent.
Seeing her confused, Su Zichen was afraid that she would throw away these important documents again, and resolutely confiscated her passport documents and put them in his custody.
She also resisted at that time, "You have the passport, you go to the United States to sell me what?"
Su Zichen smiled in his eyes. "If you don't need me to sell it, you will lose yourself."
Mushaqi stood in the hotel lobby, looking at his check-in figure, remembering the scene when the two first met.
Because of his own bad idea, he actually went to the hotel to open a room.
This did not think that the two people will continue to have what entanglement, so how strange how to come, now think back is really a large social death scene.
On second thought, she thought, so he could not find the white moonlight in his heart, so he asked her to settle?
When Mu Xia Qi was stunned, Su Zichen had already done the check-in procedures, holding her hand and following the guide into the room.
As soon as she entered the room, she did not have the energy to look at the surrounding environment, and plunged into the big bed, "My father is tired to death."
Su Zichen unloaded the suitcase from the cart, tipped the waiter, and walked over to her. "Didn't you sleep in the lounge just now?"
Muschucky remembered the photo and shook his head. "No."
"You've slept on the plane for almost a day. Isn't that enough?"
"It's different in bed." She was smothered on the pillow, her eyes closed.
"How is it different?" As he said this, the smell of his woody fragrance came closer and closer.
Mu Xia Qi a spirit, carp, straight up, for fear that he messed up, "I, I first go to take a bath."
She went into the bathroom and found that the bathroom was not only a little luxurious, white and smooth bath, but also massage function.
You can also adjust the atmosphere of the lamp, above the fragrant candle, Mushaqi with everything to try the mentality, decisive point.
Soaking in the water, the whole person relaxed a lot, she wanted to sleep in the bathtub.

Chapter 143: Breakfast on the Water
Muschucky came out wrapped in a bath towel; she had been in a hurry and had forgotten her nightgown.
Su Zichen was packing his suitcase. When he heard the sound, he looked up and saw a pair of long, shiny, smooth white legs catch his eyes.
Along her tiny ankles, her tight-knit calves, and down to her big legs and roots, veiled by a bath towel.
His Adam's apple isn't going up and down. - Move. Eyes go dark.
Mushaqi bath towel inside is a vacuum, she hurried to the bed, threw back the quilt, lay in, only exposed the melon seeds.
"You go take a bath..."
Su Zichen raised his eyebrows and his eyes fell on her face, deep and provocative. "What are you implying?"
Mushage: "..."
In a good mood, he stopped teasing her and picked up his pajamas and went straight to the bathroom.
While he was taking a bath, Muschucky opened his suitcase and found his pajamas.
Next to it was a bag that Han Suisui had given her before leaving, and mysteriously told her it was a good thing.
She left in a hurry, and did not open it to see what it was.
Mushage pulled out the gray silk-like bag, pulled open the pocket and pulled out two lace-like objects.
Gently shake open, her face instantly burst red, Han Sui Sui sent her is interesting pajamas, this clothes simply can not stop!!
The key parts are still looming! She shoved the clothes back into the bag and saw that there were still clothes underneath.
Shyly, she looked back at the bathroom door, where the sound of water did not stop, and carefully took out the clothes from underneath.
When unfolded, it was a backless bathing suit, which tested the body.
Muschach noticed that the sound of water had stopped in the bathroom, and she quickly stuffed her clothes into the bag.
Su Zichen wiped his hair and came out, and saw Mu Shaqi's face panic, "What's wrong?"
Mushaqi's face is red, like a steaming apple, "No, nothing, busy all day, a little sleepy."
With a deliberate big yawn, she walked to the bed, her eyes focused on the movements of the man behind her.
He picked up the blower and kept moving his hair, tilting his head, it was just moving hormones.
Mushaqi closed his eyes and could not look any more, perhaps because he was really tired from rushing about today, and just squinted his eyes to sleep, but sleep gradually came.
She felt the position around her sink, then the smell of wood hit.
She felt the top of her head being touched, and his low magnetic voice sounded above her: "Why don't you blow dry your hair before you sleep?" ,
Mushaqi Doonan: "So sleepy..."
"Blow dry your hair before you go to sleep."
"Well..." She coped perfunctorily, but made no movement.
She heard only a sigh, and then the bed bounced gently again, and his footsteps walked away and back.
Then there was a "buzz" of hair dryers above her head.
Su Zichen gently inserted a hand into her hair, the warm air blowing at the top of her hair, Mu Shaqi heart slightly shocked, he even helped her hair!
It's just that she was drowsy and didn't want to move, so she let him.
As for when it had been blown dry, she could not remember; she had fallen asleep halfway through.
This sleep until ten o 'clock in the morning, Mu Xia Qi leisurely woke up, Su Zichen was no longer by her side.
Mu Xia Qi sitting up, only to find Su Zichen has been sitting on the edge of the balcony processing documents.
She put on her coat and walked out to the balcony, where she saw a large hot spring bath covered with red rose petals.
Surrounded by the verdant bamboo forest, there are a few crisp bird song, the layout here is quite artistic conception.
"Awake?" Su Zichen raised his eyes.
"Well..." X ᒝ
"I'll have the waiter bring you breakfast later, and you can eat it while soaking in the hot spring."
Mushaqi looked at the hot spring, did not think that he now also have the opportunity to feel the water morning on the Internet.
He picked up the room phone, gave a few commands, then hung up and looked at her bare feet. "Go put your shoes on."
"Oh," he said. Muschucky went back to the bed and put on his slippers, which were lying all over the place.
Soon there was a knock on the door. It was opened and two waiters brought plates, rectangular mahogany plates filled with a hearty breakfast.
Su asked her if she wanted to have breakfast in the hot spring pool.
Mushaqi shook her head, she felt that eating on the water, always have to worry about eating carefully, it is better to eat on the table.
Su then translated with the service staff and asked them to put breakfast on the coffee table next to the hot spring pool.
Muxia Qi looked at the dazzling breakfast, for a time do not know what to eat first.
He picked up a cup of coffee, smelled it and didn't drink it, then put it back.
She picked up the cup in front of her curiously. It was a latte. No wonder!
He's always had artisanal espresso.
He picked up a slice of cheese, scraped some blueberry jam and put it on. "Is there anything in particular you'd like to see in America?"
Muschucky sipped his coffee and thought. "Not yet."
"Ok, the driver will come and pick us up every day. Let's go and see the waterfall today, shall we?"
'All right! Muxia Qi nodded, someone arranged the trip, responsible for their own play is the most happy.
"You'd better wear sports clothes today. After you see the waterfall, I'll show you the climbing here."
'All right!
Muschucky quickly finished his breakfast and hurried to change his clothes.
Fortunately, she also brought a sportswear that was comfortable and relaxed.
But this sportswear is relatively close-fitting, wear abnormal figure, s curve at this time revealed.
Neckline exposed swan-like white neck, delicate skin, blow can break.
After he discovered her true identity, she began to wear very little makeup.
Opening her makeup case, she sprints on contact lenses, a primer and a light liquid foundation, and finishes with a simple earth-colored eyeshadow.
Wearing an orange-red lipstick and tying up a college bun, the whole person looks youthful and energetic.
"Can we go now?"
Su Zichen had changed his clothes when she left the dressing room. He had changed into a light gray sportswear.
He looked at her for a moment and walked away without a trace. "Then go."
When the two of them walked out of the hotel, the driver who had come to pick them up had arrived.
The driver was a local. He was very enthusiastic when he saw them come out.
He kept introducing them to the special attractions here in English, but he spoke very fast, and sometimes he could not understand what he said.
Su Zichen not only understood, but also could answer with the driver fluently, and Mu Xia Qi still admired him.
She listened so hard that she did not engage in the conversation at all, looking out the window at the scene.

Chapter 144: She is My Wife
Mushage was mesmerized by the view from the window.
Until I heard Su Zichen say, "she is my wife!" She's my wife!
Her eyes drew back from the window and fell into his deep black eyes.
The driver smiled and said, "your wife is so beautiful!" Your wife is so beautiful!
Su Zichen's eyes smiled even more, "thank you."
Muschach thought the driver was just being polite, but he was very happy.
Arriving at the entrance of the scenic spot, far from hearing the thunderous sound of the waterfall, like thousands of horses rushing past, the ground is slightly shaking.
Came to the observation platform, far in the past, the waterfall around the smoke, looming.
The viewing platform is a certain distance from the waterfall, and Mushaqi can feel the moisture from the waterfall and can not help but take a slight step back.
Su Zichen put his arms around her waist behind her. "Scared?"
Mushaqi fell into a warm embrace, and suddenly felt that the magnificent waterfall ahead was not so terrible.
Without a word, she rested in his arms and silently took in the beauty before her.
There was a cry all around, and it turned out to be a rainbow arching over the broad waterfall.
Mushage was standing directly over the waterfall, and many people were crowding in her direction.
She was pushed to staggered, Su Zichen in time to protect her, two hands on her sides, "you hold the railings."
Mushage did not know why, and did as he was told, put his hands on the railing to prevent himself from being shoved and falling to the ground.
Suddenly, she felt the push become less forceful.
Only then did she realize that Su Zichen put his hands on her sides and circled her under his "wings."
Around the people want to come, are blocked by his body.
A girl was shaken by someone else and was about to run into Mu Shaqi. Su Zichen pushed her away with lightning force.
The girl was about to get angry when she looked up at Su Zichen, her eyes slightly bright, and asked, "Handsome boy, can you take a picture with me?"
Su Zichen gave her a cold glance. "No."
At this time, the girl noticed that his arms Muxia Qi, the smile on his face froze, directly out of the crowd, and did not look at the rainbow.
Muschach, absorbed in the breathtaking scenery, was oblivious to the vignettles.
Some people left, and the observation deck was not as crowded as before.
She saw all the couples around her taking pictures, the atmosphere was sweet, and she couldn't help but say, "I want to take pictures, too."
Su Zichen loosened his hands on both sides of her, "Take the mobile phone, I'll take a picture of you."
The sun shone brightly, and the halo made him even more charming.
Mushaqi thought hot, open: "Why don't we take a group photo?"
Just say that, she regretted, he will not like to refuse just that girl, rebuffed himself?
Su Zichen took the mobile phone in her hand, at this time a couple next to Su Zichen said: "excuse me, could you help us take a photo?" [Hello, could you help us take a picture?]
Su Zichen nodded, "sure." [Yes.]
Muschach gave up his place and let the two of them take pictures, and they staged many intimate movements and worked well together.
She thought they must love each other very much, after all, a girl a look, the boy knows what she wants to change the action.
Su Zichen gave them after shooting, mobile phone back to them, and then talked to them a few words, Mu Xia Qi far away, can not hear the content of their communication.
Su then handed his mobile phone to the male member of the couple.
Seeing Su Zichen come to her side, Mu Xia Qi wondered, "Won't you go?"
"Didn't you say take pictures together?" He smiled faintly.
Su Zichen put his arms around her and stood in front of the railing, the glare of the sun blocked by him.
The couple asked if they were ready, and Su gave them an ok sign.
Then he reached out and put his hand on her shoulder, like a loving newlywed couple.
Su Zichen saw that she was still looking at himself and looked down at her, "What are you looking at me for?" Look at the camera."
Muschach heard the click of his phone's camera and quickly turned to look at the lens.
Su Zichen directly into her arms, the posture of the two people is very intimate, the foreign couple of girls repeatedly thumbs-up.
There was just a continuous "click."
Take a good picture, the boy handed the mobile phone back to Su Zichen, a few people say goodbye.
Mu Xia Qi looked down is Su Zichen mobile phone photos, the first photo of two people looking at each other, should be Su Zichen let her look at the camera, boys snapped down.
In the photo, Su Zichen looked at himself with deep feeling, as if they had been in love for a long time.
She stared for a long time, except for the next few photos, two of which were her eyes squinting.
How to see how awkward, she does not want their ugly pictures on his phone.
Deep down, I don't want him to see my ugly side.
Only he put the phone quickly into his pocket.
He led her down the stairs, keeping an eye on the road.
Muschucky put his arm around him and shook it gently. "Delete it, will you?"
In a tone of endearment, as if in pettish.
Su Zichen paused and hugged her. "Here are the stairs. Be careful if you step on them."
Muchach held his arm tightly, the terrain here is steeper, and if you roll down carelessly, the consequences are unimaginable.
That put an end to the subject, but she was still a little stuffy inside.
In the corner of the rest place, Su Zichen took out the thermos cup, opened it and gave it to her: "Drink some water."
Mushaqi's eyes fell on the thermos cup he handed him, not thinking that he was so careful and would prepare warm water.
She took it, drank two sips, and handed it back to Su Zichen.
He took it and put it back in his backpack.
Mushage crouched down with a throbbing pain in his calf.
Su Zichen hurried to her side. "Uncomfortable?"
She bit her lip tightly in pain. "I, I think I have a cramp in my calf."
Without another word, Su Zichen picked her up and put her on the rest stool.
He himself crouched down in front of her, holding her calves against his thighs.
The eyes of the people around them fell on them curiously.
Muchachi, not in the habit of being watched, tried to pull his calf back.
Su Zichen pressed hard, his eyes rarely serious, "You want to continue to hurt?" Relax..."
Muchachi stopped, his face flushed, and let him gently touch his calf.
His strength is just right, and the pain in his leg gradually slows down, without the previous tightness.
"Well, I'm better."
Mushaqi where they are located is just to the landing of the sightseeing boat, people come and go, many people will be curious to watch the action of two people.
Su Zichen did not look up, still concentrate on giving her massage to relax, "you should go back to calcium, breakfast every day and a glass of milk."

