The Art to save one selves from manipulation and deception in English Motivational Stories by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | The Art to save one selves from manipulation and deception

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The Art to save one selves from manipulation and deception

The art of manipulating or deceiving is something that I have learned by being on the receiver’s end like many others or by seeing others being used in our society. So, I guess it is mostly based on the experiences of what I have learned from it. However, the best form of deception or whatever you like to do with a person is to create desperation. There are two types of manipulation. One is direct or destructive and the other is indirect or subtle.

1. Impressing someone about their looks and confirming his importance to you:

Impressing someone for motivating or persuading is a very old trick that has been passed on through generations and the first time one tricks us using this method is our parents as they always say my child looks like a prince or princess or hero or heroine. The best technique to impress someone and to make him feel special is by associating his facial resemblance with a public figure, preferably actor/actress. It gives him confidence and the feel that you are really looking out for him by addressing with such high standards. He becomes emotionally attached to you. However, it is even better if you say that your best public figure is the one whose facial features match with his. It is an indirect way of saying he is special. Moreover, the thing to look for in that character portrayal is how the character is in reality. It is actually a judging mechanism of the person who is throwing the comment. In reality, nobody thinks of others as a popular figure no matter the resemblance.


In a situation like this, it is better to ask the person how he has been able to associate you with a character that he is referring to and if he can project an accurate character to yours then he is genuinely praising you and if the description gets fixed on facial resemblance then you are of no worth to him. He is only saying this to get your trust and if he is a demanding or extrovert character then it is only to get his submission. Never pay attention to such characters as he is not sincere and being cautious about him is very necessary.

2.  Social disciplining of an individual to form an ideal citizen:

It is a method which normally doesn’t happen to anyone as this is a form of continuous scolding to make a person act as the society wishes that individual to act. But any change in the behavior of that person will be checked for matching the required profile that the society wishes the person to follow. Normally, no one actually fits the profile according to the profiles set by the society as everyone wishes him to act beneath them. It is how the untouchables were treated in the society during the prehistoric days and the only place they were able to resort to was either circus or get lost. These people were considered as mad or idiot or deformed and were never considered to be able to measure their family legacy. Everybody can relate to this story from the animation called Hunchback of Notre dame where he was continuously scolded for his deformity. It can also happen to people from higher order who don’t match up to their family standards who are considered as the third wheel of the family as normally they are scolded by everyone in their family for not living up to his family standards and so he normally never gets to be recognized as his own identity but by his father’s only to scold him. The undeserving princes are also treated in that fashion and they were treated as if any chance of their rise will cause destruction to the empire and either they are treated as scoundrels or as corrupted souls. Normally, nobody wishes to make him a part of their class and the society believes that this sort of legacy will end up dead in any brothel, drunk dead as the issue of the movie Devdas. In modern times, it is a rare case but if someone is a child of government officials there is a slight chance he will face this kind of situation from his management as they wish him to make all their legal issues disappear where he fails to act as his legacy as it is not up to him and the sequence of not living up to the name begins.


In a situation like this it is better to act with your identity and remember to calculate your every single contribution at all times. More importantly to let everyone know about it as they are expecting something more from you that you can’t achieve and so filling in your contribution is very essential. At first it might seem arrogant but they are asking for such feat of excellence that can never be measured and if you lose focus of your contributions, they will try to frame an idiot out of you as they acted beneath government officials and are eager to take a revenge of all the misdeeds of every government officials' they have faced in their entire lives. The charisma might have a good fighting chance and it needs to be presented by measuring your parents’ qualities to yours.

3.  Finding out the employee’s connection to the referral:

One of the best ways to find out the linkage of an employee to his employer is to say the employer looks out for its relatives. It is not necessary that the informer himself will get the answer to that but the confidant of the employee will definitely receive the details of the connection. It is natural for most of the employees to be connected through referrals as it creates a binding between the employee and the employer. This process has a high chance that the employee will spill out all the connections leading to the employer. It is a very old trick of the kings as throughout history all the kings were known for being kind, generous and just to their people. It never means that he doesn’t care about himself and if anyone who normally is a close relative to the king is always meant to have his head hanged on a spear for display and all of those relatives were considered as traitors to the nation.


If you are a close relative to the employer it is best to avoid it as much as possible because you are the judging tool of his stern and just nature. If he favors his own relatives, it means he is not caring about the employees of his company as you are not his son to begin with otherwise you would be ruling them. 

4.  Confirming referral employee’s submission towards the owner:

One of the best techniques to crack the confidence of a highly connected employee and ensure submission towards the employer is to say that the connection between the owner and the reference is breaking up. The employee will be frustrated and will try to impress the employer instead of reaching out to his reference. And it will in some cases severe the connection between the certain employee and the reference during his stay. During the time of dividing the countries according to religion the Pakistanis got hold of separate lands as they were submissive towards the British dynasty which they still maintain by following the Americans for competing with the Indians. However, none of them are actually in a good position due to that division as they are still at war due to the unfair division of East Pakistan and Kashmir. Though East Pakistan has transformed to Bangladesh but they never side with Pakistanis for any sort of political issues. Also, Kashmir still remains in conflict by siding with the religious referral which is Pakistan.


It is better to be submissive to both your owner and your referral but after digging deep by assessing the loss and gain of every side. However, if anyone is trying to divide you it’s better to side with the one who is favoring you at all cost.

5. Process to degrade the performance of an employee:

One of the best techniques to degrade the performance of an employee is to confirm through indirect means like through colleagues or fetching a discussion of that similar nature during a conversation between colleagues that he has been transferred to a better department or will be promoted way ahead of the actual time. In that way he will lose focus on his current tasks as he is hoping for the miracle to happen any time soon. Finally, he won’t perform as a regular employee also and when he finds out nothing is happening he will try to switch or resign. This technique is done through the ages for raping women for the promise of a dream job or convincing women of a dream job to sell them as prostitutes.


Any sort of promise from anyone should be disregarded or overlooked as these are the things which can make or turn anyone into anything. So, the action of any sort of promise should be judged thoroughly before leaping onto it and sharing the situation with the closed ones who are aware of such situations can save anyone from any sort of trouble. They might be of no help but may be able to give you a realistic idea of the situation.

