My Blind Date Was My Boss - 4 in English Fiction Stories by jiaqing yang books and stories PDF | My Blind Date Was My Boss - 4

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My Blind Date Was My Boss - 4

Chapter 59: Send Her Back
Spicy wine into the throat, Mushaqi frown.
Su Zichen also drank the warm water in his cup.
Several other executives began to heckle.
An obese executive with long, narrow eyes joked: "Manager Liu, to Sue, are you going to have a drink with us?"
All of us here are talented people, can we not see the delicate relationship inside?
Liu Wei poured the wine in the cup again, with Wu Feng and Mu Xia Qi they several of the executives to respect a circle.
When it was Xu Chujing's turn, he was polite and said with a smile, "Manager Liu, let's just take a sip."
Liu Wei still did not change his color, said proudly: "I do, you are free."
Mu Xia Qi they follow also want a stuffy, Xu Chujing busy stop, "girls do not need to drink, meaning meaning is good."
When Mushage returned to his seat, it felt as if his cheeks had been burned and his head was a little dizzy.
After three rounds of wine, everyone was relaxed, the topic was more relaxed and casual, Liu Wei and the executives were mingling, calling each other brothers.
Mu Shaqi's breath of wine came up, and the people were all double shadows. She sat in her seat in a daze, glancing sideways at Su Zichen, whose cold face seemed to have a trace of worry.
Just why are there two Su Zichen? And it's shaking? Is this guy dancing?
Miraculously, she reached out her hand to hold his head, and her voice whispered: "You don't shake anymore, shake me dizzy."
Inside a quiet, Liu Wei is a ghost expression looked at his hands.
Hurried up to pull her hand from Su Zichen's body.
Su Zichen raised his hand to interrupt Liu Wei's action, gently righting Mu Xia Qi.
His voice was cool and he asked, "Have you eaten enough?"
The executives quickly nodded: "have eaten enough."
"Then let's go."
The senior executives were chauffeured and said goodbye to Su Zichen.
Liu Wei and Wu Feng several investment department people are left at the end, Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling two people support each other, are some drunk.
Wu Feng carefully protected behind them, but his eyes glanced at Mu Xia Qi holding Su Zichen's arm, head bit by bit.
He was frightened and wanted to help, but was swept by Su Zichen's fierce eye wind, and his footsteps stopped in place and exchanged glances toward Liu Wei.
Liu Wei stepped forward and looked cautiously at Su Zichen, and then at the drunken Mu Shaqi, whose head was big.
Try to say: "Su, do you want me to hold Xiaoqi?" It is not good for her to wear you down."
Su Zichen looked down at her, his eyes flashing a hint of indulgence, but his face was faint.
Xu Chujing came forward at this time, "Manager Liu, I have helped you call the driver, but the driver sat in the driving position, your car can not sit so many people, you see..."
Liuwei dilemma, after all, their own men brought out, is responsible for bringing them home.
"Xu Taisuke, why don't you take the car yourself and let them go back first?"
"Why bother? Just give someone a ride in General Su's car." Xu Chujing suggested with a smile.
Liu Wei asked Wu Feng three people back: "Who of you take the total car of Su?"
Wu Feng and the three of them shook their heads like rattles, and said in unison: "We don't bother Sue, I and Manager Liu's car."
Liu Wei stiff-headed and approached Mu Xia Qi: "Xia Qi, are you with our car or Su's car?"
Muschucky looked up sharply. "What car?"
"Which bus are you going to take?" Liu Wei heart anxious, heart straight called her little ancestor.
A Maybach just pulled up in front of the gate.
Mushaqi was confused, holding his thick arm in front of him, pointing to the black car in front and saying: "I, I take this."
Liu Wei looked as if he had been struck by lightning, and looked at Mu Xia Qi.
Xu Chujing stifled laughter and went to Su Zichen side, "Su total, the car arrived."
Su Zichen helped Mu Shaqi, who was not standing steadily, with his left hand and looked at Liu Wei. "Since she said she wanted to take my car, let's take her home by the way."
Liu Wei nodded, "trouble Su total."
Mushaqi put his arm around Su Zichen and staggered to the door.
Suddenly, she suddenly stopped her pace and pulled Su Zichen back slightly, "Why are you still standing? Walk to the car."
With a wave of his left hand, it smacked Su Zichen's face.
Liu Wei saw the moment with their eyes wide open, all holding their breath, waiting for Su Zichen to explode.
But saw him gently take her left hand, turning to Liu Wei said, "Then everyone go back early."
Liu Wei several people busy nod, "OK."
Su Zichen put his strong arm around her shoulder, picked her up and shoved her into the car, leaving only a dark red shadow.
Muschucky's voice faded as he closed the door.
The rest were scattered in the wind.
"Did General Su just pick up Xiaoqi?" Liu Wei rubbed his eyes in disbelief.
Wu Feng nodded, "It seems so, I saw this scene."
Lin Xiaoyu is also confused, ask her is also ask why.
"The bus is here. Let's go back first."
Mushaqi leaned over the car door, dazed, not knowing where he was, and whispered: "Why did the tree outside walk?"
Su Zichen rubbed his forehead, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and righted her. "Do you want some water?"
She nodded vigorously. "I want to drink. I'm thirsty."
He took the water from Su Zichen's hand and drank it. "Why are you so like Su Zichen?"
"Well, I've been meaning to tell you..." He burped a bottle of mineral water.
Su Zichen wiped her mouth with a tissue, pulled out the mineral water in her arms, screwed on the lid, and then asked, "What do you want to say to me?"
"I want to tell you... I didn't mean to lie to you." Mouchucky's eyes went red. "I just, I just had to..."
The man raised his eyebrows, "Oh? What do you have to do?"
Mushaqi immersed himself in his own world, muttering to himself: "I wanted to confess to you last time we had dinner, but you called, your tone was fierce..."
Su Zichen expression slightly coagulate, the last meal, his tone fierce?
"And then, then I just..."
Muschucky fell asleep on his shoulder before he finished.
Su Zichen was still waiting for the second half of her sentence, but he waited for a long time without seeing her speak.
Look down but see her pink mouth slightly open, sleep deep.
There was a flicker of emotion in my eyes that was hard to catch.
Xu Chujing prick up his ears, always pay attention to the movement behind, hear Mu Xia Qi has no clue of the words, oneself in the mind a series.
A flash of light, the original Su total absence of the last cocktail party, the second half was late, the original is to secret meeting beauty ah.
This workaholic actually gave up his job to go on a date, which is really a once-in-a-hundred years!
He saw that the road was approaching a fork, and asked: "General Su, shall we send Miss Mu home, or?"

Chapter 60: Burning the Bridge
Su Zichen's dark and deep eyes fell on Mu Xia Qi's delicate face.
"Send her back to the Jingyuan community."
Xu Chujing inner feeling, sure enough or sober self-discipline Su "God Buddha" ah!
The driver heard the command, pressed the left turn indicator, turned the steering wheel to the left, and sped away.
The lights on the side of the road are like fireflies flying away, and the light gets weaker and weaker as the car gets farther away.
Mushachi leaned on his shoulder, sleeping smoothly, without the swagger of his previous swagger, as good as a kitten.
Passing the speed bump, the car shook slightly, Mushaqi frowned, said "um", and fell asleep again.
Su Zichen's voice was deep. "Keep it steady."
The driver eased his foot and the car slowed to half its speed.
Xu Chujing would like to take out his mobile phone, record this paragraph and send it to Su Laozi, so that he can see the "cold feeling" grandson he has been worried about.
Jingyuan community.
The car was parked under the building where Musatch lived.
"General Su, here we are."
"Well," he said.
Su Zichen looked down at Mu Xia Qi who was still sleeping, and this person fell asleep directly when drunk, and the wine was still very good.
Xu Chujing had vision and called the driver to go out for a smoke break.
Su Zichen brushed away her falling hair, quiet and sleeping like a baby.
A flicker of struggle in the eyes, want to give her a little punishment, so that she will not be so bold in the future, and again and again to challenge their own bottom line and endurance.
The line of sight fell on her small and very upturned nose, Xinlan breathing regularly spray in their own face.
Heart is finally soft mess, finally find her, forget it.
Push open the door, bend down hard to pick her up, smooth and vigorous walk upstairs.
The driver's eyes widened slightly, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
He rubbed his eyes, turned his head in surprise and asked, "Huttesuke, is that General Su?"
Xu Chujing is very calm, "Are there two Su general?"
Muschucky opened his eyes in a daze. "Where is this?"
Look up and see a gritty jaw, sexy Adam's apple slide up and down.
She swallowed. The man was familiar.
"Awake?" A magnetic voice came from above him.
Muchach, half sober, struggled off him.
What's going on here? Although my head is still spinning.
When she landed on her feet, she leaned against the door and frowned, "Why are you here?" You won't come after me, will you?"
With another burp, she took two steps forward but, unsteady on her feet, ran straight into his arms.
Low voice: "Sorry, don't use thunder means to deal with me, I also have no money to pay you for the time being."
Su Zichen looked at the messy little head in his arms and put his hands around her waist to protect her from falling.
"So, what do you want me to do?" He spoke softly.
When it was Muchachi's turn to wrestle, her two forefingers touched each other. "Can you accept my apology?"
"And then what?
"Then?" Muchachi patted his face, trying to clear his head. "And then I'll buy you dinner many times?"
Su Zichen was amused by her words, the corners of his mouth slightly bent, "Many times to eat how many times?"
She held both hands, "So many times, five times? Is it enough?"
"Or ten times?"
Su Zichen smiled but did not speak.
"Not enough, please a few more meals, my purse can not afford." Didn't it say on the Internet, one meal is not good, just two meals, I have doubled please, still can't..."
Muschucky's sad face. How hard is that?
Su Zichen leaned close to her eyes, his voice low, coaxed: "Or, you pay the debt?"
Her eyes widened and she shook her head wildly. "I'm not worth anything."
The smile in Su Zichen's eyes deepened. The man was not completely drunk.
"Well, will you treat me to dinner ten times?" He rubbed the top of her hair. "Open the door."
Muschach held out his finger. "Pull the hook. There's no going back."
"No regrets." Su Zichen's bony fingers wrapped around her pinky.
"Whoever backs out is a little bastard." Mushage added, covering his thumb.
Stumbling to the door, fingerprint opened the door and said.
It's all dark.
"Sui Sui, not at home again!" "She murmured.
Su Zichen couldn't hear him clearly. "What?"
Before he could follow, Muschucky snapped the door shut, almost hitting him in the nose.
Su Zichen rubbed the tip of his nose, the guy who had crossed the bridge and was holding her bag in his hand.
* * * * * *
The next day, the sun shone brightly.
Muxia Qi hazy wake up, fumble their own mobile phone, found not in the bedside table.
Why are you still wearing yesterday's clothes?
Get up quickly, headache like to crack general, how did you come back last night?
She had no recollection of how she had come back.
So where's her phone and her purse?
I smelled my own clothes, and I smelled of alcohol all over my body. It stinks.
Quickly went into the bathroom, opened the shower, the whole person in the water, people also woke up a lot.
I walked out of the bathroom refreshed, poured myself a cup of honey water, and thought about last night in silence.
In my impression, I followed Liu Wei to a round of wine, and then I began to make a mistake, and I also wanted to touch his face halfway?
And then I can't remember.
She looked at the computer. Yeah, she could see the camera.
Looking at himself on the screen, Mushaqi was so embarrassed that he could pick his toes out of one room and three rooms.
She even lay in Su Zichen's arms to talk, and invited him to eat ten meals? !
Is this crazy? But he also accompanied himself crazy, think of it is incredible.
And he finally mercilessly shut him out of the door, looking at his bag still hanging on his arm, inexplicably have a sense of joy.
Just how to get back to their own bag, the mobile phone should be put in the bag.
Question Now no mobile phone, can not contact Su Zichen?
Drinking mistakes ah, usually their own drinking is more red wine, less white wine, and their own poor alcohol, not worth mentioning.
I didn't eat much last night, and then I began to drink highly white wine, and I went to my head.
Mushaqi was still agonizing over how to get her bag back when there was a knock on the door.
Must be Han Sui Sui this guy, "I said you last night how..."
Look up but see Su Zichen's driver, "Miss Mu, hello, Su is always out of s city, let me send your bag back to you, please take it well."
Moushaqi took it with both hands, his face slightly embarrassed, "Help me say thank you to General Su."
The driver smiled and said, "OK, I'll pass it on, but Sue would probably rather hear from you."
Bow and nod, then walk away.
Mushaqi looked at the bag in his hand, slightly distracted.