Chapter 145: Hold Me Close
Muschucky gave a little "HMM."
"Do you still want to go on a cruise and see the falls?" Su Zichen looked up at her.
Mushaqi unconsciously looked at the spectacular waterfall below, of course, she wanted to experience it herself, but her feet were always off the chain at key moments.
"Come up." Su Zichen turned his back to her and squatted in front of her.
Muschucky saw him put his backpack on his chest. Was that to carry her?
The sun shone hot, and both of them sweated a lot. Su Zichen turned around and asked, "Do you still want to bask in the sun?"
Muschach noticed that his fair cheeks were starting to turn red. "Aren't you wearing sunscreen?"
"I don't use those." His eyes fell on her, "You don't want to back? How about a hug instead?"
She was slightly startled, so many people around watching, being held by him that still OK? She quickly lay on top of him, "or carry me."
Muschach pressed against his broad back, his heat through his clothes to her fingertips, and the smell of her body's cool woody scent made her feel strangely at ease.
The two people bought tickets and boarded the cruise ship, and Mushaqi was far from feeling the water vapor coming.
Although both were wearing disposable raincoats, her bare trousers were already wet.
Su Zichen pulled her behind him, shielding her from most of the water vapor.
The closer the boat came to the waterfall, the more frequently the water hit them.
The mist of water that rushed up to the sky blocked out the bright sun and enveloped them in a world of mystery and grandeur.
The wind and waves blew violently, and the sightseeing boat shook violently.
The passengers on the ship screamed in fear, and Su Zichen responded by immediately hugging Mu Shaqi into his arms and supporting him with one hand on the railing.
"Hold me tight." His voice was calm and low.
The ship shook violently for several times, but Su Zichen did not let go of her.
He let go of his grip on the railing and wrapped his hands around her waist, his breath on her neck and shoulders.
Muxia Qi felt his whole body crisp, but reluctant to push away.
At that moment, a little blond foreign girl came up, pulled Ramushaqi by the corner of his coat, and spoke quickly.
Mu Shaqi did not hear her clearly and looked back at Su Zichen. "Did you hear what she said just now?"
Su Zichen's deep eyes smiled, "She said you are very beautiful, if I can take pictures with you."
Mu Shaqi was slightly stunned, looked down and saw the little girl's expectant eyes, "of course."
She crouched down and looked the little girl in the eye, and the little girl looked back at her parents standing not far away, her eyes couldn't hide the excitement.
Mushaqi was about to pick up the little girl, but the boat shook violently, and she immediately hugged the little girl in front of her.
But her body fell to the side of the sharp Angle of the ship.
Mushaqi closed his eyes and waited for the pain to come, not thinking that his body was crashing into a soft embrace.
She only heard the man snort.
The little girl was scared and cried, and the people on the ship board were also panicked, and the staff immediately came to evacuate the crowd into the cabin.
Mushaqi helped the girl to her feet, and her terrified parents rushed to hug the little girl and thanked her repeatedly.
Mu Xia Qi even said it didn't matter, she turned around, Su Zichen had stood up, up and down to see if she had been hit.
The little girl's mother suddenly exclaimed, "my god,blood..."
Mushaqi's heart lifted, turned behind him, saw that his coat had been dyed red, her heart was lifted in an instant.
"Where did you hit?"
Su Zichen raised his shoulder, "It doesn't matter."
"What do you mean out of the way? Your whole hand is bleeding!" Muschucky panicked as he saw more and more blood.
When the staff heard the call, they rushed to their side immediately, communicated with Su Zichen in English, and asked him to go to the infirmary on the ship.
On the way, Mu Shaqi was no longer in the mood to look at the scenery, and he followed Su Zichen anxiously.
Muschach's mind was confused now, and he had not heard what they were saying.
The staff took out alcohol to disinfect the place behind Su Zichen's shoulder and carefully helped him clean up the blood.
When all the blood had been cleaned up, Muschucky saw a hideous wound.
Fortunately, the wound is not deep, no stitches, but the disinfection process is certainly painful.
Su Zichen did not frown.
Muschach felt pain when she stood and watched, as if the wound had fallen on her own body, and as the wound was disinfected, it was deeply embedded in her heart.
Su Zichen slowly put on his clothes and turned to see Mu Shaqi with red eyes. "Were you scared?"
Mushaqi saw that his wound had been put on a band-aid, "Don't you need tetanus or something?"
"I'm still on the ship and can only do simple treatments."
Mushaqi was a little anxious. "Shall we go to the hospital now?"
Su Zichen looked at his watch. "We still have time. Let's look at the scenery."
She had no mood to look at the scenery, just want to hurry off the ship to find the hospital.
She remembered stomping her foot. "Why is this boat going so slow now that someone's hurt?"
Su Zichen patted her on the shoulder, "It doesn't matter, it's just a small injury."
Mushaqi's eyes are slightly red, "What is just a small wound, don't you see that the back of your clothes has been dyed blood red?"
Su Zichen looked at her quietly: "You care about me? I'm happy."
Mu Shaqi see him still in the mood to say these, anxious stomp, "how do you still have the mood to ask these, do not care about you, care about who?"
Su Zichen's face lit up with a smile. "Qi Qi, I'm really happy."
Mushaqi angrily turned, "You don't laugh too hard, careful bandage loose."
Su Zichen's mouth curved, the sun fell on him, not bright, "even if the wound opened, my mood is happy."
Muschucky waved his hand away. "Not in the mood for jokes."
He did not let go of her hand, but held it firmly in his palm.
"It was a plastic stick that just cut me, and the scratch was superficial, mainly affecting the epidermis, not the dermis, which usually doesn't require tetanus."
Mushaqi was not reassured: "How do you know it is only in the epidermis?"
"The staff who just helped me with the wound told me that my wound just looked like it was bleeding a lot, but it was nothing serious."
"The staff are not doctors, how can they trust all their judgments?" Muschucky frowned.
The driver came soon after receiving the call, and he was surprised to see Su Zichen's blood-stained clothes.
Mu Xia Qi told her to hurry to the hospital for examination, Su Zichen looked at the nervous Mu Xia Qi with a smile, and did not stop, leaning against her shoulder socket to close his eyes and rest.
Mushage froze and did not dare to move for fear of touching his wound.

