Predicting daily routine of an individual through technology in English Business by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | Predicting daily routine of an individual through technology

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Predicting daily routine of an individual through technology

This is the art that has been practiced for generations which is predicting a person’s daily routine or manipulating a person’s daily routine. In the earlier times, Palm reading, Horoscopes confirmed a person’s future, where zodiac signs were literally studied to assess a person’s character and forecasts were followed by everyone around them. Normally, people wouldn’t look for other’s forecasts of zodiac signs, but they will definitely look up the predictions of their own, closed ones and their enemies. If someone doesn’t normally follow those things, they would be informed by others about their future from who does. It made the forecasted person to look for clues in their regular day to day life and act in a predictable way. However, in modern times predicting a person’s daily routine has become much easier than in the early days. To find a person’s daily routine, the clock of the person’s mobile can be tracked as any person looks at the mobile whenever he sleeps, sets his alarm to get up, looks at the mobile when he gets out of the house, looks at his mobile before getting in a transport or after getting in a transport, looks at his mobile after arriving at his place of work or before getting out of his transport, looks at his mobile before punching in the office to cross-check time difference normally or when opening the work PC for certainty. Then the person checks the time on the mobile before getting out for lunch, after getting out of the office, before getting in the transport to home and after arriving at home. We are mostly unaware of the tracking procedure as we are all under the presumption that when we start using the chrome or internet software in our mobiles that is the only time the internet starts tracking us, but it is the time when we can access to our allotted data provided by the internet provider or mobile operator, but it really never means that when we are done using the internet, the mobile operators or internet providers are done tracking us. Next, all the SIMs that are in use are made for corporate tracking. The tracking is done either by payment through electronic currency for workers or by monthly mobile bill payment by corporations and all government SIMs are tracked. So, all conversations are tracked in the name of corporate, business or government secrecy. Any sort of individual services are normally required for tracking to assess their income capability, their connections to others. So, all conversations are actually being tracked anyway. Nobody in the world is now out of the reach of GPS tracking and so pinpoint tracking is definitely possible for any human on earth. Interests can be developed through notifications, facebook advertising and other social media advertising. Social media chats are quite open to all to determine a person’s ideals, cognitive ability and conversation styles. Finally, if we check closely at the privacy policy of all the apps that are out there, no one will find anything private written there other than the fact they can track your IP address, your other websites along with theirs, your precise time of browsing, your emails obviously as that is also open with other browsers and finally analyze your conversation pattern by using Artificial Intelligence. So, to sum it up in the name of modernization we are all predictable and hack-able to a very precise point. And the main thing that we focus on surveillance which is Camera and that is not of any requirement to track a person. Lastly, identifying a person’s face is not of any importance as we share that everywhere for creating any sort of profile online or offline.