My Blind Date Was My Boss - 3 in English Fiction Stories by jiaqing yang books and stories PDF | My Blind Date Was My Boss - 3

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My Blind Date Was My Boss - 3

Chapter 37: The Runaway
Muchachi looked at his hurried figure and sighed with relief.
I opened the company gossip group, and it all exploded.
Xiaoyu: "I go, the general Huang of the financial Department actually absconded with the money!"
Eat melon smile: "What's going on? The company's financial payment does not have to go through three layers of checkpoints? How can he transfer the 20 million yuan of the account?"
Xiao Wei Wei: "Don't you know? Huang has premeditated, he is the financial director holding the most critical secret key, when the approval, the supplier's payment account information to privately tampered!"
Smiling and proud: "And what is the use of his soldiers holding other secret keys, and finally not to listen to his command loan."
See through the world: "No, our company's large amount of transfers are approved by General Su!"
Do not say: [Not the approval process is in line with the procedures, but he modified the supplier's collection account in the middle of the process, understand? Then the cashier did not check carefully when the payment, it is he who dug a hole for the cashier.]
Xianyu Flash: "I don't understand the financial process, anyway, I think he can transfer so much money to the company, strong ability, no small courage! Public security personnel have been collecting information on the scene."
Mu Xia Qi frowning at the group of information, no wonder Su Zichen hurry to go back.
In fact, most financial personnel have professional ethics, and generally will not take risks for money that does not belong to them, otherwise their career will be destroyed, and they may face prison.
China's "Criminal Law" stipulates that any person of a company, enterprise or other unit who, by taking advantage of his position, illegally takes possession of property of his own unit, if the amount is huge, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years and may also be sentenced to confiscation of property.
It's just that the person who sits in the position of financial director, the human resources department must do due diligence before he joins, how can there be such a big problem?
Can only say that under the temptation of huge money, many people can not help but take risks.
Room doorbell rings, through the cat's eye found is Su Zichen one of the drivers Chen Hai.
"Hello, Miss Mu, Sue always asks me to come and pick you up."
She opened the door. "Just a moment, please."
Go back, get his phone and his suit jacket, turn around and walk out of the room.
Chen Hai wanted to come forward to help her, but she declined, after all, now they can walk, but the speed is a little slower.
Chen Hai also dare not brush her meaning, after all, he was with Su always around for so long, the first time to see him and girls alone overnight, after a great chance is their own young grandmother!
He followed closely behind her and helped her when she could not stand.
Jingyuan community.
Han Suisui has been waiting at the gate of the community, see Mu Xia Qi get off, hurriedly meet up.
Chen Hai also want to send her downstairs, was directly refused by Mu Xia Qi.
Han Suisui doesn't know where to borrow a battery car, patted the back seat, "Qi Qi, get on the car!"
Muschucky stood still. "Where did this car come from?"
"I borrowed it from the lad next door."
"Question Have you ever driven a battery car?"
Han Suisui proudly said: "Qiqi, you can rest assured, recently I have been driving this battery car during the day, and the driving skills can almost be comparable to the take-out brother!"
"Really? "
"You don't trust me?"
Muschach shook his head. "It's hard to believe someone with your record."
"What's your record?" Han Sui Sui eyes wandering, guiltily asked.
"I don't know who in high school said that I learned to ride a bike, and then I had to pick someone up, and the result was that I fell upside down, and my new dress was worn out!"
"How many years ago was that? Remember, Cookie, there's an old saying: 'Don't be impressed after three days.' Trust me again!"
Muxia Qi looked around, went to their own building is really a long distance, had to choose to believe her again, sat on the battery car.
Have not yet sat down, Han Sui Sui off the start key, Mu Xia Qi felt a strong sense of pushing back, the whole person looked back.
She quickly grabbed Han Sui Sui shoulder, "Sui Sui, slow slow."
"Can't slow down, this car's electric acceleration 'throttle' is so fast!"
Muxia Qi support, although she did not drive the battery car, but the basic knowledge or understand, "sister, you do not put the throttle to the end, not good?"
"Huh? Isn't there no sense of speed?"
"Did you say speed or death?"
"Both! Hey hey."
Mushaqi caught a glimpse of a little boy running down the garden path toward the main road. She quickly warned, "There are children ahead on the left, do you see?"
Han Sui Sui panic, quickly brake, both feet on the ground to do buffer, "see, see."
"Brake hard, come on."
"I tried to brake as hard as I could, ah!!" Han Suisui gnashed his teeth and pressed the brake brake to spark.
Fortunately, he stopped in front of the little boy, and Muschucky was so frightened that he nearly collapsed.
"Sui Sui, tell me the truth, can you drive a battery car or not?"
Han Suisui looked like a child who had done something wrong and turned around and said to her, "In fact, today is the second time that I drove the battery car, I just thought that your feet were inconvenient, so......"
"How dare you? Aren't you afraid to bump into someone?"
"When I first drove it, I thought it was no different from a bicycle, but today the car should be newly charged and full of horsepower!" I dare not do it again."
"And next time?" Muschucky raised his pitch.
Han Shuisui hurriedly shook his head and waved his hands: "No, there will be no next time."
Mushaqi looked at his own position is not far from his own house, "Let's walk back?"
"But your feet?"
"It doesn't hurt very much now. Let's slow down."
"Cookie, do you want to go to the hospital and get an X-ray?"
Muchachi stopped and turned his ankle slightly. It still hurt, it was still slightly swollen.
"Okay, I'll get my stuff back and get into my gym clothes before I go to the hospital."
Han Suisui nodded, "Then you wait for me here, I first park the electric car and then come to pick you up."
"Well, you push it, don't ride it any more." Mushage nodded her forehead and limped slowly after her.
Looking at her jumping back, Muxia Qi shook his head, and sometimes he was really bold and concerned about himself.
Gate of the People's Hospital.
"Cookie, the doctor says your foot is fine, just apply your medicine on time for a few days!" Luckily it's okay, otherwise how would you get to and from work?"
Han Sui Sui hooks up the shoulder, "Go, we have a delicious celebration."
Mushaqi shook his head, "Although it is not serious, but the doctor said that we need to rest for two days, let's go home and lie down."

Chapter 38: Timely Treatment
Don't go to work day is very good, Mu Xia qi feeling, finally have time to catch up with their always wanted to see the mystery drama.
While she was watching TV with the seeds, her phone vibrated slightly.
Su Zichen: The driver said you didn't go to see a doctor? How does your foot feel now?
She looked down at the information, face ten thousand question marks, Lin Xiaoyu not said the company had a big event? Why does he have time to care about her feet? And this kind of meticulous care thing, it's not really his style.
After thinking for a while, he replied: "Thank you Mr. Su for your concern, my foot is fine, now I will recover for a few days, I bothered you yesterday. In addition, I will wash your suit and send it back to you."
Su Zichen: "Suit is not urgent, you rest assured."
Mushaqi: [OK.]
Put down the phone, still feel less contact is better, say more wrong.
Han Sui Sui scream from the room, scared her to go in to see what happened?
"Cookie, I gained 10,000 followers today, 10,000 followers in one day, which is beyond my wildest dreams." Han Suisui threw his arms around her shoulder and stamped his feet excitedly.
Moushaqi smiled and hugged her back, "My Susui is great!"
"To celebrate my rise in followers, I'll order a nice takeaway tonight!"
"Why don't I cook a dish or two? I'm tired of takeaways every day." Muschucky said with a faint smile.
"Cookie, can you cook? When did you learn?" Han Sui Sui surprise asked.
She has lived here for nearly half a month, and the two have been ordering takeout, and even if they cook, they cook noodles.
"That's what I've learned in more than a year, but what I can cook is just a simple dish or two, and you can't help but appreciate it if it's not delicious."
"When Cookie cooks, I will eat it all with tears in my eyes."
Han picked up her backpack and walked out, "Cookie, send me the ingredients you need to cook, I'll go to the mall right now to buy them!"
Looking at the swift action of Han Sui Sui, her mouth with a smile, there is a good sister around good.
Top floor office, Tiankun Building.
The man's hand with a pen is casually placed on the desk, and the hard cuffs of the gray shirt are matched with the cold black Buddhist beads, which makes the white slender finger bones feel colder and deeper.
His left hand regularly tapped on the table, the people below were too quiet to make a sound.
For a long time, he opened his mouth lightly: "Surely everyone knows what happened today?"
No one said a word, all heads bowed.
His deep eyes cold to the bottom of the people swept, "now think about remedial measures, human resources department, summarize the loopholes in the management system for me."
The manager of the human resources department hurriedly agreed.
"Send me the changes tomorrow. In addition, other departments should follow through on the current project work and do not panic."
Everyone nodded yes.
The manager of the purchasing department wanted to stop talking, looked up at the man who was cold and powerful in front of him, and said nervously: "General Su, now the material supplier is still sitting in our meeting room, because we promised to pay yesterday, but today is delayed."
Su Zichen thought for A moment, "Didn't the group allocate a support fund to our company to develop A project before? Use that pen first."
"All right."
"Go away, all of you."
When everyone left the office, Xu Chujing stepped forward and said, "The public security department has arrested Huang Ming at the customs office and has now frozen all the assets under his name."
Su Zichen did not make a sound, his expression was faint, but his eyes could not stop looking at his mobile phone.
"I believe that 20 million, he did not transfer out so quickly, the investigation of the public security organs found that his mother was suffering from liver cancer, and his child was suffering from leukemia, he took the risk, he certainly did not expect that he had not yet come out of the customs to be intercepted."
Xu Chujing looked at his expression, always couldn't see what, didn't see him have any anxiety, "but now the project is about to start, if we use all the funds to fill this gap, I'm afraid it will affect the project."
Su Zichen put down his pen, "Don't worry, I have my own sense of proportion."
Then he got up and walked out, leaving only his indifferent back.
Xu Chujing shaking his head, always feel where wrong, said he did not work seriously? That's not true. He's taking things seriously. He seems a little distracted.
Early this morning, I sent him clothes to the hotel, thinking of this he raised his eyebrows, is there a situation of iron trees that do not bloom for thousands of years?
Just back to their office, Secretary Li Xiaowei holding a stack of information came in, "Xu special help, this is the investment department just handed in the new information, for you to see."
"Okay, put it down." He just picked up the information, remembering that the girl Su Zichen said he was familiar with was not just from the investment department? I didn't see you last time. I think I'll see you today, right? !
Excitedly rushed to the investment department, but was told that the last meeting of the girls even asked for leave!
And Zichen today absent-minded, is not two people have a situation? Xu Chujing feel oneself found the big melon, then is it not to use wood Ziqing to pretend to be his girlfriend?
The black, understated Maybach pulls quietly out of the garage.
Su Zichen was leaning back in his chair, looking at his mobile phone. The sun shone deeper into the car window.
"Where shall we go now, General Su?"
He looked at himself and Muziqing chat frame for a while, open: "Go to Jingyuan community."
* * * * * *
"Cookie, you are so good at making crucian carp soup."
Han Sui Sui on the side excitedly looked at Mu Xia Qi in the frying crucian, skilled, to be fried on both sides of the crucian to brown, and then boil the hot water into.
"Why does it have to be hot?" Han Sui Sui curious, she used to be at home all servants do end to her, rarely into the kitchen.
"The soup turns white because of the hot water." Mushaqi put in tofu, ham, lean pork and other side dishes as he spoke.
Watching the soup bubbling in the pot, it's full of happiness.
"Sosui, have you moved all your suitcases upstairs?"
"Yes, or you wouldn't even have a place to put your feet in this little house, which looks much looser now."
Han Suisui looked around, she found that their ability to adapt a lot stronger.
Before, she would never have thought that she would be adjusting to such a small house.
"I'd better stay with you for a few days, your legs are not convenient, and I don't want to live up there alone, empty."
Muschucky pinched her nose. "You can stay as long as you want."
"Hey, I used to fantasize about what it would be like when we grow up and move out together, but now I've experienced it."
Han Suisui hugged her arm and shook it gently.

Chapter 39 suddenly appeared
The warm sunshine poured into the room, fresh and beautiful.
"Susui, I'll fry this beef and eggs, and we can have lunch." Muschucky shouted from the kitchen.
Han Sui Sui outside tidy up things on the table, sit and wait to eat.
The room is full of fragrance and happiness.
The phone on her desk was vibrating. She picked it up and looked puzzled. "Cookie, who's on your phone that can't be answered?"
Mu Shaqi instantly widened his eyes, put down the spatula in his hands, and walked out of the room one by one, "Don't answer it, it's Su Zichen!"
Han Sui Sui hurriedly handed her the mobile phone, "How does this person haunt?"
Muschucky pressed answer and gave her a silent look.
Into the room to adjust their own state, the call has been disconnected, she was glad that she did not have to answer, the phone rang again, like a prompt.
Press the answer button and smile, "Hello, Mr. Su!"
"Well, it's me." A steady voice came from the microphone.
Three seconds of silence.
Muchachi had to speak again, "Mr. Su, what can I do for you?"
Su Zichen cleared his throat, "Have you eaten yet?"
She was confused and called to ask herself if she had eaten yet. So much time? Did you get the 20 million back?
"Well, just about to eat."
"Who made it for you?" The cool voice came faintly.
"Me, myself."
"Yes. You are ready to open the door, I am almost at your house."
"What??" She realized that her tone was a little high, and then added, "No, Mr. Su, what's the matter with you coming to my home?"
"I'll bring you some medicine and food, and we'll talk."
Mu Shaqi hung up the phone and quickly turned out of the living room, "Susui, you hurry upstairs, Su Zichen is coming to my house, go quickly, if she finds you in my house, it will be difficult to explain."
Han Suisui also panicked, quickly picked up her things and walked out the door, "Qi Qi, why did he come to you?"
"There is no time, you take the back fire escape, don't collide with him, talk later."
Shut the gate with a bang.
Not a minute later, the doorbell rang again, and she was not out of breath. She reached up to the cat's eye and saw him in a suit and tie, standing upright in front of her house.
She pretended to shout, "Coming, wait!"
I waited a long time to open the door.
This is to see that he carried a lot of things in his hands, large bags, and he is now in stark contrast to the expensive dress.
"Well, come in quickly."
When Su Zichen entered her house for the first time, he looked it over without any trace.
Although the house is not large, but clean and tidy, everywhere is warm, the windowsill is also placed with small daisies, the wind slightly dancing, the house floating bursts of fragrant vegetables, this is the feeling of home.
"Do you need to change your shoes?"
"No, I don't have any men's slippers."
Su Zichen's eyes flashed an unknown meaning, and Mu Xia Qi did not notice it.
"Where are these things?"
"Mr. Su, why did you bring so many things here?"
Muchach looked around and let him put it next to the TV cabinet, but when he came in, the already small space seemed even more cramped.
"It's all wine for a sprained foot, and here's lunch for you, only you've made it." He raised the lunch box in his hand.
She limped over and reached for the lunch box, and he leaned over and gently touched her wrist.
Gentle tone: "You be careful, sit on the table, I will take it." Then just help her out.
Mushaqi was slightly embarrassed. "Mr. Su, I can go by myself."
"Can I go to the hospital with you later?"
"No, no, I have gone to the hospital this morning to take a scan, the doctor said nothing serious, apply some in a few days will be fine."
Su Zichen nodded slightly, "Just see the doctor."
He opened the lunch box one by one, the aroma was overflowing, the color and smell were perfect, it was the level of a five-star hotel, "Come and try."
Mushaqi looked at the dazzling array of dishes, swallowed, compared with their own cooking is shabby.
She looked at Su Zichen who was standing and asked politely, "Mr. Su, have you had lunch yet?"
Surely a man of his stature wouldn't want to dine in a place like his own? He...... I think you can see yourself. You're just being polite, right?
"Well, not yet."
Mushaqi's smile froze on his face, busy reacting, adjusting his face expression, "If Mr. Su does not mind, then eat together?"
"Well, obedience is better than deference." He sat down obediently.
She has a secret heart, you can be respectful!! What about her family? !
"You have two sets of bowls and chopsticks here, are they for me?"
She looked at the bowl in front of him, should be just Han Sui Sui put.
Stiffly hook the corners of his mouth and smile: "Yes, just received your call, I took it out and put it together."
"Yes, please." He gracefully picked up the dish and looked at her with expectant eyes.
"Then shall we begin to eat? Thank you Mr. Su for the food. If you don't mind, you can try my crucian carp soup, and this ham and broccoli."
"All right."
Mushaqi took over his bowl and filled him with a bowl of his own milk-white crucian carp soup.
"Be careful with the bones." She handed him the bowl.
"Yes, thank you."
Neither of them spoke in the middle, and he actually finished all the dishes she cooked, while the dishes he brought over did not touch much.
Mushaqi was scared to eat, and the food he brought was not poisonous, was it? Why wouldn't he touch it himself?
But eat up their own dishes taste really good, Michelin restaurant level, for a long time have not eaten so delicious dishes, even if toxic, also do a stuffed ghost.
Both put down their chopsticks at the same time and looked at the empty dishes on the table.
His usually cold face, at this time the silk slightly red, "Zi Qing's craft is really good, very delicious!"
"Thank you, Mr. Su." She pretended to look at her phone and yawned. ✘l
Su Zichen gently unbuttoned the button above his neck, the lazy breath stood out, and the sexy Adam's apple slid up and down.
Seeing her sleepy tears dancing appearance, not amused, then stood up, "I'm sorry to bother you today, if there is anything, please call me at any time, don't be polite with me."
Muschucky nodded. "Yes, thank you, Sir."
Wanted to stand up to send him, but he was holding down the shoulder, the hot temperature spread through the clothes to her skin, like a flame.
"Don't send it, I'll ask a caregiver to come and take care of you later." Then you won't have to cook."
Muchachi widened his eyes and shook his head, "Mr. Su, really don't need to, I can take care of myself alone! My best friend, she's coming to live with me later."
"Well, then."
The door snapped shut and she was relieved, unable to lean on the table.
After half a meeting, the hand to Han Sui Sui sent a message.