Chapter 146: The Injury
Fortunately, the driver sent them to the private hospital, the flow of people is not large, almost no queues.
The doctor examined his wound carefully, and as Su Zichen had said before, the wound was not deep enough to require tetanus vaccine.
Some professional terms, Mu Xia Qi could not understand, Su Zichen translated for her one by one, knowing the doctor's diagnosis, she was relieved.
The doctor gave him some medicine such as disinfectant and hemostatic strips, and told him not to touch water or do strenuous exercise.
Muschach wrote it down carefully.
There was a little traffic on the way back, she always thought about today's accident, Sue family can only leave him this one child, if he had a fatal accident, his own really...
The more she thought about it, the more stuffy the car became, and she couldn't help lowering the window and stretching her head out for some air.
By the time the two of them got back to the hotel, it was completely dark.
Along the way, the driver played soothing music, and Mushaqi's mood calmed down a lot.
Go back into the room and turn on the lights.
The red rose petals stretched from the doorway into the room, and Mushaqi followed the path of the petals, not expecting a large red petal heart on the bed.
She looked back with a smile and said to Su Zichen, "I didn't expect this hotel to have a lot of tricks."
Above the petals were A pair of kissing dolls, with the words "hAve A good tlme!" scrawled on the wall.
Mushaqi could not help but turn on the atmosphere lamp next to it, and the heart-shaped love was projected out, the warm yellow light, and the entire room was full of ambiguous atmosphere.
There were two red drinks on the pillow.
She took them down curiously, "Why are these two bottles so like 'crane top red'?"
She unscrewed the lid, drank a mouthful, the taste is sweet, like the taste of cherries, "pretty good to drink, do you want to try?"
Su Zichen stood at the end of the bed, taking off his blood-stained coat and preparing to change.
"I'm not in the habit of drinking poison."
Muschach knew he was joking with himself and picked up another bottle of fresh drink and threw it at him.
Su Zichen subconsciously reached out to block, the range of action is relatively large, involving his back wound, he slightly wrinkled his eyebrows.
Muxia Qi regret, how time forgot!
"Did you pull your back?"
"It's all right."
She kicked off her shoes, straddled the bed, knelt down in front of him, and gently pulled his shoulder to check: "Does it hurt?"
"It doesn't hurt."
She was so focused on the wound in his back that she didn't notice that they were close together.
Muschucky frowned. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, but it didn't crack."
She spoke herself, but heard no reply from him. ✘ ļ
Unable to step back slightly, he raised his eyes to the burning sight of his eyes, he said: "Nothing, you do not put in mind."
"How can you not pay attention to the heart, the wound does not pay attention to, it is easy... Well..."
Muchach was still wordy on matters of attention, and before he had finished, he kissed his lips with a long and meticulous kiss, and his words were blocked at the tip of his tongue.
Both of them breathed more and more heavily, and Mushachi's top coat was removed, her long hair loose, her pink shoulders soft.
She was spinning around in his kiss, the two of them burning - hot breath - tangled, he held her tighter and tighter.
Muschach felt his hand as if by magic, and wherever he touched it, it was unbelievably soft.
Fortunately, there was a shred of reason left in her, her hands propped up on his bare chest, "I haven't bathed yet."
"I'll wash it later."
"The doctor said you can't do any strenuous exercise with the injury on your back."
"It's okay. I'll watch the force."
Su Zichen's red eyes and hot lips once again sealed her chattering little mouth. Mushaqi was like a fish on a chopping board, unable to run away.
His burning, hot breath moved to her shoulder-arm, and she kept thinking of his back injury in a daze.
Also dare not really push hard, for fear of affecting his wound.
Now the cheap Su Zichen, sensing her submission, began to push his inch, trying all kinds of actions that she had refused to try before.
Muxia Qi felt his whole body was hot, she dared not look at him, but had to face, it was really two days of ice and fire.
That night, their fingerprints were all over the room.
Mushaqi did not know when it was over, but when she woke up it was already broad daylight.
It was empty. He was up.
There was a splash of water coming from the bathroom, and Mushaqi frowned slightly. How could this man still take a bath? Didn't he say that the wound should not get water?
She tried to sit up to see how it was, but her body ached and she couldn't help but gasp.
Her face flushed as she recalled the fierce battle last night.
I closed my eyes, feeling that everything that happened last night was like a dream, feeling that the "Su God" that the media said did not touch lust was not the same person as him.
Did she take him off the pedestal?
The sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and Su Zichen came out, wiping his hair, and saw her sitting in a daze with her quilt. "Awake?"
"Yeah." Mushaqi nodded, "Will you touch the wound in the bath?"
"No, I changed the waterproof band-aid, it's fine." ,
Seeing that his hair was still dripping with water, for fear that he would be involved in the wound, Mushaqi casually picked up a piece of clothing and put it on his body, "I'll help you wipe."
He reached out and took the towel from his hand and stood on the bed and rubbed his hair.
The two were very close, and the posture was very ambiguous, and his eyes just fell on the peak of her mountain.
She was still carefully wiping his hair, and soon he was leaning against her by her soft waist.
Muchachi looked down, realized his perspective, and suddenly blushed.
"You, you don't move."
Su Zichen eyes if bright stars, stirring the heart, "what will happen?"
Mouchach was at a loss for a moment, and his eyes darted around. "If you mess around, I won't clean your hair!"
Then he rubbed his head hard and hard.
"It's all right, my hair's drying out anyway." As soon as he spoke, Mushage was lifted into the air.
"Su Zichen, what are you doing?" Muschucky clasped his neck in fear.
He raised her again. "What did you call me?"
"Zi Chen."
She looked up into his deep and bright eyes, her pupils full of her shadow, her heart as if hit by something, and muttered: "Husband."
"HMM." His eyes were fixed on her face. "Scream again."
Mushage touched his cheek, tracing his outline with her fingertips like a lost soul: "Husband."
The tips of his fingers fell on his soft lips, and he could not help but reach up, the two lips pressed together, "Husband."
"Yeah, I'm here."
Su Zichen pressed down on the back of her head, and their lips met again - intertwined.
That day neither of them stepped out of the door again, from day to night.

Chapter 147
The consequence of indulging is not getting out of bed the next day.
Su Zichen booked water viewing and other items, but they were a full two hours late for the appointment.
Private Chinese tour guide Xiao Li saw them two young couples, what do not understand, one or two hours late is normal.
He still dutifully guided them along the original route,
Because the time is late, the flow of people is also at the peak, Xiao Li ran over:
"There is a one-hour queue for the boat sightseeing project, and the seat I booked before needs to be requeued, would you like to visit Universal Studios first?" There's no line there right now."
Mu Shaqi did not mind, no matter where she went to play, she turned to look at Su Zichen.
Unexpectedly he looked down at himself, "Which one do you want to play?"
She didn't want to stand in line. "How about Universal Studios International?"
He nodded. "Then go to Universal Studios."
Xiao Li nodded, dialed the driver's phone, let someone come to pick up, he can be a little better, this man looks like a lack of money Lord.
The driver came quickly, and the moment Mushaqi sat on the car, his aching body finally got a rest.
Su Zichen paid close attention to her movements, silently reaching out to help her rub the back of the waist.
Mushage froze at the moment when his hand reached out, thinking that he was careless of the place.
Busy turned to look at him, but saw that he closed his eyes in the rest, only the hand kneading the action non-stop.
Gradually found that he only gently help her massage to relax, and no other actions.
She had hoped to rest in the hotel for a day, but after spending the whole day in the hotel yesterday, her waist is still sore.
Is Su Zichen's waist a dog's waist?
Muschucky thought, feeling a little stuffy in the air.
She lowered the window a little to let in the fresh air.
After a short drive, they also arrived at Universal Studios, which was also crowded, but not as many people as just there.
Xiao Li told them to wait a moment while he ducked away to get the entry ticket.
Muxia Qi saw the Transformer sculpture in front of the door, tall and imposing, and many people ran to take photos.
She is ready to move, but now Xiao Li has not come back, afraid that he bought a good ticket back to find no one, also dare not move.
Su Zichen looked at her little expression, how could he not know her psychological activity, and couldn't help but rub her forehead in amusement, "You want to take a picture?"
Mushaqi nodded, after all, rarely come to play.
"Wait for Xiao Li to come back." His voice was indulgent, and she was a little flattered.
After all, he doesn't like to be photographed, and he made an exception for himself yesterday.
Xiao Li's action was very fast, and he quickly ran back with the ticket, sweating heavily.
Su Zichen took the ticket he handed him. "Let's go over there and take pictures first. You wait."
Xiao Li nodded with a mouthful of white teeth. "Do you want me to take a picture?"
Mushaqi nodded, "Shall we take a group photo?"
Su Zichen nodded and held her hand tightly as he walked the distance, fearing that she would be dispersed.
Mu Shaqi handed the mobile phone to Xiao Li, saw the tourists coming down in front of him, pulled Su Zichen up to take a photo, and then hurried down.
After all, Su Zichen can not stay in a prominent position, China has a large population, she just stood in the original plan to wait for Xiao Li, has heard many people.
Although Su Zichen is not mixed in the domestic entertainment circle, his popularity in the country has gradually surpassed the trend of the popular little fresh meat.
Yesterday Han Suisui also sent Su Zichen's popularity list to her to see, let her pay attention to their men.
Muchach responded with a series of exclamation marks, but he went out with a heart.
She took out two pairs of sunglasses from her bag, her own with the female soil pair, the male soil pair handed him, fortunately, the sun in the sky is fierce, wearing sunglasses is not abrupt.
Su Zichen hesitated, but finally put it on.
There are a variety of projects here, the projects selected by Mushaqi are labor-saving, and when she sees the projects that can sit on the cruise ship and feel various scenes, she decisively goes on.
A long, narrow boat can seat up to six people in three rows of two people each.
Muschach sat right in the middle, with a couple in front and a couple in front.
The couple sitting behind them happened to be Chinese.
Hearing Mu Shaqi and Su Zichen talking, both in familiar language, the girl in the back row immediately said, "So you are also Chinese, so you meet old friends in a foreign country!"
Mu Shaqi turned his head and saw the girl's eyes shining at Su Zichen, ignoring the male companion beside her.
Su Zichen did not look back, but his arm around Mu Xia Qi's waist did not relax.
Muschucky nodded politely, but without saying a word, turned back to look at the scene ahead.
The girls in the back row saw Su Zichen did not respond, and the words in his mouth were more, asking about the work of two people for a while, asking about the province and so on.
Mushaqi, seeing the same nationality, will respond politely to the first few questions.
But the girl in the back row pushed her inch and asked more and more questions, many of which were related to Su Zichen, and Mu Xia Qi no longer took heed.
The boys in the back row can not see the eye, pulled the girls' clothes, and the girls scolded impatiently: "You pull me why, annoying!!"
Mu Shaqi pretended not to hear, sitting for a long time felt that her waist was a little bit, she leaned directly on Su Zichen's body, nest into his arms, instantly comfortable a lot.
The back row of girls scold more vigorous, scolded boys are also good temper, silent, let her out.
The foreign couples sitting in the first row could not stand her noise, and could not help looking back at the girl.
The staff in charge of rowing at the back is also a foreigner, although they do not understand the Chinese language, but from the tone and expression, you can guess that the girl is angry and cursing.
The staff finally could not help but dissuade, in public places, pay attention to the volume, the girl's voice was reduced.
Mu Xia Qi looked up at Su Zichen, he was wearing sunglasses, did not see the expression under his sunglasses, but he has been quietly looking at various scenery, as if he did not hear the voice of the girls.
The boat rowed to the corner, a huge dinosaur head suddenly appeared, Mu Shaqi was not prepared, was scared, the body shook slightly.
Su Zichen looked at her subconsciously and patted her on the back.
Behind the girls directly scream, but also stand up, the result is unstable, shaking a few times, see is going to the water down.
She danced frantically in the air and grabbed Muschucky's arm.
Mushaqi was caught off guard by her strong pull, the body also fell into the water.
How can a boat stand this? In a moment of shaking, the whole boat went over.
The people on the boat did not survive, and the girl in the water kept beating the surface of the water and screaming, "help!!"
The accident happened in an instant, the boat staff did not have time to react, the whole boat people capsized.
The boy swam to the girl the first time.
Mushaqi swallowed a few gulps of water, and Su Zichen swam quickly toward her and lifted her up.
"Is everything all right?" He looked anxiously into Muschucky's face.

