The Gameplay called Moon Voyage in English Science by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | The Gameplay called Moon Voyage

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The Gameplay called Moon Voyage

What was the most fascinating place to go throughout the centuries for all humankind? Can anyone guess? Yes, though after the 1969s it was of no attraction, but the moon was the dream of scientists for centuries. Though people did reach the Moon, there was one question that came to everyone’s minds which was, how could those Astronauts hop around in a rocky place where the gravity is 1/6th of the earth’s gravity. The Rocky surface of the Moon should have caused some harm to those Astronauts. It is not natural for any human to be unharmed where even the Rocket struggles to find a soft spot to land. However, the whole thing was created by the US Air force from the year 1952 as soon as Albert Einstein came up with that ridiculous formula of E=mc2 which is fake in all occasions as the square of light speed can disintegrate the molecular structure of any animal being. And from that time onwards people started seeing extraterrestrials or UFOs all over the USA. Most importantly, the speed of the UFOs, mentioned by the Air force officers as 24000miles/hour, matches with the Rocket speed required to travel to the Moon in space. Anybody can say this anything, but to me it is no coincidence. Now, that being said, let’s consider the atmosphere of the Moon. Does it really have an animal sustainable atmosphere? No, it doesn’t and it has never had such an atmosphere to ensure any animal survival. From current studies, it shows that the Moon has a very thin atmosphere containing only helium, argon, neon, ammonia, methane and carbon dioxide in gaseous form and Oxygen which is not in gaseous form. Now, when we consider the temperature of the Moon, since it doesn’t have an ozone layer like the earth, it is bone-chilling cold or frosting cold on the dark side and searing or intensely hot on the sunny side. This is definitely no place for any Astronaut to hop around. More importantly, how was the space suit prepared without having no idea about the intense heat or chilling cold of the Moon’s weather and what a magic that there was no casualty? No one ever asked these questions as the main thing was people had reached the Moon, an unimaginable leap for the entire humanity. However, what nobody noticed was that the entire scenario was broadcasted on television and only Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin landed on the Moon with Michael Collins staying on the Rocket. The biggest question in this scenario is Satellite was not that advanced and how is it possible to record all those hopping when Michael Collins was in the Rocket. So, who went with the heavy cameras and lights in the Dark part of the Moon to focus the light to make them visible and record their hopping motions? So, it was the first time man landed on the Moon which was 1969 and after that several attempts were made in the period of President Richard Nixon and a total of 12 men landed on the Moon. Finally, the Moon Voyage or Moon Voyage gameplay ended on the year 1972. After that it has been 52 years since then and nobody ever thought of travelling to the Moon in the name of expense whereas the Americans spend 300 billion on Arm and ammunition each year. Personally speaking, I have no problem with Americans, Soviets, Chinese or Indians travelling to the Moon or Not. But the biggest issue is each Moon Travel brings chaos in the Muslim Population as if Moon travels are orchestrated to kill innocent Muslims. For evidence, the Soviets travel to the Moon in 1966 ensured a 6day war of Palestine and Israel in 1967 where many people died. The 1969 Moon Voyage ensured 3million deaths of Bangladeshi Muslims. The 2014 Moon Voyage ensured the torture in reeducation camps and killings in Chinese Muslims. Finally, the last Indian Moon Voyage on 2023 ensured the war on Palestine where millions are being homeless and slowly Israel is invading Palestine. It seems like all these Moon Voyages are death traps for Muslims.