6. Gaining personal vendetta through gender manipulation:

One of the best tricks that employers use to gain their personal vendetta is by pairing up a male and female employee together. In the pair they make sure to use the employee that they hate to do all the hard work and give the credits to the opposite gender. It gives clear indication that the employer dislikes the employee. In the case of males it hurts their male ego and creates a hatred towards the employer and in the case of females it demonstrates male societal dominance and similar reaction. We used this trick to force the aggression out of any man into doing anything just saying the simple word like even a girl can do that or calling girlish names to dishonor a person to do anything and in the case of females this technique is used to hurt their competitive nature into letting them know when a man can do that why you can’t a direct way of saying that the woman is dumb or a doll.


In this case, before pairing up it is better to have a conversation among each other to assess the respect that the other party has towards you. It is even better to discuss the achievements of each other and to see if the other one shows the same respect towards you. If not, it is better to ask for another same-gender pair and be frank that the person you are being paired with has limited respect towards you and without respect it might affect the business. Normally, the same gender can’t hurt the ego of any individual like the opposite gender.

7.  Manipulating an employee to turn him into a mock:

In this case if an employee sees that his same position employee or his superior employee is praising him for his intellect without any related issue, then it is better for the employee to be aware of that person. Because, in a work environment praise can only be achieved through the reflection of the performance and even that is also hard to come by. It is ok for anyone to ask for anyone’s suggestions, but if anyone sees that he is being praised for no particular reason then it is a direct sign he is being mocked by the same individual. It is one of the most heinous processes to create a false ego in that employee for further entertainment. This is the process of the parents praising their children everywhere and others immediate thought to such reaction is that the parents are lying otherwise they would have talked about the child’s academic achievements and won’t boast about the child’s extracurricular activities.


It is advised to keep a good distance from the person who is praising you and judge all his actions towards you and never fall for useless praising. Most importantly show him your performance and remind him from time to time in a subtle way. If the reactions remain the same don’t trust him until he is praising you for your performance but not your intellect.

8. The Employer is one of the most powerful and connected person:

This is a manipulation most of the employers do in order to make their employees be afraid of them and this fear actually works. If someone is tied to the employer’s connections then normally nobody else uses that sort of manipulation to the employee other than his employer. But if an employee is getting similar threats from anyone else other than the employer then it is a clear sign that the organization is onto him. However, it is actually not something to be afraid about as without proper connection running a business is quite difficult and business itself creates connections. This is how people projected the kings of the nation to commoners in every country throughout history.


It is not advised to show power to the employer’s connections but before answering anything share the issue with your referrals and try to find the source of his connection. If you have similar connections inform the employer’s contact and also keep track of your performance which you can also slip in during that conversation. This will prove you know the source of employer’s connections and you are ok with that. But you prioritize your work more than even the employer’s connections.

9.  What everybody else is doing is ok for everyone:

This can not only be called as a manipulation but a curse of each and every society. That is how we grow up or how we function in the society. However, this is the process that society itself introduces with all types of misdeeds to manipulate anyone. This type of manipulation is done through social, institutional or organizational circles. This type of manipulation is sometimes forced on an individual to be a part of the social circle and that very manipulation is later used against the very person at a later time by that very circle. In many cases being a silent observer while others are in so called “everybody else is doing it” can lead to a trap at a later time. This technique is used to create criminals in the society throughout the ages. If one does nothing he also becomes the part of a crime and if he participates in the crime then he will definitely be a criminal.


This unbeatable method can only be defeated by never engaging in any sort of conflict and as soon as similar conversation starts try to be away from the circle even if the cost is losing the entire circle. In that case, finding someone is the first thing who has a similar approach to the circle as the inside knowledge from that individual who keeps himself away from such circles might help you survive from the remaining misdeeds by your manipulative circle. One can use that inside knowledge to manipulate them as his survival strategy.

10.  Manipulation or Speculation using House helps as domestic spies:

This is currently turning into a much worse scenario now-a-days. Previously House helps were particularly used in one specific house and after they have left the house they would be used by their native source for getting the details of the members of the house. The members of the house would be labeled as saints to demons based on the perspective of the help and according to the requirement of the native source. However, now-a-days it is a different story all together. The house helps work part time in many houses or for chauffeurs, they have ample amount of free time to discuss the issues of the household to neighbors or other chauffeurs of the house owner’s, colleagues. They work as spies in the community for a specific provider or source with highest stature in the community whom all are afraid of. The person being manipulated here is the house helps who do others bidding due to necessity. According to history house helps were always punished for such behavior as the Mughals recruited speechless and deaf person to guard their rooms and the society knew that too. However, the Mughals ensured the Guards of their enemy’s room had sharp ears and were able to speak. They used this techniques in order to serve their enemies.


Every member should treat the house helps with kindness and make sure the house help’s family don’t end up with the same fate as their parents. This is the only thing every house helps fear about is their family having the same faith as they had. Finally, consider the house helps as your own family.

11.  Manipulating a person into small to large crimes by creating desperation:

This is the most and the worst trick that the people in power do. If they don’t like someone and wishes to make him commit any kind of misdeeds they just simply create the issue of desperation. A desperate person himself becomes a mock in the organization or the society. Then they manipulate the surrounding of that person and push him to stand up against those in power or at least show the powerful person his worth. In the process of proving, the manipulated person either resolves to someone else’s help and if they can manage the help by following that manipulated person, then ultimately that leads to making the person do small to large crimes according to his situation as planned by the people in power or fall out of that organization or social circle himself. If we consider the prehistoric times Jesus or Isha (A:) was treated in this fashion and wore a special Gown that was then the symbol of a King and he had to face severe consequences for that as the gameplay had all the marking of the Jews. According to the scriptures Jews are always looking for a King who could return back their promised kingdom of Conan.


This is an issue which needs the entire family's support to understand and if the organization ever tries to make the person do any sort of illegal activities, then just don’t bother listening to anyone. Being arrogant is not desired but for this kind of situations portraying arrogance will do the trick as either the employer will also become arrogant and push the employee to do unethical works which will create a loophole to file a lawsuit against the corrupt employer. And as the issue is informed to the referral of the employee so referral himself will provide the dirt to play against the employer.

