True Timelines of World History in English Short Stories by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | True Timelines of World History

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True Timelines of World History

Year 633- Death of Hazrat Muhammad (Sa:). After his death the 7year cycle of sacrifice for the wellbeing of the next 7years began and after every 14cycle of 7years, the 15cycle has been considered as the doom cycle or end of day’s cycle. So, the 15th cycle is assured to have a war between countries or continents.

Year 1000- History of Firearms began in the 10th Century in China, which contained Tubes containing Gunpowder.

Year 1132-1300- fire lance barrels were transformed into metal barreled hand cannons.

Year 1500- Red Indians were executed like animals or traded as slaves in America & Canada, leaving no trace of their indigenous people. As far as the media portrayal, the red Indians were people of magic and it is what led to the doom of people of an entire continent. Seems like the only non-magical being on the planet are Europeans (In this case Spanish) and yes Muslims are also considered as Ozha, tantriks. However, Columbus was known for supplying continuous supply of slaves as per the requirement of the Spanish Queen. Most probably, they all were killed after serving their purpose and considering the love for meat of the Europeans and Americans, they were not willing to waste the meat of those slaves and definitely consumed every slave whenever they faced famine. Moreover, the world wasn’t like the modern times and America itself was full of forest and uncertainty. So, in order to survive it is for certainty that the army of Columbus had to consume human meat. Now, the question might arise why people consume human meat. The answer to this question is all other meats other than human meat has a tendency to be on the acidic side whereas human meat is the only meat which is neutral or has a slight tendency to be on the alkaline side. This makes it perfect to consume and digest.  

Year 1600- Australian & New Zealand indigenous people were executed and none of them remained alive to tell their tale. Another Continent doomed in the name of practice of magic. Another victory of the only non-magical being on the planet, Europeans and final invasion was in 1788.

Year 1400-1700- The practice of witchcraft was noticed by the Cristian’s at every corner of Europe.

Year 1550-1600- The Turkish Empire started collecting all Muslim relics throughout history from every corner of the world.

Year 1612- Galileo first noticed the planets were round and so the earth is. So, he was kept for house arrest and finally killed.

Year late 1600- A massive murder of Wiccan women who have a similar name of Maccans having the meaning of wisdom. As the British and Roman Catholics believed that Earth is not round but flat where the sky is the heaven, the earth in the middle is a flat land filled with soil and water and beneath the surface is the hell or underground. So, according to their latest version the Sanskrit word wit which they claim to mean turning or bending if that was considered to be collected from the behaviors of the Wiccans, then the Wiccans could be some specific men and women who practiced turning during their prayers and would touch the ground for submission several times. Finally, would look up in the sky after the prayer. So, from an outsider’s point of view it would appear as if someone is praying to the underground and after the prayer challenging the skies as their final ritual whereas the Christians look up to the god Jesus Christ all the time for his descent from the heavens. Also, they used Borkhas and as it was not the deserts, they never needed the veil to cover their faces and as bikini, underwear was not a thing at that time for the poor, they were naked underneath and for being descendants of the Bedouins, the men were out for hunting all the time. Hence, it was seemed as if the men were following the women but the not vise versa to an outsider’s point of view. The broom is just a monumental thing like every civilization keep for remembering their ancestry and a good tool to clean the houses. In a society like that who are under threat of a Scientist who tried to ensure the earth is round and the god punished him to death not man, but god as people tend to believe in that way for someone disobeying the god. Now, the similar black dressed women’s people are arranging all the artifacts of Muslim history in their territory and as the important vessel of Jesus was a woman and so it was needed to kill all the vessels that could hold the Anti-Christ or Waccan’s descendants.

Year 1689- The British started arranging 4/5th of the money of the Civilians as tax for the preparation of war against the Mughals of Indian Regime who are descendants of the Maccans.It was the final attack to stop the Maccans from rising any further as they have a tendency of saying the world is about to end for the last 1000years as The Prophet Mohammad is the last Prophet and so this might be true that they are calling for the devils to rise from the underneath as these Muslims say people will rebirth from the dead during the judgment day.

