After all this Time - 8 in English Love Stories by Elizabeth books and stories PDF | After all this Time - 8

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After all this Time - 8

Chapter 8

Amaya had a hard time to put on her earrings. She used to wear only small inconspicuous ear studs but then Mithila had no such things in her jewelry box.

All were big , glittery dangling crystals.
Amaya realised again that she had zero interest in make up or dressing up to a greater extent that she honestly didn't want to bother to tie her hair and of course the deep back neck was concerning too.

Amaya was wearing an olive green saree with scallops detailing on the border and cutbead line work on the body. She loved the colour and texture of the material and when she put on it and showed it to Mithila, she actually whistled telling that it's the best choice for her. Amaya smiled at her even though the sleeveless , deep back neck blouse made her nervous.

' I love the saree Mithu but sleeveless ? That's a bit too much for me right? '
Amaya looked at the mirror and turned around to see how deep the back neck was.

' it's not too look lovely... don't worry about the low cut , if you are going to keep your hair down it will be covered and make sure to take a jacket too.
If it gets too cold by the evening, you can use that and of course I will be there... don't worry at all.
Since the fitting is okay, I don't think you need to alter this.
If you are okay ....then this is it need to check out the rest. It's the best.

Mithila gave a thumbs up and smiled brightly.
Amaya looked at herself in the mirror again. She looked good for some reason..and it's a wedding reception, she can't go looking like a homeless person, Vihaan will worry. If she follows Mithila's instructions, it's going to be alright...she hoped. That's how they decided the clothes and Mithila quickly pulled out a polki design choker necklace and pearl danglers from her jewelry box.

Now that she was wearing the same, Amaya couldn't recognise herself. She looked like someone else, who's calm and composed and knows how to navigate herself in the world which is totally untrue in real time.

At least she felt confident and Mithila is going to accompany everything is going to be alright. She brushed her hair again and thought about twisting it into a bun , but the low neck is showing.
No no.... that's a bad idea.
She returned to combing her long hair again.
It really needs a cut , maybe later she would just cut it short.
It's a hassle to take care of her long hair which is not particularly beautiful.
It's wavy and frizzy .... since she was styling it with Mithila's hair smoothening brush, it somewhat looked presentable.

Amaya was searching for her small clutch bag when her phone started ringing.
Mithila's name flashed on the screen as she pressed the button.

' Hello...give me just 5 minutes, I am ready, just searching for my clutch. Don't know where did I put it '
Amaya rummaged through the shelf beside her bed.

' Ammu ... should I just kill Roni? ' A muffled voice replied .

Amaya stopped her searching for a second.

' What are you saying Mithu and what happened to your voice?' Amaya took the phone in her hand and realised that it's a video call and she saw Mithila's tired face smiling at her .

' Don't ask me Ammu . I am down with fever and cold . Roni got it from somewhere and gave it to me too.
I had told him to sleep in the other room but he didn't listen. Now look , what had happened. '

Mithila sneezed and coughed as in que.

' Did you go to the hospital? Do you have medicines there? How's Roni doing?

Amaya started pacing around her room .

' Ohho... don't worry about me. I took medicines right away and kicked Roni out of the bedroom. He is not going to sleep here at least for a month.'

Mithila gritted her teeth .

' One month ? Isn't that too much Amaya. Tell her to not to do that' Roni replied in the background from where Amaya couldn't see him.

Amaya could listen them bickering about it and Amaya smiled.
Even though she's sick, Mithila is still Mithila.

' Don't be so stubborn Mithu. Roni paavam. I am sure he didn't give it to you intentionally ' Amaya tried to sooth her friend.

' No...he is going to sleep on the sofa for a month. How could he do this to us.
How could he do this on the same day of the wedding?
I am sorry Ammu....will you be okay to go without me? ' Mithila asked cautiously.

Oh... that's true... Mithila can't go with her now. She hadn't thought about it till now and panic raised in her gut.

' I ..I will manage?? '
Amaya stuttered unsure weather she was ensuring herself or Mithila.

' Are you sure? I am so sorry. I feel so sorry...and I am so mad right now. '
Mithila was sad.. literally.
Amaya could feel it right away.

Amaya took a few deep breath before replying.

' It is a little unexpected...I don't have a plan B at the moment ' she sighed.

' I know ' Mithila breathed out.

' But I am already ready Mithu. So I will just go and show my face there and come back right after?'

She could do that right? She knows Vihaan's family. Uncle and aunty were really sweet people. She could just go there and come back. No big deal...right??

As she tried to console herself, the anxiety bubbles pressed on her chest.
Will she be okay?
She could feel her pulse quickening up as she thought about going alone.
She is attending her ex's wedding. Is that weird? There was no hate between them, and they were friends before that all...but still? What would people say? Especially his relatives? They probably know nothing about het..but still?

She had millions of thoughts and the worry tightened in her chest.