12. The art of subtle manipulation:

This is the most effective and one of the most powerful manipulation tool ever. Ensuring someone else to do the required manipulation of the authority and keep them informed about the development of the progress. It is a very subtle reminder that the original deed was the manipulator’s responsibility not of the higher authority. A complete deniability from the original manipulation and being unnoticed by the last effect of the doer. The Razakars were framed in this way during the 1971 liberation war of Bangladesh and people only blamed Razakars more than they blame Pakistani Army.


In the first place try not to fall for this trap and even if you do just make sure to use the same manipulation technique to the employer by bringing in the issue which was originally orchestrated by the employer.

13. The Manipulation of woman into doing misdeeds:

In most cases powerful people use media woman to influence other men or women for orchestrating any manipulative event to influence any desired people or any hated people for desired outcome. The desired people normally bring in more benefits for the influential people and if he hates someone through the manipulation method he can destroy him. The media person normally influence the contracted person through big promises of better jobs, better money, better connection as they say it, “They have connections everywhere”. This is a very old trick which was played against the Kings, Senators in the name of publishing intimate photos with their mistresses, the manipulative or influential people used this technique.


To save oneself from this type of manipulation one just needs to ask I also want to talk with your connection as I am unable to see the big picture. Using this trick one can either be connected with the manipulator directly or the connection of him with the media personnel will be severed forever.

14. The Societal Manipulation of wives:

In most cases woman or wives are preferred as lucky charm, better half, Religious partner etc. But, these terms actually lessens the value and turns them into a tool for success. Because, how can a woman bring luck, or be half or be only a religious partner. She is a whole human being, a partner for better or worse. A bond that should be intact no matter what.


This is a social disempowering method which the wives’ Mother-in-laws always use to suppress the wife of her son. This is the time a wife needs to take the initiative to value her Mother-in-law then even her husband. Even portray her in-Laws as better persons then her parents and even her own husband. Her in-laws will ensure a good bond among the husband and wife.

15. Discrediting a person using his confidant:

This is one of the best manipulation techniques and the only technique that no one can ever suspect or defeat. In this method an employee or classmate or colleague comes close to you during your hard times and express deep sympathy towards you. Due to his kindness it is natural to confess about your hard times and your thoughts towards your seniors. That’s where the mistake is made and you have expressed all your negative feelings about the organization, their supervising authority to the nicest person you found. In return, what that person does is share that very information with the authority in exchange for favors, promotions and completely discredit you. Any friend of your enemy is your enemy and it is best not to express any weak emotions to anyone unless proven he is absolutely on your side. According to history Bibhishan used this technique to ensure the fall of Ravan and rule.


In this case, be patient and follow the rule that the friend of your enemy is your enemy or as new employees are interrogated this way, its best to collect all the data offered by the opponent without sharing a single emotion. Then with that data if someone is your tested friend or referral or family member share that information with them and they all will save you with the combined effort. Just remember one thing which is “what is yours that is yours”.

16. Dissecting a person’s character by stalking through opposite gender:

This is a very common manipulation technique but a very effective technique when used correctly.  The thing is there are always rumors about office colleagues and if they are unmarried it is a common practice to make pairs. However, if someone is married and somehow a false rumor could be speculated, it will have enormous effect. It is not necessary to even the married employee to have any interest in that opposite gender coworker. However, if in any way the female colleague of that married male employee informs his wife about the simple expression of awkward stare towards her or if a male colleague mentions to female employee’s spouse about her having some form of weakness towards the boss or other male employee, the results would be disastrous. But the manipulating person needs to be of same gender, otherwise the targeted employee will simply disregard that as a rumor. All the leaders of earlier days and all the divorces of modern days are the direct reflection of this manipulation technique.


It is better to express about family issues to only same gender colleagues and to avoid married colleagues of opposite gender for suggestion as the most effective way to get to any solution is direct communication with the boss. Even if there is a rumor it won’t affect one’s family relation.

17. Manipulating employees to leave a company:

This is the most common form of manipulation and it is the one that the old employees test on any new employee. Whenever a new employee enters a company, he is informed about the drawbacks of that certain company by the old employees and they also explain the benefits of either their previous company or the rival company. It plays a psychological game in the mind of the new employee that he has made a mistake by joining the new company. On the other hand, the old employees of the existing company grab the chance to frame the new employee to undermine the current company as lower than his previous company and as a job hopper who is only willing to switch jobs for money without any loyalty towards any organization.


In this scenario one has to take the initiative to get more works from the organization and explain how he was able to solve problems of previous company. It shows that the employee is not willing to return to his old company and willing to use his knowledge to make the current company better. It also ensures the Current owner to cross-check with previous company.

18. Removing responsibilities of Employee:

This is the most common trick in the employee manipulation book and the most widely used. Just gradually remove responsibilities from the employee and within a month he will start to understand he has become an unnecessary burden for the company. In most cases, He will start searching for jobs and will eventually leave with or without job. If the desperation is very high he will beg to stay and ask for any sort of work. The employee is currently in the employer’s total control and he can play with him as he pleases. The employer knows very well he is not getting any job, otherwise he would never beg for work. In some cases this is a clear incident of employee targeting for which the employee is not getting any job as it is an ego issue for the employer if the rejected employee gets a better job then he becomes a bad judge of character. This sort of employee’s once faced with such issue finds hard to keep any job from there onwards.


In this cases, hanging on to the current job and informing about the issue to your connection is required. Because if an employer can’t give you any work that’s not your fault but the employers. After one month or two he will be forced to give you responsibilities according to your position. Nobody is willing to pay for nothing.

19. Second generations controlling diverse businesses through means of power struggle between managements:

This is a technique most famous among second generation businessmen to keep up-to-date about all the business situations and also the 1st generation businessmen use this technique when their business diversifies and it reaches beyond their technical expertise. In this technique, they select the most trusted source of the technical heads of the two or more businesses who has a fairly good idea about the businesses or similar businesses of different wings. They make sure the source has close ties with all the heads and inform the heads about their different business approaches, their business flaws, their ideas, even their character flaws. In response, the source has a lead knowledge of all the businesses and he informs the 2nd generation businessmen where to invest more and whom to push more. The pushed one normally ends up making hard choices to run the business with limited results and in most cases is disliked by his employees. But, the truth is this technique brings profit from all the ends just varying in figure.


