The Demon's Call - 3 in English Fiction Stories by Nightshade books and stories PDF | The Demon's Call - 3

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The Demon's Call - 3

And now I should leave for the metro station. I take my bag and walk outside till I reach the metro station. It was not much distance from my house to the metro station so, I decided to walk to there. I just wanted to save some money. But legs hurt as hell!

Finally, after many struggles I manage to reach the station. And every thing goes as planned till I reach my destination.

*After some time*

I just woke up and saw people going out from the metro so, I asked a random woman about what station it was.

Me - excuse me ma'am?
The woman - yes?
Me - can you please tell me what station it is?
The woman - (smilingly) Oh, we've reached coachella dear.

*OH MY GOODNESS!!..... I woke up at exactly the right moment.I take my bag and rush through the crowd to reach the station.

*At the station*
It is almost 9 pm and I'm starving right now I think I should go and eat something. Well, I don't have any snacks with me. Fortunately I ate to my full before leaving home. I finally found a restraunt and I check my purse....... WAIT!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!! WHERE IS MY PURSE?? DID I LOSE MY PURSE??? WHEN DID I LOSE MY PURSE?? HOW DID I LOSE MY PURSE??? WHO TOOK MY PURSE?? WHY DID I LOSE MY PURSE!!!????

ohk..... calm down... Now, what do I do? There's nothing I can do now. So, I think I'll ask the restraunt staff if I can get anything and do some chores for them .

*At the restaurant*
Luckily, when I explained my situation to the restaurant manager, he said that he already needed extra staff. I will work for them and I will get free food. As I was hungry, I got some cheeseburger, nuggets and iced tea for myself. I took a seat and began eating. I was hungry to the extend that I almost forgot about the girl sitting in front of me who was glaring at me.

Me - umm.... Hello?
The girl - Hi!
Me - I'm Aurora. I'm sorry but actually I have travelled a long distance so I'm very hungry.
The girl - No problem. Where are you planning to stay?
Me - I don't know.
The girl - Well, you can stay at my home.
Me - Are you sure?....
The girl - Yess!! I live alone in my house and it would be my pleasure if we could stay together. We'll work together at this restaurant and we'll divide the house rent. So, I'm happy if you agree to.
*I really don't have any place to go and I'm too tired also, I don't know anyone in this place so, it will be beneficial to me if I agree to stay with her. It would indirectly help in my part-time job too.
Me - Okay!! And thank you for helping me. You're too sweet and kind!!!!!!
The girl - No problem gurl! But, what's your name?
Me - I'm Aurora and you?
The girl - Hi Aurora! I'm Lilith.
Me - Your name is just as majestic as you.
Lilith - Thank you sweetheart!

We both took a cab and reached our home.

*at home*
Lilith - So, how's my house ?
Me - It's gorgeous!... I love it.
Lilith - We'll , it's your home too from now on.
Me - Thank you again.
Lilith - Okay........ stop this melodrama right now.
Me - *Chuckles softly