Crazy Love - 9 in English Love Stories by Harsha meghnathi books and stories PDF | Crazy Love - 9

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Crazy Love - 9

Hearing the professor's words, Mr Roy tells him, don't be so happy, everything has gone wrong.

What? What has gone wrong? The professor said. Everything is going right. I saw the news on TV. Everything is going according to plan.

I think someone else got to know about our plan. And someone else played our game. Mr Roy said a little confused.

What do you mean that someone else has played our game. The professor asked confused.

All the people we had asked to do this work. They are missing. Even none of them are getting calls. They had made a deal with us to take a good amount of money in exchange for this work. Then they could not disappear without taking the money. Then why would they switch off their phones and sit idle. Something must have gone wrong. Mr Roy said tensely.

So is that the case or do you want to confuse me? Look Mr Roy, if you try to trick me, it will not be good. The professor said angrily.

Why would I do any trickery, that too with you. If you had not supported us, all this would have been impossible for us. Then how can I betray you. Mr Roy explains to him.

Okay then, I will try to find out where those people went? But you will also take care of us, okay? Saying this, the professor disconnects the call.
On the other hand, Vishwajeet was sitting on a chair in front of four people inside a very old house in a ruined place. All four men were tied in chains. Vishwajeet was asking him some questions. When he did not answer, Vishwajeet was torturing him. Vishwajeet said to those people, I know everything what you people were going to do and on whose orders you were going to do it. I just want to hear it from you. Will you tell me now or should I beat you more?

Then the man in the middle says, look sir, you have some misunderstanding. We know you very well, that is why we do not interfere in any of your work. And we will never do it.

But you have tried to hurt me, I know Vishwajeet Rathore, then how can I let you go. Vishwajeet says angrily.

We? When did we hurt you? We have not interfered in any of your work. Neither have we troubled any people of your area. That man says nervously.

Yes, you had not done it till now but you were going to do it. Before that we got you all arrested. Vishwajeet says while grinding his teeth.

Then the other man says, Sir, we all commit crimes like theft, kidnapping, murder every day. We have committed many crimes, and many are still left for which we have taken advance payment. We do not know which work we were going to do which caused you trouble. If you give us the information, then we promise, Sir, we will return his payment and will not do his work not only this time but ever.

Then Vishwajeet says to those people, Have you heard the name of Mr. Roy?

On hearing the name of Mr. Roy, the ears of those four people perk up. They understand for which work they are being tortured here by keeping them in chains.

One of them says, Sir, do you have enmity with Mr Roy? We did not know. If we had known, we would not have taken up his work. Now that you have told us, we will return his salary too.

Vishwajit laughs loudly and says, you will return his salary only if you can go from here.

Then all four plead and say, Sir, please leave us, now we will not take any work of Mr Roy. And you have beaten us so much that now there is no life left in our bodies. You have taken your revenge by killing us. Now please let us go.

But Vishwajit says, have you people not heard about me? What do I do with bad people?

Then all four people started looking at each other's faces. A lot of fear had appeared on their faces. Those people had heard a lot about Vishwajit. They knew that Vishwajit used to punish the criminals himself. And he never gave a second chance to the criminals. His punishment was decided, death sentence. That is why everyone in that area was afraid of Vishwajeet.

There was no part of the body of those four which was not bleeding. And now the fear of death was clearly visible on their faces.

Now Vishwajeet takes out his phone and turns on the video recording and says, "Now tell me the whole story, what Mr. Roy asked you to do and how much money he gave you for that." Saying, "Come on, start," Vishwajeet starts recording.

After recording, Vishwajeet calls Gopal.

Gopal comes there with some men and says, "Yes sir."

These people are not to be killed right now. These people will have to be kept here for a few days, so you keep a strict guard here. And do not open the chains of these people, keep feeding them as much food as is needed to keep them alive. Okay. Saying this, Vishwajeet leaves from there.

Hearing that they will keep him alive, a little happiness is visible on the faces of those four.

Vishwajit comes straight to his palace. He sneaks into his room. He thought Ishita might be sleeping. But Ishita was sitting on the sofa and drawing something.