In this technique it is better to avoid any medium to communicate with the employer and directly inform the scenario with loss or profit. It gives the chance to inform the employer about the issue and if the spy is known then share his flaws to the management without showing any sympathy.

20. Technique to find out Salary structure of an applicant:

The best way to find out a salary of an individual is to see the service experience. Normally, for any job circular asking for someone having minimum 3-4years experience is that he is seeking for someone with 3years experience, but 4years will be better. The employer will calculate the initial salary and exclude the probation time giving 2-3 salary hikes of 10% without promotion as it is not normal for any promoted employee to switch. Then, he will ask the applicant accordingly knowing the fact that he has exaggerated in his CV regarding the position to match the requirement as he is switching due to desperation and mostly no one mentions their salary in CVs other than expectations. If by any chance a promoted employee applies for that specified promoted position then it shows that such applicant is greedier than the desperate one and will definitely not be recruited. So, he will ask the routine questions regarding his basics and in a sudden move he will ask the name of his manager if unknown, but in cases of referrals the name is definitely known. The applicant will automatically be assured that further checking will be done and he is within the reach. So, if the employer is willing to hire him, he will simply offer an estimated salary that he has kept in mind for the position and normally desperate applicants agree with the bargain. If rejects, then the employer knows he would never be able to keep him as the applicant has good ties with his current company or has other better offers. But, if someone doesn’t like someone and are not willing to recruit, they will mention faults about their CVs as the recruiting requirements are extremely specified and it is rare for any applicant to match with the requirements.


In this case, the original salary should be mentioned of the previous company and saying that he is only willing to work with the mentioned expected salary. As money related questions comes last, so the judging process has already been completed and if one is capable enough then the employer will recruit him with whatever wage he is asking for. There will be a bargain but hanging onto your demands is required.

21. Manipulation technique to portray a larger image of anyone then a connected employee:

This is a normal technique as most of the employees are recruited through referrals and if you have an understanding of any recruited employee having good ties with his previous company’s seniors then you as his senior or colleague simply agree to know him and consult the situation with your senior management. They will immediately understand that there is a gap between you and the new recruit. They will themselves provide you leads to dig deep and in the meantime to manage the new recruit they will provide dart of far senior managements to keep the new recruit to shut his mouth.


Having good ties with the previous company is good as it ensures security to get back to the previous company. However, in this scenario no matter how big your previous company is the current company should be your main focus. So, be brave and pull in some dirt of the previous company and everybody will agree you are on their team. Any old employee knows that every company has unseen flaws in their system.

22. Creating False notion of unity or patriotism and hatred towards certain individual:

This is probably the most unique propaganda technique and widely used by the media to create false patriotism or unity of people. This technique has widely been used to discredit a man or woman with sexual issues while any talk about marriage occurs throughout the ages. Normally, people cannot relate to the vague term of patriotism and in most cases people has the tendency to look at this term by relating to their family and neighbors. So, this technique is used for dragging someone down to the lowest possible degree by simply alleging that person with sexual harassment issues and on the other end portraying the victim as someone part of everyone’s family life like sister, daughter etc. However, the victims also reach out to the public in a similar fashion. It can be termed as creating false notion of patriotism or unity as other than the term war no one can demonstrate patriotism. But, it works most effectively in case of males and females have a chance of getting out of the issue due to the fact of being delicate. In all cases, it takes 2 hands to clap.


In this case if the issue is real express the truth with the presence of the so called harassed person in front of everyone and if the issue is fake then also have a talk with the so called harassed person in front of everyone. The people will definitely be divided but the flaw of the story will be revealed.

23. Controlling men through seduction by women and luring them into propagation:

The best way to control any powerful man was done by using seductive woman. In the early days men used mistresses or sluts to seduce powerful men, lords or kings to gain their trust or even lure them into traps. In case of respected aristocrats this technique is still being used and was done in the early days to earn continuous flow of money for the mistress and her puppeteer. There are several seductive techniques that woman use to lure a man into submission. Married or Unmarried doesn’t really matter.

·  While the targeted man walks pass by make sure there is an eye contact or the other way around. After regular contacts have been made, once or twice make sure to be seen with other man talking to the woman to make him jealous. The jealousy will create more attraction.

· Attractive women normally don’t make eye contacts but if she wishes then she just ensures that the man has seen her and then walks pass by him. In case of unmarried men, there is a high chance they will follow her and for married men their eyes will follow her. Sometimes, to make sure an attractive woman is being followed by a man, she often uses her friends to talk about her to that man or to make a man to fall for that attractive woman others provide details of her to the targeted man. Attractive woman usually don’t need to show up with a man, because either way she is never missed.

·  If a woman feels insecure of her complexion, facial structure she normally uses the manipulation technique of frequent smiling and obviously seeing her with a man on regular occasion can cause a craving among other men. But, for a woman with such disadvantage, it is difficult to manipulate a man solely.

·  If a woman is insecure about her complexion and posture, they are the ones who actually play the game of seduction better than even beautiful woman and they are the ones who can literally attract a man if they play the cards perfectly. They portray themselves as your best friend who is free for any sort of conversation and ensures no one else can get into your life other than her. They can play you, stalk you, take all your details and you won’t even notice it as you believe you have an upper hand on posture, but actually she has the upper hand on everything else.

·  Showing cut-marks of any part of the body to expose skin towards a man is a very powerful way of seducing a man and with this manipulation technique woman has the upper hand of turning a man into a pervert. It doesn’t mean that the man has to be attracted to her or act on it but in many cases if that exposure situation is shown to someone else, that person can also turn that person as a pervert. This means you are in so much control of yourself that she was compelled to act in that fashion to lure you into a trap or to offer herself.

· Women are really protective about their cleavage as it is something they are always scolded throughout their lives for not exposing to anyone. If a woman exposes her belly, her chest cleavage it is a perfect indication that she is willing to offer herself to you at any cost. This is the last seduction in her arsenal as she knows very well any further than that will not create any association and the man will simply start avoiding her due to disrespect.