Chapter 61: Being Called
Su Zichen, what does this mean? Did you really just give yourself ten meals?
Did he joke about "paying you off" to scare himself?
Muschach's mind flashed through what he had just heard on the surveillance camera.
Close the door, pull out the phone from the bag, unfortunately found that the phone has no battery.
Charge it, turn it on, and it's bursting with messages and missed calls.
Liu manager Liu Wei sent several messages to ask: "Xia Qi, are you home?" Let me know when you get home.
Wu Feng: Xia Qi, are you home yet?
Muschucky wondered why they all came to ask if they were home.
Lin Xiaoyu's message asked directly: "Qi Qi, have you arrived home? Admire your courage, directly hug Su's hand and do not let go!"
When did you hold Su Zichen's hand?
The back of the thing is broken, if not watched the monitoring, really can not remember their own initiative into his arms?
Have no face to face? !
So what else did you do last night when you went out and embarrassed yourself at the door?
She quickly sent a message to ask Lin Xiaoyu: "What did I do last night?"
Lin Xiaoyu should also be playing mobile phones, and soon reply: "Have you forgotten?"
Mushaqi: "Nonsense, remember I asked you. Crying expression jpg"
Lin Xiaoyu: Yesterday, you were holding Mr. Su's arm, covering his head at the dinner table, and asking him not to move.
Mr. Muschach stared at his phone's screen, unable to believe he was watching it again.
The letters jumped into her head one by one, and she quickly twisted herself into a twist in embarrassment.
She shuddered Edit: "How does Sue always react?"
Lin Xiaoyu: "I can't remember exactly, I and you and drink the same amount of wine is good, but also dizzy, but there are a few fragments in my mind."
Mushaqi fell into bed, covered his face with pillows, drunk himself is really bold.
Think differently, should we be glad to be alive? All four limbs, not a scratch on the flesh.
Really want to bury at home to do ostrich, go to the company on Monday how to face Su Zichen, vest off, he will not play against it?
Outside the window is sunny, blue sky and white clouds, but the weather inside Mushaqi is rainy.
Something feels wrong in the room today...
She looked around. By the way, where did Han Zuosui go?
With all that noise last night, wouldn't she have heard it upstairs?
Hurriedly dial Han Sui Sui's phone, waiting for a long time to be connected, the opposite tone confused: "hello..."
Mushaqi deliberately raised his voice: "The sun is burning your ass, and you don't get up?" "
Han Sui Sui HMMM, the voice is vague: "What time is it now?"
"Sister, it's half past eleven now. By the way, are you upstairs?"
Han Sui Sui seemed to suddenly be in the spirit of the general, "No, you guess where I am?"
"Where is it?"
"At the hotel near your brother's school."
Mushage wondered, "What were you doing at my brother's school? How can you live there?"
"If you don't come and see your brother, green tea sister will soon hook your brother away." Han Sui Sui helpless said.
"My son is not my mother, and my brother is not my sister. He will always marry another girl, and I am mentally prepared for that."
Han Suisui sighed, "That's true, but when he grew up, he always felt that he was a child."
"You and I are only three years older than him, and he has grown up."
"It's Sunday, why don't you come over to your brother's school?" Your brother says he and his green tea girlfriend are inviting me to a barbecue near their school tonight."
Mu Xia Qi thought about it, is dragging too long did not see Haoxuan, has been saying before the end of Su Zichen this thing to go, anyway, the vest off, first put it.
"Ok, I went to Haoxuan school to find you, just to talk to you about my business."
The entrance of s University.
People come and go, vibrant youthful faces, trees around the school gate, 100 years old school, full of history.
Mu Xia Qi stood under a big tree, blocking the sun, sent a text message to Han Sui Sui.
You send me the recent photos of Haoxuan's girlfriend, and ask about her whereabouts by the way, I want to see her behavior in private.
Han Sui Sui a listen to Mu Xia Qi said to privately understand Mu Haoxuan girlfriend, suddenly came to the spirit, quickly reply: Do you want me to go with you?
Muxia Qi saw this message, helplessly helped the forehead, "his girlfriend knows you, you and I are more easily exposed."
Han Susui: [Also, she is now participating in some association activities in the gymnasium, she should be found there.]
Mu Xia Qi: [Haoxuan with her?]
Han Susui: [No, he seems to be going to some computer competition.]
Mushaqi: [OK.]
Today, Muschach is wearing a white short-sleeved hoodie, ankle socks and a pair of colorful sneakers.
Looks like a college student. Feels like a sophomore.
She stood at the street sign to see how the path to the gym changed, but the eyes of the boys passing by fell on her.
Muschach, who had a poor sense of direction, stood and studied for half a day.
"Hello, can I help you?"
Mushaqi looked up and saw a handsome boy with a gold frame and a book standing beside her, looking at him with a gentle smile.
My brother school boys appearance level is very high ah!
"Hello, I was wondering how to get to the gym?"
The boy pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and pointed his finger toward the white building: "You go toward the teaching Building A of the white building, the first fork turns left, and after walking about 500 meters, turn right."
Then go straight ahead and you'll see a big lake. Then turn left and you'll come to the gym."
Muschucky heard one thing, two things, a cloud.
Seeing that she did not react, he opened his mouth and said: "Good, I also want to go to the gym, or together?"
Mushaqi nodded, a guide, saving most of the time, "OK, thank you."
Two people chat that the boy called Li Xiaochen, is a junior law student, just finished learning, ready to go to the gym exercise.
It is true that they are excellent students, and their time planning is very good.
"Excuse me, are you here to see a friend?" Li Xiaochen asked.
Mushaqi froze and nodded: "Yes, I came to find my brother and visit."
"So I see."
They stopped in front of a building that looked like the Sydney Opera House. "Here we are. This is our school gymnasium."
"Yes, thank you."
Muxia Qi just turned around, ready to go inside, Li Xiaochen called to her: "That, can you add a contact information?"
His face had an unnatural flush, but his eyes were firm.
Mushaqi smiled, is really a lovely brother, Chiang Lang said: "You can."

Chapter 62 Plagiarism Scandal
Muxia Qi and Li Xiaochen waved their hands and walked to a crowded place.
According to Han Sui Sui sent to the photos and information, Mu Haoxuan girlfriend called white Lingling, is the department of clothing design flowers, unusually dazzling in the crowd.
No wonder her stupid brother will be attracted, if the appearance alone, she will be tempted.
From their communication, it was learned that this was a design inspiration exchange meeting of the Department of Fashion design, and they each expressed their understanding of the recent course knowledge.
Just turn white Lingling on stage, she is articulate, explain smooth, many boys' eyes are attracted to her.
Just two girls whispering to each other.
Girl A: "Qing Qing, did you find that Bai Lingling's ideas and ideas are very similar to what you wrote two days ago?"
Girl b kept nodding, indignant: "Is it exactly the same?" That day, she came to my dormitory and said to help me look at the design ideas and ideas.
I did not set up a defense at that time, I showed her, and she actually used it directly, my plan is not perfect, you listen to her clothing fabric there, it is wrong!
I switched from silk to a mixture of cotton and hemp, which is durable and responds to market demand."
Girl A showed disdain: "Also pretend to be a talented woman, I see is the world's first steal, or you now expose her?"
Girl b shook her head, "It's useless, she has submitted the plan, I don't have much evidence, make out at most is just creative similarity."
Girl A gritted her teeth, "Later let her into our dormitory, I am the dog."
Girl b pursed her mouth, her face unwilling, but helpless.
Mushaqi sat quietly to the side, minimizing his presence and listening to more gossip.
If what these two girls say is true, then this white Lingling is wrong.
White Lingling finished, the boys around the warm applause, many girls are meaning meaning applause, there should be two of her roommates, applause is very hard.
There are a few boys around her, "Ling Ling, you are good."
Bai Lingling lowered her eyebrows and smiled, "No, it just took two nights to make it."
Girl b clenched her hands, looked at her expression, and tried to bear it.
Girl A doesn't like it, directly tear: "I say Bai Lingling, you are too shameless, your design is obviously based on the small Proglo program, and it is exactly the same!"
Bai Lingling then said weakly: "You don't want to spit blood, you take out the evidence."
Girl A not to be outdone, "Did you go to our dormitory last Friday to discuss the design scheme with Xiao Peng?"
"I went to your dormitory just to ask Xiao Peng to borrow the toner. Xiao Peng's bottle of toner is still on the desk in my dormitory. I have been busy these days, so I forgot to return it." With red eyes, Bai Lingling looked at the girl b Xiaopeng and said:
"Xiao Peng, are you angry that I forgot to return your toner, and planted me to vote for your manuscript?"
In fact, I have already bought you a new toner, the delivery is on the way, I can return you a new bottle in a couple of days."
"No, we're talking about you stealing the solution. Why did you move on to the toner?" Girl A's thinking is still very clear, not being biased by white Lingling.
White Lingling looked at the girl in the yellow dress, the girl immediately stood up, "You said Lingling stole your program, you took out the evidence ah!"
Xiao Peng Weng said: "My original manuscript is in the dormitory computer."
Girl A said: "Small Peng, your loud, afraid of what, you are original, the body is not afraid of the shadow oblique!" Go back and get the computer!"
"Well, I'm going back to the dorm to get my computer!"
The girl called Xiao Peng rushed back to the dormitory.
Mu Xia Qi see white Lingling side of the yellow dress girls pulled white Lingling clothes.
Bai Lingling patted her hand and soothed: "Forgive her also can't take out any evidence."
There were already many people in the stadium, and now because the flowers were said to have stolen the design draft, the popularity of the stadium exploded in an instant.
And a lot of students from other departments.
Chattering about whether it's true or not.
After a while, Xiao Peng walked breathlessly into the window holding her laptop, and the crowd of onlookers took the initiative to give her a way.
She put her computer on the desktop and clicked on the folder.
Many people are staring at the girl b Xiaopeng's computer desktop, hoping to see if she can find the original.
If you can really find the original design, white Lingling this department of flowers and talent female title can not be preserved.
Just everyone held their breath, staring at small Glo for a long time, did not see her open the mouth of the same folder.
The discussion grew louder and louder.
Girl small Peng is also anxious sweating, holding the mouse in the right hand slightly shaking: "Impossible ah, I clearly put d disk, how are gone?"
The girl in the yellow dress said disdainfully, "Is it gone, or is it not there?" You are jealous of Ling Ling's design, I can understand, but you say Ling Ling contributed to your design, is a bit too much?"
Another girl in blue clothes also opened her mouth and said: "Yes, can't see our family Ling Ling is easy to talk and bully her?"
White Lingling a very wronged was bullied appearance.
The boys around the moment to protect the desire to come up, have accused: "never seen so shameless, actually said Ling Ling steal design, people are talented women."
"That's right!
Small Peng pale face, keep shaking her head, looking at the people around, "no, I really made a plan, white Lingling she saw me."
Girl A hurriedly came forward, grabbed the mouse in the hand of Xiao Peng, and found again in d disk with the whole search, finding that there was really no trace.
She also felt unbelievable, looking at Xiao Peng, "How can this be? I remember you put it in the design ideas folder on disk d."
Small Peng nodded heavily, "Yes, Sisi, you also see it, right?"
Girl A Sisi nodded affirmatively: "Yes, I'm sure I saw it."
A boy wearing glasses from the crowd said, "You have to show proof! And the evidence? Ling Ling has documents to show."
The two girls who were criticized by the crowd, Xiao Peng and Sisi, were pale in face and left the stadium in a hurry holding the computer.
Many people comfort Bai Lingling: "Ling Ling, don't be affected by these dark people, we all believe in you."
Bai Lingling looked moved and said softly to the crowd: "Thank you for believing me, otherwise I don't know what to do."
Mu Xia Qi saw this good play, if not in advance to hear Han Sui Sui said her deeds, if not in the two girls have been standing next to hear the inside story.
She may also believe that Bai Lingling is innocent, but how did Bai Lingling delete the girl's files?