Chapter 148
Muschucky shook his head. "It's all right, and you?"
She was worried that he was moving too much and the wound was opening again, and yesterday's indulgence had already made his wound open once.
Su Zichen shook his head. "It's nothing serious."
The girl in the back row didn't know how to swim, and she kept yelling, and the boy swam over and hugged her and she slapped him.
Mu Xia Qi withdrew his sight and hugged Su Zichen tightly.
Su Zichen kissed her gently on the forehead. "Don't be afraid."
The girl in the back row saw Su Zichen and shouted, "Handsome boy, help me, I can't swim."
Su Zichen swam past her without looking at her.
Nearby rescue workers heard the Shouting and rushed over.
The man who had been in charge of their boat blew his whistle as soon as he hit the water, and swam towards the first row of guests nearest him.
The rescue boat came to Mu Xia Qi and their side, Su Zichen immediately dragged her up, until her staff rescued her on board, he jumped on the boat.
The other two couples were also rescued on board, and the girl in the back row kept complaining that the boy did not protect her well and let her fall into the water.
Mu Xia Qi was Su Zichen in his arms, two people all wet.
Today she is wearing a cotton and linen thin one-piece long dress, after soaking wet, exquisite body was at a glance.
Su Zichen noticed that the eyes of the passing ship guests fell on Mushaqi intentionally or unintentionally, and his face immediately fell, as cold as a thousand-year iceberg.
He squeezed Muschucky into his arms, shielding him from the other hostile prying eyes.
The boat quickly moved to the shore, the staff kept apologizing, and the girl in the back row was unrelent, asking the staff to give her an account.
Su Zichen did not say anything else to the staff, picked up Mu Xia Qi and walked to the exit.
Xiao Li was waiting at the exit, and when he saw the two of them come out wet, he was surprised and hurried up, "What happened?" Is Miss Mu all right?"
He stretched out his hand to help, Su Zichen turned around, or he ran into Mu Shaqi, "Let the driver come quickly, the rest of the matter to investigate the responsibility, you and my lawyers are responsible."
Xiao Li was not embarrassed, busy nodding, quickly took out a mobile phone to call the driver to come, the people around are curious to look at them.
Xiao Li quickly took out the coat from the bag and gave it to Mu Xia Qi, "Miss Mu, this is my coat, washed and not worn, I hope you don't mind."
Muschucky took it with a smile. "Thank you." She covered herself with her clothes and was less inhibited.
She then pulled Su Zichen's sleeve, "Why don't you put me down?"
Su Zichen looked down at her quietly, his deep black eyes seemed to suck her in, but he did not let go.
The car came quickly and Xiao Li waved loudly at the driver. "This way."
Two people sat in the car, Mushaqi feel a lot of practical.
"Why doesn't Xiao Li get in the car?" She wondered.
"He's going to deal with what happened today. Is he cold?" Su Zichen's first half sentence was filled with ice.
"Go to the nearest hotel." 'he said to the driver.
"Copy that."
Fortunately, two people experienced yesterday, backpack with a set of clothes.
As soon as she arrived at the hotel, she finally fell into Su Zichen's arms and touched the ground with her feet. She could not wait to go to the bathroom.
But by Su Zichen clamped into his arms, the hot breath came at him, and the soft lips were immediately captured by him.
Mushage struggled to take a bath first, because he was sticky and uncomfortable.
But he was not satisfied with the mere taste, as if he wanted to rub her into his own bones and blood.
Between breaths, Mushage pushed him away. "I want to take a bath."
"I'll wash it later." Su Zichen moved closer to her, their noses touching.
Muschucky pressed against the wall, shaking his head warily. "I'm wet and uncomfortable."
He finally stopped, his hands breathing heavily in her ear, and then took a small step back.
She breathed a sigh of relief, ready to take the clothes into the bathroom to wash, but the next second he was picked up and walked into the bathroom, "we wash together."
Mushaqi exclaimed, but he was already hugging the bathroom.
She was held in his arms on the wide sink, and the cold touch made her shudder.
He turned on the shower, and when the bathroom was hot, he carried her into the shower.
His wet dress slipped and curled around her ankles, his hot lips on her lip and neck.
Mushaqi's mind was confused, but he still remembered his injury. "You can't get water on your back."
He pressed her hand to his chest, and she leaned against the smooth wall accidentally, sending a chill through her back.
Suddenly he took her other hand, twisted his fingers, raised it above her head, and pressed it against the wall.
The man came up again, and he whispered in her ear, "Then be good..."
Confined space, Mushaqi felt that the air was burning - hot breath, her body was too soft, let him fiddle.
By the time the room was quiet, it was completely dark outside.
Mushage lay feebly in his arms, his breath on her face, itchy.
"Goo goo..." Her stomach gave a few untimely rumbles.
His chest quivered with his laugh. "Hungry?"
Muschucky rolled his eyes. "It's not nonsense."
I didn't eat anything all day. I got up at noon and ate a sandwich and drank a glass of milk. Then I went out to play.
Halfway into the water, came to the hotel and he tossed back and forth for an afternoon, the stomach has been empty.
"What do you want to eat? I'll have them bring it up." Su Zichen kissed her forehead.
Muschucky mused for a moment. "I want to eat the casserole porridge, the hot kind."
She knows that in foreign countries, want to eat an authentic casserole porridge, is more difficult.
Unexpectedly, Su Zichen agreed, "You wait, I let them bring it."
Muschucky felt for a moment that something in his heart was sour and swollen.
After waiting for about half an hour, the doorbell of the room rang. Su Zichen opened the door and came in with a dark incubator.
When he put it on the coffee table and took out the orange casserole inside, Muchach's eyes widened and he actually sent the casserole.
Su Zichen lifted the lid of the pot, and the porridge inside was still steaming with little bubbles.
He took out two small bowls from the incubator and handed her a full bowl, the bottom of the yellow porridge was attractive in color.
It's full of ingredients, and Mushachi pulls away the ingredients underneath: prawns, swimming crab, scallops and more.
She couldn't wait to taste it and was burned with a "MMM" sound.

Chapter 149: Do Not Lie
Su Zichen hurriedly put down the small bowl in his hand and asked, "Where is it burned?"
Mushaqi's face was slightly red. "The porridge is hot. I'll just be careful."
Su Zichen took the small bowl in her hand and kept stirring it until the temperature felt almost right. Then he handed it back to her. "OK, eat slowly."
She slowly took over the casserole porridge in his hands, the soft glutinous porridge pressed her hungry stomach, and the feeling of acid in her heart reached its peak at the moment.
This feeling was never experienced when I was with He Shuheng, like a boat that had been drifting and found a place to dock.
She took a mouthful of porridge and then stared at the small bowl in her hand.
"What's the matter? Does the porridge taste unappetizing?" Su Zichen finished the porridge in the bowl three times, and saw that the porridge in her bowl was not moving.
"No, it's delicious, on par with our domestic porridge."
His mouth curved, "Then eat more."
Mushaqi lowered his head and scooped up the porridge in the bowl.
Two people move quickly, a large pot of casserole porridge suddenly see the bottom.
"Shall we go back to the old hotel tonight?" Su Zichen changed his clothes and looked at the girl reclining on the sofa.
"We're going home tomorrow, aren't we?" Mushage sat up straight, still a little sleepy after eating.
"Well, I'm going back to China tomorrow, and I still have some things to deal with. Are you used to working in the secretariat?" Su Zichen endured for a long time, but still asked.
After all, the two have a tacit understanding that when they go home or spend time alone, they don't talk about business.
"Well, it was your decision to transfer me to the secretariat?"
"Or what?" Su Zichen smiled and looked at her, saying that he suddenly knelt down and took out a pink dove egg diamond ring from his pocket. "Mrs. Su, will you marry me?"
Muschucky gasped. "What are you?"
"Mrs. Sue, will you put on your diamond ring first?" Su Zichen's delicate features smiled. "We still need to make up for the wedding ceremony."
"You said you want to travel to get married, this trip is relatively hasty, after the group handover is stable, I will take you to travel to other countries."
Muxia Qi eyes red, the original she said, he has always remembered, and silently perform.
"Good," said Hermione.
* * * * * * *
Mushaqi did not expect to be able to see the back row of girls falling into the water at the airport, but she is a person this time, and the boys in the back row are not with her.
When she saw Su Zichen, her eyes lit up and she hurried over. "Are you also going back to China?"
Su Zichen walked straight past her without a pause.
Mushaqi wondered where her boyfriend had gone.
But the girl or perseverance to follow behind, in the check-in, the girl surprise, "you and I sit on the same plane ah."
Muschucky nodded and did not say much; after all, she had experienced the girl's innuendo.
After checking in for the flight, Su Zichen took her to the VIP room to wait for the plane, Mu Xia Qi asked the inner doubts: "Her boyfriend?"
Su Zichen took a financial magazine to read, "falling into the water, her boyfriend helped her to take the blame, as for whether to break up, that is not clear."
His tone was clear and cold on a mountain.
Muschucky paid no further attention and closed his eyes to rest.
She just didn't know that photos of her and Su Zichen's intimate trip to Universal Studios had been posted online.
The domestic Internet has set off a "bloody rain".
As soon as the two of them landed, they were surrounded and blocked by the crowd of reporters in front of them, and Muxia Qi was frightened by this terrible posture.
Fortunately, she wore a mask and sunglasses to hide a lot of her expression.
Su Zichen was quick to take her in his arms and quickly walked to the parking lot.
The driver and assistant are already waiting outside, and the luggage is too late to be picked up, so someone can only come and claim it at that time.
Along the way, reporters kept asking: "Mr. Su, is the girl next to you your girlfriend?"
"There's a rumor that you two are married, isn't there?"
"I heard that she is an employee of your company, and your identities do not match, how did you decide to be together?" Was she trying to seduce you in some way?"
"Mr. Su, did you marry her to inherit the Su family's property?"
When Su Zichen heard these words, he stopped his hurried steps, and his long right hand tightly protected Mu Shaqi in his arms, and his eyes were icy and piercing at the reporters around him.
"I hereby declare that she is my lawful wife, that I have pursued her of my own initiative, and that I have liked her for many years.
Reporters also want to ask other questions, Su group's bodyguards surrounded up in time, with Su Zichen two people difficult to break through the siege.
There are also a lot of people around, they think that some celebrity is picking up the plane.
When you get into the commercial vehicle, the noise around you is also isolated outside the door.
Muschucky was relieved. He had just said that he liked himself for a long time. Was that just some kind of nonsense for the press?
Su Zichen held her hand, "Have you been hit?"
His voice was smooth and caring.
Muschucky shook his head. "How's your back wound?"
"Nothing, the wound recuperation these days, has crusted."
Mushaqi lay back in his chair and turned to look at him. "Will the news of our marriage affect the company's stock price?"
Su Zichen thought for a moment, "Don't worry, I will deal with it."
Muxia Qi heart is heavy, now the announcement of marriage news, his pressure doubled.
Back to s city, Su Zichen immediately went back to hold an emergency meeting, let her go back to rest first.
Mushaqi's thoughts are chaotic, and now he is the object of onlookers when he returns to the company.
Back at the Tourmaline apartment, she took out her phone and turned it on.
Social media is exploding with unread messages and a few missed calls.
She dialed Han Suisui's phone, and before the bell rang for a second, the other person picked up, "Qi Qi, have you returned to China?"
Muschucky gave a little "HMM."
Han Susui: "Now the Internet has broken through the sky, where are you now?"
Musacci: "At the Tourmaline Apartment."
Han Suisui: "Su Zichen Villa has been surrounded by reporters, you'd better not go back to live there, I heard that Ren 'ai Hospital also has many reporters squatting."
Seeing that Mu Xia Qi did not make a sound, she continued: "Qi Qi, now the Internet says that you are overjoyed Su Zichen, sister, they do not know your true identity."
Why don't you just reveal your identity, so they don't bleep..."
Mushaqi sighed, "How can it be public? After all, there is still a gap between me and him in my career now."
Han Susui: "Didn't your team already win several real estate projects last time? There is a project where you are still the main lead, how can you be poor?"
Muxia Qi is usually a very confident person, but some of the body in the bureau can not see.