In this process the following approaches should be made to get out of the claws of women’s seductive manipulation and this might make you a respected person.

·  After making one or two eye contacts speak to the woman directly and invite her with her parents to your home. If she agrees with those terms then she really likes you as a life partner. If you are married then your wife will take care of the rest once the woman in question meets with her. Finally, if her eye contact is to trap you she will never bother speaking to you and stop making those useless eye contacts.

·  Normally, all attractive woman do these things as a protective mechanism. So, if you are interested just have a rational conversation and you will find out she is not that interesting as her looks make her. She is a simple, shy and insecure girl like rest of the woman and in many cases she doesn’t like her attractive face because it feels awkward to be followed by men all the time. In most cases attractive woman are always in a relationship.

·  Smiling is also a good way to hide the sorrows and so if a woman is insecure of her complexion then such act of continuous smile means that she really likes you and doing all that to get your focus towards her. If one is single then he can invite her to his home along with her parents and this can really seal the deal between them. For any married man it is better to avoid her as she is going to make a mock out of him. Because these type of woman are very smart than any normal woman.

·  The women who are insecure with her facial complexion and posture are most probably the smartest woman among all and if they wish they can make any man fall for her. If someone wants to find a smart woman for his family these type of woman are the best. They know how to make the husband and his family happy without giving any chance of complaining.

·  If a woman is frequently showing cut marks to expose her skin means she is in love with the man insanely and she is cutting herself only to get your attention. Always ask the reason of those cuts and after one or two times she won’t bother replying as you have figured out her game. In most cases she will spill her emotions towards you. If you are married explain your situation frankly and offer her to meet your wife. If you are bold enough to inform about the scenario, your wife herself will come up with a way to manage the silly girl.

·  Finally, if any woman is exposing her cleavage means sex is the prior goal and you should inform your family and her family about her approach towards you. This will turn her into confess to her parents about her intentions and her parents are the best judge of her character and will do everything to bring her back on track.

24.   Destroying a person’s carrier and deteriorate a man’s performance through ganging up:

This is an extreme act of manipulation and is a direct impact of war against someone if a certain person hates that person or an organization or a system hates that person. But, in this case the person needs to be reeled into any sort of propagation, mild or major is not an issue. The community will act around that very person to make the issue from mild to major. It is mostly the psychological impact and how the issue is presented that makes the person insane. However, it needs a huge amount of synchronization and body movements to cover the entire act and 2-3 demonstration of such derogatory acts can lead to total psychological breakdown of a person. The act is starting a conversation with the subjected person by leading the person to the issue of discrediting and make sure that is heard or your posture is understood. Once that occurs make the crowd or whatever number of people that are at your side uttering their neglect towards that person. That person will get scared and lose focus on your conversation and start to believe that his simplest act has made the entire crowd mad. Ultimately 2-3 similar acts will make him feel like an outcast or a criminal. He will lose both his confidence, performance and sanity simultaneously.


It is a destructive mechanism for a person’s carrier, reputation everything. Leaving work place might seem like a good idea but in this case one really needs to prove his worth. He needs all his referrals, family members, neighbors and friend circle to fight this issue face to face as the organization is directly treating him like their enemy. It is a war he needs to face by staying there unless the organization itself accepts him as their own. He will find the intentions of everyone during this process as the crowd is acting differently due to fear and so he has a great fighting chance as others inside the organization will also come up to aid him.

25.  Blaming a fall guy to earn trust and get out of complicated situation:

This is probably the most used and the oldest technique of manipulation. Whenever, there is a chance that one person or any senior can be lead to a trap or unwanted situation, he will simply use the same blame to frame a fall guy beforehand. It ensures his trustworthiness to the upper management and in the meanwhile he gets out of the way from the chaos. Sometimes it can also be used to portray oneself better than the other.


When you are being blamed for the actions of your seniors that also means a war is waiting for you and you are about to be charged with framed criminal activities. As soon as one finds out this situation he needs to talk to all the seniors of the management and find out how deep has the infection spread. Also, take help from all your connections without any ego issue as you are going to be a subject of crime.

26. Use revenge psychology to manipulate a person into doing any sort of crimes:

This is a very aggressive way to utilize enormous amount of people in order to target a very specific person. The way is to make sure to remind the people around him how much vulnerable they are towards him and he might be able to expose them. It is not necessary that he himself has any advantage on them and in many cases they were led to a situation where they had acted in a certain way to make them witnesses of their actions. But, that very vulnerability creates a revenge psychology towards the targeted person and that thought of uncertainty can lead them to do any amount of misdeeds to suppress him or even destroy him. This is a social manipulation technique to create and target people to turn them into outcasts for centuries throughout history.


This manipulation is the very thing by which criminals, murderers and terrorists are born. So, never hesitate to disclose the issue to your parents and if they find it difficult to manage the situation on their own then they will resort to the proper connections to make sure no harm bestows on you. But one thing is needed to be certain that you need to inform your family whenever the slightest crimes have started of the game and definitely not at the last moment when nobody can handle the situation.

27. Use the second in command for any sort of espionage:

This is the oldest form of administrative technique of history as the king or the lord never actually administered the lands, they just ruled those. All the responsibilities were given to the ministers. So, the kings or lords never really had that much knowledge of the lands, the ministers did and accordingly they were the once who needed to be convinced to spy on any people or even the king himself. Even the kings themselves gained information about their kingdom by those second in command figures. Hence, the best way to spy on anyone or any organization is to use the second in command instead of the main figure. Normally, the main figure is very much tied by laws and regulations of the country. However, the second in command never has such bindings and can share almost similar details as the main figure due to the work process of any organization is normally conducted by the second person or in case of personal level espionage, the second person has similar connection access to any figure as the main one.


If you are an employee of an organization it is better to have close ties with the second in command instead of reaching out to the highest authority. If anything is out of the ordinary this person can inform you in a tolerable manner and if the connection is good he will convince the highest authority on your behalf. So, instead of directly reaching out to the highest authority for any problem, he will inform you or direct you to the responsible person to connect with.