Year 1788- Though Australia was discovered by the Dutch East India Company Ship Duyfenk which was captained by Willem Janszoon, in 1606, but it was founded by Captain Arthur Phillip with a fleet of 11 British Ships and killed enormous amount of Indigenous people or “Maories”. Now, think of a neutral perspective, it is a land of Jungles filled with uncertainty of enormous animals and most might be ferocious enough to even devour many British People and there are dead “Maories” in front of the starving soldiers what should they choose to do. Hunt for predators and be killed or consume the bodies of the dead “Maories”.  When survival is the first priority, they thought best to eat the “Maories”. And this is the very reason it became a habit of them of killing or sacrificing their slave before any feast to survive any famine. This is the very reason wherever the British went no other indigenous people survived because hunting for food in such dense jungles is not an easy feat.


Year 1910-20- The art of Gas-lighting was first noticed by Adolf Hitler as a Human Moral Breaking Mechanism conducted by the society.

Year 1917- USSR engaged in WW1 where Ukraine was separated from Russia as an independent nation.

Year 1920- 1st World War

Year 1922- Ukraine again joined with USSR.

Year 1927- 1st invention of Television

Year 1937- On April 28, Saddam Hussein was born.

Year 1938- Oil was mined by the Americans in Saudi Arabia which is also known as the liquid Gold.

Year 1940- 1st invention of remote controlled vehicles.

Year 1944- 2nd Word War without the presence of England and many other European Countries.

Year 1945- Death of Adlof Hitler who was obsessed with the symbol Swastika which made him possible to engage Japan in the World War as he hoped to grab hold of the British Empire through Japan then China and then Indian Sub-Continent.The Brits didn’t engage in the war but used America as their hitman to subdue Japan which was at that time the richest nation in the entire Asia not the Arabs. It was the best possible war strategy to stop Germany and played Russia as their suppressor. Then through intelligence agency made sure to recruit all the Nazi scientists to get American Citizenship. That act made conflict between Russia and America. That was the initial division of 2state dominance over the world.

Year 1947- 1st known interaction with UFOs were seen in America.

Year 1947- On July, Elizabeth 2 was engaged to Prince Philip which is a typical Royalty policy to get away from coming threat or problem.

Year 1947- on August, England divided India based on religion. In turn that caused a conflict among each other considering the issue of Religion. A perfect Divide & Conquer Policy    

Year 1947- On November, Elizabeth 2 married Prince Philip which made the engagement to marriage a perfect escape from being concerned about the South Asian religious war situation.

Year 1948- On November, Prince Charles was born.

Year 1949- China’s Chinese Communist Revolution occurred and it led to the fleeing of the Nationalist Government which created a torn Asia where India is being divided based on religion and the Chinese aristocrats are fleeing to Taiwan. Creating a conflict of ideology where the rich politicians cannot control a country based on religion when they get that with no invasive attack and on the other hand China made sure there is no rich or educated people to lead them. A country formed totally away from religion, where the communist ideology can be a perfect hub to recreate a bigger supply chain from uneducated people struggling to survive, that was broken by Indian liberation with a government which will never change for any foreseeable future.

Year 1950-

Year 1952- Stanley Miller and Harold Urey simulated the conditions of early earth in a glass flask and found miraculous existence of amino acid in that mixture.

Year 1952- There was a Massive buildup of UFO siting during the month of July in America which is also the month of their independence.

Year 1957- Saddam Hussein joined the Ba’ath Party

Year 1957- Osama Bin Laden was born in Riyadh. Though the   

Year 1956- Pakistan was considered a general friend by America and India can be considered as an ideal model for oppressing the communist bloc. This made India the only country in the bloc who is supporting democracy fully as Pakistan considered of being a part of American bloc doesn’t necessarily mean a complete democrat country as it represents an Autocratic leader based on the highest votes of the senators. A lone Prime Minister based direct democracy policy among all other Presidential Governments.

Year 1957- World’s first Artificial Satellite was launched by Soviet Union named Sputnik.

Year 1958- Explorer 1 was the first satellite launched by the USA.

Year 1958- The European Common Market is established, Egypt and Sudan join to become the United Arab Republic under Nasser, Khruschev becomes head of USSR, Charles de Gaulle becomes president of France, Fidel Castro begins “total war” against the Batista government in Cuba, US Marines go into Lebanon at the request of President Camille Chauman

Year 1961- Dr. Allen Frey first confirmed the humans could hear Microwaves which is known as Frey’s effect.

Year 1964- Killing of John F. Kenedy as a sacrificial ritual.

Year 1965- India-Pakistan War among each other where the East Pakistan Region remained intact.

Year 1966- 1st successful Lunar landing by Soviet Union on the surface of the moon.