Chapter 40: Beef with Eggs
Han Sui Sui like a tornado into her house, "Su Zichen left?"
Then she looked over to the balcony again.
Mushaqi was weak, "He left for a while, but everything is eaten up, and I will help you make the beef eggs, you will eat some ah."
"Cookie, why don't I just order takeout? I'm tired of this." Han Sui Sui distressed way.
"The beef is already cut, and there is oil in the pan. I will fry it quickly, otherwise it will be a waste."
Mu Xia Qi limped to the kitchen, looking at her back, Han Suisui's sense of guilt stronger.
"Cookie, I made you go on blind dates for me, and you went through all this for nothing."
Mushaqi's hand movement did not stop, smiling, "I have heard this sentence many times recently, when you make money, please ask me to travel abroad to compensate for my hurt heart."
"No problem, it's necessary, and now I can ask you to come, too."
"I want the money you earned to go, so that you invited me to go."
Han Suisui thought for a moment, "Also!"
Then pat his chest, "Wait for me, I believe I will soon give you money to travel."
Speaking, Mushaqi has already done the beef and eggs to cook this dish quickly, the beef does not need to fry too old, while the beef is still hot, directly pour the egg into the slide and pull a few times cooked.
Han Sui Sui hurriedly took over the dish in her hands, yellow eggs with brown and red beef, very nice.
"Oh my God, it smells so good, the flares are coming off, Cookie, you are so versatile!"
Mouchucky glanced at her with a smile. "Eat quickly, mouth."
'Yes, Sir!
* * * * * *
On Saturday, the sun outside the window is always lazy, and the delicate hand of the cloud brocade sweeps through the wisps of gold, and carefully scatters, passing through the shadows of the broken trees, and mottling the green garden.
After two days of dressing culture, Mushaqi's ankle has been reduced a lot of swelling, walking is close to normal, do not have to limp, is not fast.
Su Zichen did not come again these two days, but his driver Chen Hai would still bring the food on time.
Han Sui Sui ate the food he sent over, full of praise, "really want to ask Su Zichen this meal is in which hotel to buy?"
Muchachi shook his head, and now he would not bump into the muzzle of the gun and try to keep less contact.
He texted him not to have to deliver meals every day, and his response was polite, except that the driver still showed up on time every day.
I guess that's the way it is, right?
Han Suisui these days have taken the initiative to take care of the task of the table, the action is crisp a lot.
"Qiqi, Haoxuan said he would come back to visit you later."
"Didn't he say he was going to the National Computer Contest? How do you have time to come?"
"When I was talking to him, I mentioned that you sprained your foot, and then he couldn't sit down and insisted on coming to see you."
"Let him study hard. My foot is much better now."
Han Suisui shook his head, "I have told him, you are not unaware that he is a stubborn donkey, maybe he still listens to your words."
Mushaqi also knows his brother, once decided things, it is difficult to pull back, unless he is aware of his own wrong.
Forget it. I haven't seen him for a long time.
Outside the bell rang, Mu Xia Qi smiled and said: "Haoxuan this guy is so fast?"
She looked out through the cat's eye, the whole person froze, quickly turned around, and her voice was low and rapid: "Sui Sui, you hurry back to the room!" Quickly!"
Han Suisui through the porch, just want to sound, was Muxia Qi tightly covered his mouth.
"Don't talk. Su Zichen is outside the door."
Han Suisui immediately closed her mouth, her eyes were anxious, and she asked: What should I do?
"I go in now to change a suit of clothes, I take him to the mall to buy something, you tell my brother I have an emergency back to the company to work overtime, you know?"
Han Sui Sui nod, two people ignore the bell outside the door, hurried back to the room, each doing his job.
Mu Xia Qi change clothes, pick up the mobile phone, only to find that there are four missed calls, are Su Zichen!
The original last night to the mobile phone to mute, no wonder did not hear the phone ring, the doorbell is still tirelessly ringing.
She scratched her hair, took a deep breath to calm herself, and opened the door.
Today, Su Zichen is not wearing a shirt, but a casual white T-shirt with straight light blue pants, the whole person looks clean and young, and compared with the usual suit and tie, it is completely like a change of person.
But his eyes were anxious, seeing her open the door, his eyes swept over her body, and he was relieved that she was okay.
Muschach was about to ask him what was urgent when his voice sounded somber above her: "Why didn't you answer the phone?"
"Sorry, I put it on mute by mistake last night."
Muschucky dared not make eye contact with him and looked into the corner.
After a moment's silence, he said, "Are you going out?"
"Yes, want to buy some food, the refrigerator stock is not much, Mr. Su came to what?"
"Call your phone and get someone to answer. I'll send someone to buy it. Your foot is not all right. Go back and have a good rest." He said he was going to help her inside to rest.
"......" Mushaqi heart racing, put on a pathetic expression, slightly winked water full eyes looked at him, "I have been stuffy at home for too long, feel moldy, want to go out for a walk."
Su Zichen's deep eyes moved slightly, quietly looked at her for a while, and sighed slightly, "Then go, I will accompany you to buy."
Muchachi closed the door neatly. "That'll trouble Mr. Sue."
"My name is Zichen."
"Call me by name, Zichen." 'he said lightly.
Mouchach stared at him and called out his name after him like a child learning to speak, "Zichen......."
When she reacted, the tips of her ears were burning, was it just evil? Yelling his name after him!
His car actually parked directly under her building, this time for a Lamborghini sports car, it was still blue sky.
I looked at his pants. They looked good! But the body is too short, sit into the uncomfortable, there is a car in the garage, but they have not driven much.
Thinking of the big run in the water that night, I hesitated and asked: "How was the car that night?"
Su Zichen froze for a moment, thinking about which car.
"It was the suv Mercedes that was in the water that day."
"Well, the garage has been towed, but the car that has been in the water is not so good after repair."
After the general car soaked in water, the parts inside are easier to rust, and the service life will be greatly reduced. 𝚡 ʟ
If ordinary people have already been distressed, this person in front of me, as if he has forgotten the car.

Chapter 41: Call Me By Name
Su Zichen started the car, and people around him looked sideways at the roar.
Can not see this person has a high-profile side, usually his car is low-key calm wind.
When he stepped on the gas, the car shot out with a loud thud, and Muschach held on firmly to the handle above his head.
"Well, Mr. Su, this is a residential area, although there are not many people now, we should pay attention to safety."
"Huh? Call me what?" He looked ahead, his voice deep.
"Zi, Zi Chen."
As the speed slowed, Mushaqi remained rigid and stared ahead.
"Which supermarket do you usually shop at?"
Slender five fingers so casually on the steering wheel, appear unusually lazy.
He turned on the music, and the faint piano melody flowed out.
Muschach looked from side to side and pointed ahead. "Turn right at this intersection, pass another traffic light, and you'll see the sign for the mall."
He did not continue to speak, but the piano music in the car was quietly playing, an nocturne in e-flat major from Chopin's Nocturnes.
When I was learning piano before, these are all pieces that are almost rotten.
Only after graduation, rarely touch the piano, one is no time, the second is now the conditions are not allowed, there is no piano at home.
"Is this the house?" He pointed his bony fingers toward the blue sign in front of him.
Muschucky nodded. "Yes, this is it."
Su Zichen bone appearance is very good, even in the car light is not good, that handsome face, but appear more profound.
She glanced out of the corner of her eye, quickly withdrew her eyes, gently pressed her head against the window, and broke her fingers to recite: "Emptiness is color, color is emptiness."
Su Zichen saw her looking at her fingers in a daze, the sunlit peach eyes with their own small hooks were slightly collected, the hair across her neck, the pink mouth seemed to be chanting something.
The corners of his mouth turned, and his beautiful eyes were stained with a smile.
The mall is near several residential areas, parking has been relatively tight, and she has been hitchhiking here.
Finally saw a parking space, but the location is very difficult, she hesitated to let him look for another parking space.
But he calmly looked at the left and right rearview mirror, hit the steering wheel with one hand, directly reverse into the warehouse, and actually got it done at one time, without a pause in the middle, it is simply to enjoy silkiness!
She thought of herself before reversing into the warehouse, not toss a long time, simply can not pour in!
"Here we are." "Warned his deep voice.
"Huh? Yes."
Weekend supermarket especially many people, bustling, lively.
In the house for two days, suddenly came to the lively crowd, there are a few not to adapt.
The front suddenly sprang out of a five or six year old boy, she did not have time to react, he was hit back two steps.
Su Zichen quickly stretched out his hand to protect her behind, holding her steady, and the faint smell of daisies poured into his arms.
The little boy's parents then hurried over, picked up the boy and apologized repeatedly. The little boy looked at Su Zichen's hand with round eyes, innocent and childlike, "Brother, why are you holding your sister?"
Muchach realized that he was tightly held in his arms, and quickly broke away and stood nervously aside, his face tinged with a pale pink.
Su Zichen looked at his empty arms, his deep eyes slightly closed and his lips pursed.
The little boy's parents quickly stopped and taught: "Sister is brother's girlfriend!" Be careful where you walk. If you knock someone down again, you'll be sent to the police."
The little boy was terrified at the sound of his head, shaking his head violently, ducking his mouth and holding his small hands, "I don't dare anymore."
Mushaqi could not help but bend his eyes, and the little guy was so cute that he leaned in front of him and said, "Then the next time you go out to play, be sure to hold your mother's hand." 🞫 l
"Uh-huh, don't do that again."
The little boy's parents took him in their arms and waved them both away.
Mouchach turned back with a smile. The man, with dark eyes like ink, was staring at her with a smile. He could not help thinking of what the child's mother had just said, and his eyes fluttered away.
"What do you want to buy?" With a smile in his eyes, he pushed a shopping cart from the side, and the lights of the shopping mall were clearly shining, which matched his jade face.
Pushing a shopping cart, but like a runway model, many people around him are not only quietly looking at him, thinking that it is a talent show star.
Muschach, standing beside him, could not help but be baptized by other curious eyes.
She thought for a moment. "I want to buy some meat, fruit, cabbage and noodles."
In fact, I still store some durable things, go to work by myself, and do not often go to the mall.
"Good," said Hermione. He looked up at the sign above him. "Shall we get some noodles first?"
She nodded, and up ahead was the pasta section! I wonder, does he often come to buy things? You look familiar?
A wide range of shelves, the man pushing the shopping cart and her side by side, his elegant and expensive atmosphere, in the crowd is also a standout.
He grabbed a packet of noodles from the shelf and looked at the instructions. "Do you want spaghetti or this?"
Look down again at the package name, "hanging noodles?"
Muchachi shook his head, walked around him, took a package from another shelf, "want to buy this silver noodles."
She recently liked this kind of surface, fine as silk, white as silver, soft and smooth, full of toughness.
He took a few curious looks, "Is it delicious?"
"You haven't eaten?"
He shook his head, "I haven't eaten much, I'll try next time."
All the silver noodles of this brand on the shelf should be moved down.
Mushaqi hurriedly stepped forward to stop, "Mr. Su, you want to eat so much?"
He shook his head. "Buy it for you."
She's scared. This guy wants to open his own supermarket, right?
"Mr. Su, I can't eat that much by myself. It's easy to expire."
He stopped the action, a faint "um" sound, and silently put back.
Looking at these and his own temperament is not consistent with the behavior, her heart smirked, but her face did not show.
If you look closely, you can see that the tips of his ears are slightly red, but he is still composed.
The mobile phone in the pocket vibrated slightly, Han Suisui: "I have left Jingyuan with your brother, you watch the time to come back."
Muchach glanced at the message, closed the screen, and made it quick!
She took two bags of silver noodles and put them in her shopping cart. Then she went to the vegetable section and bought some cabbage and some seasonal vegetables!
As for fruits, she likes durians and grapes, but she has to move upstairs for a while, and her legs are not very flexible, so she only bought some grapes.
I picked up some pork and beef and headed for the checkout.
He stopped, looked in the snack section and asked quietly, "No snacks?"