Maybe she could just drop the idea.
She would explain later to Vihaan.
Okay that's better . No need to go. Nobody is going to miss her there..
She doesn't have to go alone there.
She sighed and looked at Mithila on the screen who was actually calling Amaya for the hundredth time.

' Mithu...I think ' Amaya started.

' don't listen to me..'

Before she could finish the sentence, Mithila started to talk and cough simultaneously.

' Mithu...are you alright?'

Mithila coughed and sneezed a bit more then glared at Rony once more , who was trying to help her out.

' I am alright but you are not. I am sure you are thinking about not attending at all .. right?'

Amaya stayed silent...and looked down like a kid who got caught red handed.

' I knew it...Haa...Rony is probably going to sleep on the sofa for months' she said with a straight face and Amaya laughed..

' Don't do that okay. It's not like I was dying to go there.
It's okay... don't worry about it. Get some rest '

Mithila rolled her eyes heavenward and sighed .

' I knew it...that you would just cancel the whole thing rather than going alone... therefore I have made some new arrangements for you...'
Then she winked and gave her a smile which surely implied some trouble.

' What new arrangements? ' Amaya was sure that this new arrangement is something that Mithila really enjoyed.
The mischievous glint in her eyes gave it away.

' Ahem... don't get mad okay? There's nothing to get mad about it to be honest and probably this is more like a successful arrangement than anything else '
Another mischievous smile and Amaya's stomach churned.

' Don't scare me Mithu...just spill ' Amaya sat down on the edge of her bed and prayed that she hasn't done something crazy.

' Okay...I don't want you to get a heart attack but I have asked Adhvaith ' Mithila paused a little, to study Amaya's stunned expression.

' What did you ask?'

' To come with you? what else?? Don't worry .....I was just checking whether he had some time to go there and he agreed to it right away when I explained this emergency situation. What a sweet heart.....' Mithila made a noise which implied that she was thoroughly impressed this time.

'I think he was bored to death and just wanted an opportunity to meet with someone ....or.... he just missed you ' another mischievous grin.

Amaya was too stunned to make coherent response. She couldn't even imagine such a scenario where she is going to attend her ex's wedding along with her long term crush.
It sounded totally wrong in her head.

First thing, Adhvaith has no idea about her everlasting crush on him, he probably think of her as some weird , miserable person and probably that's why he agreed to go with her. Even that sounded like a made up story.
Amaya sighed as she pressed her forehead with her right hand.

' I don't think that's a good idea' she uttered.

' It's a good idea Ammu. He is a really nice person and you are comfortable around him.

This situation is a bit tricky and unexpected but I think he is someone that you really like and trust.
You have told me this before that Adhvaith doesn't press you for details or make you feel uncomfortable. He just stands by you. I think that's what you want today too. Someone to stand by you, to be there for you . I wanted to be there for you so much but it's not possible right now ' Mithila made a sad pout and Amaya felt bad.

Mithila is sick and tired but still she's trying to help her out. She is thinking about Amaya first. Putting herself second and thinking about Amaya.
Isn't that amazing? Someone who actually cared about her? A friend who was ready to move heaven and earth if needed.

Yes...she conceded. Therefore Amaya decided to follow the plan.
It's going to be okay. She told herself as she smiled at Mithila and reassured her saying that she's not going to cancel the entire plan. Adhvaith or without Adhvaith, she's going to go. Mithila was giggling about Amaya's newfound confidence when someone knocked on her door.

Amaya nervously looked at the door and then back to Mithila who gestured her to open the door .
Amaya sighed and took a few deep breath and opened the door and she was startled to see Adhvaith standing there , looking so breathtakingly handsome.

He was wearing a white shirt and beige chinos along with brown loafers. For the first time she was able to see his forehead and eyes as his hair was somewhat in a slicked back style.

'Woah' Amaya surprised herself by letting out a response unintentionally loud.
She covered her mouth and bit her tongue, unable to figure out what to say next.

' Well... that's a very positive feedback ' he chuckled .

Amaya looked away trying to think about something to say but none came so she simply nodded like an idiot and sighed inwardly.

'Hello....hello...both of you..

Mithila called both of them impatiently from the phone screen and Amaya gave her a nervous smile and Adhvaith gave her a little wave.

' Thank you Adhvaith for helping us out in such a short notice and you really look great today. ' Mithila gave him a thumbs up and Amaya side eyed him.

'Thank you Mithila ' He gave her a little smile.
Their interaction was a little awkward and looked like Adhvaith was being really polite . Amaya wondered what is wrong with them.

'Take care of my friend... Don't leave her alone even for a second. No pee breaks either..' Mithila said matter of factly .

Amaya was appalled.

'What are you saying? I can take care of myself very well...
He is here to help me out right? Why does it sound like you are threatening him? '

' Ha...come on wasn't a threat. I was just giving him instructions for the day. He is taking my best friend to her ex's wedding. If I was there , I would be glued to you all the time and I expect the same from him too'
Her features were so serious that Amaya wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry.

' Yes Ma'am ' Adhvaith gave her a little bow and Amaya's eyes widened.