28. Using younger generations to undermine or discredit a person:

This is a very odd manipulation technique and a direct sign of attack. Just make sure to undermine a person for his actions by his younger colleagues and subordinates instead of doing that by his seniors. He will lose his stability and authority during his time of stay and after a certain period of time, will not have any interest in working there. It is an old trick of school students to abuse their teachers from a certain distance and in the next moment he will appear as the kindest person to the teacher. The teacher will have no idea who scolded him and just convince the boy to keep an eye open to find the culprit.


The hierarchy should always be maintained and in such situations don’t engage with the juniors and directly complain about his actions by mentioning it during the time you have enough evidence to make him lose his reputation. Next time he will make sure to address you with respect as you were able to show him the power of hierarchy.

29. Create a sense of defeat in your adversary before achieving your goal:

This a very useful manipulation technique and it will work each and every time. The technique is if you hate someone and wish to defeat him use the ones close to him to portray an image where he will feel defeated at every game before even the actual game has started. Due to that very psychological impact he will lose his confidence at every game and ultimately lose. This is a very successful power play for any sort of adverse attack on any type of human being of any part of the society. It is an army strategy when you are weak portray yourself as strong.


 In this scenario, never be alarmed about what other persons are talking about and be the best person you can be performance wise not as a saint. Never get afraid but show fearlessness and after a while the manipulator will crack.

30.  Creating a similar moment of submissiveness testing:

When it comes to being submissive or pleasing others, there is actually no limit. When people doesn’t like someone, they tend to be provoked by each and every actions of the other person and genuinely judge his actions as arrogance. So, if one wishes to test ones submissiveness then the simple way is to put the simplest possible allegation and turn that into a fearsome detail through over exaggeration. Then spread that across every possible connection that the person have. Due to the creativity of other people, you can always expect them to elevate the story to even your own expectations as people have a taste for exaggeration and when they see that others are willingly accepting their exaggerated stories, they don’t tend to stop but put more flame to it. Ultimately, the final product turns out so adverse that the person in test would either fight or flight. If he fights back he becomes arrogant and if submits then he becomes a slave.


In this scenario fighting your way through it is always the best option as when anyone tries to fight this issue, the higher authorities try to make his closed ones submit to them. You follow the same strategy they are following ignite more flame in every aspect and attack them following the similar pattern. Once they find out their reputation is on the line for your exaggeration, they will be forced to negotiate with you to no longer screw their hard earned reputation.

31. Technique to learn about other’s personal income and saving ability:

This most unique way to learn about how much a person earns and most importantly how much a person saves is to ask for big and regular loans from that person’s wife as wives have a more relating sense to a cause. It also demonstrates how much the person relies on his wife. If you get the loan then you can assess the total earning including savings and if you can’t get the loan then you get the understanding that there is difference in their relationship. Either way it is a great relationship breaking mechanism. However, for understanding the total amount of saving that a person has just ask for a large amount of loan for a good cause beyond his capable earning source and mention the security of payment.


It is good to give loans but both sides need to be presented with witnesses while transition of any loan and if you don’t have a male witness use two female witnesses. It is very difficult to manage two female witnesses into any sort of crime or loan fraud.

32. Discrediting a person by praising him as Naïve or Innocent:

The thing to remember is that any sort of praise having irrelevance is a discrediting mechanism. When money is such a hard earned thing then the issue of getting credit or praise is even more difficult to earn as praise gives a person his unique recognition over others. If the credit doesn’t resemble any of his material successes than it is a direct discrediting mechanism. Considering someone as naïve or innocent is a very unique way to discredit a person. It signifies a person has very less knowledge of his surroundings or a psychologically underdeveloped person. If such a person brings up with any sort of allegation towards others, he can be easily disregarded.


When someone is getting any sort of credit, they must consider that if he is being properly credited with relevance to material success. If he is under confusion about his achievements then just ask a simple question that why is he being addressed as naïve as he is not young enough to be called as naïve. If the answer meets any criteria of his achievements then just tell them to address that fact instead of calling him naïve as no one is naïve in this society.

33.  Manipulating a person into becoming a social idiot:

Someone of the very low chain initially informs a normal person who is deemed as a threat to the upper society about an incident where he will be framed with utmost sincerity thinking about his well-being. When that normal person gets out to meet the others to stop the framing or convince them to stop the framing, he finds himself in a crown full of people with the same knowledge discussing, spreading the issue as they please. He is being scolded every step of the way where there might not be anything to do with him and that is the initial phase of creating a social idiot.


This is a very outrageous situation and not worth fighting for at all. In this type of scenario instead of being a social idiot be brave enough to leave the place. Remember the issue and proceed to succeed at every part of your life to make sure you are a notable figure to face that scenario and if not leaving a hell which will turn into a more adverse hell doesn’t really matter.  

34. Creating an outcast in a social or organizational environment:

In modern times, all of us are about science fictions or fantasy books. But we rarely noticed a regular prejudice among society which is called the cursed chair or desk in an office. The employer ensures his disliked employees sit on that very chair as he has seen nobody likes the person who sits on that chair. Even the new employee is also informed about the cursed behavior of that cursed chair and duration of each employee’s stay pattern. In villages if the chairman is illiterate they make sure to lessen school funds to show everyone the power struggle between the chairman and the Principle. Finally, the new Principles become outcasts every time.


Being an outcast is not the part of survival and in this scenario leaving the place will never solve the problem as someone new will be the fall guy. So, stay and show everyone that it is just a desk and people can survive a cursed desk. Ultimately, people will focus more on you than the chair itself.

35. Getting rid of unwanted guests from the society or an organizational setting:

Who are from the 80s or 90s or from the prehistoric days have an idea of the guests that arrived in our houses were very difficult to get rid of. It was literally impossible to get those guests out as they just didn’t come to see you, they came to stay till a certain celebration that might come after 2 or 3 weeks in the villages and in the cities, they came with a mission to cover all the land marks that city has to offer. So, in order to make sure those people leave the place there was always mention of a ghost story that where the ghost never harms his own village people, but the guests are never spared. Normally, nothing really happened but it made sure the guests leave the place or in some cases the village people themselves started explaining their own ghost stories to get rid of the guest fast. Now, the question is how this relates to an organizational setup. It is very simple as all employers themselves are turned into one way or the other as monsters or technical wizards in their own company. Some are known for tracking employee’s emails, some are known for tracking employee mobiles, some are known for being violent leaders in the community and all are known for being highly connected to the legal authorities. These information creates a fear among the new employees and either they make a close relationship with the older employees of the company or if the employee is smart he creates a good bond with the owner. Whatever the reason it ensures the fact that the new employee is under the control of the old ones and if they don’t like him, they can always get rid of him. Definitely, the new employee will never be able to raise a single voice to whatever the fate brings for him or he will be tracked throughout his life by this powerful monster.