Chapter 150: White Moonlight
Mushaqi did not reply to other people's information, shut down again to organize their own thoughts.
She used her tablet to scroll through a clip of a previous interview with Mr. Su, in which the host asked him what kind of girls he liked.
His eyes are as deep as an ancient well, looking straight into the camera, "I like the person, no matter what she looks like, I like, and I like to play chess."
The host thought that he had shifted the topic to his interests and hobbies, so he turned the topic to his interests.
Now there are a lot of people punching the archaeological card, and the bullet screen above reads: "I grass, does this' chess 'refer to his current wife Xia Qi?"
"My grass, upstairs, you seem to have found something serious, as if Su God's wife is Mu Shaqi!!"
My God, if that's the case, Su God would have expressed his love a long time ago.
【 From Su God overbearing love! 】
Does his wife save the world?
Su Zichen sent her a message, telling her to rest early, because he had work to do tonight.
The next day to go to the company to work normally, but the people in the department saw her respectfully, without the casual before.
Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling met her in the stairwell, put away the original hip hop attitude, a little reserved.
Mushaqi saw their movements, the smile on his face froze, and then quietly boarded the elevator.
She knew it would happen if she went public with her relationship.
It was just the phone in her office bag ringing, a message from a small group of private investors in the investment department.
Lin Xiaoyu: "Chen Xiaoling and I are going undercover to listen to the gossip of the company, not intentionally alienating, Qi Qi, you don't misunderstand!!"
Chen Xiaoling: "Yesterday went outing, did not have the Internet, unexpectedly ah, the president's wife is beside me."
Lin Xiaoyu: "Qi Qi, good job, you did not see Li Ziyan crazy appearance, Xiaoling and I are too lazy to pay attention to her."
Mushaqi's smile returned to her face, and when she entered the secretariat, everyone's attitude toward her was immediately different.
Greeted her warmly, as if they had known each other for ages.
Jin Yuexi also licked his face and asked her how she was on a business trip in the United States, Mu Xia Qi cold response.
She knew that these people were outwardly enthusiastic, but secretly did not know how to arrange her, and Muschach did not care what they thought.
Near noon, Mu Xia Qi and Lin Xiaoyu they about to go to the company dining hall together for lunch.
Su Zichen sent a message to ask her where to eat at noon, heard she wanted to go to the dining hall to eat, then let her wait.
When Su Zichen and Mu Shaqi appeared in the dining room holding hands, the people inside were almost still.
All eyes were fixed on the two men in front of the dining room door.
Xu Chujing, who followed them behind, coughed a little, and everyone woke up like a dream, and quickly lowered their heads and went about their business.
It just fell on the two of them.
Mushage led him to his tray, where she took an iron plate from the cutlery section and put a bowl of soup on it.
Su Zichen also followed her actions, like a kindergarten child learning to speak.
Mushaqi ordered what dish, he also followed, but the dish aunt's hand was steady, and no longer dared to shake.
She looked at the full plate with a slight surprise.
In the past, in the dining hall, the dish aunt gave only half of today's portion, and sure enough, the aunt was looking at the dishes.
She took the dish back to the previous investment department often sat in the position, Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling and Wu Feng are also in.
When they saw Su Zichen and Mu Shaqi coming, they sat upright and smiled stiffly.
Mu Shaqi could not help laughing, and turned to Su Zichen to introduce: "They are my colleagues."
Su Zichen smiled and nodded, "Hello."
Wu Feng several people hurriedly stood up, "Sue is always good."
Wu Fenghao wiped the two empty stools with paper towels and then asked them to sit down.
Su Zichen saw the nervous looks of everyone, "You don't have to stand on ceremony, sit down and eat."
Lin Xiaoyu they then sit down, just eat the action are careful, the atmosphere are afraid to come out.
Su Zichen calmly and calmly ate the food in front of him.
Mu Shaqi felt the baptism of the eyes from all directions, and also learned him, Taishan collapsed in front of the face did not change color.
Su Zichen knew that everyone was not natural, and when he had finished his meal, he left early so that they could eat more slowly.
As soon as he left, everyone in the dining room felt relieved.
Especially Lin Xiaoyu, suddenly fresh up, "My mother ah, pressure ah."
She bowed her head and leaned close to Mushaqi's ear, "When did you and General Su get married? Bring us the facts..."
Chen Xiaoling also winked at her to make her confess.
Mushaqi smiled and said: "Coincidence, some time ago."
"My God, Cookie, you did a good job of hiding it." Lin Xiaoyu exclaimed quietly, "Those people also said that you took advantage of your position to seduce General Su, I think they are just sour grapes."
Mushage fiddled with the food in front of her. "They can say what they like."
Chen Xiaoling nodded, "Yes, Qiqi, don't be influenced by them."
After lunch, several people went back to the office to rest.
Mu Xia Qi to the tea room to pour water, did not expect to see Li Ziyan, saw her eyes sullen holding the cup of hatred against themselves.
"It seems that your method is more clever, only a few days on business trip to Zichen's bed."
Muschucky sneered. "You think everyone's as dirty as you think! Don't you work in the investment department? How to get to the secretariat?"
Li Ziyan raised her proud chin, "Where I want to be, I am there, do you care?" You don't know, do you? Zi Chen always had a white moonlight in his heart."
Mushaqi remembered the picture he had seen in the United States, did not care about her anymore, and wanted to go back to the secretariat after pouring water.
Li Ziyan refused to forgive, pulling her hand did not let go, the struggle to attract a lot of people's attention.
Mushaqi tried to pull out his arm, but she pushed him hard and knocked him into the corner.
Mushage felt a burning pain in her calf, and the cup in her hand hit her leg, and the hot water poured down her leg.
The people around them cried out in surprise and rushed to ask how Muchaci was.
Mu Xia Qi choked back tears, Su Zichen and Xu Chujing heard the noise outside, immediately ran out of the door, saw not far away the tea room surrounded by a few people.
Su Zichen had not thought of it, but when someone called Mu Shaqi's name, his heart was slightly startled, and his feet hurried to the position of the tea room.
When they saw him coming, they immediately opened a way for him to pass.
Su Zichen saw Mu Xia Qi slightly red eyes, there is a trace of blood on the forehead, the breath instantly became condensed.
He picked up Muschucky quickly. "How are you?"
Mushaqi tone has a slight change, "burned, first go to the toilet to flush a water."
Su Zichen did not hesitate. He took her in his arms and walked quickly to the toilet. He did not forget to tell her, "Mr. Xu, investigate the cause."
She was placed on the sink by him, the faucet turned on full blast, the pants on her calves lifted, and the water passed over her calves.

Chapter 151: A Simple Wedding
Mushaqi is lucky to wear pants today, otherwise the burn is more serious.
"Does it hurt? We're going to the hospital now." Su Zichen looked distressed.
Muschach stopped him. "I want to go home."
"Okay, we're going home now."
Su Zichen put on a Bluetooth headset, dialed the driver's phone, then took her into his arms, and hurried to the elevator.
Those who had been peering in the hallway bowed their heads quickly.
Xu Chujing hurried from not far away, "General Su, now the first floor is surrounded by reporters, you see?"
"Tell the driver to meet me at the elevator exit in the parking lot below."
By the time Su Zichen carried Mushaqi to the bottom of the parking lot, the black Maibach was already parked at the entrance.
The reporters who received the wind all rushed to the negative layer here, and the security guards could not stop them, but the car passed them by.
Sitting in the car, Mushage sighed with relief.
Su Zichen said nothing, the sharp outline of the arc was faint of alienation and indifference, but the pair of black and white eyes hidden love.
He pulled out the medicine cabinet from the car and grabbed her waist to draw her closer to him.
Muschucky, thinking he was going to do it himself, leaned back.
"Don't move." Su Zichen slightly annoyed, "Do you want to get the injury on your forehead?"
Mushaqi stopped the movement, obediantly let him clean up his forehead wound.
He pressed his lips together and looked intently at her forehead.
When the antiseptic alcohol touched her wound, she couldn't help but take a deep breath. It really hurt.
"You know pain?" His tone is a little cold, with a silk hate iron is not steel, "how can an accident happen when you are not around?"
The wound is painful, Mushaqi also did not endure, "not your beauty knows already."
Su Zichen did not stop his hand movement, "What my beauty knows already?"
"Li Ziyan..."
Fortunately, the wound on his forehead was not big and should not leave a scar. Su Zichen simply handled it and put away the things in the medicine box and put them back.
"Don't worry about her. It's almost time to pull in the net. She won't be long." He spoke as calmly as if he were talking about the weather.
Mushaqi did not answer, slumped sleepy on the back of her chair with her eyes closed, exhausted by the clock of her nap.
Send her back to the apartment, Mushaqi heart hidden things, also did not fall asleep.
Su Zichen was sitting in the living room with her in his arms. His mobile phone was shaking and he cut it off one by one.
The world was silent, as if they were the only two people in the world.
"Don't think about it too much. Leave the rest to me." He kissed her on the forehead. "Tomorrow we'll go to Grandpa's, get my in-laws, and we'll make up a ritual."
Muschucky looked up. "What ceremony?"
"The wedding ceremony, Grandpa doesn't have much time, do you mind?"
Her heart clicked, "I don't mind, but the time is rushed, nothing is prepared."
"I'll arrange it."
Mushaqi snuggled in his arms, listening to his heartbeat.
The next day, she sat in her room and let the makeup artist put on her makeup, the wedding dress is a well-known international brand of high order.
Wearing a wedding dress Mu Xia Qi, looking at himself in the mirror, as if it was a princess in the fairy tale world.
When she got in the limo on the way to Mercy Hospital, there was a little hookup, wasn't it a simple ceremony?
The phone vibrates slightly as I grip it.
Lin Xiaoyu: [Tiankun Group has changed, Li Ziyan's background has fallen, and she has been fired.]
Chen Xiaoling: [There is also a big purge at the top, and many people have resigned.] X ᒑ
Lin Xiaoyu: [Qiqi, look at Weibo, it's exploding!!]
Mu Xia Qi is brushing their small group of chat records, see Lin Xiaoyu reminder, then open Weibo.
It shows Su Zichen's white moonlight.
Point to the home page is a new account, the nickname is Su Zichen, only a dynamic, placed above two photos, one of which is a surveillance video photo.
The photo is in a mountain rest booth, there are a lot of people in the picture, and the most attractive c is a girl is giving a boy lying on his back to do artificial respiration.
The girl's eyes are very familiar, it is clear that she was in college.
The other photo is one he kept in the break room of his office in the United States.
Caption: "Never forget, think of her for a long time."
Many netizens commented below.
One of the ld: today do not eat to eat fart comments [Ah, this is Su always put in the office photo, I am the former staff of Tiankun group!! She is the legend of Su total white moonlight?]
Rainbow fart: "My God, upstairs, you promise you're not lying? Otherwise you really are eating fart!"
Today do not eat to eat fart: If I say a lie, this life eat fart can not pull a shit!
Steal sunny sun: "Upstairs, your oath is too toxic, I choose to believe you!!"
Happy every day: "My God, it means that Su's wife is his white moonlight, and the savior? What is this idol drama?"
Muxia Qi holding the mobile phone hand slightly shaking, she is the impression, that day to the scenic spot climbing, because the weather changes, many people were caught off guard.
The rain is too heavy, the landslides, and the small rest booth is full of people.
Midway, a few people who fainted were carried back, and she only knew how to save people at that time, but she could not remember who she had saved.
She saved him?
But where did that picture of the back come from?
The car slowly stopped, standing around the hospital gate filled with reporters who heard the news.
See her car driving into the hospital gate, have surrounded up, fortunately, the hospital security today more than twice the usual, have isolated these reporters outside the hospital gate.
After arriving at the entrance of the inpatient department, the security level here has also been upgraded, and you must present an electronic access permit to enter.
Her face is the hardcore pass, and when the security guards see her, they let go of the fence and let her in.
By the time she reached the top floor, Han Suisui was already dressed in a bridesmaid's dress and waiting for her at the elevator door.
Huang Zihui and Mu Xiaohua dressed in a very formal, smiling at their own daughter, there is a feeling that my family has a woman's first growth.
Mu Haoxuan at the beginning or smile Ying Ying, just smile smile, eyes red.
"Sister, if Su Zichen dares to treat you badly, I will help you beat him!"
Huang Zihui has been tough not to cry, but tears or uncontrolled slide down, she went to Mu Xia Qi in front of, "Qi Qi, mom and dad have always been your backing, I hope you are happy."
If you have any grievances, please come back and tell us."
Muschucky nodded with red eyes.
Su Zichen was waiting for her at the end of a corridor with a red carpet on the floor and roses on both sides.
The cold ward was transformed into a warm auditorium.
In the ward, Sue old man lying on the hospital bed, changed a set of red Tang suit, hair comb bright.
Smiling at the front of this pair of outstanding Bi people.