Chapter 42: The Fairy Does not Eat Snacks
"Not yet. Fairies don't eat snacks."
Su Zichen's eyes darkened, and his eyes lingered on her face for a long time.
Muschucky was a little freaked out, and she was just joking to lighten the mood.
When she was about to turn red, he said softly, "Well, wait for....... The fairy will buy it when she wants it."
Playing a joke on him and getting yourself involved.
When he wanted to swipe his card at the checkout, Mushaqi had already prevented him from doing so, asking him to go to the shelf next to the checkout to find cherry flavored gum.
By the time he found it, the girl had paid her bill and was waiting for him at the exit.
Looking at her proud demo, Su Zichen raised his eyebrows, paid quickly at the cashier, and handed her the cherry flavored gum she had designated.
"Did fairies like cherry gum?"
Mushaqi's face was slightly red, and he bent down to take his gum.
He smiled and lifted the shopping bag in her hand.
"How are your feet after all this walking?" He slowed down and followed her pace.
"Not bad."
On the way, she sent a message to Han Sui Sui: "On the way home, you must delay."
The car slowly drove downstairs, the management of the old-fashioned community will be more relaxed, as long as the address and contact person, the doorman will be registered and released.
"Mr. Su, I'll just go up by myself. You don't have to see me off." Muschucky struggled to lift the thing out.
Su Zichen was already standing behind her, taking things expertly and going upstairs. "You are not convenient, don't mention it, and call me by name."
She wanted to say something more, but saw that he had entered the stairs and had to follow.
Open the door and go in, see him put something on the table, draw a tissue to wipe the sweat on his head, "a little thirsty, can you drink a glass of water?"
"Mr. Su, sit down, please. I'll get you some water, orange juice, coffee and ice water. Which one do you want?"
"Ice water is good, thank you, and usually call my name as a familiar, so that when I meet my grandfather, I call it wrong."
"Huh? Ok, Zichen."
Su Zichen's dark eyes brightened and his mouth lifted gently.
She walked slowly to the refrigerator, took a glass, poured a glass of ice water gently in front of him, "Mr. Su......"
"Huh?" Su Zichen frowned.
"Well, Zi Chen, please drink some water." Muschach immediately changed course.
"Yes, thank you."
His long, bony fingers hold the water cup, and the black Buddha beads slide along.
Head slightly back, sexy Adam's apple sliding up and down with the movement of his swallowing.
Mushaqi quickly looked away, this man is really walking hormones.
The water in the cup was drained, and she was dumbfounded and opened her mouth: "Do you want to pour another cup?"
His thin moist lips pursed and he nodded slightly. "Please."
So thirsty? Just as he got up, he stopped her. "I'd better do it myself."
He got up lazily, walked to the food table, and filled the glass with water again.
Muchach felt his mouth dry, and went out with him without feeling much thirst.
I looked at my watch, turned on the TV series and variety shows to ease the embarrassment in the room.
After all, I can't talk too much with him. How do I do when I say something?
Is this man going to sit here till dark? The powerful aura of the person around me, I can't ignore it.
She turned her head with a smile, "Do you want to watch any kind of TV series?"
With that, he handed him the remote control in his hand and couldn't help but yawn.
Su Zichen chuckled, then stood up, "I have something to do, go back first, I call remember to answer."
Mushaqi saw that he was going to leave, and quickly stood up: "I will take it when I see it, you can rest assured."
The heart is in the abdomen: the most ruthless capitalists, but also people 24 hours on standby?
His face was full of smiles, and he politely walked the family out of the door.
Seeing the back of his car leaving on the balcony, I was relieved and finally sent this big Buddha away.
Now that he saw his face, what would he do if he met it in the company?
* * * * * *
Monday, Tiankun Building.
Muchachi rushed into the investment office with his breakfast, and at 8:29, he punched in at the last minute.
It's not easy to live and die every morning.
Lin Xiaoyu has been sitting on the station slowly eating bread, "Qi Qi, you caught up with the last minute, you saved the attendance award."
Muxia Qi panting sat back to the station, open breakfast, she bought a beef porridge today, and a hamburger, light and healthy.
Chen Xiaoling asked quietly, "Last week, the financial director Huang transferred the assets of the company, is there any new news now?"
Lin Xiaoyu swallowed the dough sticks in his mouth and said mysteriously: "I heard reliable news that Huang Zhong has been caught, and the money has not been transferred yet, so I guess the probability of coming back is relatively high."
She paused, "but I heard that our company's cash flow was not much, and now the 20 million that was transferred away did not turn back so quickly, the gap of funds, the people in the finance department are having a headache."
Chen Xiaoling shook her head, "I don't think you need a headache, you don't know that Sue is always the grandson of the chairman of our company, as long as he opens his mouth to borrow a sum of money from the group, will the group not borrow?"
"It also makes sense, and we little people are still concerned about whether the kPl has been completed this month."
Moushach ate his breakfast in silence, listening to gossip.
Lin Xiaoyu's sight fell on Mu Xia Qi's ankle: "Xia Qi, how are your feet now?"
"Much better, the swelling has gone down, now walking is not a big problem, just can't walk too fast."
"That's good."
Chen Xiaoling rubbed her forehead: "Qiqi, can you help me look at this Dynamic Profit Measurement Table later?"
"Sure, why?"
"I'm a little confused here between net profit on project sales (refundable) and net profit on projects (non-refundable)."
"Let me see." Mushaqi gave up his porridge and walked over to her.
Chen Xiaoling hurriedly stopped: "Qiqi, you finish your breakfast first, I am not in a hurry."
Mushaqi looked back at the remaining half of the bowl of beef porridge, quickly sat back, three or two to eat clean, and then went to her.
I took a look at the dynamic profit measurement table of the project, which every real estate company investment department has to go through before doing the project report.
Profit measurement table is divided into static and dynamic measurement.
If you want to report the data upward, then you must do a dynamic measurement table, calculate the profit of the project, and then report the core data to the superior.
Mushaqi pointed to two data, "project sales net profit can be refunded and non-refundable, the key difference is in the tax."
Chen Xiaoling nodded, "Xia Qi, what are the taxes that can be refunded?"
Just say that, peripheral vision but glimpsed Xu special help into the office.

Chapter 43: The Memory
Chen Xiaoling just want to shout out, but was Xu Chujing index finger on the lips, he heard the girl shout "Xia Qi".
We can probably assume that the girl behind his back is the one that someone said they knew.
With his back to the office door, Muchachi was still explaining the profit differential, not knowing why.
"After the sale of the project, the amount of tax that can be refunded is: land value added tax, value added tax and additional value added tax, and all the tax rebates."
Chen Xiaoling corner secretly looked at Xu Chujing a few times, see him also heard.
Liu manager just came in from the door, saw Xu Chujing actually standing in front of the station, silent.
He hurried up to meet, "Well, what wind has brought Hutt help to our investment department?"
Mu Xia Qi heard this name, scalp tingling, Xu Chujing? ! Why is he at the investment office so early in the morning? Now I have not covered up, a look back must be found by him.
Head down panic walk back to their own position, quickly open the drawer, put on their own flat glasses, pull the hair a few times, pray not to be recognized.
Xu Chujing want to see clearly Mu Xia Qi appearance, but was pulled into the office by Liu manager.
Muxia Qi hurriedly carrying the water cup pretending to go to the outside tea room to pour water.
But the tea room is not peaceful, a few people are chatting about other departments gossip.
"Did you hear?"
"Manager Tan in the Marketing Department was not getting along with his subordinate Liu Hui. Then Manager Tan's wife went to warn Liu Hui, which was seen by other employees in the Marketing Department."
"This hot? Don't we allow office romances?"
"The problem is that the two of them are not in love so simple, well, it is an extramarital affair."
"What will be done?"
"Probably both will be fired."
"It looks like I'm working at Tiankun, so don't think about getting out."
"I spend a lot of time at work every day. I don't have time to meet other guys."
"Our company will have a friendship with other companies every year, there will be opportunities!"
Muschach stood outside the door, in a dilemma, and finally took the water glass and went to the stairwell to empty.
She's not thinking about being single, she thinks being single is good, free.
* * * * * *
Top floor office.
The man's hands folded, supporting the chin, the beautiful face, still a face of ascetic indifference, as if in the top of the mountain diffuse clouds, let people can not help but want to peep.
Cold voice light said: "to negotiate with the bank financing matters."
"But General Su, directly to the group to apply for funding, this speed is not fast?"
"There are still so many subsidiaries under the group, if each subsidiary runs into problems and borrows money from the group, how much money do you think the group will have to delegate?"
"But this time is urgent..." The men down there are still trying to fight for it.
The man sitting in the chair looked down, and the people below were immediately silent.
This look is too cold, momentum is too strong, just a look, as if their own neck is being sharp knife against.
"Go to xx Bank and ask Mr. Hutt to take you there."
"Yes, General Sue."
When everyone out of the office, Su Zichen found Xu Chujing disappeared.
He called the secretariat and "asked Mr. Hutt to come and see me."
Inside the voice came: "Su general, Xu special help is not in the office, just I saw him downstairs to do business."
The man heard the voice, frowned, and hung up.
I bowed my head and signed several papers in my hand. My phone vibrated slightly.
He just pressed the answer key, Luruichao careless voice passed over, "listen to the old man said you have a girlfriend, how not to bring out to us all to see?"
"It's okay. I'm going."
"No, your company is still short of $20 million." How about my company lend money to you?"
"No need." Su Zichen's voice was indifferent and he wanted to hang up directly
Lu Rui Xiao hurriedly shouted: "Ah, don't hang up, zero interest."
"Huh? How can you go public with such a sum of money?"
"Hey, little master, I have my own way! I don't believe that you don't have this 20 million yuan under your name, because Old Man Su doesn't want you to touch private funds, does he?"
"I will talk to the investment department about financing with you. As for the interest rate, we will follow the formal procedures."
"Help you solve a big problem, your girlfriend can always meet."
Lu Rui Xiao angry, this person is really, cross the bridge.
He and Su Zichen two people can be said to have grown up wearing open-crotch pants together, a cold hot, dominating the whole compound of the mountain king.
Later, when they grew up, they went to study in different countries, and the opportunity to meet each other was not as much as before.
After returning home, they are busy with their careers, and they have less time to gather. I didn't even know this guy was dating until I got home today and heard his family mention it.
Xu Chujing hurried into the president's office, "General Su, you looking for me?"
"Well, I was going to ask you to go to the bank with the finance department, but I don't have to." Su Zichen did not look up, brush brush signed the documents and handed them to him.
Xu Chujing froze, "Why? Don't you want to go to the bank to borrow money for a while?"
"Someone is rushing to deliver the money."
"Lu Ruixiao."
"Your best friend from childhood!"
Su Zichen mouth unconsciously nodded, "Talk about financing or let the investment department go out to talk about it."
Xu Chujing nodded in agreement, the investment department is responsible for investment and financing, land investment, and financing.
"I've just been to the investment department, and it's pretty cohesive, and that Mushage feels like a real talent."
Su Zichen glanced up at him, "Why did you go to the investment department for no reason?"
"Hey, just pass by and go in to see someone you say you know."
"This one goes down several floors..."
Xu Chujing touched the tip of his nose, and this time he carefully looked at Mu Xia Qi's figure, which was indeed a little familiar.
As soon as he stepped out of the office, he was called by the secretariat, and the flicker of brilliance in his brain was left behind.
Su Zichen was his words, caused the memory, Mu Xia Qi this person is to listen to Liu manager mentioned several times, work seriously responsible, bold and meticulous, is a potential stock.
Still catching up on the report, Muxia Qi did not know that he was almost found the vest, looking at the kPl crossed out of the project, his performance this month can certainly be completed on time.
Manager Liu came out from the office with a face of joy, "We received the task above, to go to Zhengyang Group to negotiate 20 million financing this business, this time Xia Qi and Xiaoyu and I go together."
Just take you to see Zhengyang Group."
Mu Xia Qi and Lin Xiaoyu look at each other, it seems to have to be busy.

Chapter 44: Refusing to Meet
Mu Xia Qi and Lin Xiaoyu followed behind Liu manager, hurried to Zhengyang Group to go.
Arrived at the gate of Zhengyang Group, two majestic lions "looking covetously" looked at them three.
The decoration of the hall is resplendent, Lin Xiaoyu pulled the hand of Mu Xia Qi: "No wonder 20 million said to borrow, looking at the decoration, just write the word 'money' on it."
Mu Xia Qi squeezed her eyes, Lin Xiaoyu catch shut his mouth.
"Hello, we have come to visit your general Lu." Manager Liu walked up to the front desk and said.
"Hello, do you have an appointment?"
"Yes, Tiankun Group, investment department Liu Wei."
The front desk sister looked at the computer, checked the information, verified the identity cards of the three people once, and gave them a temporary card.
With this card, we can unlock the barrier and get into the elevator.
"The security here is more rigorous than ours." Lin Xiaoyu feeling.
"Zhengyang and our ranking is similar ah, and this is the group headquarters, our office is only a subsidiary of the Tiankun Group."
"That's right."
The two chatted quietly, and soon they arrived at the president's office.
The secretary saw their appointment information, asked them to wait for a moment, and then led them into the office.
This time Muchachi also a little surprised, this is the gold is painted on it, the whole office is gold, let people can not open their eyes.
Lin Xiaoyu came to Mu Xia Qi side, "look at this grandiose wind."
Lu Rui Xiao see day Kun group was Liu Weishi, in the heart harshly scolded Su Zichen this fox, unexpectedly sent an investment department manager to deal with him.
Liu Wei has come forward and respectfully said: "General Lu, hello, General Su has something urgent to deal with, and I have been specially ordered to come and discuss with you about financing 20 million yuan."
Lu Ruizhao cold hum two, "your company's Sue is really busy ah, I give money are not, you let him come to talk to me, or want to lend, that is no way."
"But Mr. Lu, why don't we talk about specific ways of cooperation first?" I will then convey this way of cooperation to General Manager Su?"
"Don't bother. Let that boy Zichen talk to me face to face. I have something to do. You can go back first."
Then press the fixed line, "Xiao Wei, come in to see the guest."
Liu Wei and Mu Xia Qi three people were "invited" out of the office.
Standing outside the office of the three people looked at each other, Liu manager Liu Wei face also can not hang, gray with their two back to the company.
Once back in the office, Liu Wei walked into the office with his head bowed.
Chen Xiaoling gossip came up, "How did you come back so soon?"
"Don't say it, that general Lu is a good big name ah, we Sue to talk to him, manager Liu tried to talk to him, was' invited 'out of the office." Lin Xiaoyu sat feebly on the card.
"Don't you know?" Chen Xiaoling is mysterious.
"Know what?"
"General Lu and General Su are family friends."
"Family friend? Then they can meet in private, why make it difficult for us shrimp soldiers?" Lin Xiaoyu frowns hate hate said.
"The big guy's world, you don't understand, the saying is not often said: gods fight, little devil suffer."
"So I'm an innocent kid." Lin Xiaoyu helpless.
Mushaqi could not help laughing as she listened to their conversation.
She had a hunch before she went that it wouldn't be so easy, and sure enough.
"It is better to hurry up and sort out the project data in the hand, otherwise when the above asks, we will be scrambling again."
Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling quickly bow to work.
Liu Wei took a book and hurried out the door.
"It seems that Manager Liu has gone up to report to General Manager Su."
"With the friendship between Su and Lu, this model is no problem to put down, it depends on the process."
"Where's Brother Feng? Why is he missing?" Muschucky noticed he didn't seem to see anyone else today.
"He was out on business. He heard that there was an old city renovation project on the west side of the city, and he went to visit the site." Chen Xiaoling said.
"I was going to go with you just now, but when I went out, my department would be empty, so I had to stay home."
Lin Xiaoyu smiled, "It is not that there has not been a situation where all are not there, do you remember the last time the personnel department came to inspect and found that no one in our department?"
"Remember, they also called Manager Liu, inquiring about the whereabouts of people in our department, and we also sent positioning." Chen Xiaoling pursed her mouth.
"Our department has a certain degree of freedom compared to other departments, and it is normal for them to be blind." Muschucky sighed.
"Then when we work overtime outside the party, and do not see the personnel department people love us, will only calculate the trivial, I found that the personnel department is idle."
"Yes, last time Manager Liu also drank vomit, I also drank a lot." Chen Xiaoling said with a cold face.
"In our department, Manager Liu and Brother Feng are boys, the remaining three of us girls, Xiaoling can handle alcohol." Lin Xiaoyu said.
"I've been fine lately. I haven't had any social occasions." Muschach closed a few pages and picked up the conversation.
"A project has started, and now our task is coming again, to raise 20 million yuan, but this task should not be too difficult."
The mobile phone on the table of Mu Xia Qi suddenly rang, Liu manager Liu Wei called.
"Xia Qi, come over to the CEO's office and bring the financing plan I asked you to make earlier."
She hung up the phone like a ghost, her face was dead gray, why did she go to the top floor? !
Chen Xiaoling saw that her face suddenly sank, and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong?"
"Manager Liu told me to go to the top floor office."
"What are you doing in the penthouse office?"
"Send him the financing package."
Lin Xiaoyu patted her on the shoulder. "Go on, kid. Good luck."
Mushaqi put on a mask and glasses, held a stack of information, and walked to the top floor.
Now the risk of being recognized was greater and greater, Su Zichen had seen himself without makeup, his company often without makeup.
Entering the office, the eyes of the four people inside fell on her.
Mushaqi's spirit tightened, and his walking posture began to be a little stiff.
"Xia Qi, come quickly." Liuwei waved to her.
Su Zichen moved back a little and sat in a less formal posture, with a faint expression and long fingers resting casually on the table.
Liu Wei respectfully handed over the financing plan, "General Su, this is the plan we know the funding gap, immediately do, please have a look."
Xu Chujing took over the program and put it in front of the man at the main table.
Office only his crisp sound of turning pages, the light outside the window into the room, reflecting a light halo.