Year 1969- Man landed on Moon for the first time. All Astronauts are from America.

Year 1970- The Raelian religion was formed who believed that humans are a race developed from extraterrestrial genes.

Year 1971- Scientists confirmed Murchison Meteorite contained amino acids.

Year 1971- About 3million people were killed through the investigative efforts of Razakars in Bangladesh. A true test and success for the Domestic Surveillance warfare.

Year 1972- Last time man landed on the Moon. Total number of Astronauts are 12 and all are from America within the period of President Richard Nixon. After that people never stepped on Moon for the last 52years. Everyone had a question about the fall on the rocky surface of the moon as it has 1/6th gravitational pull compared to earth. Finally, after 1972 nobody bothered to take a 3day trip to the Moon where 2days needed for travelling and 1day for vacation in the Moon.

Year 1974- Dr. Joseph C. Sharp and Mark Grove conducted the first successful Voice transmission into human minds.

Year 1975- Sheikh Mujibur Rahman died with his entire family leaving only Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana. First Muslim fearless leader died as the Western People believe any bold Muslim Leader could be Imam Mehedi no matter his ideology.  However, according to the Hebrew book Torah there is a messiah whose name will start with “M” and so they have made two characters from it one is Imam Mehedi and the resurrection of Jesus or 2nd coming of Jesus which is absolutely a Hindu belief. And finally for Mehedi it means “all explainable” not “fearless” because all prophets are more or less fearless in their journey. 

Year 1977- The sky lit up like daylight before the Tangshan quake.

Year 1979- Self-proclaimed Imam Mehedi, Muhammad bin abd Allah al-Qahtani Died in Kaba with 300 of his men. 2nd Imam Mehedi to the Westerns died by the Arabs.

Year 1980-1981- Taliban was formed with a leader bearing the black flag to divide Soviet Union.

Year 1983- “Analiza” an interrogation AI was developed by the CIA.

Year 1988- Israel was announced as an independent nation.

Year 1989-1991- Soviet Union was divided by joint efforts of Taliban & America.

Year 1996- Benjamin Netanyahu who is a student of MIT and a Jew was elected for the 1st time who was an active member against Terrorism and currently the entire currency of Palestine is controlled by Israel.

Year 1998-99- The Kosovo conflict occurred when ethnic Albanians fought against ethnic Serbs and the government of Yugoslavia in Kosovo. This is a 105years cycle where war seems to be eminent at any part of the world killing 120thousands and Millions were displaced. This seems to be a ritual to alert the world with end of days. This is the 13cycles after the death of Hazrat Muhammad (Sa:), the unlucky 13 and possible start of the doom of the world which needs to be avoided at all costs.

Year 1998- The global network company Google was formed on September 4, 1998 by and the news of ice caps melting made the biggest propagation technique to make a networking company go worldwide instantly.

Year 1998- The Digital Millennium copyright act was formed on October 28, 1998 according to business policy of Google. Normally, policies are made before any business starts, but for Google Policy was made after the business started functioning according to its requirement.

Year 1998- According to NASA Polar ice caps melted leading to prediction of world destructions.

Year 1999- Benjamin Netaniyahu retreated from his position as the Prime Minister making sure the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is successfully implemented.

Year 2000-

Year 2001- American World Trade Center was attacked by the Talibans only a mere Corporate Building, no Banks, no Armed Force Stations. Loss of lives were many but money merely none compared to the money invested and lives wasted in killing Osama and Saddam.

Year 2002- Clonaid’s first clone baby was born with the nickname of Eve.

Year 2003- Saddam Hossain was arrested with 2 of his sons dead.

Year 2005- Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, Passed.

Year 2006- Saddam Hossain Died as the 3rd Imam Mehedi to the Westerns and he was also included in the 7years sacrificial gap. There was veto on Cloning by President Bush.

Year 2009- Benjamin Netaniyahu re-elected after the Stock Market Crash to bring new strategies for the world to recover its loss. Considering the performance of market manipulation and his ideology to destroy terrorists he is actually loved by Americans and Jews.

Year 2009- The First AI operated software Grammarly implemented from Ukraine. When it comes to the Jews, they operate in multidirectional ways.

Year 2009- Bitcoin Mining Started the initial release of the Digital Currency in 2009.

Year 2010- Ukraine’s President was supporter of Russia and so Russia had command over that country.

Year 2010- Sunny Leone’s first set up Pornographic movie for stardom was released “All Sunny All the Way”. This movie made sure her entry into Bollywood.

