Deception Strategy of Israel Ukraine The USA to Counter Russia and Create WW3 in English Business by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | Deception Strategy of Israel, Ukraine The USA to Counter Russia and Create WW3

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Deception Strategy of Israel, Ukraine The USA to Counter Russia and Create WW3

Can you name the most charitable country in the World? It was once Japan, but currently the USA without any doubt. They support any country in any part of the world with full sincerity and devotion.  Currently, the US senate has passed a budget of 95 billion dollars in the name of supporting their allied countries and definitely mentioning the part of humanitarian expenses in that. Now, how is the budget? In order to aid Ukraine from the invasion of Russia they have passed a budget of 60 billion dollars, in the name of rearming and ammunition purchasing the Ukrainian soldiers they have passed a budget of 14 billion dollars. Also, only for training and intelligence sharing the budget is 15 billion dollars. Let me rephrase the term intelligence sharing as it means they are willing to spend 15 billion dollars only to find out the weak points of Russia. Moreover, to support the basic operations of the Ukrainian government, they have passed another 8 billion dollars and a mere 1.6 billion dollars to aid the Ukrainian private sector and finally 480 million dollars. Though the sum shows that 95 billion dollars is allotted for aiding the Ukrainian, Israel and Humanitarian reasons, but the sum only to resist the attack of Russia or invade Russia as you put it is about 99 billion dollars. Now, the issue is 99 billion is a lot, but how big is the budget, is the main thing in question. Normally, the regular yearly budget for internal Guns and Ammunition is about 300 billion dollars. So, they are spending 1/3 of their entire internal Guns and Ammunition budget to support a country which is 1/10th of their own. Doesn’t the expense sound like World War 3? Nobody really names a war “world war”, but it is named when it ends. However, the issue started with Kremlin of Ukraine which originally belonged to Russia and based on that Ukraine became a part of the USSR in 1922. Which was again claimed by Russia in 2014 and as every election comes with some promises; it is of certainty that Vladimir Zelensky was elected based on freeing Kremlin and as at that time Donald Trump was the President of The USA, it can be certain that he was the one who put the bill forward, but couldn’t finish. On the other hand, NATO is aiding Ukraine with manpower, cold-weather clothing, body armor, fuel, transport vehicles, secure communications, combat rations, demining equipment and medical supplies along with Euro 700 million. Here, money is of no worth after providing that much other support which might be 10-20 times of the provided money. On the other hand, Israel is currently invading Palestine which is evident to all that a Muslim country with no military power is being invaded by one of the most heavily armed nations and considering the current situation Palestine is definitely going to be devoured by the Israelis as the current negotiation that Benjamin Netanyahu is boasting about on the list of captured hostages is in fact drama for more aggressive attacks. Israel, themselves have claimed that 1200 hostages were captured and among those captured hostages by eliminating the number of gained hostages the list can be prepared with no confusion. So, it can definitely be said that it is nothing but a show-off. On the other hand, what is hidden from speculation is that they are already invading Libya and Syria to a smaller portion and apparently that war is also turning into a big one in the name of killing Hezbollah. When Israel is already killing the Palestinians like flies as the entire economy of Palestine was dominated by the Israelis to begin with. Now, the USA has passed a bill to provide another 14.1 billion dollars to support Israel Military Operations, 4 billion dollars for Israel’s Air Defense, 1.2 billion dollars on an iron beam to destroy missiles which Palestine or any Muslim country or terrorists don’t have and finally, 2.5 billions to support US Military Operations. This rounds up about 22 billion dollars. So, in both the cases, the thing that is common is the budget for US Military Operations. In other words, the USA is a direct part of both the wars and they are set on being part of this invasion. Now, are they only concerned about the mentioned countries? No, according to the budget, they are set on eliminating anyone or any Muslim country that takes part in it and if not for a long war where they are planning to invade most of the Muslim Countries that are not aligned with their request. So, it can be said that the budget for World War 3 is already passed and the only thing that is remaining is execution. Finally, according to Donald Trump’s words, World War 3 is only an “Individual’s error” and one needs to finish what has been stated.