In this process one has to share his creativity along with the power of his connections and suggest ways to solve problems and show creativity in solving any sort of problems. Also, he has to make sure to mention his contribution in solving the problem and let no one take credit for his work. The management will know his worth and take all initiative to keep him in their organization.

36. Scolding a person from the back or from a distance to socially discrediting him:

The process of scolding or threatening a person from the back or from a distance is probably the oldest discrediting technique in the history and it is of certainty that we all have observed the application of this technique in our student life. Whenever any teacher was disliked by the students in any class or some teacher who wasn’t liked by the students of the school, it was of certainty that the teacher would have a discrediting name. The so called brave kids would call names or even threat him from behind to discredit him and when the teacher would turn around the caller would be the first one to show up to him to address the issue or just pay his respect towards him. The student would do this to show his courage to everyone. However, in an organizational environment, this technique is applied to normally a bit back-dated, seeming ordinary, introvert employees by discrediting them by their similar aged or junior colleges in the name of inefficient, slow concept catcher or in many cases during the time of confrontation introvert employee is faced with abusive remarks.


Unfortunately, in this case, it is better to get a job that suits your position according to your age and experience. If you don’t get a job immediately, then show patience with continuous search for a job that matches your hierarchy with dedication, then ways will appear to grab the proper opportunity.

37. Manipulating an entire society towards addictive substances:

This is probably the most unnoticed but the most effective of all the manipulation techniques of the ages done by the cigarette companies. Normally, it is a regular practice of the big shot cigarette companies to sponsor for any sort of movies, drama or drama series but the game is played in a completely different genre. They ensure to grab hold of armed forces, police rationing of cigarettes, distributing cigarettes for any sort of drama which allows the cigarette companies to boost their marketing through personal channels. In all these cases people see smokers as a tool of status of the successful people. Any officer, businessman dealing with an armed forces personal, police gets to have free cigarettes as no one actually likes smoking alone and if one gets free cigarettes no one really denies when offered from such powerful people. And this practice develops the habit of smoking in themselves and gradually to the family members of themselves. So, a simple trick of taking a good contract of rationing of armed forces can create a habit of smoking among millions. The brand doesn’t really matter as when you see someone smoking you will find the craving of smoking and no matter how others push you it is very difficult to change a chain smokers' brand. So, showing the brand in media is never needed just make sure smoking is there. Is this a new trick of this generation? No, it is a very old trick as Kings frequently received gifts of decorated Hookahs which are still showcased in their mansions.


If you are not willing to consume any sort of addictive substance then it is better to smoke Cigarettes. It is the only addictive substance that everybody finds hard to get rid of. So, whenever a circle is stating a talk about cigarettes just get away from the scenario. Normally, smoking is not something people take regularly and so if you arrive at the scene after 15 minutes you will find all have stopped smoking and after similar efforts of that sort no one will bother to suggest you to inhale cigarettes anymore if you, yourself aren’t willing.

38.   Manipulation of Leaders to brainwash the society:

There are three types of leaders with the capacity to manipulate the society which are motivational leaders, Religious leaders and business leaders. And yes, being born in a political family doesn’t make you a leader but a symbol which other leaders use to gain their bidding and normally political leaders are so concerned about what others or the society thinks that they can’t really act as leaders other than that of a big brother of the community who is trying to please everyone. In all cases any crime conducted by any member of the political organization results in criminal lawsuits against a prominent political leader. So, a person who is set for being blamed for the purpose of gaining some authority can’t actually be considered as a true leader. In order to gain popularity, the leaders do everything to be known to everyone and inform the community leaders to recruit more people for the crowd. Normally, the amount is managed by the financial or business organizations in the name of favor and security.


It is a deceptive method to brainwash the new generations into being part of a political organization. This process of brainwashing is made sure before the students are capable of developing their own ideology and a boast with limited monetary expense during their puberty will gain lifetime voters for that particular organization. But those young generations desperately trying to be a part of that political organization will never get the seat or position for which they are eagerly waiting for. This is a perfect way of creating community guard dogs from these foolish teens. So, unless you are well aware of any political organization or political leader and can’t understand that leader’s promises, don’t participate in any sort of operations which will lead to a strike or chaos. Being part of a Political Organization without the proper understanding of that organization will lead you to only traps by being only a foot soldier of the organization.

39.   Manipulating the young generation towards a life of crime:

This is a method all Political Organizations and Business Organizations follow which enables them to get any job done by the criminals who are fostered by those Organizations. At first the teens get introduced by some sort of big brother who frequently offers him cigarette, lunch to lure the teens into submission of any sort of political leaders who are famous among the society as criminals. Normally, the process starts when an ordinary student being a simple menace is engaged in a situation or fight that becomes unbearable to him and the student starts bullying him. For being a child of an unfortunate family he knows one simple rule which is either fight or flight. So, in order to win a meaningless fight he resorts to that community political leader to solve the issue forever. However, in the first time the local politician personally saves him and gives him an offer to be part of the group. Next, for being a part of the group he is fed cigarettes explaining the manliness part of smoking which is breaking the child voice of the person and create a manly voice. This part attracts the person into smoking and then to be fit he is offered weeds (Ganga) and alcohol which he also deems as a meaningful experience. After a while he will be the one to pay the bills of the Political Leader and his gang. The money required to satisfy their appetite becomes more for a simple disadvantaged family to bear and stealing things of the family becomes a habit of his and he starts explaining the scenario of his misdeeds to the leader and after learning the issue from the teen, the leaders plan to utilize that teen to make similar efforts by giving him small tasks of misdemeanors. His late entry into the house makes him face intolerable behavior by his close family members and neighbors. So, at this point he becomes aware of the fact that the world is not a good place and he starts misbehaving with his parents to do the tasks provided by the political leader. If he succeeds during the initial stages to gain leader’s trust then bigger tasks are given without him having any knowledge of how much danger can this task reflect on the society as he is now a person willing to do anything for money. He has become a gun for hire and the tasks get worse day by day which will ultimately lead to creating a murderer.