Chapter 63: Eat the Roast
With the departure of the two girls from the small Peng, the farce finally came to an end, and the biggest winner was Bai Lingling.
The people around her came forward to say congratulations and the like, white Lingling spring breeze, eyebrows raised, as if the darling of the world.
Mu Xia Qi silently standing in the corner, and Han Sui Sui message said just happened.
Han Suisui gas gnashing teeth, information inside has used n exclamation marks to express her anger, you do not have to doubt that the two girls who were gas away said should not be false to where !!!!!
White Lingling picked up something, and the other two girls ready to leave.
Muschucky hurried behind him, keeping a reasonable distance.
The girl in yellow dress asked curiously, "Ling Ling, I was scared to death in the gym just now, how do you make sure that the original computer copy of Xiaopeng has been deleted?"
White Lingling raised his chin, "This is not easy, before a boy chasing me is not a computer is very strong, I sent the girl's ld to him, let him help me hack in, delete."
The girl in the yellow dress stared big eyes, "it is true that Ling Ling, charm can not stop ah."
The girl in blue clothes on the left hesitated, but still asked the exit: "Ling Ling, Haoxuan is not your boyfriend, you are not afraid that he will find you and other suitors contact?"
Bai Lingling rolled his eyes, "Are you still in the Qing Dynasty?" Haoxuan and I are just male and female friends, I can have my own social ah, still can't let others like me ah?"
"Yeah, it's not her fault that bullying is popular with boys in our family, she just contacts occasionally to relieve boredom."
"But Ling Ling also received gifts from other boys." The girl in blue added weakly.
"It's not a bad thing to have a few extra tires, right?" White Lingling said while taking out a mirror to look at their own makeup.
The girl in the blue dress stopped talking, and finally closed her mouth and said no more.
After listening to the dialogue of the three of them, Mu Xia Qi felt that his brother's head could grow a green grassland at any time.
Did not follow the three of them, turned to Han Sui Sui hotel.
It's a nice day with a gentle breeze and blue sky and white clouds.
The hangover is not good. I still have a headache.
Came to Han Sui Sui's room, knocked on the door of half a day to open.
"Why did you open the door so late?" Muschucky went in and sat down on the couch.
"Just fell asleep again." Han Suisui yawned, her hair messy, like a chicken nest.
"Go wash your face and clear your head."
Mushage pushed her into the toilet and closed the door.
I took out my mobile phone and scanned my moments.
Her eyes remained on Su Zichen's portrait, which was the same as his face, with an image of a black Buddha bead.
How can a young man in his twenties be so innocent?
This picture, in front of her kind of colorful chat box, stands out.
"Cookie, I can do it." Han Suisui with paper towels to dry their own face of water.
"What did you want to tell me?"
Muschach pulled back the curtain, and the glare of the outside sun poured in.
She whispered, "Su Zichen knows my name is Mu Shaqi."
The room was quiet for a moment, except for the sound of cars whizzing by outside.
For a long time, Han Suisui seemed to react: "What do you say? "
"My vest is off. Su Zichen knows my name and that I am an employee of his company!" Han repeated it once.
"Fuck, he didn't do anything to you, did he?" Han Suisui stepped forward and swept up and down.
Muschucky shook his head. "Nothing. If there was anything, I'd be standing here talking to you?" 𝙓 l
"That's right."
Han Suisui loosened Mu Xia Qi, "Are you sure you want to continue to work in his company?"
Muschach bit his lip and his head started to hurt again, not sure if it was the hangover or this shit.
"I don't know. I was drunk last night. Su Zichen took me home."
"What? You're drunk? You usually drink fairly well." Han Suisui looked shocked, "Then he... Did it do anything to you?"
Han Suisui wanted to speak and stopped.
"No, he dropped me off at the door and went back. He said I'd buy him dinner ten times to make up for it."
Mushaqi pinched his eyebrows and said weakly, "I didn't eat much yesterday, and then I began to drink 53 degrees of white wine, and then the alcohol went to my head."
"So what are you going to do?" Han Sui Sui asked, she took a bottle of mineral water to pass Mu Xia Qi.
"Step by step, we still don't know, wait for him to make a move." Mushage reached out to take the water she offered him, put his head back and took a swig.
"By the way, I just followed Bai Lingling, this girl, really as you said, is not a kind generation."
"Is that right? I knew she was bad from the moment I met her. After dinner, you can go toe-to-toe with her." Han Suisui tied up her hair to reveal her smooth forehead.
"You said my brother, the brain is not too stupid, how can be cheated by such a girl?" And this girl still has a couple of spares.
I was thinking she could cheat on my brother at any time." Muschucky sighed as he thought.
"I didn't want to interfere with Haoxuan's freedom of love, after all, it's his first love."
Han Suisui shook his head, "So more to check ah, after all, some boys are single-minded, can not see the green tea moves of girls."
Night fell, the dark moon crept up.
The light Gar Grill.
Mu Xia Qi and Han Sui Sui sit in a row, Mu Haoxuan and white Lingling sit in a row.
Mu Haoxuan excitedly looked at Mu Xia Qi, "Sister, I haven't seen you for a long time, I feel that you are thin, but it is better!"
Mushaqi heart across the warm current, his brother is still as always.
She looked at the white Lingling beside him, the bird to sit beside Muhaoxuan, as if Muhaoxuan is his day.
Muxia Qi smiled and asked, "Haoxuan, why don't you introduce this one?"
Mu Haoxuan just reacted: "Yes, sister, let me introduce you, this is my girlfriend Bai Lingling." Ling Ling, this is my sister, the other one you have met, is Sister Sui Sui."
White Lingling a clever appearance, say hello to Mu Xia Qi and Han Sui Sui: "Sister, Sui Sui sister good."
Mushage smiled gently. "Hello."
Han Suisui did not make a sound, but nodded lightly.
"Take your order." Muschucky opened his mouth.
"Yes, yes, I almost forgot, sister, here is the menu for you." Mu Haoxuan immediately handed the menu to Mu Shaqi in front of, "Sister, don't be polite with me, recently I won the competition, the bonus is quite a lot!"
Muschach raised his eyebrows. "In that case, I'll pick the most expensive spot."
Muhaoxuan silly, his sister finally want to spend their own money.
Bai Lingling was frowning slightly at this time.

Chapter 64
Mu Xia Qi has been paying attention to white Lingling expression, white Lingling subtle expression, she can capture.
Are you so close to losing your cool?
She did not with Mu Haoxuan polite, the most expensive barbecue are ordered a circle.
"I will point so much for the moment, you see if there is anything to add?"
"Let me see. I want something sour to drink." Han Susui took the menu, "What do you want to drink?"
"Order me a cup of plum soup." "Muschach said.
"ok, a cup of plum soup. I'll have lime and mango juice." Han Sui Sui in a drink tick, the menu to Mu Haoxuan.
He took the menu and asked: "Ling Ling, what do you want to eat, you can continue to order."
Bai Lingling shook her head, "My sister has ordered enough, I don't eat much, and I want to save some money for you."
Han Suisui quietly rolled her eyes.
Mu Shaqi squeezed Han Suisui's hand under the table.
"You love scallops, shall I order you a scallop?" Mr. Mok added a scallop and wanted something else.
White Lingling sound to stop, "Haoxuan, we eat first and then point it, I see sister has ordered a lot of things, in case can not eat it is wasted."
Mu Haoxuan repeated the menu, and then let the waiter come to order.
The waiter returned the order with no problem, then turned around and went out.
Mu Haoxuan excitedly and Mu Shaqi to share the recent life, as well as their own participation in the competition to obtain the ranking.
Muxia Qi happily nodded, his brother, even if dating will not fall behind learning, this is good.
Mu Haoxuan asked Mu Xia Qi more than a year of life, hear her to stay up late to do the program, frowning.
I can't help but open my mouth: "Sister, you don't work too hard, I will support you, my scholarship and the living expenses my parents give me, I will give you, too tired to change to a easier job."
Or just quit your job, take a vacation, and I'll transfer the money to you later."
Mu Xia Qi originally wanted to refuse directly, peripheral glimpse of white Lingling, she changed her mind, "If you give me all the money, Ling Ling how to do?"
Mu Haoxuan patted his chest, "It's okay, Ling Ling and I are together, it's not because of my money, we save some money is the same."
White Lingling's face fake smile instant stiff, not for a while and recovered: "Yes, I like Haoxuan just with him, money is not money in my eyes, Haoxuan are the best."
Mushaqi pretended to be difficult for a moment, and then nodded: "Well, anyway, I have been working very tired recently, I have no money, and I will rely on you to help."
Mu Haoxuan's eyes widened and excitedly held her hand: "Sister, are you really saying that? I'm transferring the money to you right now."
Mushaqi nodded, "You can think clearly, after every month to my living expenses, you will not have enough money."
Mu Haoxuan does not care at all, "I used to be the elder sister to give me money, now the rare elder sister needs my money, even if all to you, I think it is not enough."
Mr. Muschach expressed disbelief.
Mu Haoxuan was anxious, "Sister, you don't believe, although the money is less now, I will give you all the money I earn later."
White Lingling's face suddenly became ugly, she picked up her mobile phone straight up to play.
Mushaqi smiled and said: "Your money is given to me, your girlfriend does not need to support in the future?"
Mu Haoxuan shook his head, "Raise ah, I will try to make money."
Han Suisui then said, "You have to work harder! Now that I have run away from home, I shall always need your help."
Mu Haoxuan nodded, "No problem, it's on me."
The strength of Bai Lingling's fingers is almost to Pierce the phone screen, and the big waves of curly hair slightly hang down, blocking most of her face.
Han Sui Sui eyes flow, "Haoxuan, you will be under great pressure in the future, to support so many of us."
Mu Haoxuan patted his chest: "When I graduate, find a good job, the problem should not be too big."
"Ling Ling, do you mind Haoxuan supporting so many of us in the future?" Han Sui Sui eyes move to silent white Lingling.
I saw her put down the phone, the smile on her face was stiff: "Don't mind it."
Muxia Qi picked up the glass glass on the table, took a sip, did not speak, the contradictory points have been buried, just see how long white Lingling can play.
The waiter has all the meat on the table, the oven is set up, and you just put the meat on the grill.
Mu Haoxuan acted immediately, picked up the clip, and put the beef on the grill.
White Lingling put up his hands and looked at it coldly.
Mu Xia Qi and Han Sui Sui also picked up tweezers ready to turn over, in order to prevent too large, the meat burned.
The meat is sizzling with oil, and the aroma is gradually diffused.
Mu Haoxuan put the roast meat clip first to Mu Xia Qi, then Han Sui Sui, and finally white Lingling.
Bai Lingling expressionlessly put the meat in the bowl into his mouth and chewed it mechanically.
Mu Haoxuan is still in the heat to give them barbecue, did not pay attention to her changes.
The roasted scallops and shrimp were also served to the three of them first.
Mushach felt sorry to see him sweating. "Why don't you eat first, and I'll turn the noodles?"
Mu Haoxuan quickly shook his head, randomly picked a few pieces of meat from the bowl into his mouth, and vaguely said: "It's okay, I can fix it."
Mu Xia Qi ate a few pieces of roast pork belly, help turn over, and then peel the shrimp shell, put a shrimp into Mu Haoxuan's bowl.
White Lingling looked at the shrimp in the bowl without peeling the shell, tooting his mouth: "Haoxuan, the shrimp you gave me has not yet peeled the shell."
Mu Haoxuan's eyes stared at the ingredients on the baking tray, his hand kept turning, and he said: "Ling Ling, I just forgot it. I'll help you peel it later."
"But the shrimp won't taste good after it gets cold." White Lingling's face fell.
Mushaqi quietly ate the meat in the bowl, watching her as a demon.
Han Suisui also glanced at white Lingling, silent.
"My parents usually peel the shell of shrimp for me at home, and the fish is also picked out by my father and passed the fish to me to eat, so the two sisters don't mind."
Muxia Qi nodded and smiled, and Han Suisui shouted out: "Waiter."
The attendant trotted over, "Hello, how can I help you?"
"Do you have any green tea?"
The waiter paused and then replied, "Yes."
"Make me a full pot of green tea, please."
Mu Xia Qi eyes with a smile, looked at the eyes Han Sui Sui, saw her smile to white Lingling, did not speak.
The waiter quickly brought the tea and put it on the table. "Hello, here is your green tea."
Han Suisui nodded his thanks to the waiter.
A large cup full of green tea: "Who wants green tea?"
Muschucky was too tired to laugh.

Chapter 65: The Beauty of Life 𝚡ŀ
White Lingling silence, but the smile on his face can not maintain fast.
Muhaoxuan looked up, see Han Sui Sui put a cup full of green tea in front of themselves, not surprised.
"Thank you, Sister Sui Sui, but I have drinks here instead of green tea."
Han Suisui smiled and said: "Drink more green tea, clear the summer heat, but also clear the liver and clear the eyes, so it is not easy to be blinded."
Mu Haoxuan heard, picked up the water cup to drink a big opening.
White Lingling's face became ugly, gloomy can.
Just Mu Haoxuan looked in the past, she instantly restored a smile.
Mu Xia Qi and Han Sui Sui are feeling her speed of change.
The table also maintains a false beautiful scene, Mu Haoxuan heart on the oven, did not pay attention to the three women on the table undercurrent.
A meal down, Mu Xia Qi eat very full, Mu Haoxuan baked happy, Han Sui Sui eat more with innuendo, white Lingling is to eat a belly.
Mu Shaqi looked at his mobile phone and said to Mu Haoxuan: "It's almost time, I have to go back, you study hard in school, you know?"
Mu Haoxuan silently nodded, "Sister, you often come to see me."
Jingyuan community.
Once home, Mu Xia Qi and Han Sui Sui tired on the sofa.
Han Sui Sui lazy mouth: "If Qiqi Haoxuan identified white Lingling, what will you do?"
Muxia Qi head stuffy in the pillow, "if Haoxuan must be with her, I can only bless, after all, he has grown up, have their own views."
"That's what you want, but I don't have a brother, and if my brother was with such a bitch, there would be no peace at home."
"But Haoxuan is not the kind of stupid person, and now it is only temporarily deceived by the appearance of white Lingling, as long as he finds her essence, should not be dead minded."
"Anyway, it is not my own brother, I have done my best, and then it is up to him to see his own 'understanding'."
"Haoxuan is not afraid, I will go to work tomorrow, how do you think Su Zichen will deal with me?"
Mushaqi thought of this, can not help but play a cold war.
Han Suisui tapped left, right and up, then clasped her hands together. "Amen bless you."
* * * * * *
Monday, the office of the investment department.
As soon as Mushaqi walked into the office, he was bathed in the eyes of the entire office.
She looked at several people strangely and said, "What are you doing? What's that look?"
Lin Xiaoyu first can not hold it, the hand pinched her face, "really still alive eh."
Mushage: "..."
Chen Xiaoling did not start, eyes up and down will sweep her round: "No missing arms and legs, is not said that Sue is not always close to women?" Any female employee who goes near him will be..."
She made a sweeping motion with her hand across her neck.
Muchach felt his neck chill when he saw her movements, and could not help clutching his neck.
Wu Feng laughed at the three of them, "The two of you don't frighten Xia Qi classmates, as long as you don't have crooked thoughts, I believe that Sue will not accidentally hurt."
Mu Xia Qi wanted to nod in agreement, but found that he did not belong to the category of Wu Feng said, although he did not have a distorted idea, but could not resist himself has offended Su Zichen miserably.
Suddenly the sky became grey again.
Liu Wei listened to the phone hurried into the office, see the four of them are standing in the middle of the office, not by some strange.
But did not have time to pay attention, hurried back to his office.
Mu Xia Qi several people quickly sat back to their own position, Wu Feng said to the three of them: "You had better prepare the information of Pingtung town in advance."
Lin Xiaoyu looked up and asked, "Why do you suddenly need information about Pingtung town?"
Wu Feng whispered to them, "I just heard Su's driver sorting out the invoice reimbursement. He accompanied Su on a business trip to Pingtung town yesterday."
Mu Xia Qi clearly, no wonder yesterday was Su Zichen another driver will own bag sent over.
Lin Xiaoyu continued, "What if Su is just visiting Pingtung? Didn't our data go to waste?"
"Don't you know what it means to prepare for a rainy day? What is Pingtung town famous for?"
Muschach thought for a moment and said, "Hot springs?"
Wu Feng snapped his fingers, "By the way, I feel that the group wants to develop tourism and may build a hot spring town, which is unknown."
Now that you have the basic information of the town, it will be much easier to do research reports later."
Lin Xiaoyu thought for a moment, "It seems quite reasonable." We still have a lot of work to do!!"
Chen Xiaoling nodded in agreement: "Yes."
Mushaqi logged into the corporate email, and it was full of unread piles, and his head was about to burst.
"Brother Feng, the ideal is very full, the reality is very bony, my mailbox is a pile of unread, want to do Pingtung town information in advance can not do."
She helpless toward Wu Feng spread his hand.
Wu Feng held the teacup, "Then you ask for more luck."
It was 12 o 'clock when Muschach had finished his bread and answered the unread mail in his mailbox.
Lin Xiaoyu came over and said, "Qiqi, would you like to have dinner in the canteen today?"
Mu Xia Qi looked at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, in order to avoid the occasion of bumping into Su Zichen, has not gone to the canteen for a long time, although I know he will not go to the canteen to eat, but what if?
Now that he knows he is an employee of his company, there is no need to eat takeout.
"Ok, I'll come with you."
Muschucky picked up his work card and followed them to the dining room.
The treatment of Tiankun Group is actually quite good, will provide noon and dinner, as long as the staff card is brushed, as long as five yuan a meal.
The dining hall is full, the long line is desperate to see.
"Waiting in line for food makes me feel like I'm back in high school." "Muschach said with a smile.
"Everyone who came to dinner today was very on time, ah, I saw today's menu written outside, there are braised eggplant, fried meat, leek eggs, and fried chicken legs..."
Chen Xiaoling lists the menu one by one. The food in the company canteen is good. The food is different from Monday to Friday, and it also comes with yogurt and seasonal fruit.
A number of colleagues had already prepared meals and passed in front of them.
Lin Xiaoyu people did not swallow swallow, "looks very good ah, my stomach is very hungry."
The queue inched forward.
The first two girls excitedly said gossip, "You see this financial news, is not the interview General Su?"
Another girl leaned over, "I wipe, really is my company's Sue, really good handsome ah!"
Lin Xiaoyu and Mu Xia Qi looked at each other, she quickly took out her mobile phone.
"Wow, our Su Zong has become the hottest search list, Qiqi and Xiaoling, look at that."
Lin Xiaoyu put the mobile phone in the middle of three people, the screen is Su Zichen modestly sat on the sofa to be interviewed.