Chapter 152: The Broken Leaf
Mu Xia Qi and Su Zichen holding hands standing in front of the hospital bed, Su old man full of spirit, a face of joy.
The wedding process was as simple as possible, and Xu Chujing, as a witness, read the testimony fluently.
Su Zichen two people exchange rings, even if the ceremony.
Mu Xiaohua some lonely eyes, looking at his daughter, so married to others, although the son-in-law conditions are very satisfied in all aspects.
Huang Zihui noticed the old man Su slightly tired expression, pulled Mu Xiaohua sleeve, indicating that he was almost ready to leave.
Mu Xiaohua along her line of sight, also noticed the state of the old man Sue.
Although he also wants to have a big wedding, but his daughter does not like it, and the situation of the old man Sue is also special, this idea is shelved.
He walked quickly to Sue in front of the old man, "In-laws, we have some business to deal with, don't bother, you have a good rest."
The old man smiled kindly, "I am not good, drag everyone to simplify the wedding, I hope you have to bear more."
"No, ritual simplification is all the rage these days." Mu Xiaohua and Sue old man for a while, then sent them by Chen Bo on the car.
Han Sui Sui and Mu Haoxuan also followed away, the ward returned to the original cold.
The old man pointed to a suitcase not far away with a smile, "There is a transfer of shares of the company, there is also a will."
Qi Qi, I will ask you to stay with Zichen in the future. I will transfer 15% of the shares of Tiankun Group to you. If he dares to treat you badly, these are your guarantees."
After that, Old Man Su took a few deep breaths and told Su Zichen a few words before letting them go back.
Mu Shaqi walked beside Su Zichen, holding his trembling hands and trying to warm him.
* * * * * *
These days, the company's organizational structure is adjusted, Su Zichen often works in the group headquarters.
Muxia Qi also applied to be transferred back to the investment department, and several projects she had followed up before were landing one after another.
The bonus is naturally large, and her reputation in the investment community is also growing, only because she is Su Zichen's wife, everyone always thinks that she got the project through the back door.
The discussion of her on the Internet is getting bigger and bigger, that her family is ordinary, marry Su Zichen is love power, feel that she is not worthy of Su Zichen.
Mr. Muschach never took notice, nor did he issue a statement.
Only later on the Internet more and more excessive, even to her personal attack.
Seeds of hatred: "This woman, a look is those not serious girls, Su God is just confused for a time."
Corner of the wall: "Mu Xia Qi looks like a flat home, I do not know what means to seduce Su God."
Smiling killer: "How about we all group up and scold this shameless bitch?"
Because Han Suisui is a good surfer, she must be the first to know this information.
Often told Mu Shaqi to pay attention to security, some network trolls are unusually extreme, and even some offline threats.
Muxia Qi nodded, she usually access to activities also more heart.
Su Zichen was busy with his work recently. He always came home late at night. After taking a bath, he took her into his arms and then fell asleep.
Of course, he is not very clear about the information on the Internet.
The relationship between Mushaqi and his family has also eased a lot, and he will take time to go home on weekends.
Recently a new project, she is now not only responsible for the real estate sector, the new technology sector project because of manpower, Liu Wei sent her to take care of.
Now Muchachi, his job is on its own.
The sun is shining brightly on a weekend morning, and the blue sky outside is as clear as sapphire.
In his dream, Mushach felt himself all over - hot, always sticky, chest - as if there was something pressing in front of him, slippery but moving slowly.
She woke up in a daze, pushing something in front of her, but found that she could not shake half a minute.
She gave a "MMM" and looked down. Su Zichen...
Su Zichen seemed to feel her eyes and raised his head. His eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky.
"Awake?" His voice was nasal, but very sexy.
Mushaqi struggled to think, and was thrown down by him, the closed space firmly wrapped her, his strong breath invaded, to engulf her.
Her heart beat a few beats faster as she met his inky eyes.
After a storm, Mushaqi lay soft and limp in his arms like a broken banana leaf.
Her chest heaved violently and did not recover for a long time.
Bedside table above the mobile phone ringing, Mu Xia Qi urged Su Zichen to pick up.
He impatiently picked up the phone, saw the caller ID, and suddenly sat up straight.
Muschucky had no time to react, her head hitting his stiff chest and frowning slightly.
Su Zichen answered the phone, looking serious, "OK, I'll come right away."
She rubbed her forehead. "What's wrong?"
"Grandpa, it looks like I'm dying." Su Zichen quickly put on his good clothes.
Muchachi's heart sank, and with pain, she quickly got out of bed and pulled on a light gray dress.
She turned to look at the man beside her. In the cool light of the incandescent lamp, his lips pressed tightly and his handsome cheeks grew darker.
The eyes of the stars that had just been bright can no longer find focus.
Mushachi, with a pang in his heart, went to him, clasped his right hand with his forefinger, and looked up at her with the eyes of a helpless child.
"I'm here for you. Come on." 'she whispered.
He held her hand tighter, like a drowning person, finding a piece of driftwood.
Mushaqi silently tolerated the pain in his hands and accompanied him.
Waiting for two people to come to the Ren 'ai hospital, Chen Bo red eyes, standing outside the ward.
"Uncle Chen, how is grandpa now?" Su Zichen's face was tense.
"The doctors are already working on it." Bo Chen wrung his hands nervously.
Su Zichen looked calmly at the red light above.
Soon after, the doctor came out, looking very serious.
Su Zichen and Mu Shaqi hurriedly greeted him, "Doctor, how is grandpa?"
The doctor shook his head, "Mr. Su, we have done the best we can, Mr. Su's body has reached the state of oil exhaustion."
Su Zichen's body froze, and Mu Shaqi felt his shoulder, which he had been holding up, give way slightly.
"If you have anything else to say, go in and say it." The doctor did not leave, but waited for them to enter and shut the door in silence.
Su Zichen walked heavily to Old Man Su's bed.
Old Sue heard the voice, opened his eyes with difficulty, saw the two of them, the mouth curved: "You are here..."
Su Zichen came forward to hold the old man's hand, and his voice trembled slightly: "Grandpa, don't leave me."
Old Man Su replied slowly, "Zichen, you have Qi Qi with you. Your parents have come to pick me up. Don't ignore Qi Qi for work."