Chapter 45: Time Conflict
"Your department has done a good financing plan and has a sense of anticipating risks in advance."
The main man put down his signature pen in his hand, his deep black eyes faintly swept over them, and his voice was low and shallow: "The investment department and the finance Department together make a plan for the use of funds to me."
"All right." Liu Wei and finance manager Li Jing spoke in unison.
"It's all right, you go down."
Muxia Qi lowered his head all the way, heard this sentence relieved, followed Liu Wei behind, and walked quickly out of the office.
I didn't notice that my eyes kept falling on her.
When the door is closed, Su Zichen thoughtfully, his mind flashed and wood Ziqing go to the supermarket together, two people's surname sounds are similar!
The two were connected in series, and he quickly opened the group's employee system, which contains the information of all employees of the company, including photos, entered Mushaqi's name, and gently pressed the enter key.
The chrysanthemums on the screen were spinning hard. Su Zichen was frowning, his right index finger unconsciously tapping the table top.
It seems that the lt department needs to refresh the system, the update speed is slow.
Mu Shaqi's photo slowly appeared on the screen, as well as her personal profile, Su Zichen was frozen, his pupils tightened.
The corners of his mouth pressed tightly, his fingers gripped the Buddha beads in his hand, and he sneered: "Mu Xia Qi, Mu Ziqing, good job!"
* * * * * *
Sitting in front of the office to make a report, Mushaqi suddenly sneezed a few times, looked at the central air conditioning above the eye, the temperature is not high ah!
Why do you feel like you're being targeted by a ferocious animal? Touched his arm, it should be the spirit is too tight to hallucinate recently.
The mobile phone on the desktop received a message, "Tonight is the anniversary of our dating, Grandpa has booked a restaurant for us, meet at 7:00 sharp."
Is today the anniversary? She thought about the recitation of the information, Sue Pops even noticed these?
Quick reply message: [OK.]
We must finish today's task quickly, and have to deal with Su Zichen in the evening.
Near work, Liu manager came out of the office, "Just Sue under the task, let us have to put the financing closed-loop plan to him tomorrow, everyone tonight a little hard work, plus a work ah!"
To Liu manager back to the office, Lin Xiaoyu squealed, "God, how overtime, kill me."
This is a bolt from the blue! I have to get to the restaurant at 7:00 tonight. How will I make it if I work late? It's almost crazy.
Mushaqi scratched her hair, and fortunately, most of her financing plan had been done, and most of the data from the finance department had been filled in.
These things are not difficult to make, but they are tedious and relatively time-consuming.
The last thing she needs right now is time.
After thinking about it, I sent a message to Su Zichen: "Mr. Su, I have to work overtime tonight, can I put it off for one day?"
His message is very fast back: "No, grandpa set, do not go will be found."
Her hair is about to be pulled bald, can not cancel, they must also appear, if wear help, but also pay liquidated damages!
She quietly walked to Lin Xiaoyu's position and begged, "Xiaoyu, you have to help me!"
Lin Xiaoyu was preoccupied with the data, was quietly appeared in the side of the Mu Xia Qi startled.
He patted his chest and glared at her, "Cookie, are you trying to scare me to death?"
"Rain, you have to help me. I'm in trouble this time."
Lin Xiaoyu rarely saw Mu Xia Qi's grim look, "What happened to you?"
"Being called by the creditor, if I don't show up tonight, it will add tens of thousands of interest, so I must show up tonight!"
"Really? I've never heard you say you owe anyone money!" 🗶 ᒝ
"It's a long story, Xiaoyu, this time you must save the emergency!" Muschucky shook her shoulder.
"Well, how do you want me to help? Manager Liu told us to work overtime together, but how can you tell him if you don't?"
Chen Xiaoling came back from the door and saw them two small heads together, whispering something.
"What are you talking about? So mysterious?"
Chen Xiaoling suddenly appeared, the Mu Xia Qi two people startled.
Lin Xiaoyu clutching his chest, "I am so scared by the two of you, really life will be reduced by a few years."
"So what are you whispering?" Chen Xiaoling asked curiously.
"Manager Liu just announced that the closed-loop financing plan will be submitted tomorrow, let us work overtime tonight!"
"Really? It's time to work overtime again." Chen Xiaoling wailed.
"Keep your voice down, then Cookie has an emergency tonight and asked me to cover for her." It's good that you've come, and we'll both help her."
Muschach quickly added, "Please eat Japanese food, the new one!"
Chen Xiaoling suddenly two eyes shining, they have been wanting to go to the Japanese material for a long time, but the price is too expensive, they are reluctant to start.
See Mu Shaqi as a condition of exchange, immediately readily agreed, "No problem, give me and Xiaoyu, you rest assured."
Mushaqi sent them some of the information he had done, and they added the rest.
Then go in and Liuwei leave, Liuwei heard her leave in an emergency, of course, is not willing to put people.
She repeatedly assured that she had completed the important part, and the rest was just waiting for the data sent by the finance department.
Liu Wei still refused to release people, Mu Xia Qi clasped his hands: "Liu manager, please, please, tonight is really urgent, I will go home and all the reports are over."
Manager Liu saw her eager appearance, had to nod, "next time not for example!"
Muschucky smiled. "Definitely!"
From one to five thirty, she immediately opened it and flew home.
Han Sui Sui see Mu Xia Qi anxious appearance, do not have to ask, is definitely going to see the old Sue.
Sure enough, "Susui, makeup, same old!"
There was another commotion. "Cookie, are you going to see Pops again?"
Mu Shaqi shook his head, "Old Man Su Zichen and I booked a hotel, let us celebrate the anniversary of dating something."
"Old Man Sue is really idle panic ah, this small matter also care in place ah?"
"It doesn't have to be Old Sue. He's got so many assistants around him, just one of them."
Han Sui Sui nodded, "said also ah."
Jingyuan community downstairs.
A red Ferrari was parked on the side of the road. It was Su Zichen who had sent her the photo. x|
Why does it feel like this guy's getting bigger?
Open the door and sit in. "Hello, Mr. Su, please come and pick me up."
The man in the driver's seat glanced at her coldly and gave her a cold "um".
Muchach gave him a strange look. Why did he feel a little sad tonight?

Chapter 46: The Feast
Outside the window the scene quickly receded, leaving only a faint shadow.
Mushage tugged slightly at the bag in his hand and sat upright.
Suddenly the car entered a wide and narrow alley, and the phoenix leaves fell by the roadside rolled intermittently along the curb with the wind.
Occasionally, a bird song or two makes the surroundings seem unusually quiet.
Su Zichen went around to her side and opened the car door for her.
She secretly looked around the environment, the simple low-key courtyard house, can not see the mystery inside.
He stepped forward and tapped the door a few times, and the brown door slowly opened.
Inside, a woman dressed in ancient style smiled and greeted them, "Zi Chen has come?" Come in quickly."
"Hello, Aunt Hui!" Su Zichen nodded respectfully.
"You haven't been to see me for a long time. Who is this?" Her eyes moved to Muschucky.
"My girlfriend..." He paused a little. "Her names are Mu, Zi and Qing."
Muschucky had the illusion of clenching his teeth when he said his name, and he gave him a look, his expression as light as ever.
She stepped forward and greeted the woman with a smile: "Hello, Aunt Hui."
"Ah, well, well, Zi Chen finally willing to bring my girlfriend to meet me." Her smile is gentle and gentle.
"Aunt Hui, please help her change into an ancient dress, please."
"Why are you being polite to Aunt Hui? Go and sit in the drawing-room, and leave your girl to me." She took Muschucky by the wrist and led her inside.
Being led by a face of Mushaqi Meng circle, how is this? What happened to eating? Why are you here for a costume change?
With Hui aunt behind the Mu Xia Qi carefully looked at her dress, saw her wearing a navy blue horse skirt, with light yellow silver tattoo hundred butterfly degree flower jacket, classical dust.
Through the long corridor, there are many mountain ink paintings hanging on the wall, which should be from the hands of famous artists.
Pushing open a closed door, the light inside poured out in an instant.
She narrowed her eyes slightly, then opened them slowly as she adjusted to the light.
Suddenly was shocked by the scene in front of me, the clothing of each dynasty was put in different categories, and the variety was dazzling.
And the headwear, wear accessories also have a few cabinets placed, feel can do a Hanfu exhibition hall.
She could not help but say, "Aunt Hui, are these your collections?"
Aunt Hui smiled and replied, "Some are, some are not."
Seeing her stunned expression, Hui aunt smiled and added: "I will help a few stars to do the styling, this room is only a small part of the antique clothes."
This was only a small part, Muschach breathed, but the rest of the room, put together, had a great number of clothes.
She did not ask other, obediently let Hui aunt dress up, Hui aunt's assistant carrying a makeup box, walked in quickly.
Hui Aunt took a set of white peony smoke Luo soft yarn, the yellow-colored mopping smoke cage plum blossom hundred water skirt handed me, "Come, try this set."
"Oh, good." Mu Xia Qi quickly took it with both hands, the color of this suit and her first set of Han clothing is quite similar, she only went out to travel through once, and then ran away from home, did not bring out.
When she changed out, Hui aunt's eyes flashed a surprise, "I knew this dress only you can wear this charm."
Mushaqi's face was slightly red, and he sat on the stool to be handled by her, makeup and hair, and the speed was extremely fast.
After a while, a classical beauty appeared in the mirror, sleep containing spring water face such as condensate.
She stared at herself in the mirror as if she were a different person.
"Well, you can go out now. I think Zichen can't wait to see you?" Aunt Hui smiled and took her hand and went out.
"Zichen, do you look at your girlfriend, does she look like the figure in the painting?"
The moment Su Zichen saw Mu Shaqi, his eyes stuck to her, never blinking.
Hui aunt and small assistant looked at each other, and both lifted their mouths to steal joy.
Usually when she saw Su Zichen, she was cold and lustful, and it was rare for her to show a dull look.
Muchachi, uncomfortable with his gaze, raised his eyes and glanced at him. He was a thin, picturesque man in a white brocade robe with a crescent moon, and his eyes looked softly at himself.
Aunt Hui coughed, "Zichen, didn't you say you were going to have dinner?"
Su Zichen withdrew his eyes and gently handed to Hui Auntie, "Hard Hui auntie."
"You boy, what are you talking about, remember to come and see me more often."
"Good," said Hermione.
Sitting in the car, Mushaqi asked, "Where are we going dressed like this?"
"Grandpa held a Hanfu party for us at home."
She suddenly looked at him sideways, "Hold a Hanfu banquet, so that a lot of people know me?"
He did not trace the corners of the mouth, the voice quality is cold: "It should be."
Muschucky shook his head vigorously. "This is not possible, absolutely not."
He has so many friends and family who know himself, so what?
"Why not? He asked softly as he drove.
"Mr. Su, we are two fake, fake lovers ah, so many of your relatives and friends know themselves, we two terminate the contract, is not very bad for you in the future..."
Muschach pointed at himself, pointed at him, and was incoherent.
"It doesn't matter, I don't mind anyway, what are you afraid of?"
Muxia Qi, a sulk on the chest, she is afraid of meeting their own people at the scene!
In a trance, the car slowly drove into a classical manor.
She looked out through the window of the car, Zhu gate carved fences, there are exquisite pavilions and pavilions in the garden, the quiet and beautiful pool hall water gallery.
The car was parked in the outer courtyard, and her heart was still disturbed, but she did not notice that the park was quiet.
She slowly followed his footsteps, and quickly entered the inner courtyard, where she saw a small bridge running water, surrounded by delicate flowers, and a red carpet on the ground.
Until the very bottom, the background wall was written to celebrate "Su Zichen and Mu Ziqing dating three years!"
There were no outsiders around except for a few staff members.
Muschucky wondered. Wasn't it the party? Why is it so quiet?
Looking around, I found that there was really no outsider, and I couldn't help but open my mouth: "Isn't there someone else?"
Su Zichen had beautiful features and a smile on his lips. "If you want anyone else to come, I can just call."
"No, no, no, I'm just kidding, I'm kidding." She hurried forward and stopped his hand holding the phone.
When she came to her senses, her whole body was in his arms. X ļ
His right hand was holding his left, and her left hand was vaguely on his chest.
Su Zichen lowered his head and their eyes met...
Muschucky saw his shadow clearly in his amber eyes.

Chapter 47: Where to Work
The sound of flowing water and the breeze in the treetops.
Muxia Qi reaction, busy back two steps, face like overturned rouge box, pink Xiafei, head tassel also swaying with her movement.
Su Zichen's eyes fell on his flushed face without trace, and his breathing increased slightly unconsciously.
The staff around are watching the nose, nose and heart, busy with their own hands.
Her eyes flickered toward the pool to her left, trying to distract herself. Why was it so hot?
At this time, Chen Bo walked in quickly from outside the door, and saw two people seem to be not right, there is a little strange ambiguous atmosphere.
"Young master, his master just said he was a little tired, so he won't come."
"Besides, Master Lu Ruizhao was going to come, but he didn't come because he wasn't feeling well."
Chen Bobo paused, "Originally also entertained a few, but the master said not to disturb your two people's world, so he told them to cancel the banquet."
Su Zichen nodded, "I know, thank Uncle Chen."
"Young master, Miss Mu, happy anniversary." With that, Mr. Chen bowed down and withdrew.
Mu Xia Qi looked at the back of Chen Bo leaving in a hurry, so this anniversary banquet only she and Su Zichen?
A party for two?
Su Zichen cleared his throat. "Are you hungry? Why don't we go get something to eat?"
She slightly nodded, tossed for a while, the stomach is hungry, and now the time is almost eight o 'clock, and then after eating, I have to go back to see the data, think about it.
Su Zichen led her to the long table, where they sat facing each other, and the staff quickly brought the dishes that had been prepared.
Buddha jumping wall, braised shark's fin, fried chicken tongue, pork tenderloin, stewed duck...
Her eyes dazzled and she gulped slightly.
"Please use it." Su Zichen still gentry land invited her first chopsticks.
If the opposite was not him, Muxia Qi would have taken his mobile phone out and shot wildly, but now he can only pretend to hold chopsticks slowly.
"Well, you eat too." She put a piece of abalone into his bowl.
I always feel that I have been watched, like a monkey being watched, just distract his attention.
"Thank you." Su Zichen's hand holding the chopsticks paused.
The staff came in and out, and the dishes on the table were more and more, and Mu Xia Qi felt that the Manchu Han dinner was generally so.
"Hello, all the dishes have been served." The round-faced worker smiled at them.
Su Zichen nodded, "Thank you."
After the staff bowed down, a melodious kite song sounded not far away, and a girl dressed in a beautiful woman gracefully played.
"Ziqing, where do you work?" Su Zichen seemed to casually ask.
Mushaqi almost choked, took the water glass he handed, drank a few saliva to calm down.
He stopped his chopsticks as if waiting for her reply.
Her eyes flickered and she hesitated. "The company I work for is an unknown small business."
"Oh? Where is the office?" Su Zichen took a piece of duck meat and gently picked off the skin.
"In an industrial area far west of town." She felt that the meat in her mouth no longer tasted good.
"Industrial area, so you usually do not have to walk far to work?" Su Zichen raised his eyebrows.
She swallowed the meat slightly in her mouth. "HMM."
"After grandpa let us accompany him to dinner, I will go to your work to pick you up, save you running back and forth." He put down his chopsticks and looked at her with a half-smile.
Su Zichen's unfathomable eyes made Mu Xia Qi unable to spy, and she also learned his way to put down her chopsticks, and then stated her own position, "I don't bother you to run so far to pick me up, so I will feel sorry."
"How do you put down your chopsticks? Won't you eat?" He smiled and picked up his chopsticks again and slipped a piece of tenderloin into her bowl.
"Thank you." She carefully picked up the tenderloin he offered and bit it into her mouth. It tasted like chewing wax.
"You're welcome."
Muschucky wondered why the man was so curious about her work tonight.
"Mr. Su."
His eyes fixed slightly on her.
In response, she quickly changed her speech: "Zi Chen."
She looked around, there are only two of them, then continued: "I work far away, and our relationship... So the less people know, the better."
Su Zichen sat back a little, put down the bowl and chopsticks, held his own tea cup, without hesitation: "This really needs to be considered, then your company's business situation?"
Mu Shaqi just want to send shark fin soup into the import, heard his question, swallowed, "I am in the company is very general, just barely can maintain it."
He raised his eyebrows: "Well, then see if there is a chance to cooperate with our company."
She choked and took the paper towel he handed her, "The small company I'm in is not qualified enough to cooperate with you."
"He mused." Well, then I'll send someone to check it out."
Muchach, are you looking into your own company? How can you be so hard on my place of work?
"Our boss said that the recent order is OK, so we will not expand the business, and I will talk to you later when our boss wants to cooperate."
"Your boss has quite a personality." There seemed to be a narrow smile at the bottom of his deep eyes.
"Yeah, yeah." She agreed with a forced smile.
He was put in front of her again as a bowl of shark fin soup, but her appetite was gone.
Seeing her motionless, Su Zichen was unmoved to add more water to their teacups, leisurely picked up the teacup and quietly looked at her.
"Would you like some more?"
Muschucky had no appetite. All she wanted now was to go back to her little house and lie down.
She shook her head. "I've eaten a lot."
Su Zichen looked away, as if in memory, and looked at many of the dishes on the table. "Don't like this type of court food?"
Mushaqi shook his head and stiffened his body, "Yes, but wearing this robe and heavy headdress on the head is not conducive to movement."
Su Zichen zipped his lips and smiled, looking down at his dress, which was really a little hindrance.
He clapped his hands, and immediately a staff member ran forward, "Serve some dessert."
"Yes, Sir, just a moment, please."
After a while, the stewed bird's nest with papaya was served.
Mushaqi lifted the lid of the bright yellow stew pot, and the red and white bird's nest dessert was alluring in color. She spooned on it. Well, it tasted good.
His eyes flashed with a smile when he saw her look as comfortable as a kitten, and he pushed his dessert in front of her.
Mu Shaqi politely refused, "Thank you Zichen, I am already full, you can eat."
Su Zichen sat still, the corners of his mouth curled, "If you like to eat more."
"Thanks, I'm really full."