Chapter 66: Giving Birth to a Monkey
The TV in the dining room happened to be showing clips of his interview.
Around a breathing sound, the video of a man in an elegant suit, calmly sitting on a leather sofa to be interviewed, elegant talk, handsome and deep eyes, let people can not move their eyes.
Lin Xiaoyu poked Mu Xia Qi, motioned Mu Xia Qi to see mobile phone bullet screen.
One of the most popular floating screen: "Su God, I want to give you a monkey!!" 𝓍 ʟ
Behind a bunch of follow-up barrage: "Su God, I want to give you piglets!" "Su God, as long as you are willing to live with me, live anything!"
Lin Xiaoyu smiled from ear to ear: "These netizens are crazy!"
Mu Shaqi couldn't help but wonder, "Is Sue always so popular on the Internet?"
Chen Xiaoling smiled and said, "You don't know, Su is always known as the first male god in the financial sector, and only with appearance can he have talent, and his family is not bad!"
Such a person knows how much higher than the male love bean in the entertainment circle, and the financial news weekly has doubled its sales several times because of its report on Su Zong!"
Surprised, Mushaqi: "Is it so exaggerated?"
Lin Xiaoyu nodded, "It is not exaggerated at all." "Su didn't appear on camera much before. It seemed that one of her best friends asked her to give interviews."
"So I see."
"Our HR colleagues look like this year's kPl can be completed ahead of schedule!" Chen Xiaoling lamented.
"You think, Su is now the living sign of Tiankun Group, many people want to meet him in person, and then will definitely charge our company."
Lin Xiaoyu turned to the forum of the financial board industry, "You see, there are already a lot of little sisters for our company's recruitment information."
Mu Shaqi looked at the information on the Internet, feel a little incredible, now the girls are quite crazy.
The line moved imperceptibly, and it was their turn to serve dinner.
The aunt who played rice looked at the TV interview inside, scooped a spoonful of fried meat to Mu Xia Qi!
In the past, a spoonful of meat was always shaken by her "shake kung fu" until only three or two pieces were left.
It seems that Su Zichen's work has had some effect, at least let her eat a lot of meat today.
* * * * * *
Top floor office, Tiankun Building.
The man sat at the desk, calmly looking at the project approval report in his hands, eyes flow, Qingjun with a little 昳 li between the eyebrows.
He looked up. "Who wrote this report?"
Xu Chujing came forward to see, clearly in his mind, "is the investment department Mu Xia Qi commissioner wrote."
He made a fist with his right hand, put it to his lips, coughed, and said, "General Su, is there anything unclear?"
Su Zichen did not speak, but Xu Chujing said again, "I will call someone to come up and explain to you in person."
Then he dialed the phone and walked out.
Mu Xia Qi is checking the data of the reported project, Liu Wei came out of the office and said urgently: "Xia Qi, Xu special help just called to let you explain the data."
Muschach looked puzzled. "What data?"
"It is the project c of the Old City reconstruction in the west of the city that we investigated a few days ago."
"Didn't you say you didn't think much of this project? After all, there are more disputes over property rights, so how could it go to General Su?"
Liu Wei showed difficulty, "Saturday dinner is not more enjoyable, Xu special help asked if there is any new project, I then sent your plan to the past."
Mushage: "..."
"In short, now should be a little confused about the project data, but Xu special help to formulate the author to explain, so Xia Qi, you go to explain it."
Liu Wei patted her heavily on the shoulder. "I'm sure you can."
Mushaqi heart breakdown, she herself can not ah!
Standing in the elevator, Mushaqi looked at the number of layers that kept beating and changing, and flashed the classic words on the Internet in his mind: "If you can't resist, then join!"
How do I join? Her shoulders collapsed at the thought of Su Zichen dismantling her before she had even joined.
"Ding..." The elevator doors then open.
The person in front of the secretariat stood up, "Hello, the Marketing Department is reporting work, please wait a moment."
Muschach nodded and was about to go to the waiting room.
Xu Chujing just came out of the office, followed by a group of people, saw Mu Xia Qi, quickly opened: "Mu Xia Qi?"
Mu Xia Qi heard someone call her name, subconsciously turned back, see Xu Chujing smiling at her, "Come?" Go in, Sue is always waiting for you."
"Er, OK."
When Muschucky went in, why didn't the marketing people report longer?
The man at the huge desk, hair neatly arranged, pen in his right hand quickly on the document, the sun fell on his broad shoulders, dignified and cool.
Mushage walked softly to the center of the office, about four meters away from his desk.
When Su Zichen heard the voice, he looked up from the document and saw Mushaqi standing there, frowning without any trace, and his voice was cold. "Are you going to stand in the Pacific Ocean?"
Muchachi froze for a moment, not reacting.
"General Su, you wanted to see me?"
Su Zichen heard her change her name to himself, more unfamiliar, and a flash of emotion that was not easy to catch up.
"Stand over here."
Muschucky took two small steps forward, then stood still.
Su Zichen pinched his forehead and whispered, "Am I a beast of prey?"
'What? Mushaqi did not hear clearly and looked at him doubtfully, his eyes shining like a clear stream.
He cleared his throat, the protruding Adam's apple sliding up and down, with a kind of prohibitive sensuality.
The faint voice came over, "The west of the old City transformation c project, your manager has told me the general situation, there are a few data, you tell me again."
Mu Xia Qi see his serious attitude, eyes only business, uneasy heart slightly calm down.
He took a few steps forward, approached the desk, and asked softly, "Mr. Sue, may I use your computer?"
Su Zichen nodded, indicating that she was casual.
Mr. Muschach circled carefully to his desk, leaned over and pulled the mouse to log into his work email.
Her silk-like hair slipped slightly with her movements, and the sun fell on her body, reflecting a beautiful circle of light.
Su Zichen's ink-like eyes fell on her inadvertently for a long time.
Mushaqi white fingertips on the mouse above the tap, a regional plan slowly displayed in front of the two people.
"Mr. Su, look at the plan."
She turned, but bumped into his obsidian eyes, like a fountain to drown herself in.
The phone in his pocket jingled, and Muchachi recovered, reaching out and twisting his hair to hide his embarrassment.
But the heart ripples faintly.

Chapter 67
"I'm sorry, I forgot to put it on silent," Muschach said.
Su Zichen nodded slightly and his expression did not change much.
Muschach took a gentle breath and pointed to the plans, outlining the government plans for the area.
Slender white fingers on the screen light pointing, quite a kind of a bold momentum.
Su Zichen's eyes were smiling, his eyes shining like stars, watching her movements quietly.
After she finished talking about the net profit of the project and the approximate design idea, the quiet man lifted his hand and pressed the phone, "Bring a glass of water in."
Within minutes, secretary Li Ziyan Ping Ping walked in carrying a glass filled with water.
He put the cup gently on the table, looked at Su Zichen, and bowed slowly out.
Mushaqi saw at a glance that women have feelings, but men...
She did not trace to see Su Zichen eyes, saw his expressionless looking at the desktop documents, an eye wind did not leave Li Ziyan, beauty can only retire.
This person around the girls, as the rumor is, cold and self-sustaining.
When Su Zichen finished reading the project document in his hand, he saw her staring at the desk in a trance and said softly, "Drink some water."
He pointed to the glass of water on the table top.
Muchach realized that the glass of water was for himself, and quickly picked it up and took a big drink, and suddenly felt that his dry, smoke-free voice was relieved.
Outside the window, the sun shines into the gray, empty office, and the serious and cool color of the interior has a little temperature.
Is the air conditioning in here on 16 degrees? Why, she's feeling a little cold.
She did not dare to delay much, "Sue, I will talk about the pros and cons of the project next?"
Su Zichen looked at her slightly dry lips, eyebrows slightly tightened, "the pros and cons of the project, I have read your report, probably clear, you go back first."
Muchachi was surprised that just now the man had to go on talking on his own, but suddenly he did not have to talk. This was just right, and it made his mouth dry.
"Ok, General Sue, I must go back." 'she said, standing up straight.
Su Zichen looked down at the tablet computer in his hand and gave a gentle "um" voice.
With his approval, Mushaqi stopped, greased his feet, and walked out the door, wishing he had eight legs and could speed up.
When she walked out of the office, another secretary with a dignified and sweet appearance was waiting outside with a stack of information, saw her come out, smiled and nodded with her and then went in.
Mu Xia Qi feeling, this man is really a beautiful, see the two secretaries, beauty is very good ah! The more beautiful women dangled in front of him, maybe he forgot himself.
The more I think about it, the more feasible, when the time to go to the personnel department to inquire about the recent open job recruitment, no, more beautiful women to apply for, she can also be eye candy.
Back to the investment department.
Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling surround up, "Qi Qi, the first time to report to Su alone, is there anything new?"
Chen Xiaoling continued: "For example, domineering president fell in love with me and so on."
Mushaqi white two people look at, "you two recently watched TV series a little too much, the report is not wrong."
She paused. "But I saw the two secretaries of the secretariat looking very good."
"It's no nonsense. The secretariat has a combination of beauty and talent. It's one in ten thousand in the personnel department." Chen Xiaoling said.
"No, our investment department is not bad, you look at our Xia Qi, also graduated from an international famous university, not to mention appearance, but also in the company's number, not to mention ability."
Lin Xiaoyu pushed the push Mu Xia Qi, a pair with the feeling of honor.
Chen Xiaoling nodded, "That's true, but it's a pity that the appearance level of our investment department has been dragged down by two men."
Wu Feng just passed by, his face instantly black down, "Comrade Xiaoling, give you the opportunity to say again."
Chen Xiaoling repeated what she had just said: "It is a pity that the appearance level of our investment department has been dragged down by two men."
Mu Xia Qi and Lin Xiaoyu will have a stomachache with laughter, Wu Feng shook his hair, "That line, later I will change my own information to gender female."
This Lin Xiaoyu laughed even louder: "Feng brother, I think you go to the plastic surgery hospital will be better, fundamentally solve the problem."
Wu Feng corners of his mouth curved, "That can not be, my purse is not allowed now, but also to save some money for the bride price."
"Brother Feng is getting married, when did he date?" "Muschucky asked.
"Look, there's another honest man over here." "Brother Feng must still be single," said Chen Xiaoling with a smile.
Wu Feng shook his head, "People do not tear down..."
The laughter of the office swept away the dullness of a day's work.
After reporting on the c project transformation project of the old city, Muxia Qi is thinking of touching fish in the afternoon and taking a rest.
Did not expect Liu manager Liu Wei into the office.
"Everybody, please pay attention, I just had a chat with Mr. Xu, and Mr. Su means that the old city renovation project in the west of the city will be put on hold for the moment, and we will focus on the hot spring town project in Pingtung."
Lin Xiaoyu face suddenly collapsed, the task in hand has not been busy, and there are new tasks, she helplessly looked at Mu Xia Qi for help.
Muschucky gave her a look of helplessness.
"Tonight we're having dinner with experts in hot springs, so you all need to get ready." Liu Wei was full of gas and announced in a bloody way.
Muxia Qi knows that this is the rhythm of overtime social interaction, and maybe drink at the dinner, and quickly order a few bottles of milk to pat legs.
The milk I bought last time has been drunk, and I forgot to go to the supermarket to buy some.
Printer brush to work, Liu Wei left, Chen Xiaoling and Lin Xiaoyu are painful to lie on the table, do not want to work overtime to socialize.
Moushaqi received the phone call, quickly downstairs to get the milk, now the speed of the errand is really fast.
Carrying a carton of milk to the elevator, I met Su Zichen and Xu Chujing walking outside.
Xu Chujing was surprised: "Miss Mu, why are you holding so much milk?"
"If you want to drink, buy some," Mr. Muschach said with a smile.
Su Zichen's look was light, and his obsidian eyes were particularly bright, and they fell lightly on her.
Mushaqi nodded to them both, "The elevator is here, Sue, Xu help, I went up first."
Su Zichen looked at Xu Chujing, Xu Chujing immediately reached out to take the milk in her hands, but she easily avoided, "This weight, I can, thank Xu special help."
After walking into the elevator, the elevator door gradually closed, and the figure of the two people also became smaller and smaller with the door crack, until it was invisible.
Lin Xiaoyu saw Mu Xia Qi holding a carton of milk back, not surprised, "Qi Qi, how did you buy a carton of milk?"