Chapter 153
Mushaqi red eyes, tears across her cheeks, is bitter taste.
Su Zichen nodded in a choked voice, "I will."
"Don't be sad, my child. There comes a time when people get old." The old man looked at the two of them and closed his eyes slowly with a smile on his face.
The electrocardiogram next to the bed gradually became a straight line, and then a harsh "drip" sound.
Su Zichen could not bear it any longer. Tears poured out and fell on Su's thin hands.
Silent crying, slightly shrugged shoulders, Mushaqi did not interrupt him, the pain in the heart, must be vented.
She quietly accompanied him, her heart slightly throbbing pain, her emotions have been completely affected by him.
For a long time, noise came from outside. Su Zichen had dried his tears, and there was no trace of crying at all.
Muchach hugged him from behind, trying to pass on his meager strength.
Su Zichen turned around and hugged her hard without making a sound.
There was a knock at the door, and Uncle Chen's voice suddenly grew old. "Young master, the dean is coming."
Su Zichen gently kissed Mu Shaqi on the forehead and then led her to the door.
Dean saw Su Zichen, slightly sigh, "sorry."
Su Zichen nodded, "You have been taking care of my grandfather for a long time."
Dean hurriedly waved his hand, "What is this, this is what we should do, but failed to save the old man Sue, we also express regret."
Su Zichen did not speak again, Xu Chujing received the news, hurried over, his forehead covered with sweat.
Hear the news of Sue father's death, Xu Chujing brain at that moment is blank, recall Sue father of his own gratitude, sad.
Next, in addition to sending the father's funeral, but also prepare public relations documents, stabilize the stock market.
The news of Sue's death quickly reached the top, and the stock price of Tiankun Group also fell with fluctuations.
Many netizens are commenting on whether Su Zichen's ability is blown out, without his grandfather, the group's stock price is about to fall to the bottom.
Tiankun Group internal panic, are worried that the group will collapse, their own rice bowl will not be preserved.
In the media a state of singing bad, Su Zichen is still calm, but recently do not work overtime, pick up Mu Xia Qi normal work every day.
Mushaqi at first thought to avoid the suspicion, and then did not struggle, because if she struggled, she would surely be broken by him when she went home.
It's too much to pay. She can't afford it.
The rest of the company has grown accustomed to the show of affection.
Lin Xiaoyu they first see Su Zichen appear in the investment department office will feel very nervous, but later has been accustomed to.
The handsome, rich and considerate CEO is the husband of his best friend, which is really unimaginable before.
Tiankun Group's official media suddenly released a message, "Tiankun Group jointly with Mu Group and Ling Group to develop new energy projects for automobiles."
The news, Tiankun Group's shares soared.
With the combination of Mu Group and Ling Group, the strength of this strong alliance, the economic market of s city must shake three times.
Muchaqi looked at his calm appearance a few days ago, and thought he had been at ease, but did not expect the big move was still behind it.
Just how did he convince his father to cooperate with Ling's Group? After all, the Mu Group and the Ling Group were still fighting a few years ago.
Mu Xia Qi at home, often hear his father ridicule Ling's old fox.
She had just finished a cooperation proposal and was trying to relax for a while when the phone on her desk kept vibrating.
Press the answer key, Su Zichen's voice then passed over, businesslike attitude, "come up to the office."
Muxia Qi hung up the phone, this person really has two faces, at home sticky annoying, in the company, as if they do not know the general.
Walking in the stairwell, many people saw her and kept saying hello, and Mushaqi laughed so hard that his face was almost stiff.
When she came to the top floor, Xu Chujing waited in front of the elevator door early and led her to the large conference room.
It was filled with executives from Tiankun for a few days, as well as executives from Mu Group and Ling Group.
Mu's group has two uncles, or very early to accompany their father's old minister, see her smile and nod.
Muschucky smiled back, while his father sat solemnly in the front row.
When Su Zichen saw her, he waved to her and let her sit beside him.
With her face covered and a decent smile, she sat down beside him.
The following lengthy meetings were nothing more than discussions about the cooperation model and interests of the three parties.
She listened drowsy and sat stiffly.
Suddenly there was a cold touch on the thigh, and Mushaqi gave a jolt, and the whole person was instantly refreshed.
What is it?
She reflexively reached out and held down the wanton thing, it was a hand, don't think, who else!!
Without any trace, she glanced sideways at Su Zichen beside her, and saw that he was cold, with a slight frown between his eyebrows, as if he was listening very carefully to the words of the previous speaker.
Muschucky pressed his hand, but instead of withdrawing it, he took her hand and moved it up.
Her face suddenly burst red, for fear that others would find out, and dare not make a big move to stop him.
How is she psychologically stronger than he is?
No, not as thick as he is!
Fortunately, with the projector on, the lights in the meeting room were dimmed properly, and the attention of everyone in the place was attracted by the speaker in front of them.
Otherwise she'd be looking for a hole to get in.
She reached under the table with her other hand to hold down his still unruly hand.
He turned his head, looked at her with half a smile, and whispered, "Awake?"
Ba-boom! Muschucky gave him a hard look and turned his head.
Muschucky felt his hand shake, the man smirk!!
At the end of the meeting, two of Moose's uncles called out to her in front of everyone: "Cookie, your father is behind you."
Originally still in the front of the people, have pricked up their ears, Mu Xia Qi's father is a senior executive of Mu's group?
No, her name is Mu!!
Many people seem to have guessed something, and have turned back in shock.
Mushaqi sighed internally and walked over to Muxiao Hua. "Dad."
"Well, your mother cooked your favorite dish tonight. Let's come back for dinner."
Su Zichen came over and took her by the hand. "Good dad."
The sound of breathing in the air was one after another, especially the executives of Tiankun Group and Ling Group.
The Internet also says that Mushaqi is a civilian woman, and she has a lot of contacts.
Ling's group executives are also understood, why suddenly joined Mu's group, it is undeniable that its strength, more importantly, the two have been in-law relationship.
Mu Xia Qi is the news of Mu's daughter quickly spread in the day Kun group.

Chapter 154
Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling unbelievable, and their day and night get along with Mu Xia Qi in the end how many heavy identity?
As soon as she got back to her office, the two of them pulled her to the stairwell.
Lin Xiaoyu akimbo: "Qiqi, how much of your identity is unknown to us?"
Lin Xiaoling echoed: "That is, that is, once and for all, our heart can bear it."
Mu Xia Qi a face helpless, "on these identities ah, I am not Sun Wukong, will change 72."
Lin Xiaoyu puffed a smile, "Also seventy-two changes, Sun Wukong are not your fierce."
"The people who passed you down on the Internet before are blind." Chen Xiaoling rolled her eyes.
"Is that what you dragged me here to say?" Muschach didn't understand.
"More than that." Lin Xiaoyu mysteriously took out a tightly sealed bag from inside his clothes.
"This is the wedding gift Xiaoling and I prepared for you before, but I haven't given it to you. Go back and open it."
Mushaqi confused to take over, although curious, but also did not open.
The Internet was fermented, Su Zichen's wife was Mu's daughter!! And the attention is growing.
Muchachi finished his work, and it was half past five again.
Su Zichen was already waiting for her at the office door.
Lin Xiaoyu several people in the office whispered, "Qi Qi, Sue always come to pick you up from work."
Muschucky smiled red, put his things away, and walked out.
Su Zichen naturally took her hand, "What would you like to eat tonight? I'll make it for you."
Muxia Qi slyly looked at him, "want to eat durian stewed chicken."
Su Zichen: "..."
"No?" Muchach raised his eyebrows. Who was so reckless in the boardroom?
Since he knew that he was his white moon, Muschucky had gained a lot of confidence.
"You like to eat, I learn to cook." Su Zichen fondly rubbed her hair.
Muxia Qi's eyes are bright like stars: "How can your ideological consciousness be so high?"
"Oh, I almost forgot, I said I was going to my house for dinner." Muschucky suddenly remembered.
Su Zichen rubbed her hair, "Then I'll cook it for you next time."
They snuggled and walked to the parking garage below.
Mu Xia Qi has been looking at the mobile phone, also do not look at the road, are Su Zichen arms her waist, remind her of the steps at the foot.
"What, Sui Sui and my brother got the license!"
She put the mobile phone in front of him, Han Sui Sui and Mu Haoxuan wedding photos of two people smiled brightly.
Su Zichen raised his eyebrows, "Isn't that good?"
Muxia Qi happy and unhappy, "Sui Sui said she had a baby, after she took the baby, should rarely accompany me to go out to play?"
Su Zichen accompanied her slowly, "It doesn't matter, don't you still have me? And if you want to have a baby, we'll try?"
Mushaqi looked at him and hugged his arm, "I hope that in the future life, there are three or five people who know me, and one person for a long time, I will be satisfied."
She paused. "Plus two babies."
Su Zichen hugged her waist again, eyes blazing, "No problem, tonight's arrangement, immediately."
Mushaqi's surprised eyes were a little shy again. "You need to exercise."
He looked down into her smiling eyes. "Yes, Sir."
"Give up drinking and smoking..." х ᒝ
"Whatever you say." 🗶 ʟ
"Less partying and staying up late."
"All right."
Two people wriggly walk to Su Zichen's car, "Tonight we go back to the tourmaline apartment or villa?"
"Go back to the villa, and get something for him."
"All right."
Su Zichen opened the passenger door for her and put his hand on her head to prevent her from accidentally hitting her head.
Muschach slid into his car and fumbled for the seat belt by the seat.
But I saw him look around thoughtfully.
She strapped on her seat belt, stuck her head out and asked, "What's wrong?"
Su Zichen watched next to the car for a while, and then got into the car. "Nothing."
When Muchach saw him, he muttered, "Mysterious..."
She suddenly remembered on the Internet love tricks, boys can not resist the action.
Su Zichen was about to press the start button when she "splat" the seat belt.
He paused his foot on the gas and looked at her. "What's wrong?"
Mushaqi gently lifted the broken hair in his ear, and the eyes were silky, affectionately bumping into his eyes.
Su Zichen's eyes darkened, Adam's apple slid up and down, quietly looking at her.
Muschach smiled slyly. "Don't move. There's something in your mouth."
She bent down in front of him, her eyes moved slowly from up to the corners of his mouth, and then stopped.
In his trance moment, he quickly burned a kiss on the corner of his mouth, then smiled successfully and retreated to his co-pilot.
Su Zichen's ink-like eyes gradually became dangerous, and she heard the sound of the safety belt "patter" unbuttoning.
Before Muschucky could react, he was leaning up and getting very close to her.
Her chest and mouth rose and fell, as if she were locked under him.
She lifted her chin, and the previous attack was not enough, and she was doing it again.
Su Zichen pressed her this time, Qingjun's face looked back, so that her little scheme fell into vain.
Muchachi purred and snorted, "You..."
She did not finish the sentence, and his kiss fell like a storm.
Soft lower lip, rudely prying open her fine white teeth, gently slipping in.
Her lips were caught in his mouth, aggressive, Mushaqi's hands wrapped involuntarily between his neck, and his kisses - growing hotter and hotter, began to turn toward her chin, her neck, her collarbone
The closed and narrow body was soon filled with rapid gasps and ambiguous breath.
Random flower gradually to charming eyes, intoxicating people.
Muchachi was in a trance, and his whole face turned red, like good rouge powder.
Knowing the sound of people talking and laughing outside, the two people woke up from their dreams.
Su Zichen's upper body was still on top of her, and he took a deep breath, breathing heavily.
Muschach's eyes are in the water.
His shirt was all crumpled with the excitement of the moment, hers, too, with his mark on her collarbone.
He cupped her thin waist and held her chin, and a soft kiss fell again.
Soft lips moved to the ear, licking slowly bite, feel the quiet and pleasure of the moment, and finally gently hold her lips, gentle will release her.
Muschach opened his eyes slowly, his hands still around his neck.
He gently took her hand off, moving her messy clothes away, his voice husky: "Okay, go home."
Her expression is a little thief: "Husband, don't you think there is a different taste in the car?"
He had just returned to his driver's seat, put his hands on the steering wheel, paused, chuckled, "You want to be in the car?"
She reached out and pinched his waist, and he bent the corners of his mouth to hold down her unruly hand, and resumed his gentlemanly manner.