Chapter 48 Her Breath
At this time, Su Zichen's mobile phone rang, it seemed to be business, he did not shy away from picking it up in front of her.
Mushaqi took the opportunity to go to the bathroom, and when she came out of the bathroom, she took the opportunity to walk around the park.
A variety of carefully raised precious flowers, really step by step.
When she returned to the table, he leaned lazily on the railing, the warm light around him, making him misty, jade face out of the ordinary.
She withdrew her eyes and walked over to him.
"Well, it's getting late, shall we go back early?"
His long eyes are half clear, his eyes fall on her face, and his eyes are the meanings she cannot see.
When she was not sure, he opened his mouth lightly: "Go back."
Mushaqi gave a start.
"Not going? Are you going to stay the night?" By the time he had finished speaking, he had come up to her.
The table was placed two steps higher than the level ground, and Su Zichen was standing on the grass just at eye level with her standing on the steps.
When she turned back, they were extremely close.
Muchachi looked up, her Angle allowing her to see his long, dense lashes and smell the familiar scent of agarwood.
"Go, go." She quickly picked up her bag and walked down the steps.
Who knows accidentally stepped on their own skirt, the whole person leaned forward, she panicked and closed her eyes, but she could not escape the close contact with the earth.
Her whole person is lying on the ground, but this touch is not right, soft.
When I opened my eyes, I saw her lying on Su Zichen like an octopus, and her own face was still buried in her arms!
At this time overhead came his voice: "Miss Wood still can't get up?"
Muschach reacted, braced his pectoral muscles and tried to get up, but he was barely in the middle of his rise when a force pulled him and landed heavily on him, his forehead still hitting his chin.
He could not restrain a cry.
"Excuse me, my sleeve may be under you."
Su Zichen sat up slowly with his left hand on the grass and his right hand on her shoulder.
Both men's clothes were intertwined, and Mushaqi's hair was messy and her eyes slightly confused, like that of an elk.
If outsiders came in, they'd think something unspeakable had happened.
Muxia Qi hurriedly stood up, a few hair pins on his head fell to the ground, pink cheeks were pressed slightly red, slightly messy aesthetic feeling.
Su Zichen calmly and easily stood up, slightly brushed off the grass crumbs on his body, and returned to the state of cold and dust.
On the other hand, she still struggles with her hair accessories.
He crouched down slightly, picked up the hairpin that had fallen on the ground, helped her bun with his left hand, and gently inserted the fringe hairpin into it.
After looking at it for a moment, he whispered, "Can you walk?"
Muchaqi nodded, his feet were already better, but he had just cushied them, and he had not suffered any injuries.
As the two walked in front of each other, Mushaqi looked up at his back and said softly, "Thank you just now."
"You've thanked me so many times, but have you done anything?" Su Zichen stopped and looked back.
Muchachi was stunned, then tentatively said, "Shall I treat you to dinner?"
He stared at her with interest. "Yes."
"Good," said Hermione. She stared at him. Did this man need this meal?
The weather was very hot, there was no refrigerator outside the door, and Mushaqi felt himself melting.
But it's not as hot as it is right now.
As soon as they got into the car, she suddenly said, "Well, what do you want to drink? My treat."
"Miss Mu does not want to treat the dinner as a meal?" Su Zichen opened his mouth lightly and guessed her mind.
Muxia Qi think this person can go to the stall to do the arithmetics, and there will be no less people in line for this level of appearance.
"How can that be?" She shrugged disapprovingly. "In such a hot day, many people like to have a cold drink after dinner, and I thought so did you."
"I am as full as you, I think Miss Mu just urged me to go back, I must have something to do?" Su Zichen's calm voice has made people have an indescribable dumping.
No wonder a lot of the girls at work are crazy about him.
"Well, maybe another time." "She said, glancing out the window at the bright neon lights outside the car.
Maybe it was too quiet in the car, and Mushaqi couldn't help but breathe twice.
Chatting with people with smart brains is easy to put themselves around, it is really a waste of brain and energy, or close your eyes slowly is better.
When she was about to fall asleep, she heard him turn on the radio, and the melodious music came out, it was the Fifth Symphony in c minor, and she liked to listen to this song when she was alone.
While she was listening in a daze, he suddenly cut to the next station.
She slowly opened her eyes. "Didn't you listen to the symphony?"
Su Zichen turned back to the radio station, "Do you like listening?"
"I thought you'd like pop music." He looked ahead and said softly, but turned the music up.
Mu Shaqi shook his head and opened his mouth: "I like them all, but I like the meaning of this song." There is suffering, failure and misfortune in life, as well as joy, success and hope. This is called destiny.
But one should not always listen to fate, one should master one's own fate, and fight against bad luck and overcome it at any time, only in this way can one get happiness and build a grand career, which is the central meaning of Symphony No. 5 in c Minor."
At the traffic light, Su Zichen stopped the car and looked back at her with deep meaning.
In the confused time, listening to this music, people's hearts will sprout self-improvement fighting spirit.
She always wanted to have a chance to hear the orchestra play live, but now she is busy with work and life, and the rest time is squeezed out.
Su Zichen received an elite education, and he still dabbled in music. How could he not have heard Beethoven's Symphony of Destiny?
He drove carefully, listening softly to her whispers.
Realizing that he had said too much, Muchach shut his mouth and continued to look out the window.
The symphony was over, and she got home just in time.
She thanked Su Zichen, "Thank you for sending me back, the community parking is more narrow at night, I will get off at." It's just that I'll give you the costume and the jewelry next time after I change them."
Su Zichen put one hand on the steering wheel and leaned back to look at her. "The clothes and jewelry are for you, you don't need to return them."
He got out of the car, took a bag from the trunk and put it in her hand. "Here are the clothes you changed out of."
Mushaqi took it with both hands, Na Na said: "Thank you, then I go back first."
He chin slightly, she gave him a goodbye sign, turned and walked to the community gate.
Su Zichen leaned next to the car, his eyes falling on her graceful back.
The breeze blows. It's her breath.

Chapter 49: Work and Rest
Back home, it was dark, Han Sui Sui was not at home tonight.
Mushaqi rubbed his shoulders, feeling that he was now working two jobs, one during the day and one at night, so tired that his bones were nearly separated.
The hair on the head is still very heavy, dragging the tired body, into the bathroom a handful of jewelry down, on the way not to pull the heart to the hair pain.
Take off the makeup and put on the home clothes, the whole person is relaxed a lot.
She looked at the table that pile of jewelry, each is not a product, exquisite workmanship, the price of a single phoenix hairpin is already expensive, and this is a whole set, emerald gold.
Or find a chance to give it back to him, no reward, holding their own inner unease.
Point the aromatherapist lamp, smell the faint and concentrated fragrance, lean on the lazy chair slightly empty.
The phone on the table vibrates gently, and the screen lights up and darkens.
Lin Xiaoyu: [Qi Qi, are you finished? I have collected the data and sent it to your email, please remember to check it. Manager Liu will look at it tomorrow, finally you can get off work.]
Mu Xia Qi yawned and quickly replied: "Hard work my family light rain, Xiaoling off work?"
Lin Xiaoyu: The two of us work together, and we haven't eaten at night!
Mu Xiqi: [Manager Liu and Brother Feng? Why don't they buy you takeout?]
Lin Xiaoyu: [Don't mention these two people, in the outside to socialize, eat food and drink spicy, leave us two in the office overtime.]
Muxia Qi sighed, grew up work is aggrieved, comfort said: "When we pay bonuses, let's go out to celebrate."
Lin Xiaoyu: [No problem!]
She put down the mobile phone, quickly open the computer, Lin Xiaoyu has finished the form sent to her mailbox.
Looking at the dense data table, she wanted to faint for a moment, but it was only an illusion, and she resigned herself to checking the data one by one.
On the tree tops of the month, the child next door made a cry that would not sleep and the parents advised the curse, which was particularly clear in this quiet night.
Muchach checked the two clocks and finally finished checking the table, and there were a few wrong other data she corrected.
Looking at the time, it was already twelve o 'clock, and the noise next door gradually quieted down.
Or the old community life is strong, in the past at home, the residents of the community are far away, privacy protection is particularly good.
Let alone the noise of the children, even if the house collapsed, it may not be the first time to find.
Now this kind of life, she has not experienced before, tense and busy, but very fulfilling! Except for playing someone's girlfriend.
Lying on her back on the soft bed, she sent a message to Han Susui: "Will you come back to sleep tonight? I'll leave the door open for you."
For a long time, Han Sui Sui has not replied, she will not matter, took a bath, sleep beauty sleep.
The morning sun filtered through the window and fell on the sleeping beauty's face.
The girl's eyelids slightly wrinkled a few times, the delicate and smooth skin appears more transparent, the pink cherry mouth slightly opened, spitting out the smell of Xinlan.
The alarm bell on the nightstand rang and hiccuped, and she slowly opened her dark ink-like eyes.
Groping the bedside alarm clock to stop, seven o 'clock, to get up again!
Suddenly she found something wrong, Han Sui Sui people? You really didn't come back last night?
She swiped her phone and saw her text: "Cookie, I got home too late last night. I went upstairs to sleep."
Relieved, suddenly feel funny, how to feel themselves became Han Sui Sui mother.
Get up, wash up, get ready for work, repeat.
Now she is not 100% master of the business work of the investment department, but 70% or 80%, or already familiar with it.
Do not have to be like the state when I first entered the company, the spirit of jumping very tight every day.
* * * * * *
Office of the investment Department.
Mushaqi, as usual, made a cup of black coffee and served it with a sandwich. How pleasant!
Lin Xiaoyu came in mysteriously from outside the door, "No, no, no!"
Chen Xiaoling immediately looked up, "mysterious gossip?"
"I heard that yesterday Lao Liu went out to socialize and was mooched!"
Muschucky was eating a sandwich when he heard this and choked and turned red.
Quickly drink a mouthful of black coffee, Chen Xiaoling also suspected that they had heard wrong, rubbed their ears.
When Mushaqi had recovered, he asked, "Rain, what did you say?"
"It's our manager Liu. He went out for a party last night and gave away his Maotai, which he has treasured for many years."
Chen Xiaoling patted Lin Xiaoyu's head and gave her a white look, "Is this called skimming?"
"Why not?" Lin Xiaoyu touched the head melon seeds that Chen Xiaoling had pressed, "This wine is also the oil water that scraped down from his body?"
"How do you know that?" "Muschucky asked.
"When I came here early in the morning, I heard Manager Liu groaning about the wine."
"And who did he go out with last night?"
"The bank group, originally wanted us to go, but then thought we had to organize the data, so they didn't let us go."
"It's a good thing I had to do the data last night, otherwise I had to go drink again!" Chen Xiaoling congratulated himself.
"I hate socializing." Lin Xiaoyu said.
"Who can say it isn't."
Mushaqi looked at Liu Wei's office, quiet.
"Where's Manager Liu?" she asked in a low voice.
"Oh, I went to report to General Manager Su early in the morning."
Muxia Qi looked at the time, it was already nine o 'clock, "Then you know how Manager Liu talked with the bank yesterday?"
"I'm not sure, but I heard that several people talked very well, and the project financing problem is not big."
"Then Manager Liu's sacrifice was worth it." Muschucky said with a hook in his mouth.
"Come to think of it, if the bank grants him money, his bonus could buy him many bottles of wine."
Wu Feng coughed twice, "What are you talking about, so happy?"
"Nothing, when will Brother Feng invite us for afternoon tea?" Chen Xiaoling asked mischievously.
"You guys, when Manager Liu is out of the office, you're out of control."
"So, Brother Feng, when are you going to treat us to afternoon tea?" Lin Xiaoyu also asked.
Wu Feng shook his head helplessly, "Then I will invite you to eat this afternoon."
"Yeah, long live Brother Feng!!"
Wu Feng helplessly shook his head and opened his mouth: "Only recently the company organized a sports meeting, the number of our department is not large, and all the staff want to participate."
"Really? Never heard of a sports meeting being organized before?"
"No way, Sue always personally under the command, said can not only work, to combine work and rest, so the personnel department decided to hold a sports meeting!"
Lin Xiaoyu's whole face collapsed, she was a sports idiot.
"What are the sports to choose from?" Muschach asked.
"We're not sure yet. Let's wait for the announcement."

