It's Complicated in English Short Stories by Stranger books and stories PDF | It's Complicated

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It's Complicated

Once was a girl named srishti she was a silent kind girl,she loved her family so much ,in 4th grade she changed her school their she mets with other,girls named aashika and Pranjal became her close friends she used to be studious they all three were good friends after grade 5 one of their friend (pranjal)changed her school they got upset but now they both became best friends , Srishti and aashika both are toppers they both wanted to top in the class after some time there's friendship got affected and now they don't like each other at all they were in 8th grade srishti got 1st position she was very happy she was just a child who hadn't any idea of what life really is teen age happens to her she got attracted ,she was very close to her mom she used to tell her everything she met a boy (samarth)on Facebook she was not that soft that time she only talks with those who got good marks she hadn't any idea what life will show her in upcoming time ,she started to chat with that boy they wasn't so nice to each other but got attracted after some time they stopped talking as boy thought she was very rude everyone around srishti thought she was very rude and egoistic that might be true then srishti got admission in 11th class and choose science she got admission in different school in different City she doesn't know how to talk first as she got the attention from childhood to present time so cant make friends because of her nature she was in a different City she used to miss her family there she can't concentrate on her studies she just want peace inner peace now what she had done to others starts happening to her she starts to understand how life is how it works and started to accept that it's her own karma she can't concentrate on her studies wants to cry but can't because she was alone she prayed to God to pass the time she found it very hard to survive because she was good in academic her parents hoped she will do good in her life they expect good grades from her but she can't concentrate she wants to end the life but then she remembers her parents faces she became an avarage student, she became very less confident and don't want to talk to anybody she was tired and hoping for a miracle then that boy came again in her life she felt so good after talking to him now they both talked regularly as now she have someone to share her problems with she started to feel lighter she passed her 12th and took admission in college they both was more then good friends but can't identify what they feel for each other now they wasn't that opened up with other but they both know they have someone to share there problems with so they cames in relationship srishti was now a person who strongly believes Karama and God and the theory what goes around will come around he was also a student they both were in different cities some complications arrived in their relationship and srishti who had no one not even friends except that one boy in her life don't have any idea what should do then one day Srishti found that her boy cheating on her with another girl named (prerena)it was the starting phase of theirs(prerna's and samarth) relationship srishti got to know all this when prerna who was her junior met her and showed her that this is the boy she is talking with shristi saw theirs chat as nobody knows srishti and samarth are in a private relationship Prerna have no clue what she is doing , srishti was feeling like a dumb who was loving a guy who wasn't even her's she trusted him completely when srishti came to home and called Samarth about all the things that why he done this to her he said sorry and tried very hard to not to leave him srishti loved him so much that she forgave him but became possessive, jealous she don't know what real love is ,is this love ..? Srishti was is 1 st semester now she started to understand something about life she was going to clg with her friends they set on benches and talking then a senior boy of 5th semester named Avinash came with his friends there were so many students in the room she accidentally saw him and he also saw her she felt something attractive in this guy but as she know she was in a relationship she started to ignoring him he was a rude types of guy once he came to srishti and asked her to gave him book which was in srishti's hand she gave him the book he started to do it regularly her friends started to tease her with his name but she ignored him but in a corner of her heart she started to like him his college completed and srishti doesn't even remember him one day she received a follow request on Instagram she accepted it and follow him back as she know he was a good guy she used to accept only the request of knowns ,he messaged "hey" she replied with "hie" they started chatting that was the first time they talked for 4 hours continuously he feels so comfortable to srishti but she was in a relationship and now (samarth) her boyfriend was loyal for her as she thought but she became very possessive she can't trust anybody not a single person,so she stopped talking to Avinash, Srishti felt that Samarth is emotionally unavailable for her he doesn't have her time she felt lonely again and got a message from Avinash after 4 months she started to talk to him they used to share everything with each other and are so comfortable with each other ,at the same time srishti got prize of best in academics in her final semester she was happy Avinash was unaware of her relationship when he got to know he felt so bad and stopped taking to srishti she have no idea why is he feeling bad because she don't feel any love emotion for him so she got irritated that why he is behaving like this ,but she was kind hearted after all she saw so many things in life so she talked to him very softly and tried to calm him down she don't want to hurt him as she know that feeling but Avinash stopped talking to her so she feel bad for hurting him but after sometime he came with the lines I love you that's the reality it doesn't matter whom you love now srishti was amazed he gave her time he was the man srishti ever wanted he knows everything he said to srishti that I will be always there for you even if you aren't srishti got attached to him whereas her boyfriend who doesn't gave her time , attention had no idea what is going on one day the girl told him (her boyfriend) everything he told her to stop talking with Avinash but now she can't then she thought that she can't hurt samarth because he was now loyal for her and loves her he told to his parents about srishti can't hurt Avinash either so she thought it's good to say goodbye to Avinash when she can't gave him the love he deserve so she stopped talking him ,at the present time she misses him so much as she felt connection with him but can't confess anything,she don't know how to handle the situation I don't know what she will do in the future we can hope for the best