Chapter 68
Muchachi put the milk on the table, took a breath, and said, "Tonight we are going to meet, we drink some milk to cushion the stomach better, in case we want to drink?"
Lin Xiaoyu suddenly realized, "Yes, I have been busy crazy, forget this stun."
She looked at the time. It was almost 5:30.
Busy beckoning Chen Xiaoling to come, "Xiaoling, come to get the prize."
Chen Xiaoling was confused, "What prize?"
"The prize is a bottle of milk from Cookie. Surprise?"
Lin Xiaoyu's eyes were curved, like two crescent moons looking at Chen Xiaoling.
Mu Shaqi smiled and handed the milk to Xiaoling, and she took a bottle and put it on Wu Feng's desk.
As for Liu Wei, she thought about it, or knocked on his office, "Please come in!"
Muchachi put a bottle of milk in front of Liu Wei, "Manager, I bought a carton of milk, thinking of tonight's party, padding my stomach, this bottle is for you."
Liu Wei smiled with his eyes, picked up the milk and inserted the straw: "Thank you!"
Mr. Muschach smiled and shook his head before walking out of the office.
Wu Feng walked in from the outside, busy pulled out a few tissues to wipe sweat, "It's too hot outside, it's almost autumn, how can it still be so hot?"
He picked up the milk on the table and asked, "Whose is this?"
"Cookie bought it. She's going to a party tonight. She bought a bottle of milk to cover her stomach and give you one." Chen Xiaoling said as she threw the empty bottle of milk into the trash can.
"Brother Feng, have you been to find out who are the experts receiving tonight?"
Wu Feng nodded, "The other side should come to six or seven people, all have experience in the development of hot spring towns, I also heard, the specific to see tonight to know."
The phone on the desktop vibrates slightly as Muschach gathers his things and a new message pops up on the screen.
She opened the chat window, showing a note "attention, can not answer" : "You said ten dinners, is not just talk and not count?"
Seeing this note, she always wanted to laugh, now that he has known that he is an employee of his company, Mushaqi feels that the knife on his head has fallen half.
Today in the office, he is also businesslike, holding a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and he is not so afraid.
Backbone clear fingers flying on the screen: "Definitely mean it!"
Note, cannot answer: 【 Time? 】
Flying Qi: I will do, according to your schedule.
Attention, can not answer: 【 Tonight? 】
Muxia Qi froze, this person can really pick the time, quickly replied: "Tonight to socialize, can you next time?"
Note, do not answer: [HMM.]
Mushaqi looked at the brief reply, how this man owed his food so much care! Sure enough, rich people are more stingy!
Why didn't you convert the money for ten meals into money and cash it to him? It saves time, and you don't have to face him.
Several people in Liu Wei's car stopped at a nondescribable storefront, and the building's facade was very shabby.
Muchach wondered if such a shabby shop might be a bit shabby for greeting guests.
Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling were also surprised, after all, before they went to dinner, although not all of them are tall five-star hotels, but at least it is also a magnificent decorated specialty restaurant.
The two were whispering behind them.
Liu Wei walked in front of them, naturally will hear a sentence or two, a look of understanding.
"Are you wondering why I chose this place?"
Mushaqi several people nodded and asked: "Yes, boss, what is the special here?"
Liu Wei mysterious, "You don't judge people by their appearance, here there are other insights."
A few people opened the dilapidated wooden door, but also heard because of the old and issued a "creaking" sound.
Inside is a dimly lit path, and there are residents around, putting their bikes on the path.
The narrow road became even narrower.
Mushaqi carefully followed Liu Wei behind, paying attention to the debris at his feet.
Through the path, the eyes suddenly open, pavilions, Bridges, water, as if a paradise.
Lin Xiaoyu stared, stunned by the difference between the two before and after.
He muttered, "Is this a modern version of Xanadu?"
Chen Xiaoling continued her words: "Yes, I have gained insight again." Manager Liu, how did you find out about this place?"
Liu Wei a triumphant expression, "I last meeting in the general office of Sue, the secretary has just submitted a meal site to Sue."
Then I glanced at a few special addresses and found a free day to do some field research!"
Lin Xiaoyu sly, quickly handed a compliment: "Liu manager's memory is amazing, you admire."
Several people were amused by her whimsical movements.
"In fact, I also felt strange, after all, how Sue always came back to such an inconspicuous place, and when I got to know more about it, I discovered the mystery."
Liu Wei feeling, it is true that is the heir of the group, vision and treat people and do things have abandoned their own several streets.
"Hello, membership card, please." The waiter asked with a smile. 🗶 ł
Liu Wei opened his mobile phone, handed the QR code of his membership card to the attendant, and told him: "My friends will come later, they know the name of the box, please bring them in."
The waiter nodded: "I understand, you rest assured."
Mu Xia Qi a line of people followed the waiter to a box, can actually see a line of river scenery.
When the waiter went out, Lin Xiaoyu exclaimed loudly, "This is too beautiful?" What celestial place is it?"
"Manager Liu, how much do you charge for a membership card?" Wu Feng asked curiously.
"The membership card here is complicated, anyway, to find the old member invitation, and then deposit a certain amount of money can be handled."
I thought that since the department often socializes, even if I save money, I can spend it all."
"Boss, how much money should I deposit?"
Liuwei pointed three fingers at them.
Lin Xiaoyu is ignorant and tentatively opens his mouth: "Three thousand?"
Liu Wei shook his head, "Thirty thousand!"
"Damn, that's a lot."
"This is the lowest level of membership."
Liu Wei looked at the time, estimated the other side should also be coming, indicating everyone quiet, find a good position ready to take a seat.
Before long, a crowd of people moved out of the box room.
Liu Wei hastened to meet up, "Ouch, Professor Chen, hello, long time no see."
The middle-aged man of more than 50 years old smiled back to shake Liu Wei's hand, "It is a long time no see, behind a few are my colleagues, I let them come together, we communicate."
"Oh, thank you Professor Chen and all the experts. Come on, please take your seat."
Wu Feng they also quickly give way to a way, let everyone in.
Liu Wei is still conciliating with Professor Chen because of the chair seat.

Chapter 69: The Spa Expert
The table was full of wine and the atmosphere was warm.
Liu Wei and Wu Feng are both social veterans, the most active atmosphere.
Chen Xiaoling is relatively more sociable than Mu Xia Qi and they are also like a fish in water at the dinner table.
Toss the conversation, pick up the thread.
Lin Xiaoyu began or a little inhibited, drink two cups of small wine, alcohol on the head, began to drift, also began to join the topic discussion.
Muxia Qi because the last time drunk once, Liu Wei they fear, pressure not to let her drink more.
Her heart is warm, and this kind of mutual aid between departments makes her feel more secure.
On the opposite side of a flat-headed man see Mu Xia Qi Wen Wen quietly sitting in the position, just followed the crowd smiled, and did not finish a cup of wine.
He could not help joking: "The quiet little sister on the other side, why didn't she finish all the wine in the glass?"
Muxia Qi eyes slightly restrained, hesitate to drink or decline, has not yet waited for her to open.
Wu Feng stood up with a smile and explained, "She can't handle alcohol very well, I'll toast to you!"
Then he raised his glass, looked up, and poured it all in.
Everyone clapped and applauded: "heroic!"
Professor Chen patted Liu Wei's hand: "Xiao Liu, strong generals have no weak soldiers."
Liu Wei smiled and shook his head: "Where are the newborn calves not afraid of tigers, how can they compare with Professor Chen's men?"
The flat-headed male soil also wanted to speak difficult, was Professor Chen an eye wind, silenced the voice.
Sometimes at the wine table, the culture of encouraging wine is really not good, but if the style of the leader is right, it will not deviate too much, and the most afraid of drinking crazy.
By the middle of the drink, the balcony was already smoky.
Mushaqi also drank two glasses of white wine halfway, his face flushed, and his head was still awake.
Excuse myself to go to the bathroom and get some air in the hallway.
The light in the gallery was dim, too, and the small yellow detectorlight on the wall made the delicate blue bricks look deeper and deeper.
Leaning against the fence, looking at the green plantain trees in front of the courtyard, the air here is much fresher than the miasma of the box.
Following the dim light, she noticed a small red dot not far away, either bright or dark.
Looking at the past carefully, I could see a slender figure leaning lazily on the pillar, the sleeve of his shirt was pulled up to his elbow, revealing black Buddha beads, and the top of his neck was blocked by a plant-tree, misty.
Muxia Qi back eyes, but the heart is wondering, recently wearing Buddha beads is the trend?
Checked the time, ready to go back to the box.
The man moved, coming slowly out of the shadows.
Mushaqi opened his eyes wide, and saw that the man had a cigarette in his hand, and was slightly pulling the corners of his mouth, half smiling, and his eyes were like a pool of autumn water, looking straight at her, unfathomable.
Why is Su Zichen here?
He called out to him with a stiff scalp: "General Su."
After drinking wine, Mushaqi's face was red, as if he had put on a good rouge, and his eyes were silky.
Without waiting for him to speak, he fled quickly back to his box, for fear of being seen by others.
Su Zichen's inky eyes looked deeply in the direction of her departure.
"Cookie, what's wrong with you?" Lin Xiaoyu looked at the strange breath and asked, "Is there someone chasing you behind?"
Then she looked at the closed door of the box.
Muschucky shook his head. "No, it's just that it's dark out in the hallway, and I'm a little scared."
Lin Xiaoyu nodded: "So so ah, there are toilets inside the box, we still do not go out."
Muschach nodded and returned his attention to the table.
Xu Chujing saw Su Zichen for a long time did not come back, out to find him.
But I saw that the smoke in his hand had burned out, but it was still in his fingertips.
"What are you looking at?
Then he looked in the direction of Su Zichen's trance, but found nothing.
Su Zichen threw the cigarette butt in his hand into the trash can and said quietly, "Nothing."
"You don't usually smoke, but you did tonight." Xu Chujing was surprised.
"Well, don't smoke, doesn't mean you won't smoke, what did the other person say?"
Xu Chujing expression resumed serious, "the other side requires the new project to account for 50% of the shares."
Su Zichen laughed out loud, as if he had heard some big joke, "Come back, let them taste the frustration."
Xu Chujing see Su Zichen sad expression, you know someone will suffer.
In the middle of the month, Mushaqi and his friends stood in front of the gate to say goodbye to Professor Chen and them.
This time is facing the same embarrassing situation as the last time, called the driver, the department has more than one person can not sit.
Liu Wei pinched his forehead, "Next time I'll buy a Wuling Hongguang!" There will be no such situation."
Wu Feng smiled and said, "Boss, your pocket money is not enough, the money is in sister-in-law's hands?"
Liu Wei drank wine, his face was already red, at this time his face more red, "I want money, your sister-in-law will give me immediately!"
"Wow, I don't believe it." Chen Xiaoling heckled.
Usually do not drink, we must not dare to joke with Liu Wei, after all, there is still a sense of awe.
It's just that when you drink, the distance disappears and you blend into one.
Mushaqi looked behind him and interrupted. "OK, I'll take a cab home. The driver is coming."
The little man in the yellow jacket was already standing respectfully aside and asked, "Excuse me, which car do I need to drive?"
Muschach pointed to the front left spot. "The car with the last number 857."
"Yeah, yeah, it's a VW sign, right?"
Mucha Chi nodded, and took the key from her hand on behalf of the little brother.
Liu Wei insisted on letting Mu Xia Qi get on the car, he took the car back.
Wu Feng give up the position, said their own car is good, the results of Mu Xia Qi take the mobile phone, open the taxi software, which shows the vehicle is coming.
Liu Wei had to say, "Then you pay attention to safety, and remember to report safe when you get home."
Muschucky nodded and waved them goodbye.
Turning to go to the front intersection, Xu Chujing appeared in front of her, blocking her way.
"Miss Mu, Su always said to send you back."
Mushaqi tightened the bag in his hands, shaking his head and refusing: "The car I called has arrived, just in front, thank General Su for my kindness."
Then walk around him and head for the junction ahead.
Xu Chujing looked at her stubborn back, shook his head without trace, and walked to the black Maybach listening.
"Su, Mu Shaqi's online car has arrived, so..."
Su Zichen nodded and said in a cold voice, "Drive, follow the silver online car."
The driver immediately started the car and silently followed behind the silver car, keeping the speed steady.
Xu Chujing silently praise the behavior of Su Zichen, who said Su total high cold again? Let them watch the warm man escorting his sweetheart back!
Arriving at the Jingyuan community, Muxia Qi got off and turned to see a familiar Maibach parked not far away.