Chapter 50: Two Occasions
"We have to wait for the announcement, and we won't run the marathon, will we?" Lin Xiaoyu panic said.
"Probably not, and the marathon is too long to be safe." Mr. Wu denied it.
Chen Xiaoling is also bitter melon seed face, "My best sport is walking, the other is really not assembly."
"Xia Qi, what sports can you play?" Wu Feng looked at her.
Mushaqi was suddenly named, a little unable to react, she hesitated, "archery counts?" Equestrian, a little bit of tennis."
"Fuck, Cookie, why are all your sports so high-end?" Lin Xiaoyu coarse mouth burst out.
Mushaqi looked slightly restrained, "Even if you learned a little when you were a child, it is not powerful."
"Your several sports are not regular, and the personnel department may not set up competitions." Wu Feng looked solemn, "It seems that the hope of our department will fall on me."
Chen Xiaoling patted him on the shoulder, "Brother Feng, you have a good exercise these days, the hope of our whole department is in you."
Wu Feng shook off his hair and sighed, "I did not expect to shoulder this heavy responsibility, as a ministry grass, this is also unable to shirk."
Muxia Qi and Lin Xiaoyu hold a laugh, try to endure.
"Well, hurry to work, don't pile up, Manager Liu will be back soon."
As soon as he said Cao Cao, Manager Liu walked in with a glowing face, feeling that the short strands of his small flat head were about to float up.
"Work hard, everyone. The year-end bonus will be good."
Mu Xia Qi and Chen Xiaoling several people looked at each other, what happened?
Chen Xiaoling came to Wu Feng's position, "Feng brother, do you know what happened?"
Wu Feng has an inscrutable expression, "heaven cannot be revealed."
Chen Xiaoling gave him a white look and let out a ghost.
Mu Xia Qi beckoned to Chen Xiaoling, bowed his head and whispered: "Eighty percent is the bank financing, which was approved by the top."
"So do I." Chen Xiaoling and Lin Xiaoyu nodded and agreed.
* * * * * *
The days are like flowing water. Nothing important has happened in the past two weeks, the wind has been calm, and the sports meeting that was supposed to be held seems to have no further action.
Su Zichen had not asked her to accompany him to any party in the past two weeks.
Muschucky thought that life would be so quiet and smooth that six months would pass.
Planning to visit Mu Haoxuan at school this week to meet her brother's rumored girlfriend.
Wu Feng hurried into the office, looking serious: "Tell you a tragic news."
Lin Xiaoyu immediately crossed his hands in front of his chest, "Brother Feng, the tragic news can not tell us, we are not interested in knowing."
Wu Feng lifted his chin, "Uh huh, you don't let me say, I prefer to say, this Saturday to hold a sports meeting, in the city gymnasium!"
"Fuck, I have to work overtime on weekends to participate in sports meetings that I am not good at, what kind of suffering is this?" Chen Xiaoling covered her chest.
"What are the rewards for winning?" "Muschucky asked.
"This is the good news in the bad news, if you win the first place, the company rewards 20,000 yuan of departmental activity funds." Fifteen thousand dollars for second place and ten thousand dollars for third."
"Twenty thousand dollars?" Lin Xiaoyu unbelievable, before the personnel department stingy, the annual bonus does not give a little more.
"Well, should we win back the $20,000 and go have a seafood dinner?" Wu Feng said excitedly.
"I also want to win ah, the problem is that several of us are sports idiots, what can be done?" Chen Xiaoling sighed.
"Even if we don't get the first place, we can get the third place, and 10,000 yuan is enough for several of us."
"What are the events?"
"Archery, tennis, table tennis, badminton, two-legged games, as well as throwing beanbags, comparing lengths and other games, take the form of ranking points."
"How do I understand ranking points?"
"It seems that the department sends 5 people to compete, the first place gets 10 points, the second place gets 6 points, the third place gets 3 points, and then the score is added, the more projects to participate in, the higher the ranking, the more points you get!"
"It sounds like it's not all about sports, it's also about entertainment." Chen Xiaoling also came to silk interest, "so I can also make some force, I used to play sandbag can be powerful!" It's always saved for last."
"Who's going to play three-legged with me? I used to play that at school and won the championship." Lin Xiaoyu is also in high spirits.
The atmosphere of the office was instantly active, and Liu Wei came to hear the sound.
Smiled: "It seems that everyone knows this sports competition, just, I do not need to publicize, as long as everyone deserves the bonus, our department to rub a meal, the rest are given to you!"
"Wow, long live Manager Liu!"
Liu Wei narrowed his eyes and smiled kindly.
Mushaqi thought about the event, he can participate in tennis and shooting matches, always for the department to win a few points.
In the midst of a happy discussion, the cell phone on her desk vibrated slightly.
Lowered his head, opened the screen, Su Zichen's message appeared: "Accompany me to participate in the company sports meeting on the weekend!"
Mushaqi looked up at them with a frightened look on his face. "Is General Su also participating in this sports meeting?"
Liu Wei nodded, "should participate, after all, is his first organized activities."
What a bolt from the blue!!
Why are you in two places? Is it too late for two identities to be on the same occasion at the same time, to split themselves in half?
She forwarded this message to Han Susui: "How do I split up on Saturday?"
Lin Xiaoyu several people are still discussing the competition, she silently went out, to go to the tea room quietly.
Han Suisui is very soon back to the message: "Su Zichen what to do, how do you reply?"
Mushaqi: [Still no reply, or continue to pretend to be sick? Say accidentally twisted foot?]
Han Susui: Yes, but if you go to the sports meeting on behalf of your department on Saturday, he will also see it.
Muschucky ruffled his hair in annoyance, not for fun.
Standing at the gate of the company, it actually began to rain, and I did not bring my only umbrella at home, and the whole person suddenly collapsed.
The colleague in front of the door suddenly exclaimed, "Is that the car of General Su?"
Hearing this, Muchach quickly turned his back to the door for fear of being seen.
"You don't look at it, this kind of car, there is a birth, there is no, it is difficult to sit on it in this life." A boy sighed.
"I won't sit on it. I'll just look." Another boy spoke.
"I still have a chance, when I marry into a rich family, what if my husband buys it for me?" The girl covered her face with longing.
"You can forget it, it's not so easy to get into a rich family."
Muschucky looked at the car speeding away and lowered his eyelids slowly.

Chapter 51: The Language Box
Han Sui Sui sitting in the living room, accompanied Mu Xia Qi with a sad face.
"What do you think would happen if I told him straight?" Muchachi frowned and hugged the pillow, resting his lower jaw on it.
"Unless you're quitting, I think it's easy for him to cut you off."
Han Sui Sui peeled the apple completely, and kept the peel attached. "Am I very powerful?"
Mr. Muschach glanced up and said perfunctorily, "Well, very impressive."
"Want to eat?"
Muschucky shook her head. How could she be in the mood to eat now?
"Why does Su Zichen want you to accompany him to the company sports meeting?" Isn't he afraid his future girlfriend will be jealous? You were never really a couple." Han Susui took a bite of the apple, and her speech was a little slurred.
"Yeah, and old Man Sue wouldn't go to an ordinary sports meeting of a subsidiary company by reason, so what's the purpose of him asking me to go to the sports meeting?"
Muschucky was a little puzzled by his behavior.
"Does he want to see you?" Han Suisui naughty said.
Muschucky gave her a look. "Talk a little more serious, okay?"
"I'm not being very serious now. I don't think this is the way to go, sooner or later you will have a nervous breakdown, find a suitable opportunity to talk to him.
The big deal is not to work for their company, I sell bags - support you!" Han Suisui patted his chest and said with pride.
"Well, sell sparsely. It feels like you can't last long with a small number of bags."
"No, I have a couple of limited-edition versions of my family. We could lie in bed for months if we sold one."
Mu Xia Qi looked at the heartless Han Sui Sui, helpless shake his head.
The mobile phone in her hand shook slightly, she opened the mobile phone, Su Zichen's message popped out: "Miss Mu, you said to invite me to dinner, not just talk about it?"
Muxia Qi click a bit, he almost forgot this thing, the finger quickly edited reply: "How dare, Mr. Su when is convenient for you?"
Now I call myself Miss Wood, but also let myself call him Zi Chen, is really famous double mark.
Su Zichen: [Just tomorrow night.]
Mushaqi: [OK, what kind do you want?]
Su Zichen: [All right.]
Mushage: [Is the dinner OK?] 𝓍 ʟ
Su Zichen: [Tired of eating.]
Mu Shaqi: 【 Sichuan food? 】
Su Zichen: [Too spicy.]
Muschucky wanted to punch him, said he wanted to eat, said he could, and now he could do nothing.
Mushaqi forbore and asked: "Is Sashimi OK?"
Su Zichen: [OK.]
But when she saw his response, she was surprised, and she was prepared for him to say no.
Give him the fixed address, Su Zichen did not make a demon.
Finally, the whole person is lying on the sofa mountain, "Sui Sui, I think sooner or later will be Su Zichen make a nervous breakdown."
Han Suisui looked at her and Su Zichen's chat, "Why do I feel like he is attracting your attention?"
Muschucky looked up in surprise. "Do you know what nonsense you're talking about?"
"If you think about it seriously, he is the heir of a Fortune 500 company, and he should be busy every day, right?" The people who wanted to invite him to dinner didn't know how long it would take, but he offered to invite you to dinner."
"Since it is so precious, why don't you go and have dinner with him for me?" Muschucky said faintly, glancing at her.
"No need." Han Sui Sui said, "I am just analyzing ah, it is not the kind I said before?"
"That kind?"
"He's attracted to you, and he's seen your face, hasn't he?"
Musacci shook his head as he recalled that night at the hotel.
"And have you noticed a change in his attitude toward you since that night?" Han Sui Sui the more I think, the more I feel that what I said makes sense.
Muschucky thought about his attitude, and it had changed somewhat since that night, but it had become strange in recent days, and she could not understand it.
"Shall I have dinner with him tomorrow night and explain the truth to him?"
Han Suisui thought for a moment, "Still want to natural transition, you still want to stay in the current company to work?" If you don't want to just say it and quit, don't worry about it."
Muxia Qi shook his head, his own love for this job, after all, is her first job after graduation to find their own, the atmosphere between colleagues is also very good.
"If you don't want to leave, I think you have to figure it out slowly, first give him a bottom, and then tell him the truth."
"What is the base? He's smart enough to have guessed the result before I even said it."
Han Suisui also had a big head, after all, Su Zichen was not generally difficult.
"Cookie, why don't you say you have a twin sister?"
Mushaqi reluctantly patted her head: "Where am I going to find a twin sister to lie?" If you tell a lie, you need a million lies to round it up."
Han Suisui yawned, slanted on Mu Xia Qi and said, "Blame me."
"Go to bed early and get ready tomorrow."
* * * * * *
Japanese food shop.
Muxia Qi a work, early arrived at the material store, worthy of s city ranked the first material store.
Sure enough, the decoration here is different from the general Japanese materials, exquisite and elegant.
Before she started to eat, she began to love her wallet, and now the Japanese food shop, the amount of dishes is always so little, and the death is expensive.
I followed the waiter around several times before I reached the box called "Asakusa".
Open the box door, inside a pot of tea, a light.
The man sat upright, raised his eyes in response, black as ink, and stared at her.
Muxia Qi only feel the thunder burst open, they were fried outside the jiao inside tender.
She pulled out her phone. Ten past six! This man is even earlier than himself, gossip does not say that he is a workaholic, never leave early?
"Mr. Su is here so early. Sorry to have waited so long."
She sat in calmly, picked up a cup of tea and took a sip.
Su Zichen smiled in his eyes and his voice was cold. "Miss Mu, that cup of tea you drink is mine."
Moushaqi suddenly choked, coughing, his long fingers to draw a few paper towels to her, "Miss Wood all right?"
Moushach took his tissue and coughed until his face turned red. He could hardly calm down.
"I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention for a moment and took it by mistake."
"Did you order anything to eat?"
"Not yet." Su Zichen rang the service bell.
The waiter came in and bent down to hand them the menu.
Su Zichen handed him the menu and made a gesture of invitation. The black Buddha beads slid down with his gesture.
Muschucky pushed the menu back to him, in the same gesture, "You order, I'm free."
He helped himself to whatever he liked, and she was ready for a purse bleed.

Chapter 52: Japanese Cuisine
Su Zichen's eyes narrowed, and his eyes were a little more playful.
"So I'm really being casual?" He tapped the menu with his pen.
Muxia Qi stiffly nodded, eyes slightly wandering, comfort yourself that this month's salary is a waste.
Su Zichen smiled, turned directly to the end, which price is the most expensive, he ordered which, in the middle of the time to look up and ask: "Do you have something to avoid?"
She shook her head, in fact, she wanted to say that she is too expensive!!
Su Zichen had finished his order and pressed the service bell.
The waiter knelt beside him and checked the menu, just caught tuna sashimi, sea urchin sashimi, top wagyu...
Mushage listened, feeling his pockets dripping with blood.
There was no problem with the order. The waiter leaned out of the box.
She was relieved to drink water, she hated to dig a hole for herself and jumped into it, as expected, can not fight with a person with high intelligence.
The cup was relatively delicate and small, and it was empty before she had even taken a few sips. Su Zichen was already holding it up to refill it for her when she asked for the teapot.
"Thank you."
Muschach took a sip and folded the cup between his hands.
His eyes fell on her hand and his brow moved.
For a time, both people did not speak, the box was quiet, and the noise of talking and laughing in the next room vaguely passed over.
Muschucky lowered his eyelids, wondering how best to speak.
Just about to speak, Su Zichen's faint voice came over: "You are from s city?"
She was afraid, he is also half of the city of s? After all, I was born here, then grew up in A city, and later studied abroad.
Nod, "Sort of."
"Oh? Why is it?" There was a look of inquiry in his eyes.
"He was born in City s and grew up in City A." "Muschucky said hesitantly.
"HMM." He took a drink from the glass and his dry lips turned red.
Mushaqi looked, and then lowered her eyes, and the soft yellow light fell down, showing her skin is fine and white, and her temperament is gentle.
Su Zichen fundus flashed a surprise, and then hid it.
The door was opened, the waiter came in with the dishes, the dish is particularly good-looking, the color is also good-looking, and Lin Xiaoyu has been thinking about wanting to eat salmon brisket sashimi, really want to take photos to greedy her.
But there is an iceberg in front of you, just press the heart.
"Please enjoy yourselves." The waiter placed the dishes and cutlery delicately and bowed back.
"Put up your chopsticks." Su Zichen very kindly asked her to use chopsticks first.
Mushachi put a piece of tuna sashimi on his plate, dipped it in wasabi sauce, and slowly fed it into his mouth.
The taste softened, just want to praise this delicious, a spicy straight up the nose, she held her breath, but still can not resist the mustard choking.
She kept fanning her face with her hand, and tears flowed in an instant.
Su Zichen handed her a tissue, "Dip less mustard, drink some drinks slowly?"
Her heart is depressed, not on purpose to dip too much, just accidentally!
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
He helped her mix a dish of wasabi soy sauce, Wasabi looked poor, moved the soy sauce dish in front of her, put on his new mix.
It took a while for her discomfort to go away, and she silently tucked a piece of tuna sushi without dipping it in soy sauce.
Su Zichen looked into her red eyes and pushed the drink in front of her again.
Mushaqi is also not welcome, took the drink he handed, deeply stuffy a mouthful, and finally recovered.
"Well, there's something I want to tell you." Anyway, it has made a fool of itself, and even the identity is false to say it together, and I am relaxed.
He fixated on her, tapping the edge of the table with his fingertips.
Mushaqi took a deep breath, just ready to speak, the phone on the table rang, he broke, the phone continued to ring.
Su Zichen motioned to her and then picked up the phone.
His eyes were cold as frost, and he did not know what the person on the other end of the phone said to him, and he was indifferent: "If it is because he cheated and concealed the company's losses, directly send them to the judicial organs."
"I have no decency here. You know my style. No good comes to anyone who lies to me."
Muschucky swallowed when he heard these words, feeling the chill on his back.
He hung up and resumed his genial manner. "What were you trying to say?"
She shook her head vigorously. "Forget, there's nothing to say."
Seeing his puzzled expression, she continued: "Yes, I want to say that this snow cow is very delicious, the meat is juicy and tender, and the taste is better than I have eaten before, you try it?"
She felt her face freeze with laughter.
After hearing her words, he picked up his chopsticks again and really moved in the direction of the charcoal-roasted snowflake cow, picking up a piece.
He tasted it carefully, "It's really good, then you eat more."
"Well, I've eaten a lot."
Muschucky kept tucking into his own bowl, eating busily, blocking his inquiry,
When she saw him staring at her, she felt that she was literally eating.
"Mr. Su, you eat too." She moved the tuna sashimi toward him.
"I heard you graduated from Harbin University before?"
Su Zichen picked up the teacup and sat backward. "Oh? How do you know I graduated from Hada?"
Muschucky chuckled dryly. "That's what your profile says."
He paused, smiled in retrospect, "I almost forgot, hard for you to memorize so well."
"Where duty lies, after all, it is necessary to be dedicated."
His smile did not reach his eyes, and his voice was cold: "You are really dedicated."
"Take people's money, remove people's disasters." She laughed twice, quickly picked up the drink cup, and a lot of boredom, to relieve their tension.
What would he do to himself if he found out that he had deceived him again? He was never soft on those who deceived him.
She was on pins and needles at the thought.
When he had finished eating, he rang the service bell, and the waiter came in with a smile and asked if there was anything he wanted. 𝓍 l
"Serve dessert."
"Ok, the egg pudding you just ordered is out, and now we have Haagen-Dazs ice cream, cheesecake, strawberry pancakes, mango pancakes, Daifuku dumplings..."
Su Zichen looked at Mu Xia Qi, indicating her choice.
Muchach blurted out, "Mango banji." She looked at the man opposite and suddenly remembered that he was allergic to mangoes.
Immediately added: "Still want strawberry pancakes, you eat strawberries, right?"
Su Zichen nodded and said to the waiter, "I want a mango snack, I don't need dessert, give me a cup of black coffee."
The door of the box was opened again, and the waiter smiled and put the two slices between them, then bowed down.
Muxia Qi digging mango Banji, sweet but not greasy, the more delicious the more delicious!
Su Zichen across the street was drinking black coffee elegantly, and his eyes fell on her without any trace.

