Housey in English Short Stories by S Sinha books and stories PDF | Housey

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The small mining town was beautifully decorated on the eve of Diwali . The town was home to some one thousand workers and their families. It was the darkest night of the season , being the new moon and sky heavily cast with dark clouds . But the residents had lit enough lamps and electric colorful bulbs to beat the darkness , fortunately there was not any power outage on this night .

The mining town had a small club for the entertainment of the residents . There was not any cinema hall in the city and the nearest downtown was 30 km away .The club used to show old Bollywood movies at it’s small screen .The cable TV wasn’t available in those days .The residents traditionally used to organize get togethers on festival days of Diwali , Holi besides the main festivals of other communities. There was complete harmony amongst all the people .

As per old tradition every year the miner’s club used to host the game of Housey  . It is said that the mine was started by the English people and they founded this club almost a century ago. To keep workers off the usual practice of gambling on the eve of Diwali they  started a new game of Housey in the club. Normally Housey was held once a week for members of the club who were officers and senior supervisors of the mines . But on Diwali day a bumper mega Housey was held . On this day ,  all workers were allowed to participate in the game which was held in the hall meant for movies . That day  workers could bring their families also . 

First of all a formal Diwali Lamp was lit by the chief of the mines . He wished best wishes to all the workers and their families on the auspicious occasion . He announced the bonus offered by the management . Then all were invited to share sweets , Laddoos . Then the chief left the venue asking others to carry on with the rest of the programme .  

Like on every Diwali ,  this Diwali day also hundreds of workers , officers and their families had assembled to play or witness the game of Housey . They were desperately waiting for an announcement for sale of Housey tickets . This was a mega bumper Housey , so tickets rate was double  than the normal rate of Rs.5 / and the number of prizes and the prize money were  also more lucrative. Though all of them didn’t buy tickets, at least one member from each family used to buy tickets . Young children were more excited to buy and play tickets .

One young man and a girl came forward on the stage to proceed with the game. Wait was over soon , and ticket sales were open . After sales closed ,  as many of the workers' wives and children were unaware of the  rules of the game so the process of playing was explained to them before the game started . 

The young man , anchor of the game , announced “ Well , gentlemen , ladies and friends .  This is Naveen Wishing you all a Happy Diwali . I am starting the mega Housey with this young girl Rajni who will assist me. You all know the rules by now . I will rotate this drum and Rajni will  pick up one ball after the drum stops . I will call the number on the ball , if this number is anywhere on your tickets, mark it on your tickets immediately with a pen or pencil or a punch by your tooth prick . I will put the balls on this board  by my side.Like this the number will be called . Today’s collection is huge so  there are plenty of prizes in this mega Housey - Top row or  line , middle line , bottom line , four corners , diagonal,  first full house , second full house , third full house and lastly a consolation prize . Prizes are -  First full house Rs.2000,/  second full house Rs. 1500 / , third full house 1000 /and each row  and diagonal Rs.500 . Consolation prize will be Rs.400 /- .If more than one claimant is there, the prize will be equally shared among them . “ 

Rajni said “ just to remind you , you have to claim your prize just with the last called  number , before the next number is called you have to present your ticket here . I hope I am clear and you too . “ 

 A big noise from the audience “ Yes , clear . “ 

One of the workers, Ramesh said to his colleague  sitting by his side, “ I am seeing you after a long time, Rahman Bhai . Your wife has not come ? “ 

“ No yaar , she is expecting delivery any day . Doctors have said she might need a cesarean and I have to take her to the city . I have come with a hope of winning a good prize. .”

“ How many tickets did you buy ? “ 

“ I bought just one ticket and you  . “

“ We have 3 tickets, one each with me , my wife and my daughter . More tickets you buy, the more chance to win .”

“ Yes , that's true  but a Diwali Housey ticket is also double , I can’t risk more . Allah ne chaha to isi mein kuch jeet lenge  “

“ Okay . Don’t lose heart . Be careful , now the game is starting , good luck .”

“ Good luck to you too Ramesh Bhai .”