Year 2011- The Taliban Leader Osama Bin Laden died on 5th May, 2011. He was considered as the 4th Imam Mehedi to the Western World.

Year 2011- Sunny Leone got her big break in Bollywood in the movie Jism 2 (where her husband Daniel Weber came with the script to Mahesh Bhatt for the movie). In the name of talents two targeted individuals were achieved in the name of Jiah Khan and Sushant Singh Rajput. Mahesh Bhatt had affairs with Sunny Leone, Jiah Khan and Rhea Chockroborty. Sushant Singh Rajput (also had affair with Rhea Chockroborty during that time) who died on June 14, 2020 same way as Jiah Khan. Jiah Khan died on 2013 and Sushant Singh Rajput died on 2020 making a 7year difference a sacrificial gap of 7years in between to establish the power of Satan. The next sacrifice needs to be on 2027 for another 7years of good luck for 2034. 7years of fortune is considered sacrificial to bring more luck for the next cycle.

Year 2012- All the NSA documents were leaked to the American Citizens. Still none of the citizens have no idea of what was in those NSA files other than the fact their sent images and massages are checked. The entire world still has no clue of what happened and who actually leaked all those documents and why. According to Edward Snowden every details in any system is authorized to surveillance and still nobody has any clue who were being surveilled and the leak yield no results other than the explanation from President Obama. This is the first news that all are surveilled not only the terrorists as if those leaked contained information of terrorists, they should have been punished or tried. Most importantly, the American government could turn that leak into an advantage but they hid the entire thing completely.

Year 2013- NSA document Leaker Edward Snowden seek refuge in Russia. In the meanwhile to save from the horrors to come from those leaked documents a life of a targeted individual named Jiah Khan was sacrificed to get the blessing of Satan.

Year 2014- Russia’s first attack in the name of military investigation on Ukraine was initiated based on the issue of Kremlin. (Most probably some complicated issue based on the NSA leak)

Year 2016- From November, 2015 to April, 2016 about 130 students died by playing the game of Blue Whale. Afterwards there was a boom in the smart phone industry with phones capable of supporting most of the sophisticated gaming apps and after some time the gaming apps became paid. Now, in the same process the betting apps and gaming apps are all functioning in a similar pattern in mobiles.

Year 2019- Vladimir Zelonosky was elected as the President of Ukraine who is the only Actor to be able to be the President of a Country and the first Jew President of Ukraine.

Year 2019- Covid-19 attack just following the predictions of the book End of Days.

Year 2020- Sushant Singh Rajput died as sacrifice for next 7years of luck. Also Millions more added by COVID-19 pandemic.

Year 2020- The use of Grammarly took flight through Youtube marketing enabling to check every conversation, document, novel, legal documents of the world by the Ukraine Government.

Year 2021- Benjamin Netaniyahu successfully descended from the position of Prime Minister after ensuring the successful implementation of COVID-19, AI based Apps and unemployment of people as AIs  were taking over human intellectual jobs.

Year 2021- Taliban government was formed in Afghanistan on September 2021 which can never be possible without the support of the US Government. However, due to the Pandemic nobody vetoed the aggression which might have been allowed by Donald Trump as a truce with his Muslim community as he was deliberately supporting any sort of aggressive nature. For example, his truce with Kim Jong Un, who is known for punishing not only one convict, but the entire family related to the convict.

Year 2022- War raged on Ukraine by Russia

Year 2023- On June 2023, Vikram Bhatt’s daughter tied knot with VedantSarda in Mumbai where Mahesh Bhatt, Sunny Leone, Daniel Weber, Pooja Bhatt, AvikaGor, Bobby Deol attended the reception party.

Year 2023- Chandrayaan-3 landed on the moon on August 23, 2023. Raised many controversial questions as India was one of the densely populated Muslim countries having about 20% Muslims with about 30crores of Muslims living. This is the only Non-Muslim where Muslim people has a foot hold on business and politics. The previous 2 Moon Voyages failed by the Indians starting from 2009 because of lack of soft spot and America was able to find the perfect spot with a manned voyage on the 2nd trial within a year by Apollo 11 and had several successful manned voyages after that till 1972 which is a perfect election ending period. Throughout the history there is a problem around Moon Voyages.

Year 2023- Israel raised war on Palestine on October 7 based on a kidnapping event caused by the Hamas. Currently they are on a mission to destroy Palestine.