Chapter 70: The Escort Home
Xu Chujing looked at the man in the back seat through the rearview mirror, and saw that his eyes were light with silk restraint, quietly looking at the direction of Mu Xia Qi, but he did not get off.
Mushaqi stood where he was, looked at the black car for several times, and finally turned around and entered the neighborhood until he disappeared.
"Drive." The man's voice is crisp.
"All right."
Sitting on the co-pilot Xu Chujing slightly shook his head, Su total this kind of smokey way to chase girls, to monkey Ma month to catch up?
Blooming neon lights weave the beauty of the night, but can not erase the dim color in the heart.
Mu Shaqi returned to the room, only to see Han Sui Sui excitedly lunged at her, holding her like an octopus.
"Cookie, my followers are up to 50,000!!"
Mushaqi smiled on his face, raised his eyebrows, and asked in surprise, "Really? Congratulations to my Susui, it's really great."
"Hey, that's a must, a big step from me raising you!"
Han Suisui raised her chin and looked triumphant.
"Well, when you make money, I'll lie at home and wait for you to raise me."
"Must, say today Haoxuan called me to say that Bai Lingling wanted to open your Lambokini to play, but the car was taken by the housekeeper to maintain."
Muschucky listened carelessly. "And what happens in the end?"
"Your Haoxuan called to ask me whether I have such a car out, of course I do not ah, even if I do not lend to white Lingling."
"Do you know why she used the car?"
"Looks like she's going to her best friend's birthday party." Han Suisui sneered.
"Even if you don't lend it to him, which of his closest friends doesn't have it? I bought them in groups."
"My God, your family bought this car in a group without telling me?"
Mu Xia Qi white look at her, "you go to ask Mu Haoxuan, his group!" But Haoxuan this guy really forgot the word 'low-key'!"
"Haoxuan does not show off, but her girlfriend is hard to say."
"Haoxuan's money won't last long, and I'm afraid he'll ask my parents, so it's hard to say."
"Your brother probably won't, after all, he worked so hard to get the scholarship, just to save this money for you."
"I can only hope that he will recognize the essence of Bai Lingling sooner." Muschucky sighed.
Han Sui Sui took out a green long dress, into the hands of Mu Xia Qi.
"Never mind your brother, this is a dress I bought today when I went shopping. I saw it in the window and thought it would match you perfectly."
Han Shuisui rummaged through a pile of shopping bags and pulled out a long green dress and unfolded it in front of her.
Surprised, Mushaqi caught the dress she shoved, with a silky feel and a good shape.
"Thanks Sui Sui, it's just that I'm working at home now, so I hardly have a chance to wear it."
"Why not have a chance, your company will hold some annual meeting and other events and so on, when you wear it, it will be amazing!"
"You go and try it, and I'll see."
Then he pushed Muschucky into the bedroom and closed the door.
Take Mu Shaqi change out of the room, a light green dress, skin like a good white fat jade, lined her elegant and luxurious.
Han's eyes lit up instantly.
"It's my Cookie. Wear it like a hot flower."
Han Sui Sui took out his mobile phone, "You stand, I take a few photos!"
She looked down at Muchachi's finished film with little refinement. "Cookie, can I send you to my social media account?"
Muschucky nodded. "No problem. Just cover my face."
Han Suisui pondered a few photos, "Qi Qi, I think this side face is pretty, and I can't see your face clearly, anyway, my number is more than 50,000 followers, ha ha ha."
Mushaqi nodded, "All right, as long as it doesn't affect my normal work."
"Probably not."
Han Suisui adjusted the brightness of the photo and it was ok, with delicate features and almost no fine-tuning.
She quickly clicks on the page to edit: "My best friend! Love jpg."
He handed the phone to Muschach. "Is that okay?"
Mushaqi looked at a glance, the photo is more hazy and beautiful, can not see her appearance.
"Good," said Hermione.
Did not know that this act, caused a storm.
* * * * * *
The week passed quickly, and then it was Friday.
The atmosphere inside the office is cheerful.
Lin Xiaoyu hum a little song, Mu Xia Qi finish the data on hand, and so 5:30 can go home from work.
The traffic downstairs is heavy, even if it is not the peak delivery time, the delivery boy still runs fast.
Muchach took care of the last email, filled the glass, and waited lazily for work to end.
Suddenly Liu Wei walked out of the office, "Xia Qi, come in."
Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling gave her a sympathetic look and said silently, "Good luck to you."
Liu Wei handed her a new project information, "Xia Qi, this is just received Pingtung project information, I need you to sort out the data and send it to me as soon as possible."
Muschach paused. "Manager, when is the latest?"
Liu Wei thought for a moment, "Tonight at the latest, tomorrow I have to go to Pingtung town on business."
She knew she couldn't get out of tonight's overtime.
"Yes, I'll give it to you as soon as possible."
"Hard work."
Mushaqi picked up the data, turned around and immediately collapsed.
Lin Xiaoyu see her come out, holding a stack of information, you know is not a good thing.
"Cookie, are you working late tonight?"
Muschucky was faint. "What do you think?"
Chen Xiaoling patted her on the shoulder, "On the bright side, it shows that the boss values you."
"You want it or not?"
"That's not necessary!
Mu Xia Qi took out his mobile phone and looked at Su Zichen's last message, "Ten meals?"
It's a blessing in disguise, I don't have to have dinner with him.
I have to work overtime tonight. I'll have to do it next time. Sorry.
Muchachi patted his face and looked at the material carefully.
The sun outside the window gradually slanted west until the last ray of sunlight fell.
Her busy figure was reflected on the huge glass walls.
By the time she finished sorting through some of the data, it was nearly 8 p.m.
The stomach was so hungry that it was rumbling.
She was alone in the office and it was very quiet.
She stretched and pulled out her phone to order a take-out and late-night snack.
The water in the cup was gone, and she got up and went to the tea room, and there were one or two colleagues from other departments who accompanied her to work overtime.
Not too lonely, though.
I made myself a cup of black coffee and resigned myself to walking back to my station to continue to complete the task in hand.
The lights are still on in the penthouse office.

Chapter 71: Late Delivery
Mushaqi slowly back to the office, but see her desk more than a few lunch boxes.
She looked round strangely, but was nowhere to be seen.
"Who put it here?"
Open the plastic bag, the aroma of the dishes inside came, and neatly stacked four milk white disposable lunch boxes.
There is also a note inside: "Miss Mu, I wish you a happy meal."
"Who put this here?"
Muchachi looked back again, then walked out of the office, and there was no one else in the hallway.
Is the food safe? Will the next day's news report: a professional woman in a company, due to food poisoning, eventually died?
She thought, shook, put down the note and pushed it away.
Open the take-out software, want to see where the take-out you ordered.
The result page shows that the order has been canceled by the merchant?
Was cancelled by the merchant?? !
Like a bolt from the blue, waiting for a long time, white wait!
Mushage is broken inside.
Look away to the white plastic bag. Why don't you try it? In today's legal society, no one dares to openly poison, right?
And there is also a note, and I have no grudge with anyone, right?
The mobile phone on the desktop vibrated slightly, Han Suisui: "Qi Qi, I ordered a takeout for you, pay attention to get your food yo."
It turned out that Han Sui Sui bought it, this guy has a conscience.
The stomach is hungry, small hands slowly reach for the plastic bag, pull it over.
Three to two to open all the LIDS, she was surprised by the dishes, including black pepper beef fillet, spicy chicken, sweet and sour ribs, leek king fried egg and broccoli!
There's a hot stew on the side, and it's too much for two people to finish.
The stomach is rumbling again, but how did her takeout get here so fast? Never mind. Just eat first.
Put a piece of beef fillet with black pepper into your mouth, fresh and chewy, delicious!
Muxia Qi smiled and tasted all the dishes, it was very good, and later asked Han Sui Sui which one was outside.
After a while, she had wiped out most of the food, and finally finished the soup, and she felt that she was already overfed.
I touched my stomach and felt like I was three months pregnant.
The mobile phone on the table kept flashing, and Mushaqi answered with a smile: "Susui, I have finished your takeaway, it is very delicious!" Thank you, love you."
The Han Suisui on the other end of the phone asked strangely: "Just said that he was hit by a car, dishes are spilled on the ground, let me refund, how can it be sent to you?"
The smile on Mushaqi's face froze in the corners of his mouth, "So, who delivered the takeaway I just ate?" What did you order for me?"
"Bibimbap! And a pair of grilled chicken wings and a box of salad."
"Cookie, what's wrong?"
"Just now I went to the drinking room and came back to see a bunch of takeout on my desktop. I saw your message and thought you bought it for me!"
Han Sui Sui was also shocked, "Is the dish what I said?"
Muschucky's going crazy, so who sent it? It's not really toxic, is it? X ᒑ
Han Susui hesitated and asked, "Do you feel any discomfort now?" ,
"No, my stomach is all right now, except that I'm overfed and need to stand."
"So have you had any guys chasing you lately?"
Muxia Qi thought of the boy who asked himself to contact me before, he usually will find himself.
She paused, "Last week held a sports meeting, there was a boy asked me to contact me, but I replied more cold, after all, the company rules are not allowed office romance."
"Your company doesn't allow office romances to be so perverted."
"Well, I think this is good, at least the management will be much better, there will be no cliquing."
"In fact, not really, my family group allows husband and wife in the same company, but not in the same department."
"Yes, if it is OK to abide by the law, I am afraid that the husband and wife are both in high positions and form cliques for private purposes, and the management of the company is easy to loopholes." "Muschach said.
"That's right." Han Suisui suddenly responded, "Don't go far, so who sent the food you just ate?"
"If I knew who sent it, would I need to stay on the phone with you all this time?" Mushaqi was helpless.
"That's right." Han Sui Sui also discouraged, "Say the dish and taste?"
"Not bad, now the body does not appear strange, there should be no problem!" Perhaps God pity me overtime, conjured it up."
Mushaqi looked at the computer time, "Well, don't talk to you, otherwise I have to work overtime in the company all night."
"Well, if you feel uncomfortable, call me or call 120 first, okay?"
"Ok, I see. Are you staying at my house tonight or going back upstairs?"
"I'm waiting for you at your house, isn't that touching?"
"Moved, hang up first."
Muxia Qi saw the lower-right corner of the computer communication software avatar kept flashing, must be Liu Wei urged to document.
Check the data quickly and send him the first part for confirmation.
In the middle of the month, the traffic on the road downstairs gradually decreased, and it was not so congested before.
Top floor office.
The man casually placed his left hand on the table, the black Buddha beads on his wrist swaying as he inadvertently tapped the table.
The eyebrows are clear and distant, the peach eyes are slightly restrained, and I listen carefully to the report of the older man on the screen.
Occasionally gently nod or respond to one or two monophonic words, look light, can not see anger.
The person reporting the video finished reporting, waiting for the man's instructions.
"I know, do not let go, the share ratio of our company must be more than 60 percent."
The man cut off the phone and pinched his eyebrows with his right hand.
"General Su, the housekeeper has sent another meal, do you want to eat some?" You gave the previous one to Miss Mu..."
Xu Chujing raised his hand in the lunch box.
"Did she eat?" The man asked quietly.
"She wasn't there when I delivered it. She must have gone out to get some water. I put it on her desk."
Su Zichen frowned slightly, "Put it there, have you eaten?"
Xu Chujing looked at him with a half smile, "Su always remembered that I did not eat ah, I thought that you only have that she!"
Su Zichen ignored his teasing, picked up his coat and walked out.
"Are you sure you won't eat? I hear it's a Michelin restaurant..."
Before Xu Chujing had finished, Su Zichen's figure had disappeared.
On the same floor as the investment department, all the other departments have gone, leaving the investment department office alone with a light.
Unconsciously, it was twelve o 'clock, and Muschach typed the last word, checked it, and hit send.
It's finally done, but why is the light suddenly on outside the hallway?

