PATH OF THE WARRIOR - PART 6 in English Fiction Stories by Kumar Venkat books and stories PDF | PATH OF THE WARRIOR - PART 6

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After alex promised to king Leon that he would dedicate his life to make elena become the princess of the sumeria kingdom. Leon happily welcomed alex with a hug.

After all these years, Leon gathered so much army that he needed for the battle. Now all he needs is some information about the sumerian kingdom army and Eldorian kingdom army.

Leon :- "Alex, i want you to tell me all the information about the sumerian kingdom army and Eldorian kingdom army. I want to know about every move of kratos and Draco".

Alex :- "I know about everything in Sumeria and every move of king kratos. Everyone thought i am just a pathetic soldier. But i have learned so much about Sumeria kingdom and Sumerian army. But i never saw Draco and i never went to Eldoria kingdom".

Leon :- "First we need to kill Draco and defeat Eldoria Kingdom. As long as Draco is alive, we can't even touch kratos, Eldoria kingdom is the backbone of Sumeria Kingdom".

Alex :- "But how can we infiltrate into Eldoria kingdom".

Leon :- "You have to figure it out yourself. I am sending you along with my daughter Elena to sumeria. I'll tell you all the secret ways and hidden paths that will help you to reach anywhere in Sumeria kingdom. We'll communicate through our spies in Sumeria. When you are ready just give me the signal, i'll start the attack with our army".

Alex :- I'll protect princess elena with my life".

After that alex and elena started journey towards sumeria kingdom.

Elena :- "Now General Skar and Gorok think that you were dead. Even if you go back as an escaped soldier, they'll eventually kill you because they hate you. What will you do? Where will you hide then?".

Alex :- "I know someone who can help us".

Alex took Elena to a village and stopped infornt of a home and knocked the door. The one who opens the door is Amelia.

Amelia :- what happened to you, Oliver said you were taken by gorok and his soldiers. I thought you were dead".

Alex :- I am sorry to drag you into this. No one's doubted you right ?

Amelia :- Yeah, Oliver helped me to came to my village again. You seem wounded, are you okay? I was so worried about you.

Alex :- This is elena, she is the real heiress to sumeria kingdom throne. Gorok tried to kill me, now i am going to take revenge on them and i'll make elena princess again.

Amelia :- "No... No... No.., this is not happening to me. If they know she is here, they are gonna kill us all. Princess elena i don't have any hate on you but i can't able to help you".

Alex :- "You don't have to do nothing, Just keep her with you here. She won't eat you, until you don't do anything that makes her Angry. I am going to gather some information that helps us".

Elena :- "I'll come with you, they don't know me".

Alex :- "I promised king leon that i'll protect you with my life. And i don't take orders from you cause you are not princess yet. So, stay here with her".

Elena looked angry on Alex, but she respected his decision and let Alex go alone to sumeria kingdom.

Alex took all the information about secret routes to sumeria kingdom from Leon. He tried and went from a secret passage at forest near to sumeria. From that passage he went directly to a main bedroom of someone's in Sumeria main castle. That passage ended under someone's bed. He thought that passage leads to weapons room. But it's someone's bedroom. Alex understood that the rooms had changed after kratos took over the sumeria and main castle. Alex saw someone's foot. A woman standing at balcony and painting. He doesn't wanted to take the risk so he tried to go back but he made some noice.

Suddenly two soldiers come into that room quicky throwed that bed away and grabbed alex before he escaped. The Soldiers seems to be stronger than gorok. One soldier took his knife and tried to cut Alex's throat but the woman stopped him.

She asked :- "Who are you ? How did you infiltrate here without noticed by my gaurds?".

The woman, she has a big black mark on her face that covers 1/3rd of her face. Alex never saw her in Sumeria before. Not even those strong gaurds. He understood everything and said

Alex :- "I love you princess Nina, Ever since i saw you from that day. I wanted to tell you this even if i am going to be killed. I just had one last wish, i want to die on your hands my queen.

After hearing that, Nina asked the soldiers to leave. The soldiers leaved nina and alex in her room alone. Nina took a knife and put it on Alex's neck.

Nina :- "Tell me you are lying, no one ever saw me. Even if someone saw me they don't love this face".

Alex :- ''when i saw you, i just didn't observed your face. I felt how much alone you are. I know your father hide you from the sumeria people just to save his honor and pride. I don't need money or anything from this kingdom. I just want your sweet and warm love. I know you feel insecure about your face. But trust me you have the most beautiful heart i have ever seen on this earth".

Nina grab Alex's hand took him to main hall of castel where everyone has assembled and asked king kratos.

Nina :- " Father, I loved this guy, i want to marry him".

Kratos :- "Dear, why did you come here to main assembly hall. Where are your gaurds ?".

Nina :- "I said, i want to marry him dad".

Everyone just shocked to see princess nina, some people and some people murmuring about how princess Nina's face and looks, Nina looked at everyone

Nina :- "Yes, i am the princess of sumeria kingdom and daughter of the great emperor krato's daughter. I know everyone looking at me for the first time and i know what you all are thinking about. My dad hidden me because of my face. But i got what i deserve, Love".

Gorok :- "Princess Nina you don't know about him, my spy had seen him with your servant Amelia at her village. He's not what you think".

Nina :- "Mind your words Gorok, Amelia is like my sister, she would never betray me. He probably did meet her just to know about me and to know how to get me and my love. And i know he defeated you and even fought with Skar. I made up my decision i am gonna marry Alex".

Kratos :- "Skar, kill this man and throw his body outside of sumeria".

Skar and his army surrounded nina and alex, Skar tried to attack. Suddenly everyone heard a voice saying "Stop" and everyone stopped and shocked. A man walking towards nina, he looked so strong and brave. He come closer to nina and hugged her, and said "If anyone tries to hurt my little sister, i'll kill them without mercy. The man is no one but the elder son of king Kratos. His name is Alden.

Alden :- "I can understand nina, how much you felt alone after i went to Eldoria kingdom. I know, no one's support your love, but i'll make you both one with my hands in Eldoria".