The Game of finding active Volcanoes and Burning buildings in English Science by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | The Game of finding active Volcanoes and Burning buildings

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The Game of finding active Volcanoes and Burning buildings

When we hear the sound Volcano can anybody recall what comes to our minds? It is hell. If anyone lives near an active volcano, it means they are in danger of being melted whenever the volcano erupts. However, in many parts of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and in some places of Europe, people are living near dormant Volcanoes which are ready to erupt at any time, but just maintaining a distance for so called safety. “So called” is the term necessary for it because nobody has any idea of how much destruction can active volcanoes cause. And these countries just ensure nobody lives close to it. Because, though those volcanoes are dormant but never really erupt. However, it is a known fact that volcanic soils are the most fertile soil of all. It is for certainty that having dormant volcanoes can increase the food production of these countries and these volcanoes never erupt which is also a mystery. When we go back to the 1800s people of these countries were such brutes that killing others in the name of competition, property and food was a regular phenomenon. The only difference from now and then is that killing is labeled as self defense with a licensed gun. Now, let’s get back to the main topic. How does a volcano erupt or how can a Mountain be turned into a dormant volcano? The process is done through seismography or the measuring of seismic waves. Now, the next thing is what are seismic waves? Seismic waves are mechanical waves that are caused by sudden movement of materials within the earth. Unfortunately, in this case, HAARP which claims they only use High Frequencies use Extremely Low Frequency to determine the material or lava or tectonic plate movements to determine any possible earthquake in advance. So, if HAARP can assess the movement of the core of the earth through Extremely Low Frequencies, they can use High Frequency to cause earthquakes or ensure movement of Tectonic plates to cause a Mountain to erupt Lavas once in 30-40years. As the people living in those countries live maintaining proper distance from the Volcanoes, one or two Volcanic Eruptions don’t cause any harm. This just ensures that the soils of those countries are more fertile than any other low land countries. Unfortunately, according to nature, low land countries should be more fertile than high land countries. It seems to be a regular practice to burn things for this specific organization which is the most underappreciated or hidden organization in the entire world. Everybody speaks about NASA, NSA, CIA, DARPA etc. but nobody talks about this organization HAARPA which is located in Alaska, USA. But, when it comes to the ionosphere, they are in total control and who controls the ionosphere controls the world. Now, let’s figure out how much damage an organization can cause when they can control the Ionosphere or Electromagnetic Field. The answer is beyond anyone can think of. Electromagnetic waves can also be called radiation and so if an organization can control the Electromagnetic waves, they can also control the radiation. In other words radiation can be termed as causing change in the electromagnetic waves by passing Radio Frequency or High Frequency. So, what can be done by passing high frequency in an Electric wiring? The answer is by passing high frequency in an electric wiring, the voltage can be raised leading to ignition and from that ignition an entire building can be burnt to ashes. We are actually not sure if HAARP exercises that power or not. But if they wish, they definitely can control any government or any country.