Chapter 72: The Late Night
Muschucky's heart rose a little.
Just went to the toilet, the personnel of other departments have also gone, and it has become dark around.
It's 12:00. Who else comes back to the office?
The wind whistled outside, making the glass shake slightly, and the lights twinkled outside.
Mushage felt his back go cold, and his hair started to tremble.
It's not some kind of building psychic event, is it? Some time ago, I also listened to Lin Xiaoyu mysterious talk about the building of the horror legend.
She quickly packed her things and left.
Walking out of the corridor, the corridor responded to the sound of light, but the quiet atmosphere around, there is a lamp do not know if it is broken, constantly flashing.
Clutching the purse in his hand, he sang the national anthem in his heart and muttered: "I have done nothing wrong, and I am committed to good."
"There is a debt and there is a Lord. You go to other people, not me."
She paused, "To say that the only guilty thing I have done is to cheat Su Zichen?" But I was ready to buy him ten meals to make up for it."
There was a clump of footsteps coming from the fire escape, and Mushaqi's heart was almost in his mouth.
But the number of floors pressed by the elevator was still changing, and she stared closely at the fire escape door.
Suddenly the door handle turned, and she ducked in a corner, holding her bag in front of her.
As soon as the door opened, Muschach threw the bag directly over his chest.
I saw the bearer of the sword eyebrow star, the deep features of the expressionless coagulate her.
The voice was clear and cold, "Just now you said that you were ashamed of me, and now you are using the way to smash my bag to compensate me?"
Mu Xia Qi see bearer is Su Zichen, hanging in the air of the heart fell down.
"What are you doing on the fire escape in silence?" She covered her chest and sighed.
"Do you usually smoke?"
"Well, I just smoke less." Su Zichen fixed her light said.
The elevator came with a ding.
Muschach pressed the button with his hand, motioning for him to come in.
Su Zichen stepped into the elevator on his long slender legs, and Mu Shaqi followed him.
As the elevator slowly descended, both men were silent and the air was thick with awkwardness.
Muschucky's mind was racing. Didn't this man work on the top floor? Why are you suddenly smoking in an office on the investment floor?
Is it the air here that makes smoking feel so good?
But with him in the elevator, at least no longer think about all kinds of supernatural things.
The elevator quickly went down to the first floor. Mu Shaqi stepped out of the elevator and waved his hand at Su Zichen. "Mr. Su, I'll go first."
Su Zichen's thin lips opened softly, and his voice was faint. "I'll send you back."
Muxia Qi busy shaking his head, "Thank you Sue, I call a car myself."
He bowed slightly toward Su Zichen and then walked to the gate, not noticing the man's dark look.
Late at night always with silk cool, she stroked her arm, took out a mobile phone to open a taxi software.
Type in the address and there's no cars around?
Suspecting that she was wrong, she searched again, and the nearest car was half an hour away.
It's nearly 12:30, and at this point, the bus has already stopped running, and we can only see if we can catch a taxi.
Waiting for more than ten minutes, only the private cars whistling past, the soil even can not see.
A black suv slowly stopped in front of him, the window slowly lowered, revealing Su Zichen's face Qingjun side face.
"Get in the car." 'he whispered softly, turning to look at her.
"I'm waiting for the bus."
"I checked. There's a concert in the north of town tonight. It's just finished. Most of the taxis are going that way."
Muchach hesitated for a few seconds, and then, without being polite, opened the door of the second seat and sat in.
"Then I'll be in trouble with Sue."
Su Zichen looked ahead. The neon lights outside the car entered the car and fell on his face.
Sitting quietly in the car, she glanced a few eyes, the car is very clean, spotless, clean and tidy, and his temperament is very consistent.
With the faint fragrance of the air conditioning is also the smell of wood agarwood, it seems that he likes the smell of agarwood, and the black Buddha beads on his hand reflect each other.
It was probably too quiet, and it was getting late, so Muchach couldn't help but breathe twice.
I heard him turn on the radio just before I fell asleep.
A nice low female voice sounded: "Hello everyone, welcome to listen to my late night show tonight still quiet, I am Jing."
"In the busy life, we always encounter a lot of things, please let me listen to your heart tonight!"
Mu Xia Qi is to listen to it, was Su Zichen changed the music mode.
Couldn't help but ask, "Didn't that station just listen?"
When she is alone, especially late at night, she likes to turn on the radio quietly and listen to A Jing's late night story telling program.
Delicate voice tells a variety of life stories, impetuous mood will become calm with her telling.
Su Zichen switched back to the radio mode.
"You like listening to the radio?"
Mushaqi nodded, a lot of spirit: "When I was alone late at night, her voice accompanied me through a lot of time."
"Is this an emotional show?"
"Well, yes, it's good to hear other people's stories and learn about different lives." Muschach's eyes fell on the screen inside the car.
Su Zichen did not make any more noise. He raised his voice a little and looked intently ahead.
Muchach lost his previous inhibitions, and could not help but bend his mouth when he listened to the story.
The screen lit up her smiling eyes like a child with candy.
When Su Zichen drove, the corners of his mouth curved without any trace, and his aura relaxed a lot.
"I don't know what this Jing looks like, and I want to go and have a look." In the middle of that, Muschucky spoke suddenly.
"Do you want to see her?" Su Zichen's index finger curved slightly, tapping on the steering wheel.
Muxia Qi head outside the car pillow, hesitated for a half, after all, many people say that the sound of the anchor, most of the appearance is not good-looking.
In case of meeting, the person's appearance is not what she thinks, it will destroy the good fantasy in the heart.
"Well, I don't want to insist."
Su Zichen heard her lost voice, couldn't help but look back at her curiously, "Why?"
The radio program continued, she opened: "A lot of people on the Internet say that the voice is good, the appearance is not necessarily good, or let her keep mysterious."
"Would you meet me if the opportunity arose?"
"Well, I'll see if I get the chance."
Mushaqi's eyes fell on the Buddha beads on his wrist, and the two did not speak again.
Heard the advertisement ring, the car just went to the gate of Jingyuan district, she thanked Su Zichen.
"Sue, I can get off here, there are more parking areas at night, it is not convenient to reverse."
Mu Shaqi got out of the car, seemed to think of something, and turned back: "General Su, are you free tomorrow?"

Chapter 73: Taking You Out to Dinner
Su Zichen raised his eyebrows slightly and leaned back, "You asked me to have dinner?"
Mouchucky thought this was a little strange, but he did invite him to dinner. "Yes, I still owe you ten meals."
The light was dim, and Muschach could not see his expression outside the car door, only to hear him say, "Let me think..."
She forced a smile and said, "Then you think slowly and send me a message tomorrow morning?"
Su Zichen was about to speak when she closed the car door and walked quickly to the sidewalk to wave goodbye to him.
Just want to say words and swallow down, down the window, only her light back.
Su Zichen did not realize that his face could not help but hang down.
Put your right foot on the accelerator, and the car sped away.
The south wind over the earth, is the world worth meeting the season.
* * * * * *
Muschucky did not wake up until nearly twelve o 'clock
The head of the bird's nest, up looking for water to drink, the throat blew the air conditioning all night, feeling dry smoke.
The phone charging in the living room is ringing tirelessly.
Muchach drank a big glass of water to the last drop before feeling his throat lubricated.
This goes to the vibrating phone.
Press the answer button, Lin Xiaoyu's voice came over, "Qiqi, Xiaoling and I went shopping in the downtown department store square today, do you want to join me?"
Mu Shaqi was just about to say yes, remembering that he wanted to invite Su Zichen to dinner last night, although he had not yet determined the time, but he still had to spare the time better.
"I have something to do today, so I won't go. Have fun."
Lin Xiaoyu's voice was obviously a little lost, "Well, wait for next time."
"Well, sorry, we'll see you next time."
Mu Shaqi hung up the phone and read all the unread messages, the first one was from Su Zichen, sent at two o 'clock in the morning.
Keep it short, just four words and a period: "Tonight is fine." It fits his style.
Her editor replied: "OK, what kind of food would you like to eat tonight?"
After waiting for five minutes, the other party has not replied, she will not sit idly and wait.
Go to the toilet to wash your face and brush your teeth, apply a mask, recently really too lazy, has not applied a mask for a long time.
The skin is dry like a desert, the face mask is put on, the instant absorption.
Finish everything, make some soy milk and grab some pancakes.
Han Sui Sui this guy disappeared in the early morning, it seems that she does not have to do the weight.
The sun shines through the glass into the room, the particles in the air float in the sun, and the hanging orchis on the windowsill are becoming more vigorous.
Mushaqi hum a little song, in the kitchen with their own breakfast and Chinese food, can not say the comfortable.
Sitting at the table, ready to eat, with your hands and soy milk.
The phone on the couch buzzed slightly.
She sighed, put down her soy milk and walked to the sofa.
Note, can not answer: 【 either. 】
Muchach nibbled at his shellfish's lip, and the scope of "all is OK" was too wide to begin with.
Seemingly random, in fact, everywhere is a check.
Although I often tell others that it is OK to eat anything.
Those are relatively familiar people, it doesn't matter what they really eat.
But Su Zichen himself was not very familiar with him, nor did he know much about his taste. The last time I visited their house, it seemed that they were all very light.
She had an idea, and then edited a text message to send it: "Do you want to try Cantonese food?"
A few moments later, the phone received another message.
Note, do not answer: [Yes.]
Mushaqi replied: "OK, see you around 6:00 tonight?"
Note, can not answer: "I will pick you up?"
Muxia Qi quickly refused: "Don't bother, the address I will send you, I myself past."
Note, can not answer: "No trouble, on the way, first meeting, see you tonight."
Su Zichen replied to the information, the corners of his mouth involuntarily turned up, the meeting room of all are very curious, their boss is chatting with who, the mood turned better.
Xu Chujing but clearly, last night this person actually left themselves, ran to the investment department, then who else?
Mu Xia Qi looked at the text message, a face Meng circle, really is vigorous and resolute!
I have a meeting on Saturday, and I'm sure I suck blood.
He just didn't know where he was going to eat, so why was he on his way?
Fortunately, I am still only a commissioner, poor middle and high level, met the workaholic leadership, there is really no weekend.
Muchach bite a big bite of hand-held cake, their own taste is actually good, it seems that hand-held cake can be used as their breakfast list.
Open the restaurant recommendation software, browse the top several Cantonese restaurants, and choose a restaurant with a high overall score and a relatively good environment.
Although the ranking of the first score is better, but in the downtown commercial complex, I and Su Zichen used to, in case they met colleagues, they could not tell.
So the right distance, not too close is the best choice.
Determine a good restaurant, the whole person is relaxed, a person in the den to watch movies, brush a small video, time also passed super fast.
When she was still immersed in the plot of abuse, the adjusted mobile phone alarm clock had gone off.
"How fast? We haven't even seen the end yet."
The voice also took the silk hoarse, in the middle of a cry, men and women love each other but can not be together, abusive heart plot!
Muchachi swabbed his slippers and headed to the bathroom to wash his face. He was startled to see his red, swollen eyes in the mirror.
Open the fridge and get some ice to put on your face.
"Next time, no more heartbreaking dramas, but sweet comedies."
Muxia Qi side side remorse, although know is false, but can not stand the actor acting, empathy, worthy of being the queen of the film.
I hope Zhang Yixing will not play such a sad movie in the future, otherwise I am curious to go in and cry again.
Speaking of this Zhang Yi star, he has been chasing the love bean when he was young, in order to buy his album before, you can stay up all night in front of the computer.
It's just that he transitioned into movies and hasn't released a new album in years.
When I was a child, my family was not allowed to follow the star, and I could only secretly watch his concert videos.
At that time, I made a secret wish that if one day Zhang Yixing opened a concert again, no matter how far away, I must go to see one!
I wonder if he'll give another concert in his lifetime?
Applied for more than ten minutes, the red swelling of the eyes subsided a lot, but you can still see the traces of crying.
Time is too late, I can only put down the ice in my hand, quickly played a bottom makeup, stroked the slightly messy hair, and changed into a simple white skirt.
Looking at the mobile phone, Su Zichen has sent a message to say.
Muschach quickly grabbed the handbag on the sofa and walked quickly out the door.

Chapter 74: Haagen-Dazs
When I went downstairs, Su Zichen's car was already parked on the side of the road.
He didn't change to another car this time, the same Maserati.
Muschach pulled open the door and sat in, not gracefully.
Then he turned to the man next to him and said, "Sorry for the long wait."
Su Zichen wearing sunglasses, Mu Xia Qi can not see the expression under the lens.
He asked in a deep voice, "What is the address of the restaurant you want to go to?"
Mushaqi quickly read out the name of the restaurant, "Rhyme restaurant, you can navigate the past."
She opened the navigation app on her phone and was about to get ready to navigate.
Su Zichen raised her eyebrows slightly, and she actually chose there.
"No need for navigation, I know where it is."
Muscha Quipped in his hands. How could this man know that place?
Then I thought about it, and it was not surprising to know that he often had meals.
Su Zichen then turned on the radio station she had listened to last night, only it was not hosted by Ah Jing.
Now the music is playing song request program, and there are many people actually call in song request.
"In this day and age of music software, it's very reminiscent to hear someone request a song for a friend on the radio."
Su Zichen looked straight ahead. "If it was you, would you order?"
Mushaqi thought for a moment, "If my friend listened to the radio often, I would listen to her, but now a lot of people don't listen to the radio, click my friend may not hear."
Su Zichen clicked the steering wheel and gave a gentle "um" sound.
Muschach said nothing more, and continued to listen to the music on the radio, occasionally interrupted by a message or two from the radio host.
The atmosphere is warm and cozy, and it feels like a quiet afternoon.
She closed her eyes and listened to the music, and the car shook slightly, and nearly fell asleep.
His magnetic voice whispered in his ear, "Coming soon."
Mouchucky opened his eyes vaguely. "So soon?"
Sit up straight and find the car parked in the open parking lot, surrounded by a bamboo forest, full of green.
"Are parking lots always this nice?"
Su Zichen got out of the car and went around to her place. He opened the door for her and smiled. "This is the place you chose."
Mucha Chidun lives, yes, this is their own choice of place, Na Na said: "I also come for the first time."
She stepped out of the car door and stood up, bumping into Su Zichen, whose right hand was leaning over the side of the car frame to talk to her. Her forehead also hit his chin.
Su Zichen did not expect her to suddenly stand up, repeatedly backward two steps, busy hand to help the unsteady footsteps of Mu Xia Qi.
"Is everything all right?" Su Zichen's dark and deep eyes fell on her and asked in a tight voice.
Two people are almost no gap to hold a piece, although the only man and woman in the same room before, but it is also a necessity.
Muschucky blushed, saw himself through his dark eyes, and steawed himself.
"So, so, sorry, how's your jaw?"
Su Zichen loosened his hand on her waist and covered her lower jaw. "It's okay."
In a voice she could not hear, she whispered, "Used to it."
Muschucky looked at him doubtfully. "What did you say?"
Su Zichen's heart helpless, this man knew that his vest had fallen off, and began to Revere himself, occasionally revealing his small claws.
"Let's go."
How does it feel like he's playing host when Muschucky's following him?
She put the menu in front of him and motioned for him to make himself at home.
Su Zichen did not deliberately go to the expensive spot as he did last time, and ordered a few ordinary dishes.
Mu Xia Qi added a meat dish, plus two cups of stew, after all, eat Cantonese food, how can less stew?
During the meal, she went out to answer the phone and quickly bought the single, but the price was not too expensive, within their own tolerance.
The mere thought of having to buy ten meals made her worried about her own money.
When she returned to her box, half the food was served.
Su Zichen sat at the table calmly, tapping the table with his right hand without moving his chopsticks.
Muschucky quickly sat down, "Excuse me, you eat quickly, don't have to wait for me."
Su Zichen opened a pot of stew, pushed in front of her, and opened another pot of stew himself.
The white long fingers with a clear sense of bone took out the spoon, as if holding a piece of good porcelain, and the bearing of the whole body was natural.
Muschucky landed on his long fingers, such beautiful fingers, what a waste not to flick the cotton!
The stew in front of them was drunk in silence, and the box was so quiet that you could hear two people chewing lightly.
The door of the box was pushed open again, and the waiter stooped in, placed a dish of the most delicious pork intestines in the middle of the table, and withdrew.
Su Zichen's pale face changed a little, and his brow wrinkled slightly.
Mushaqi was happy inside, thinking that the man was going to finish the meal with a straight face.
According to Lin Xiaoyu's grapevine news, I feel that his time should be arranged very compact, how to remember their own meals? Stingy indeed!
It seems that he does not like to eat viscera, the next meal can be changed to another viscera dish, do not believe that he still dare to eat with himself, and then put forward can not discount back to him.
I'm so clever.
Almost finished, Muchachi rang the bell, the waiter quickly opened the box door: "Hello, how can I help you?"
"Well, I ordered two Haagen-Dazs ice cream desserts, please."
"Yes, just a moment, please."
Su Zichen put down the napkin in his hand, "Do you like to eat Agendas ice cream?"
Mushaqi nodded, "Occasionally eat, eat when the mood is good, the mood will feel more beautiful; When you eat when you are in a bad mood, it will lighten your mood."
Her eyes clearly toward him, waiting for his context, the result of his "um" over!!
Muxia Qi back eyes, fortunately is not their own boyfriend, so high cold expensive, their own is easy to be his "frozen" bad.
The box door was pushed open again, and the waiter came in with the dessert.
"Hello, this is strawberry, this is grass, please enjoy."
Mushaqi looked at the two ice cream balls in front of him, his eyes shining, and he wanted to eat both tastes.
"Which flavor would you like?"
This man has been eating dessert for himself for the last time, so I'm sure he'll do the same this time, right? Muschucky thought joyfully.
Saw the opposite man in her gaze, the vanilla flavor of Agendas ice cream pulled in front of him, slowly crooked a spoonful into his mouth, slightly sip a few times.
"The taste can!
With a stiff smile, Muchach silently moved the strawberry flavored ice cream in front of him, dug a big spoonful vigorously, put it in his mouth, and chewed it angrily!
Su Zichen noticed her expression, the corners of her mouth inadvertently curved.