Chapter 155: It's all You
The next day, Mushaqi had just entered the company building, and many colleagues looked at her strangely.
She was whispering after she walked by. X ĺ
Mu Xia Qi into the office, see Lin Xiaoyu they want to speak and stop the expression, can not help but open: "How strange you are today?"
Lin Xiaoyu pushed Chen Xiaoling, Chen Xiaoling pushed her again.
Wu Feng finally could not resist, "Xia Qi, you should not have time to watch the news?"
Mouchucky gasped. "What do you mean?"
Lin Xiaoyu hesitates, "You look at the online news."
Muxia Qi opened the computer, the small window of the news immediately popped out, the eye-catching red headline - the humble civilian woman, unexpectedly led Sue God to fall - desire!
The following caption sharp, pointing to her shameless, the original is to rely on the means to seduce Su Zichen, figure is his billions of wealth, also shameless work in the day Kun Group.
The picture is that yesterday she and Su Zichen in the car pose kissing - close, kissing - hugging - kissing, various angles, the picture is clearly visible.
The comments below are downright nasty and abusive.
Love to eat honey: "My God, this woman is shameless, look at her actions, feel no difference with those people in the wind and moon place!"
Stealing bread: "I think she is leaning on a face position, Su God, are you blind?"
The corner of the dark: "My Sue God, was actually this lowly foxx child of the soul, but also buy water army said she is the daughter of the Mu Group, people Mu Group no statement, she was anxious to hard rub, too tm disgusting!!"
Mushach's face went white, and her heart burst with a bang, like a big hole, and the great wind kept going into her chest.
Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, and her eyelids were twitching wildly.
Her mind went blank, Lin Xiaoyu said nothing in front of her, as if the world had become silent and absurd.
The phone on the desk kept ringing. Lin Xiaoyu put his hands on her shoulders and shook her hard. "Cookie, answer the phone!"
Mu Xia Qi picked up the phone, is Su Zichen call.
His voice was still calm, and it was clear that he knew about it.
"Don't be afraid, Cookie. I'll take care of it. I'm here."
She choked at the sound of his voice, as if a feather floating in the air had found a landing.
"We are a legal couple and those photos are nothing to hide!"
Mushaqi bit her lip, and some people on the Internet said they would come and throw red oil on her.
Some people say she is Da has, actually led to Sue God destroy Sue old man set the same group can not fall in love provisions.
"I have returned to the office, you wait for me."
Mushaqi had lost her mind. She sat motionless at her station, looking out the window at the sky.
When the wedding news was announced before, everyone did not have such a big reaction, why the reaction is so fierce now?
The office of the investment department is abnormally depressed, Liu Wei walked out of the office and saw that everyone has no heart to work, and did not blame, after all, everyone when Mu Xia Qi is his little sister.
Seeing her so spit and threatened by netizens, why not worry?
He took Wu Feng to the smoking area.
Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling never leave Mu Xia Qi side, for fear that she wants to take things hard.
There's a lot more people hanging out in front of the investment office.
Lin Xiaoyu was afraid that Mu Xia Qi would be stimulated again, stood at the door of the office and shouted, "Are you too idle?" Shall I have my HR colleague come over?"
They heard this back to God, no matter how to say online, she is still the owner of the Tiankun group.
Wu Feng rushed into the office, "I grass, I grass, Su total voice clear, and the group also modified the same office can not fall in love regulations!!"
Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling quickly took out their mobile phones to check Su Zichen's private account: "I chased my wife first, she deserves the best! She is not a cheap person, she is my heart, I will pursue legal responsibility for the rumormongering."
The caption shows their wedding photo.
The official account of Tiankun Group also quickly forwarded, "Wow, Su always good handsome! The relevant lawyer's letter will be issued by our Ministry of Justice, the Internet is not a place outside the law!"
Chen Xiaoling lit the screen: "Mu Group also issued a document, and Han Group, and one is Bai Group."
Mu Xia Qi took over the mobile phone she handed over, see Mu's group's official website sent their own family photo.
Caption: "Mu Xia Qi is the veracious big lady of our group, others do not rub hard! In addition, our group will pursue legal responsibility."
Han Group is Han Sui Sui her family, but which Bai group is?
Mu Shaqi is thinking that he has not crossed paths with people surnamed Bai, is his parents' friend?
And this group's document is also unusually interesting: "People's little sister, there are appearances and talents and family, have you seen? Can't eat grapes to say sour grapes, really is garbage."
It doesn't look like anything from an official account.
Mushaqi suspected that from time to time internal staff surfing forgot to switch trumpet!
For a time, the Internet is all her hot search, but the comments are no longer one side to scold her.
Han, who has nearly two million followers on her personal account, makes videos of herself and Mushaqi growing up.
Send it to her account with the caption: "Have you ever seen such a civilian princess? And even ordinary people have the right to pursue love!"
Her fans have left the following comments: "Fuck, this is too bold? The whole room is full of h family bags, sorry, I don't deserve to look at this photo."
Is this a real life? Oh, my God, it's no problem. It's a rich princess, and I'm an excellent student!
Which window did God close?
Beautiful appearance, superior family, excellent education, and God level husband, what is this perfect life?!!
So those people say that Mushaqi desecrated the Su God, who does not know that the Su God voluntarily came down to earth?!
The network is busy for a time, Mu's, Tiankun, and Han's group's stock has risen all the way.
Now the Internet has given Su Zichen a new title: "The devil of protecting his wife."
"I'm here!
Mushaqi kept replaying his words in her head, and she began to cry.
At this moment she understood everything, as long as he is in the place, is the harbor.
When Chen Xiaoling saw the person outside the door, she couldn't help exclaiming, "It's General Su."
She shook Mushage, who was still in a daze.
Su Zichen walked straight up to her as if no one were there, his eyes locked on her.
Muschach took her hand and buried himself deep in his arms, no need to ask again, now she knew his heart completely...
Across mountains and rivers, through obstacles.
None of it is you, none of it is you!
【 End of text 】

Chapter 156: A Family of Three
In three years.
Mu Shaqi has been promoted to director of the Central investment department of Tiankun Group.
Covering the investment project review of all subsidiaries of the group, she is quickly busy into the top, eager to move home to the company.
While busy, the mobile phone on the desktop rang.
When she saw the caller ID, her anxiety instantly softened.
"Mommy, where are you?" Press the connect button, the childish voice came over.
"Mom is still working at the company." Muschucky smiled involuntarily.
"Well, at work again." The girl on the other side of the milk sound milk gas, can not say lost.
"Isn't Father around?" "She whispered.
"Yes, yes."
"Then let father accompany you first, mother go back later, OK?"
"No, you always say you'll be back later, but I don't see you when I fall asleep!" The girl pout her mouth disapprovingly.
"How about I take you to the park a few days later?"
"Huh? Let me see, Dad, Mom said to take me to the park..."
A rustling sound came from the other end of the microphone, a deep, magnetic male voice.
"Yeon-yeon, let's wait for mom to finish the park together?"
The childish voice came again, "Mommy, then Dad and I will wait for you to come back."
"Okay, Mommy's going to bring you a doll tonight, okay?"
"Wow, Mommy is the best, love mom!"
"Give Mommy a kiss!"
"Boo boo..."
"Bye, Mommy. I'll be at home waiting for you."
"Okay, bye baby."
Mushage hung up the phone with a smile on his face.
Lin Xiaoyu followed her to the group headquarters, looking at the smile of Mu Xia Qi, where can not guess, "Yan Yan to call?"
"Yeah, this guy is clingy."
Lin Xiaoyu is also looked at Yan Yan born and grew up, mentioned she is soft, "you go back early tonight to accompany her, children can not be absent in the process of growth."
"But there are two projects that haven't been reviewed yet." Muschucky sighed.
"There is not me, I will review the notes and send to your email." Lin Xiaoyu patted his chest.
"Don't you take more time to meet some handsome men, really want to die alone?"
"I am so beautiful, and there are many young fresh meat waiting in line for me to love." Lin Xiaoyu lifted her hair confidently.
Mushage couldn't help laughing.
She came home today, the sky is still bright, sunset dyed the distant sky red, like a dream.
As soon as the pink glutinous Tuanzi, who was playing in the yard, saw Mu Shaqi get off the car, she staggered and ran over and hugged her thigh, "Mommy, you are really back early today."
Powder glutinous small Tuanzi pointed to the sky overhead, "the sky is still bright."
Mouchucky kissed her soft cheek gently. "Yes, what did Yeon-Yeon do at home today?"
"Grandpa Chen accompanied me on the ponies, Aunt Li accompanied me on the slide, and Dad..."
Mushaqi smiled and asked, "What did Dad do with Yanyan?"
The little fellow lowered his head guiltily.
Su Zichen came out with a plate of cut fruit, the sun falling on him, his handsome face more than a little home atmosphere.
See Mu Xia Qi, with a smile in his eyes, went to her, put the fruit on the side of the flower base, took the stick in her arms Su Mengyan.
"Yanyan, mommy is tired from working all day, Daddy hug you okay?"
"All right..." Su Mengyan is a little reluctant.
Mu Xia Qi picked up strawberries, fork up a want to send to her mouth, Su Mengyan quickly back into Su Zichen arms.
She had already guessed that her daughter did not like to eat fruit, and Su Zichen must have chased her for a long time with this plate of fruit.
Usually work cold Su Zichen, is simply a daughter slave, now work late and leave early do not say, all kinds of vacation back to accompany her daughter.
She, on the other hand, seems like a workaholic.
"Yeon, didn't you say you liked this strawberry before? Daddy bought it for you..." Muschucky waved the strawberries in front of her.
Su Mengyan or lie in Su Zichen arms, refused to eat.
Muxia Qi helpless, want to use strong means to let her eat two pieces, after all, the child is too picky food is not good.
Su Zichen quickly turned sideways and looked at Mu Shaqi with pleasing eyes: "She doesn't want to eat, or I will make juice later?"
Muschucky gives him a little glare, so you spoil it.
* * * * * *
Weekend, Mu Xia Qi and Su Zichen as promised with Su Mengyan to s city's largest playground.
She's still young, and she can't play a lot of shows, at most she can ride the merry-go-round for a while.
But the little boy lay in Su Zichen's arms, his big, watery eyes looking around curiously.
Suddenly she pointed to the lotus spinning plate in front of her, "Dad, I want to sit on that flower."
Su Zichen fondly touched her head. "OK, let's go and sit down."
The queue was unusually long, and the beautiful lotus appearance attracted many children.
Su Zichen holding Su Mengyan in one hand, holding Mu Xia Qi in the other hand, a high level of appearance attracted a lot of people's attention.
Moving slowly with the team, suddenly a girl on the left saw Mu Xia Qi, her eyes lit up, "You are Xia Qi?"
Mushaqi looked at the girl in front of him, a little familiar, "You are?"
"Bai Mengmeng, please eat stinky tofu..."
Mushaqi paused, suddenly realized, "It's you!"
"Long time no see."
Bai Mengmeng looked at Su Zichen beside her, "Well, I didn't waste my time to help you support on the Internet."
Muschach, do you support me?
Bai Mengmeng, Bai Group?? Daaaaaa!
"Are you from the White Group? So the Bai Group official account that message is you sent it?"
"Yes, at that time just went to work, the group's account happened to be under my management." Bai Mengmeng bent her eyes and smiled warmly.
"Thank you." Mushaqi nodded to her, did not think that the two people were just strangers, she was at the critical moment to help.
"You are welcome, lift a hand, and my unintentional action, but also with the group's stock rose, my parents also reward me with a Ferrari, in turn should be I thank you is."
The team moved a lot to the front, Su Mengyan waved her little hand, "Mommy, come on."
"Oh, wait, Mommy will be right there." Mu Xia Qi and Bai Mengmeng exchanged contact information, then walked quickly to Su Zichen side.
"Mommy, do you prefer the red flowers or the yellow ones? I want to sit on both."
Su Mengyan tangled looking at their own mommy, difficult to choose.
"How about red and yellow next time?" Muschucky chuckled.
"What do you think, Father?"
"Listen to your mommy."
"Dad, you always say that..."
Su Zichen smiled and rubbed her forehead. "We both have to listen to your mommy."
"All right, then."
Mushaqi smiled at the interaction between the two father and daughter.
Her eyes moved from the father and daughter to the nearby sun.
Those who chase the light will shine.

I hope you enjoy my novel