The Bloody Queen - 3 in English Horror Stories by anita bashal books and stories PDF | The Bloody Queen - 3

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The Bloody Queen - 3

In the day time this palace is look so beautiful but on the contrary at a night,,,
It looks horrible.
The whole place is full of darkness like a dark ocean. They have a torch on their phone. Flesh on that place to see it.
The freezy air make it more horrible. At this time the places so silent, Even everyone can hear their own heartbeat.
Rehan said to all.
" Come on guys, I know in which place we have to record this video."
They on their flashlight and go behind Rehan. Rehan take them all to room. Everyone watch that room and its big and heavy door.
Rehan said to all with a mysterious smile.
" Guys you know what, whose room is this?"
In reality no one knows about that room. They just look at each other. Pooja ask to him.
" Don't create a suspense Rehan. Come to the point please."
Rehan raised her hand and said.
" Come on guys let's have fun. Okay then I tell you all."
Rehan located room and said to all.
" Guys this is Queen rakhtima's room. It is said that Queen is sleeping here with a different man in everyday. After slept with him, she kill that man and shock his all blood."
Kavita said with frightend voice.
" This is just a story. am I right? I mean to say vampire in India? I don't think so this is a true story."
Rehan laugh and said.
" No my dear. This is a true story. You know many paranormal researcher are coming here but the queen killed them all. Next day they all peoples are dead body lying on that place."
After hear that every one is shocked. Rohit asked to Rehan.
" But Rehan, do you know why that Queen killed all men. I mean to say if you slept with a man, and next day you will kill him? Why she killed old man?"
After hearing Rohit's question. Everyone will be quite. Because no one has the answer of it.
After sometime Pooja said.
" According to this myth, Queen Raktima was a vampire? I mean to say I never hear that vampire is in India. Mostly in the Western world I heard about that. But in India I never hear that."
Deepak answered of this question.
" No Pooja you are wrong. The vampire is also living in India. But it has a different name. It is called pishach."
Pooja look at Deepak with a questioned eye. See thought and asked.
" Pishach? Yeah you're right. I heard rakt pishach is also like vampire. The queen of the spices also named Raktima. It is name related to blood."
Deepak noded his head and said.
" Yes now you understand what I am talking to you. Raktima, means rakt. In Sanskrit rakt is said to blood."
Kavita was a silent from a long time. She said.
" Stopping guys. We are in already a horrible place so please don't be scared me more. Just record a video and getting out."
Rehan laugh at her. Kavita look at him with angry eyes. Rihan said to her.
" Sorry Kavita but... don't be so scared. We are here in this palace together. and you are right we are not coming here to wasting time. Our first priority is to record a video."
Everyone is agree with him. Kavita take a long breath and said.
" So don't waste in the time and record. But this palaces full of darkness. How can we record. We have just flashlight on our phone. I don't think so it is enough to make a video."
" Kavita is right. We need a flashlight."
Rehan beating his head and said.
" How can I forget a flashlight? all hard work wasted."
Everyone looked sad. But a mysterious voice come to them.
" I can help you if you want."