Soon  the game began , Naveen started calling numbers , “ Here is your  first number , O my God ,the biggest  number 90 .”

Like this the game went on ,  after some time Ramesh asked Rahman “ How about you ?” 

“  So far  I could get only 4 matching numbers on my entire  ticket .” 

With the next number call Ramesh’s daughter stood up shouting “ I am done with the middle row . “ 

Naveen said “ Good luck lady , you are the sole winner , lucky your prize is not shared .”

After a few more calls Ramesh’s wife raised her hand saying “ I am done with four corners .” 

She went and collected her prize. 

After some time some one claimed for other rows and diagonals  .Then Naveen announced “ Well as you know now only full houses and the consolation prizes are due to be won . Good luck. “

After a couple of numbers were called Ramesh jumped up from his seat saying “ Full house .”

Ramesh went on the stage to collect his prize money . Both Naveen and Rajni said to him “ This Diwali is special  for your family . Congrats , you have won three prizes so far . “

After checking the numbers on the board .  she said “ It’s all Ok . Great going . “ 

Ramesh and his family won Rs. 3000 / . After coming back to his seat he asked “ What about you Rahman Bhai ? “ 

“ Congrats Ramesh , with the present status I am unlikely to win any of the remaining prizes . “ 

“ Just chill and play happily , still three prizes are left for you . “ Ramesh 

After some time second and third full house prizes were also won by others . Naveen announced “ Now only consolation prize is left . All of you will write your names on the back of your tickets and drop them in the drum here . One of the kids from you will come and pick up only one ticket from the drum . Then the owner's name will be announced , he or she can come and claim the consolation prize. “ 

As the people were going to drop their tickets in the drum , Rahman’s daughter came running and said to him “ Abbu , Ammi needs you . She needs to go to the hospital for delivery . She is in the  health center  , and the nurse  asked me to take her to the city for cesarean delivery . Ambulance is there but there isn’t enough petrol to go to the city . Company’s petrol pump is closed . it will open tomorrow morning only.“ 

Seeing Rahman’s worried face , “ What happened , Rahman Bhai ? “ Ramesh asked 

“  Begum has to go to the city hospital for cesarean delivery .Oh my God , we have no enough money at home either . “ 

“ Don’t worry , we have Rs. 3000/ . You can keep it . Hope this will help you .”

Rahman was hesitating to accept money . Seeing this Ramesh’s wife came forward and said “ Bhai jaan , don’t waste time . Take it and go to the city hospital. “ 

As Rahman was leaving Ramesh said “ Give your ticket to me . I will write my name on it and if this wins the consolation prize , I will return it to you . Believe me , I will return . “

“ You are shaming me . Today your family is like a Farishta for me .” 

“ Go fast .”  Ramesh said  “ But don’t forget to offer us sweets . “ 

Rahman  got some fuel in the ambulance’s tank at a pump and took her wife to the city hospital . She underwent cesarean and  delivered a baby boy . After three days Rahman came to Ramesh’s house . Ramesh asked “ What’s the good news ? “

“ I am blessed with a son this time . Thank you all for your kindness and empathy .” Saying this he pulled out a big packet of sweets . By that time  Ramesh’s wife also came there. “ Beta mubarak Rahman Bhai . “ 

“ It’s all possible due to your kind gesture. The hospital medical team said - I was just in time. Any further delay could have been serious for my wife and the baby .”

Ramesh said “ There is good news from me also. Your ticket won the consolation prize . “   He pulled out four notes of Rupees hundred and gave them to Rahman . 

Rahman said “ Please keep it with you . I will return the remaining 2600 in installments. Please don’t mind .” 

“ Don’t be stupid Rahman . It’s your consolation prize money . And forget about Rs. 3000/ . Luck was more in my favor that day , I also might have lost like you . Go and enjoy it with your family . Just bless for a good match and marriage for my daughter ..” 

“ Amen , Glod will surely help her . Please come with your family to bless my child .”  

Rahman left on a happy note .




N. B. It is a Short Fiction story