Chapter 75: Hidden Uneasiness
Jingyuan community.
Mu Xia Qi sat on the sofa listening to Han Suisui beguile talking about her account powder process.
"Cookie, I've gained a lot of fans for your green dress photos, which are so hazy and beautiful and have such a sexy body."
"How many followers do you have now?"
Han Sui Sui exaggerated with a smile, a face excited with a mobile phone rushed to the front, "has three hundred and fifty thousand fans!!"
Mushaqi was surprised, "So quickly gained more than 300,000 followers?"
"Or what? Recently, I went out early and came back late, shooting inside and outside by myself, and I cried bitterly."
"Is your account primarily a personal beauty blogger?" Muschach pulled her account.
I always thought my bestie was just talking, but I didn't think she really stuck it out and got good results.
"Our family is the best."
Mushaqi gave her a thumbs up, looked down at his phone screen and found an account that was strangely familiar.
Why does it look like her college boyfriend's account? !
Favorite Macchiato: "Is this Cookie?"
Mu Xia Qi froze, this net name is before the two people joke when He Shuheng, to later all his social software have given this name.
Hurriedly picked up the phone against Han Sui Sui in front of, "Sui Sui, do you see this like He Shuheng?"
Han Sui Sui smile convergence, but also seriously study the "love Marchiato" this account.
Click on the home page, which is apparently Mushaqi and he once took hand in hand, but neither of them showed their faces.
Han Susui: "!!"
Gnashing his teeth, he said, "He still dares to appear!" If he dares to appear in front of you, I will not break his legs!"
Muschucky bit his lower lip and said nothing.
That part of the past, she has long been dust.
"I'll block him now, and rest assured, he shouldn't come back."
Mu Shaqi always feel that the heart always feel insecure, but it can not say where wrong.
* * * * * *
The day went on as usual, with Mushaqi commuting to work.
Occasionally accompany Su Zichen to meet his grandfather, eat to fulfill the obligation of "girlfriend".
She clasped her fingers and counted how long it would be until liberation.
Recently, I have invited him to dinner nearly four times, and I still owe him five times before I pay him off.
As for pretending to be his girlfriend, he has less than two months left, and he can be free!
There was hope for the future. Mushage had been walking in the wind lately.
For the first four meals, Su Zichen wanted to pay secretly several times, but she found him in time and snatched him back.
Or will it take years to pay it off? This dog man, he's a snake.
But her purse is getting thinner and thinner, and the money she has managed to save is almost at the bottom.
Mu Haoxuan recently put a large part of his living expenses into her bank card on time every month, she did not move at all, and gave him a regular financial management.
On that weekend, Su Zichen was on a business trip and did not need her to accompany him to dinner.
Mu Xia Qi also happy leisure, dial Han Sui Sui telephone.
For a long time, Han Sui Sui picked it up, and the voice was confused: "Hello..."
"Susui, get up quickly, let's go and see Haoxuan."
"Hurry up and I'll meet you upstairs." 𝓍 ļ
"Good," said Hermione.
Muschach hung up the phone, changed his clothes and headed upstairs.
Han Sui Sui rent house is opposite her room number of the unit type, the area is larger than her, three rooms and one room of the unit type.
She stood in front of Han Susui's door, pressed the fingerprint lock, and the door opened directly.
Han Sui Sui changed the fingerprint lock, the first time to put her fingerprints into it.
Inside, a pair of jumbled up on the sofa, there are a few unfinished takeout boxes on the table.
A week did not come up, Han Sui Sui house was simply made miserable.
"Susui, didn't you ask the housekeeping staff to come and clean up?"
Muchach cleaned up the leftover take-out boxes on the table and threw them out later.
Han Suisui still lying on the bed, dazed.
"What time did you sleep last night?" Muschucky touched her forehead.
"About three o 'clock."
'Why are you up so late?
"Couldn't sleep, thinking about the account operation." Han Susui struggled to sit up, "What time is it now?"
"It's past twelve o 'clock, Miss."
'Is it so late? Han Suisui rubbed his eyes and gradually woke up.
"Yeah, the sun's gonna burn your ass." Mr. Muschach then slapped her on the buttocks.
Then he said, "Lock your valuable things in a room, and I'll call a maid to come and clean for you."
"The maid wouldn't steal anything, would she?" Han Sui Sui really got up and staggered to the bathroom.
"There is no need to prevent people, and the cleaning staff sent by domestic companies are different every time."
Ms. Muschach sat on the makeup table in her room, looking at the various brand-name skin care products.
"Sui Sui, did you move all the brand counters back? Even the cupboard next to it is full." X ᒐ
Han Suisui brushed his teeth and said vaguely, "There is no way ah, my account to sit product evaluation, do not buy products, how to evaluate."
"Did you exchange the bag's money for this?"
Han Suisui gargled, "Almost, feel my two bags of money and spend almost, help."
"Do you have any income from this account?" Muschucky frowned.
"It costs hundreds of yuan to play, but it's a drop in the bucket."
"A few hundred yuan, this is simply not enough to fill the stomach, but in the early stage have to slowly get through, then good." Muschucky sighed.
"Yeah, Cookie, I found out that your ex-boyfriend used a different account to view my videos and ask about where you work."
Muschucky's heart tightened. "Did you tell him?"
Han Sui Sui rolled her eyes, "Am I such a stupid person?" You have to be a little bit cautious, I've noticed that some of my videos are giving away some address information."
"But it's all very subtle. He shouldn't be able to tell."
"Unit so."
"You change your clothes quickly, eat something downstairs later, and then set out." "Muschach urged.
"Why do you suddenly want to see Haoxuan so urgently?"
Han Suisui pulled a hoodie out of the wardrobe and pulled her hair out of it.
"Last night saw him send a dynamic, and then seconds deleted, feel a little wrong."
Han Suisui paused, "What did he send?"
Mushaqi thought about it, smiled and said: "It is quite artistic, as if: this love is like an elevator, our goals are different, you go up, I go down..."
"I can't see Haoxuan as a student of science and technology, and Wen's words come easily."
"After all, Bai Lingling is his first love, and he always worries about the pain the girls bring him." "Muschach worried.
"Don't worry, Haoxuan also has two sisters."

Chapter 76: The White Lotus
Mu Shaqi and Han Suisui stood at the gate of s University.
A crowd of people gathered around the school road, not knowing what they were watching.
When the two of them were preparing to go to the boys' dormitory, they heard Mu Haoxuan's angry voice: "White Lingling, you are like this to me?" Two dates at once?"
Mu Shaqi and Han Suisui looked at each other, and immediately stopped walking forward and walked quickly toward the crowd.
Finally squeezed in, I saw Mu Haoxuan wearing a white T-shirt, light gray casual pants, dressed up sunny youth.
But he blushed and looked resentfully at the man and woman standing together in front of him.
People around are whispering, white Lingling is still a soft and weak appearance, "Haoxuan, you misunderstood me."
Han Sui Sui to come forward, was Muxia Qi stopped, signal her to pay attention to a while.
Mu Haoxuan angry forehead blue veins burst out, gnashing teeth, "my eyes are not blind, you and his hand."
I was just hugging at the Lovers Lake, and I want to ask what kind of ordinary men and women can hold hands and hug?"
He spoke eloquently, angry as he was, but still able to control his emotions and present the facts with reason and evidence.
It's not like some other guy loses his mind and goes up there and beats people up.
Mr. Muschach gave his brother a thumbs up.
White Lingling see people around her showing disdain eyes, public opinion on her also to the bad side of development, she also dont pretend.
"Mu Haoxuan, I just said that just don't want to hurt your self-esteem, you are completely a mother treasure man, oh, no, or a sister man."
Your monthly living expenses, almost all to your sister, leaving 800 yuan, you say this money, is not even enough for you to eat?
I want to subsidize your meals every month, but also the beautiful name of me and you to fight together, I am in your favor!
When all good to me is a lie, and now I go out to have a meal to weigh so long!"
Muxia Qi knows that his brother has given most of his living expenses to himself, but he did not expect that the people he has indulged in are only leaving 800 yuan for himself!
Mu Haoxuan was angry just white down the face and rose red, "White Lingling, when did I use your money?" I just stopped buying you all the luxuries."
White Lingling smiled, tone Yin and Yang: "Last time and you in the commercial street to eat, you said that the mobile phone out of order, can not pay, not I pay the money?"
I don't think your phone is malfunctioning, you are a softy."
White Lingling does not care, their favorite things boyfriend not only can not send, eat but also their own money, that also called what lovers?
In her idea, two people fall in love, no matter what they do, they should be paid by the boys, she did not think she was wrong.
And she was originally to figure Muhaoxuan's money, but now he can't take out the money, picking out the search, it is a waste of their own time.
They talk about rich kids fooling girls! Handsome and can not eat, white Lingling said also white Mu Haoxuan a look.
People around saw a good play, privately have their own views, public opinion has said.
Mu Haoxuan was said by her, red face became pig liver color.
Mu Xia Qi heard the dialogue of two people, not for their own stupid brother love dearly, a cavity of blood and heart is ultimately wrong to pay, now recognize is not too late.
She just wanted to speak, Han Sui Sui a step faster than her, "Yo, who am I?" So you, I said why come in the smell of thick green tea."
Han Suisui said with his hand flashed in front of his nose, shaking his head, "The school is polluted, I said my brother some time ago how to spend money so fast?"
White Ling Ling saw Han Sui Sui and Mu Xia Qi, white face a point, a pair of weak like to be blown down by the wind.
The boy next to her quickly put his arms around her waist and lovingly smoothed the broken hair on her forehead.
"Oh, and he's just your ordinary friend? It's an intimate gesture that I can't do with normal boys."
Han Sui Sui pinched his ears, a pair of disgusted appearance, "Brother, I advise you to shine your eyes, don't be white lotus eat bones are not left."
White Lingling weak weak and side of the boys said: "I do not."
The boy's desire to protect came up, the white Lingling behind, "you have anything to rush me, I like her."
Muchaqi sneered: "Or really a pair of miserable mandarin ducks, but my silly brother is not, the rod hit the mandarin ducks."
Mu Haoxuan saw the two of them, surprise asked: "Sister, how did you come?"
Just think of now this scene is really difficult to speak, joy slightly coagulate, pursed lips.
"Sister, let's go, I don't care about them anymore." Mu Haoxuan want to pull mu Xia Qi leave this wrong place.
Muchachi patted his palm and motioned him to wait.
She smiled at Bai Lingling, "Bai, you and my brother are together because you like them, not because of his money, right?"
White Lingling did not speak, this question method is a pit, say like, that side of Chen Li heard after there must be thorns; If you don't like it, then you are not admitted to figure money just Muhaoxuan together.
Mushaqi saw her without saying anything, continued: "I don't care what reason you are with my brother, as far as I know, the Chanel limited bag you are wearing, the Lv clothes, and the Versace shoes, are my poor brother bought for you."
You've taken my brother to dinner once or twice since, but aren't lovers mutual? What's the rule that all the guys pay for the girls?
After all, everyone has different values, and I don't force it. Finally, I wish you and your future partner happiness."
Mu Haoxuan stood up, "White Lingling, we broke up, I spent no less than 300,000 on you, as for the two meals you said, with these bags and clothes."
Finish pulling Mu Xia Qi and Han Sui Sui go far.
White Lingling red face by the people around pointing, pulling the side of Chen Li escape like to leave the scene.
Mu Haoxuan's footsteps go very fast, Mu Xia Qi and Han Sui Sui to trot to keep up.
It was not until they had reached the edge of the quiet path that he stopped and bowed his head.
"Sister, sister Sui Sui, let you see the joke."
Mu Xia Qi and Han Sui Sui looked at each other and came forward to appease: "Life is so long, there will always be times when you look wrong, don't hurt for these people who are not worth it."
Han Sui Sui also nodded and echoed: "Yes, Haoxuan, look forward, you deserve better."
Mu Haoxuan nodded heavily, "Understand, you rest assured, I will focus on learning."
Moushaqi patted him on the shoulder: "Meet a good girl or can fall in love, after all, there are many good girls in the world!"