' Be nice to her and take care of her' She insisted again and made a ' I got my eyes on you ' action towards Adhvaith and blowed a kiss towards Amaya before hanging up.

' She's a little scary' he mumbled to himself.

' I am sorry about that ' Amaya replied without raising her head , still shocked by Mithila's protective side which was over the top.

They stood awkwardly for a moment , unsure what to do next .

'Aren't we supposed to go now? We will be late '

He said as he checked his watch.
Amaya quickly got her clutch bag , a woolen scarf and put on her sandals .
She locked the door and followed Adhvaith towards the car , that he has rented out.

Amaya was so nervous about the day that she didn't even try to make conversation throughout the journey.. except for telling him the directions occasionally when he got confused with the Google maps.

' What are we playing today? Lovers? To be married couples or friends?'

Adhvaith wasn't looking at her, his eyes glued to the road . Amaya gulped down and thought about it.

All the options sound ridiculous in her head.
Vihaan know her dating life...which is dry as Sahara and he used to tell her to go out and find someone and always wished the best for her. He also knew that she doesn't has many friends.
She sighed.
Getting Adhvaith to go with her do not make sense at all. What is she going to tell anyone who asked about him?
That he's her old guest and new boss and long term crush?
Ewww...she cringed.

' Or should we play this lovey dovey couple and make your ex jealous??'
This time he looked at her face and raised an eyebrow at her questioningly.

God knows what Mithila had told him about Vihaan but making jealous someone wasn't in her mind at all... especially Vihaan who just wanted her to be happy .

' What did Mithila tell you about my ex?'

Amaya just wanted to know what her friend was up to.

' Hm..she just told me that Ammu is going to attend her ex's wedding and she can't go alone and I have to be stand by all the time'

Amaya smiled a little, thinking about how protective Mithila was.

' Vihaan knows that I don't have a boyfriend and he's not a mean guy.
If I took someone with me telling that he's my boyfriend, he would be happy for me. '

' we are not going to show off and I am glad that he's a nice guy'.
He said it in a kind way that Amaya's heart melted.

Whenever there's a little sign of kindness from anyone, Amaya felt like crying. She sometimes found it undeserved or flattering.
Maybe it's because that she never considered herself as a person enough to deserve someone's attention or kindness.

She blinked away the tears and looked at Adhvaith , who was driving.

' Thank you, for coming with me.
We could leave right away. I had promised Vihaan that I would attend the wedding. I just want to see him happy'

That's it. It was the truth. She just wanted to see him happy. After all the things that happened, the pain she had instilled in him by breaking up with him, she had been feeling guilty.
They weren't in touch since the separation and after a year or so, he had contacted her. They had talked for a while. He had updated all about his life in Canada, which was just dull and he kept telling her how much he missed her.
They were friends before all that happened and Amaya had missed him too. So they kept in touch.

They called eachother several times and texted whenever they missed each other.
She was the first one whom he told about meeting this new girl and she was so happy for them when they started dating.

She was happy for him. She just wanted to see him with a smile on his face. His tearful eyes was stuck in her mind all this time, she just wanted to replace it with one of his happy smiles.

They arrived at their destination right away which wasn't startling considering that it's just half an hour from their resort. What surprised Amaya was that Amaya wasn't uneasy about taking Adhi with her and she was thankful for his company. He kind of made her feel like a normal regular person and she liked it.

The wedding was held at a farm house which she had never seen before. It was a beautiful place and the atmosphere was so lovely and dreamy.

Everything was arranged perfectly...
There was a big banquet hall where they welcomed the guests and the bride and groom were there on the stage.
Smiling and introducing each other's relatives and friends, posing for pictures.

There was a small open corridor, which connects to another hall, where the food was served.

Amaya took deep breath as she took it all in. She wasn't sad but the simmering anxiety, it was building up slowly.
Amaya clutched her handbag so tightly, thinking that it's like her shield from the people around her.

'Are you alright? Or should we stay in the car for some time? There's no rush. '
He added , studying her worried face.

Amaya nodded her head, realising that she wasn't alone. Mithila was right to send him along, who just understood her like no one else.

When she was able to collect herself, they got out of the car .
As they started to walk towards the banquet hall, Adhvaith stretched his right arm towards her willing her to take his arm and hold it.

Amaya looked at him , her expression a bit startled and confused.
Her one eyebrow went high, just like Mili and he smiled.

' I know I know...we are not doing any roleplay. It's just that I want you to walk comfortably. It's a bit slippery and you are wearing heels and also I just want you to remember that I am here , with you. Even though I am not as good as Mithila, I am going to stay by you. We could leave at any moment you want. '

They held the gaze for a moment as Amaya realised that he is trying to be a friend, someone she could lean on and trust.
As she took his hand and steadied herself, she tried hard to ignore the way her heart was beating too fast and she was sure that it's all because of him.

Hi there....

Next chapter is here...
I know I am writing very slowly.
Thank you for anyone who's still sticking around to read it.
I hope you like it. Thank you.