Chapter 53: I can't Say it
The opposite Mushaqi is unaware, still immersed in the world of food.
She thought it was her treat anyway and it would be a waste not to eat.
The mobile phone on the desktop vibrated slightly, he looked at the number, and then picked up, as if about work, she got up to go to the bathroom.
Back from the bathroom, past the cash register, she stopped.
"Hello, how much is the 'Asakusa' box? I'll pay now."
"Hello, the bill for the Asakusa box has been settled." The waiter smiled.
"On account?" Muschucky couldn't react.
"That is, the bill for your box has been placed under Mr. Su's account, so there is no need to pay."
"Oh, yes, thank you."
By the time Muschucky got back to his box, he had hung up.
"Well, didn't you say it was my treat tonight? Why are you still on the books?"
His eyes flashed a few times, "then remember it first, and next time Miss Mu will invite me back."
Muschucky frowned. Another meal?
"Why? Miss Mu doesn't want to?" His voice was cool.
"No, no, I'll invite Mr. Su next time." Then her shoulders collapsed with her depressed head.
Su Zichen saw her like this, the curve of the mouth could not stop rising.
By the time Muchachi looked up at him, he had reverted to his original cool side.
"Aren't you going? Are you going to buy me a snack after that?"
She actually thought, after all, it's better to do it all at once than to delay, just want to nod.
Su Zichen tone of light came: "I can not eat now, eat too full easy stomachache."
"No, no, go home early and rest." Muschach picked up his bag and walked forward.
Su Zichen was standing at the door of the box, the trailing door only half open, and she passed in front of him and looked up at him, her eyes on his sexy Adam's apple and the familiar smell of agarwood.
He opened the door a little to let her out first.
There were other guests in the hallway, and a couple of men were drinking too much and walking a little errant, almost bumping into Muschucky.
Subconsciously, she backed away, thinking she was going to bump into Su Zichen. Looking back, she saw that he had not yet left the box, and his hand was on the edge of the wooden door frame, so that she could not bump into the door.
His long legs put her behind him, and several men stumbled past them, the smell of booze making Mushage frown.
To a few people completely walk past, Su Zichen side let her go first.
Muschucky nodded to him unceremoniously and went outside.
Su Zichen looked at her back, smiled helplessly, and then followed.
Jingyuan small area gate.
Mushaqi opened the door, seemed to think of something, and said: "Mr. Su, when you are free to contact me, I will invite you to dinner, next time be sure to let me pay."
He leaned back to the car, one hand on the direction hill, the interior light of the car fell softly on the side of his face.
She also could not see his expression, only to see him gently click the lower jaw, "um" a sound.
Muschach closed the door of the car, waved his hand at him, and walked into the neighborhood, but he could not stop feeling depressed.
Just to the door, Han Suisui just came down from the upstairs.
"Qi Qi, I saw you coming back from upstairs, so I came down immediately. How about tonight? Did you tell Su Zichen?"
Mouchucky shook his head listlessly. "No."
"Huh? Why is that? Weren't you going to say it today anyway?"
Mushaqi put down the bag, the whole person slumped on the sofa, "I was going to say, he took a phone call halfway, it seems that a person cheated him, and he was dealt with without mercy."
After saying that, I felt cold all over myself, "so I swallowed what I was going to spit out."
"If he found out that I was lying to him, I would feel that my life would be in danger."
Muschucky touched his neck.
Han Sui Sui also heard and felt shivered, "I think he dare not be so rampant?" Maybe it's just being strict on business?"
Mushaqi's originally glorious eyes became dim, "step by step."
"How did he behave when you had dinner today?"
"Just eat like normal, and he's paying for it. I don't even have to pay."
"Oh, it's really strange that he has a busy day and still invites you to dinner?"
Mushaqi rubbed his forehead, "I don't want to do so much, try to hide it first, and wait until one day he is in a good mood."
Han Sui Sui nodded, "It can only be this way."
* * * * * *
Rosewood Hotel.
Toast, gorgeous crystal lights reflect bright light.
The leading man sat quietly on the throne, indifferent to look at the front of the vanity fair, carved as handsome features, the eyes of the people present did not consciously fall on him.
The man in the gray suit next to him leaned in and whispered in his ear, "I say, Sue, why are you here now? Where are you going to meet the lady?"
The man looked at him lightly, "Are you not here?"
Xu Chujing teased: "How is that the same, you see, as soon as you come in, the famous ladies around immediately want to fight chickens, with high aspirations."
When you weren't around, they all looked like drowned chickens."
The man involuntarily raised the Angle of his lips, "Isn't there still you, the butterfly who has been in all kinds of flowers?"
Xu Chujing stood up straight and quickly denied, "I am clean and self-loving, just send a little warmth when the girl needs me."
And after I entered the Tiankun Group, I found myself becoming as unemotional as you. Too busy to live my own life!"
Su Zichen faintly glanced at him, Xu Chujing silently shut his mouth, not poor.
Several women came to Su Zichen with wine glasses.
Xu Chujing joked: "Look, your peach blossom has come again."
Su Zichen frowned without a trace and left before the woman came.
Xu Chujing busy to keep up, looked back at the eyes of those straight stomping women a glance, helpless shaking his head.
The car sped off towards the outskirts of town.
The sleeves of Su Zichen's dress were pulled up to his elbow, slightly loosening the slit in his neck.
"Today, Mr. Wang intends to cooperate with us to develop the project in the north of the city, and he wants us to share some of the cake of medical biology with him." Xu Chujing take back the appearance of hanging children, restore the appearance of serious work.
"With such a big appetite, I'm not afraid to swallow." Su Zichen sneered.
"What to do now? After all, the North City project..." Xu Chujing hesitated.
"Let him cool down for A while, how is the progress of Project A now?"
"Project A has now been fully launched, and Lu's 20 million yuan fund has been in place."
Su Zichen's slender fingers slightly touched the Buddha beads, "That's OK, the real estate company will take down the project in the north of the city, and I may go back to the group soon."

Chapter 54: The Sports Meeting
"Back to the group so soon?" Surprised, Xu Chujing said, "Didn't you say that you will exercise for more than a year?"
"I go back to the group, or will be in charge of the real estate company plate, the group side, a lot of things still need me to decide, grandpa's body has been a little repetitive recently."
"Those old men on the board have been making noise lately."
Su Zichen pinched the Buddha beads in his hand, and his voice seemed to be a thin layer of frost: "You contact Feng Lao privately, his son owes a pile of gambling debts, you start with him first, and take back the shares in his hand to me."
"All right."
Xu Chujing sat in the front row, he looked back, see Su Zichen eyes lightly stay in a chat box, but a little far away to see who is.
There's definitely something! This person will be cold and soft, is definitely the beginning of the relationship.
Xu Chujing is already imagining a drama of love-hate entanglements.
Mu Xia Qi sent a text message to Su Zichen on Saturday that he had something to do with himself, and then asked him to eat as an apology.
She prayed in her heart that these days would end soon.
* * * * * *
For the next few days, Mushaqi and her department went to train their own relatively good sports as soon as they got off work.
Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling both trained hard for the 10,000 yuan prize and a seafood feast.
Lin Xiaoyu and Wu Feng partner two three-legged projects, two people will fall at the beginning, the result is more and more smooth.
Lin Xiaoyu confidently said: "This project, I can definitely get a champion back for the department."
Mushaqi nodded the tip of her nose, "Then we'll just sit and wait for this championship to add points to our department."
"Just to be on the safe side, let's each practice a two-legged tripod to develop a tacit understanding of the team."
When Muxia Qi Chen Xiaoling matches, this two-person three-legged looks easy, but it is still difficult to really do it.
One step is too big, the other can not keep up, or the speed is not consistent, it is easy to fall.
She and Chen Xiaoling managed to get up from the ground and continued to rush forward, reading slogans, and the pace and rhythm were much the same.
When they reached the finish line, several people were out of breath.
"What project is Manager Liu planning to rush?" Chen Xiaoling asked curiously, "I haven't seen him come to training these two days."
"He's away on business. He'll be back on Friday." Wu Feng wiped the sweat from his face with the back of his hand and gasped.
"Brother Feng, what sport do you think Manager Liu is best at? Can I get points from the ranking department?" Lin Xiaoyu a face of doubt.
Wu Feng looked slightly restrained and shook his head sternly. "It's still up to us."
Lin Xiaoyu mourned, "Sure enough, the boss is unreliable, my seafood dinner is not slim?"
Chen Xiaoling patted her shoulder, "What are you afraid of? We still have Qiqi. She should not let us down with archery and tennis."
Mushaqi felt a lot of pressure, "I do my best ah, the company master such as cloud, I am afraid of being crushed."
"Don't be afraid. Just do your best." Wu Feng comforted.
* * * * * *
Saturday, s City Arena.
Mushage wore a cap that hid half his face, and his wagging ponytail peeped out from behind it.
Lin Xiaoyu looked at her shape, with sportswear, can not say good looking, youthful vitality! How can I not dress like this? But her body is in perfect proportion.
Many people's eyes on the field or bright or hidden fell on the body of Mushaqi, usually she is wearing a uniform or more serious clothes to work, rarely so youthful vitality to show the body dress.
Chen Xiaoling beckoned to Mu Shaqi, "Qi Qi, this way."
Muschucky walked quickly over.
The personnel of all departments have been assembled almost, and the manager of personnel department Chen Dongdong directs each department to be in place.
Vice President Liu Qiangnan picked up the microphone to speak: "Sue always because of temporary business can not come to our sports meeting, I will be hosted on behalf of, I hope that all departments can compete in style and level... Game second, friendship first, game on!"
Mu Xia Qi heard that Su Zichen was not coming, relieved that he could go all out and not be afraid of being recognized.
Several competitions are held at the same time, and each department has already known the order of the competition and sent corresponding team members to participate.
Mushaqi participated in the first tennis match, because here are amateurs, time is limited, it is not in accordance with the international scoring standards, the game regardless of men and women, who won the first five balls, even if the victory.
Tennis was a piece of cake for Mushage, who won the primary and made it to the final in three or two strokes.
Lin Xiaoyu participated in other games, standing under the scene excited to watch Mu Xia Qi for the title and second runner-up.
Mushaqi began to serve, her physical strength is almost exhausted, just want to finish the match quickly.
She clenched the racket, the ball up a throw, then hit a perfect spin ball, opposite wearing glasses of the boys unprepared, backhand block the ball, has rotated out of bounds.
Lin Xiaoyu screamed and directly served to get the score, "Qi Qi, you are handsome!"
Muschach smiled in her direction, then looked back at his opponent's hand with the ball.
Boys anxious to get back to the score, also sent a spinning ball, the result was easily blocked by Mu Xia Qi, the boys face suddenly sank, busy back.
Muschucky! Let go! Tennis ball!
She got a point, Lin Xiaoyu a few people crazy applause, many people came to watch this beautiful and sa girl.
Not surprisingly, Mu Xia Qi won the championship, and Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling excitedly hugged her.
"Cookie, you're so good, that's 10 points for our department!"
Mu Xia Qi's face is white and red, the skin is as delicate as shelled eggs, and they walk off the court together with Lin Xiaoyu with a smile.
"When is the archery competition?" "She asked, wiping the sweat from her face with a tissue.
"Wait, let me check." Lin Xiaoyu checked the sorting table, "two hours later."
"Well, I've had time to recover."
"How many points does our department have now?" Wu Feng looked at the game asked.
"There are a total of eight items, if all the champion gets 80 points, the runner-up gets six points for each item, and the third runner-up gets three points for each item."
We now have one champion, two runners-up and one third, with a total of 25 points, which puts us in sixth place for the time being, and we're in the middle of a dozen divisions."
Chen Xiaoling said with a smile.
Manager Liu clapped his hands, "Our department is already very good, after all, we have a total of only five people, to achieve such good results, so many people in the Marketing Department, the score is only 3 points higher than us, right?"
Tell you what, if we get the prize money, we'll share it all with you, and the seafood dinner is on me!"
"Wow, long live Manager Liu!"
The sports meeting is in full swing, but did not pay attention to the two men on the second floor quietly standing on the platform.

