The Corrupted President Xi Jingping and who is his original daughter in English Magazine by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | The Corrupted President Xi Jingping and who is his original daughter

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The Corrupted President Xi Jingping and who is his original daughter

Xi Jingping is one of the best presidents of China to ever live and during his time the prosperity of China has flourished beyond any human expectations. China has become the panicle of success to all the nations of the world and the richest country in the modern times. However, there are controversies to every character and so there are a lot of controversies to this character also. The most important controversy regarding this character is his honesty. He is definitely very boastful about the success of his country but never utters a single word about his family members and controversy regarding his daughter is creeping up day by day as no one has ever been able to see his daughter although she is a 31 year old woman. There was one occasion in a YouTube video where it was mentioned that he showed 3 different pictures of his daughter and none of those have any resemblance to one another. The only memorable picture of him with his daughter is riding a small bicycle where he can barely fit and his facial, body structure is exactly the same. Which makes a total four images of a self-obsessed person who is trying to hide his daughter from everybody but wants to portray himself as a great father.

Next, is the sealing point which is his daughter has been married twice and yet none of the son-in-laws came up front to project their presence in front of the nation. Is it really possible for someone to have a daughter and hide his son-in-laws, has daughter’s in-law parents altogether? He himself is projecting a suspicious character and most probably there is no trace of his daughter. And like all the Asian kids there is a high possibility for his daughter to go for easy earning which can be unnoticed by her father and most of the world. The fascinating question is there is only one place where a woman raised in wealth can adopt to without doing any sort of hard work and enjoy her life. Unfortunately, the business is called porn industry as this is the only industry which doesn’t come with a card and nobody checks about your background like prostitution. Considering all the aspects of his daughter’s foggy presentation there is a high chance that his daughter is currently an active member of this very adult industry.

Now, when it comes to the honest nature of the great leader Xi Jingping, the annual income that he draws as his salary is around $21,000 and is definitely a very good income no doubt. But, is it enough for paying the tuition fees of his daughter who is known to pass from Harvard University. No, the total education cost of an international student of Harvard is about $350,000 for a four years undergraduate degree and the total living expense of an international student of Harvard is around $180,000 which equals a total of $530,000. Now, the yearly expense during her education was around $132,500 and on the other hand Xi Jingping’s annual income is $21,000. The biggest question is how can a leader of a communist country afford to pay 6.5 time of his yearly salary for the tuition cost of his daughter and why is he hiding such a brilliant mind from the rest of the world who could lead China to the next generation.

Either the entire portrayal of him having any daughter is a fake propaganda or he portrays a fake personality. And it is definitely certain that he is corrupt either way.