Chapter 55
Muxia Qi secretly looked at the game score, want to win the ranking, must also take a project champion plus a runner-up, the first three to have hope.
The archery project is not a problem, after all, they can enter the provincial sports team. х Ꮣ
The other runner-up event, which other event is her department most likely to win?
The eyes fall on the project of "Bi Chang", what does this project do in the end? She was curious.
The side of the Lin Xiaoyu pull over, "Xiaoyu, this ratio of length is what?"
Lin Xiaoyu immediately excited: "I know, just went to ask the personnel administration department, is longer than the total leg of the department." Each department sends five people, male and female, toe to toe, in a line.
The five legs are joined together and the team with the longest length wins."
Wu Feng and Manager Liu came over and asked them what they were discussing.
Chen Xiaoling thought for a moment, "My flexibility is still OK, although not a word horse, but splits down still quite close to a word horse."
"I'm not good at it. My old leg can't move." Manager Liu waved his hand.
"It's okay. We try to stretch our feet as long as we can. We just hope the other team has shorter legs than us."
Muxia Qi said to look at their own department staff leg length, is also medium, after all, everyone is not short.
The first few groups of players bared their teeth and split down, wailing and urging the referee to measure the length quickly.
Now the longest total length is the Marketing Department, with a score of 8.3 meters.
It was Mu Xia Qi's turn to their department, Lin Xiaoyu was the first to play, she bit her teeth, fork down, shouted: "Xiaoling, hurry!"
Chen Xiaoling's right toe was busy with Lin Xiaoyu's left toe, trying her best to press her leg to the lowest.
Muschucky picked it up, crossed his legs, and sat straight down on the ground with a beautiful one-legged horse.
There was whistling and breathing.
Lin Xiaoyu gritted his teeth and said with a smile, "Qiqi, you can't even say a word! Our division should be in the top three."
Wu Feng and Liu Wei followed, already stretching their legs as far as they could.
Wu Feng blue tendons are about to jump out, urging the people of the administration department to measure the length.
'Eight and a half metres! The man from the administration department said excitedly.
"Wow, we're number one for now!" Lin Xiaoyu pressed his hands on the ground, drew his legs and stood up.
Mu Xia Qi directly "swish" to stand up, such as flowing water, Chen Xiaoling they all suspect that she went to Shaolin Temple practice a few times.
"I can't tell you're deep inside Cookie!" Lin Xiaoyu put his hand on her shoulder and smiled and said.
"Do you think you practiced at the Shaolin Temple?" Chen Xiaoling quipped.
Wu Feng also gave her a thumbs-up, "great."
Mu Xia Qi smiled and said: "Shaolin Temple does not accept female students, if I want to learn, I also have to go to Emei Mountain."
"Really? Did you really go to Emei Mountain to pay your respects? Recently I saw a video, a girl to take out trash, do a set of boxing, do a few somersaults, you are not as good at hiding as she is?" Lin Xiaoyu said surprised.
Muxia Qi helpless, "continue, I will be flying clouds." It's just that I studied dance for two years and then I stopped, but I'm naturally flexible."
"Natural flexibility, is this Versailles? I really don't even know what body flexibility is." Chen Xiaoling nodded Mu Shaqi's nose.
"Well, you can read it that way." Mu Xia Qi slyly finished, immediately hid behind Lin Xiaoyu, to avoid Chen Xiaoling's "magic" attack - tickle.
The final results came out, and her department won the championship with a score of 0.1 meters!
Lin Xiaoyu excited even monkeys call out, Chen Xiaoling they all laugh belly ache.
The lively atmosphere on the field was no less than the sports meeting held when Mushaqi was studying.
It's just that the people playing on the field changed from students to colleagues.
Archery competition, there are two departments abstention, after all, will not play, even can not draw the bow, let alone aim.
Archery competition mainly looks at the number of rings, the closer to the center of the yellow circle, the higher the score.
The ring target of the arrow target is a circle, and each two rings from the center outward are a color zone, respectively, five concentric circles of equal width, namely yellow (10 rings, 9 rings), red (8 rings, 7 rings), light blue (6 rings, 5 rings), black (4 rings, 3 rings) and white (2 rings, 1 ring).
Each section of archery sends one person, every six arrows, each arrow firing time is 30 seconds, adopt the elimination system.
After each shot, the number of rings is cleared and the end is eliminated to increase the tension and excitement of the project.
After all, it was the last event, and the people from the administration department wanted to have an event to liven up the atmosphere and make a happy ending.
Muxia Qi stood in the middle of the shooting position, other departments are sent men to fight, the investment department is sent girls.
She stood in the middle of all the boys and looked particularly bright.
Lin Xiaoyu was even more excited and shouted: "Qi Qi, come on, you are the most handsome!"
The other two departments that did not participate also joined the cheerleading team of the investment department, and her name was shouted on the court for a time.
The referee blew his whistle and the crowd fell silent.
Muschucky closed his eyes and took a deep breath, looking firmly inside the yellow circle and focusing all his attention on the target.
The whistle blows.
She held the bow and arrow, set the arrow on the string, raised the left hand, extended it, and raised the bow.
Squeeze the end of the string firmly in your right hand and pull back hard.
The string is against her delicate chin, the shaft is under the nose, close the left eye, aim the right eye in front of the bull's eye, and shoot quickly.
Outsiders looked at her movements, crisp, in one go, calm aura.
Many people's eyes on the field have fallen on her, a few girls have become her little fan sister, keep asking about her department, the boy's mind is more enthusiastic.
Standing on the second floor of the man black eyes like ink, hot fall on the girl.
Xu Chujing saw the girls in the game, and finally remembered who she looked like, she was soon the "girlfriend" invited by Su Zichen!
Like the discovery of a new continent, he excitedly looked at the indifferent Su Zichen beside him, and looked at the "Mu Ziqing" on the court.
No wonder this guy had to rush back for some unimportant sports meet, when that's the point.
This guy said he was going to let people invite him to dinner, is it in order to create more opportunities to meet? ?
So the chat box he was looking at on his phone that day, she was the same one?
Xu Chujing eyes flashing light, their own solved the case!
Su Zichen withdrew his eyes and glanced at him faintly, his voice cool: "I will go to present the award later."
Xu Chujing startled jaw, "You also go to award?"

Chapter 55: I Lost My Vest
Muchachi lived up to expectations and won the first prize in archery.
Now the investment department has a total score of 45 points, ranking second, the first is the engineering department, a total score of 53 points, ranking first.
Lin Xiaoyu jumped high, "Great, second place!!"
Liuwei's smile has been hanging on his face, the spring breeze, his own department has achieved results, of course, is a long face.
With a big wave of his hand, he said, "Tonight we're going to the investment department to have a seafood dinner."
"Wow, Manager Liu is so nice!" Lin Xiaoyu took Liu Wei's hand and said, "Manager Liu, I have been hungry for three days, and I am waiting for this meal."
Chen Xiaoling smiled and patted the "funny guy", "You quickly stand up and get ready to accept the award."
Wu Feng smiled and patted Mu Xia Qi on the shoulder, "Thanks to Xia Qi students in our department!"
Mu Xia Qi fundus smile, eyes smart
Chen Dongdong, manager of the administrative personnel department, smiled and said passionately: "Our Tiankun Real Estate company's first games results have been released, and now I will announce the ranking."
First place, Engineering Department, 53 points;
Second place, Investment Department, 45;
Third place, Design Department, 43 points;
Let's give a big round of applause to the winning departments."
The people in the department who won the ranking, they're gonna beat their palms off.
Chen Dongdong pressed down with both hands, picked up the microphone and continued: "Now please welcome General Su to present the award for our award-winning department."
General Manager Su purposely came back from other places, please give a warm welcome to our General Manager Su!"
Mu Xia Qi was still and Lin Xiaoyu in the rough, a heard Su Zichen came to the scene, but also to give them won the department award, the whole person instant stiff! The smile is still frozen on his face.
Lin Xiaoyu sensed the change in her and asked strangely: "Qi Qi, what's wrong?"
Moushaqi want to pretend to urinate now to go to the toilet is it still too late?
She stiff-headed and Liu Wei said: "Manager..."
Words have not yet said, Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling left and right clip her to the stage.
Mushaqi's scalp was tingling, and his cap had just been taken off for the archery competition, which was finished.
She stood on the stage and tried to back away.
A group of people in the engineering department excitedly accepted the trophy in Su Zichen's hands, as well as the 20,000 yuan cash prize, and were quietly discussing going to celebrate tonight.
After Su Zichen shook hands with them and took a photo, he walked toward the investment department with long legs and a warm smile on his face.
Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling excitedly pinched Mu Xia Qi's arm and whispered: "Su is coming towards me, so handsome."
"He's so handsome, oh my God!"
Mushaqi's arm was pinched by two people unconsciously, she hurriedly lowered her head, can only hide her ears and hope that he did not see himself.
A pair of polished black shoes stood in front of her, and a deep magnetic voice sounded above her: "Congratulations on the second place in your department. Great."
Liu Wei quickly came forward to catch Su Zichen handed over the trophy and bonus, "Thank you Su, we will continue to work hard."
"Well, that's good. I'm looking forward to your performance."
Mushage kept his head down, looking at the top of his feet, his heart almost jumping out of his mouth.
See his footsteps move, to go to the design department, thinking that this should be able to escape the past?
As a result, he stopped and said, "I heard that your department has a very powerful female arrow, I don't know which one?"
There was a buzz in Mushage's head, and if there were a hole for her now, she would go in at once.
Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling gawked at Su Zichen's handsome face "attack", too late to react.
Liuwei see their own department of the three people react strange, wish to roar three of them wake up, the key moment off the chain!
He walked up to Mushaqi in three steps, looked cautiously at Su Zichen, and then pushed Mushaqi, "Why are you stupid?"
Muchachi raised her head stiffly and bumped it into his dark, vaguely smiling eyes.
"Who is this?" His lips were thin and his voice cold.
Liu Wei Busy introduced: "She is our department's investment specialist, named Mu Xia Qi, this time she won the first place in two sports."
"Oh, so your name is Mu - Xia - Qi!" He pronounced her name with some significance.
Mushaqi knew that he was finished, and smiled stiffly, "Sue, Sue is always good."
"Yeah, okay." He smiled and went to the design department.
Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling slightly stamped their feet, blushing.
Lin Xiaoyu sighed, "My God, my life has been perfect, close up to see Sue for so long."
Chen Xiaoling nodded: "Already satisfied, that is, the aura is too strong, ordinary people can not hold ah."
The two of them looked at the ash-faced Muschucky, looked at each other strangely, and asked each other what was wrong with her?
"Cookie, you're not impressed by Sue's pretty face, are you?" Lin Xiaoyu teased.
Mushaqi still did not respond, immersed in his own world.
Chen Xiaoling pushed her arm, "Qi Qi, why are you stupid? Ready for a group photo."
"Oh, good."
Several award-winning departments stood together, and Su Zichen stood in the middle.
The photographer gestured, "Colleagues here move to the center, the girl on the far right, you stand in front."
Muchachi was suddenly tapped and pointed at himself with his finger. "Me?"
The photographer nodded, "Yes, you stand here in the middle."
Mushage walked to the center with her face covered, and everyone around her gave her space.
When she stood stable, the smell of looming agarwood passed into the nasal cavity, and slightly turned his head, Su Zichen stood quietly beside himself, his face indifferent.
The photographer looked at the formation again and nodded with satisfaction, "OK, everyone look at the camera, 1, 2, 3 eggplant!"
She smiled stiffly.
The photographer looked at the results and nodded to Xu Chujing, indicating that it was already OK.
"The photos have been taken and everyone is free to disperse." Xu Chujing said.
Chen Dongdong, the manager of the administrative department, rushed over and pushed Mu Shaqi aside to Su Zichen's side. "General Manager Su, we have a dinner party in the administrative department. I wonder if you have time to join us?"
Su Zichen bowed his head and glanced faintly at her. "Something is going on tonight."
Chen Dongdong face embarrassed, reaction quickly: "OK, next time please Sue to participate in our department dinner."
Mushaqi did not listen any more, and hurried to join his colleagues in his department.
She just walked to the middle, a boy shyly stood in front of her, "That, Xia Qi..."
Muschucky stopped and looked at him. "Well, what's up?"
Boy Svenwen, looks like a tech guy, wearing a tracksuit.

Chapter 57: The Cold
The boy paused, took a deep breath, stuttered and asked, "Well, do I need a contact number for you?"
Muschucky looked at his flushed cheeks. "And you are?"
"I, my name is Gu Xiaohua, the design department specialist." The boy scratched the back of his head.
See Muxia Qi did not make a sound, he said weakly: "Our department and your investment department is also in contact, leave a contact information, there is a need to work in the future also convenient contact."
Muxia Qi thinking of the same company, also not too stiff, he left his phone number to him, anyway, the company's Intranet can find her phone contact information.
Gu Xiaohua happily put her phone into the phone, eyes smiling, "Xia Qi, nice to meet you."
Muschucky smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you."
Gu Xiaohua's sunny smile and shining white teeth pierced the eyes of a man standing on the stage.
Xu Chujing side head looked at Su Zichen, see his eyes slightly narrow, hands tight! I can't help but bend the corners of my mouth.
He came up to Su Zichen's ear and whispered, "That man is Gu Xiaohua from the design department. The manager of the design department mentioned him at the last meeting."
Su Zichen glanced at him with a cold look.
Xu Chujing shrank his head, looking at the sky outside the glass, naive blue ah, do not know someone's heart or not a sunny day?
He gloated two steps back and stood a little farther away, a happy melon eater, if only there were melon seeds now.
Mu Xia walked over to Lin Xiaoyu and asked with a smile, "Where are we going to have a big dinner later?"
Lin Xiaoyu strange, deliberately loudly said: "Oh, this of course to ask our department boss Liu manager."
Liu Wei smiled and shook his head, and Lin Xiaoyu who made him laugh couldn't do anything, "You go where you say,"
Wu Feng coughed twice, "What the boss means is: you can go to expensive places, but I can afford it."
Chen Xiaoling teased: "Wow... The elder brother's image in my heart is a little taller and brighter!"
Liu Wei pretended to be hurt, "I used to be in your heart's position is not tall ah."
Chen Xiaoling also did not show weakness: "Must be tall and glorious ah, please eat more glorious, shining!"
Lin Xiaoyu also took the opportunity to say: "Therefore, Liu manager to invite us to eat more, so in our hearts, your image is comparable to the 'Virgin Mary'."
Liu Wei heard this metaphor and stared, "What kind of metaphor is this? The result is that the glory has become a woman, but also directly changed a gender!"
The others were laughing their heads off. Muschucky was on the verge of tears. These people were stooges when they weren't working.
Finally decided to go to the largest seafood stall in s City.
Five people, just one car.
Wu Feng drove, Liu manager sat in the passenger seat, Mu Xia Qi three girls sat in the back.
Lin Xiaoyu singing all the way, Mu Xia Qi and Chen Xiaoling ears suffer poison.
Wu Feng couldn't bear to drive, "I said Xiaoyu, if you have all five tones, I don't care, but you listen to your singing, and the tones have gone to the South Pole, right?"
Liu Wei rubbed his ears, "Today I was able to experience the" wonderful "voice of Xiaoyu, what singing competition the company holds in the future, I absolutely dare not recommend you to participate."
Lin Xiaoyu pout mouth, "you will not appreciate, back then, I was almost selected for the Chinese good music final."
Just stopped in front of the traffic light, Wu Feng turned back, "Your Chinese good music competition is in the mountain kara inside the audition?" Is it just you?"
Mu Xia Qi and Chen Xiaoling almost laugh, Liu Wei also happy, no usual serious in the office.
All the way laughter, soon arrived at a seafood stall.
Eat seafood, or to this kind of restaurant similar to the form of food stalls to eat, taste better.
As soon as I get off, I can smell the sea, and the whole street is full of seafood stalls. 𝚡 ł
This store is full of people, everyone in front of the seafood glass bowl in front of the door to pick their own want to eat seafood.
The restaurant features a neat glass jar in front of the entrance, which contains a variety of seafood.
Both ornamental, convenient for customers to choose.
The sign at the door reads: Never lose weight, honest management.
Guests go inside to pick a place, get the table number, with the table number to go outside to pick seafood.
Lin Xiaoyu got a table number, excitedly pulled Mu Xia Qi with Liu Wei and Wu Feng to go outside to pick seafood, Chen Xiaoling take the initiative to leave to see the table.
Mushaqi came to the crowded seafood glass tank, and almost couldn't squeeze in.
"What kind of seafood do you want? Help yourself." Liu Wei exclaimed.
"Don't worry, boss, we won't be polite to you." Lin Xiaoyu raised eyebrows, "Boss, I want to eat that flower shell, and that snail, I saw online to do salt baked snail, very delicious."
"Well, dot." Liu Wei waved his hand proudly.
"Boss, there's the lobster, the shrimp, and the sea urchin rice."
Wu Feng smiled and said, "Xiao Yu, do you want to move this place to empty?"
"Hey, the boss invited me to dinner, I am too save not to give the boss face, right?"
Liu Wei or smiling expression, not angry at all, "rarely our department won the second place in the sports meeting, on a meal."
"If we win other investment projects next time, will Manager Liu treat us to seafood dinner?"
"If we win new projects, the feast will certainly continue."
"Wow, boss, we'll keep trying."
After ordering something, several people returned to their seats.
Chen Xiaoling looks a little absent-minded, has been to the position of the box glance.
As soon as Muschucky was seated, she couldn't help but say, "Guess who I just saw?"
"Mr. Su, he has just gone to the inner box with a group of senior executives."
Muschucky's face darkened at the mention of his name, and he almost forgot it himself.
"Did he see you?" Wu Feng asked.
"I don't think so. There are so many people here, so they may not see me." Chen Xiaoling whispered.
They were sitting in the hall, Liu Wei said to feel the active atmosphere, eat to have a feeling.
Now Muschucky felt like he was sitting on pins and needles; anyway, now that he knew his real name, that his vest had fallen off, he just didn't know what he was going to do with himself.
He treated the people who cheated him before, the means are all iron and blood, think of themselves feel terrible, to resign for this?
She looked at the colleagues accompanying her, the department atmosphere is good, the leadership is strict with kindness, but they are very caring in private.
She didn't want to leave the family of Tiankun Investment.