It is very important to portray no political ideology during the schooling period to the intermediate period of a person as his brain is not matured enough or knowledgeable enough to make matured decisions. Unless a person is matured enough to vote for any election, he is not matured enough to possess any sort of political ideology. So, just inform the political leader that you are not interested in his political ideology and you need to pass all the exams to develop an individual ideology that is inclined with the ideologies of any particular Political Organization.

40.   Manipulation of the Crowd through false association with media storytelling:

This is probably the most effective method of building or tearing down a person. Every person normally has different types of weaknesses and if someone can focus on a person’s single mistakes to exaggerate a situation. Then the person in question is bound to be torn into pieces. There is a story of a queen giving birth of a fairly dark complexion child and then with every passing moment, the crowd made the story of the queen breading crows every single day. This is a similar method of completely discrediting a person and making his achievements wash away due to these allegations. Now, in modern society where people rely on mostly propaganda related to ordinary middle-class people, any rumor relating to that person spreads like wild fire. Finally, the person in question turns into a ravan who is against every child bearer or woman.


There is only one way to avoid this type of manipulation which is by being rooted in your faith and being patient to prove the original allegations wrong which is in the hands of the targeted person.


41.   Discrediting a person through bloodline, race, religion for personal gain:


Discrediting a person by mentioning his own blood relatives are against him. When the spreading of false news goes, speculations will never be related to him but more exaggerated to make him a terrorist, criminal, murderer or drug lord to the society. In this discrediting mechanism, people mostly get the fun of discrediting the person as they please and nobody will question their loyalty to the system. The process is started to make the targeted person lose his entire identity and through exaggeration a new horrific identity is created of that person.


Believe in yourself, believe that none of your neighbors, relatives and friends are against you. Tell the overt social scenario openly to your family. In time your closed ones will start the fight to get your identity back. It is a direct declaration of war and so only praying to the God for the troubles to go away shouldn’t be the only solution to this type of hostile scenario. Also, having a good connection with the Almighty won’t hurt.

42.   Media Manipulation of young girls into seductive approach for personal gain:

The unfortunate thing about modern society is that all women are products of marketing and there is no exception to it. Even while recruiting any female it is made sure that she is unmarried and in many cases desparate about the job. So, first the owners give these women a chance to mingle with the other organizational employees and find out the woman’s moral values. If the woman has questionable characteristics then it is an excellent way to convince other buyers by informing her to use her seductive charms to get the work done. If a woman somehow shows immoral character then it is bound that the woman will be promoted before any other male employees as that woman is bringing more business than the owner himself.


If a woman finds out this approach of the owner towards her it is best to use Burkas to ensure the owner can’t use the woman as a marketing product. It is better to leave the job as soon as possible because holding on to a job and losing her character is not desirable to any woman. Normally, as soon as the woman shows religiousness then she would be saved from the misery of being a marketing product. If the owner still forces her then it is better to leave the work environment as losing the reputation is the bigger loss for every woman and the owner showing so much interest means he is willing to make physical relationship with the woman. 

43.   Threat of kidnapping to achieve personal gains from your adversary:

Normally, this type of scenario never happens to anyone but all powerful people give the threat of kidnapping an individual to his parents to achieve personal gain if the employee is judgmental and less cooperative. Actually, this type of scenario normally happens to people who never hesitates to question the organizational set-up. His frequent questions about the morality of an organization makes him a perfect target of kidnapping. Once the threats of the questionable employee is raised to his referrals they starts by coming to the terms of negotiation. Ultimately, this scenario only brings more benefit to the perpetrating organization that the targeted employee could ever yield in his tenure in that organization. In order to save an individual the orchastreting organization’s owner finds a set of free employees to do all his illegal deeds and reap profit from it. On the other hand the questionable employee gets a hard time surviving anywhere because this type of deals are formed in a way that he only sees his family, neighbors and friends are all against him. But the deal is formed in a way to make everybody enemy of that person. The manipulator is pulling the strings from behind by making continuous threats to the target’s family. The Owner finds it as the best business deal.


Believe in yourself and make sure to have frequent contacts with your family, neighbors and friends. Though the grip of the organization will still remain strong towards you but once all the people working in your inner circle finds out all the threats are fake then they will start working for you to destroy the perpetrator organization.

44.   Discrediting one’s intellect by manipulation of wordplay:

This type of manipulation is a frequent task that one has to face throughout his life if he is not considered fit or smart enough for the society. Normally, an employer would ask his introvert employees to answer to questions for which he would repeatedly answer the same thing and the owner will make sure the employee gets the idea that he is adding nothing more to the question that is unaware to the employer. It is an intellect undermining technique and the more information one adds, the more the employer gets informed making the employee appear as a fool for every question. But when it comes to the employer he never fully revels his intentions which always makes him smarter than the employees. This is the oldest trick of the history as it is something the bright students figure out in their early age but lose focus of it in their job sector and the employers figure out late but sticks to it till the end which is never share your information or homework or assignment with others. If you share that part you become like the rest of the others and addressed as ordinary. If we go to the roots of this technique even an uneducated villager can discredit you if he wishes to because if you try to inform any villager about any knowledge without demonstration of power then the guy will say my that cousin knows better or that cousin also knows it and it is nothing special.


When you are being discredited by the employer make sure to reach out to him with every single problems and ask for a solution. Normally, the employer will never answer to any of your questions but direct you to a responsible person of your higher position to inform you the solution or even in some cases the lower position to get the information. Just think of it as a phase of learning the mentality of the owner. Finally after this either the employer will stop bothering you and if he brings up the miscomputation between you and the information source then you will always have the upper hand of saying you did what was instructed by the owner.

45.   Manipulating the surroundings of a person to make his ideologies and answers predictable:

Have you seen football? Someone starts to run with a ball, then passes the ball to the next, then to another player and finally the striker scores the goal. The conversation manipulation technique is of similar fashion. At first, someone starts a topic, then someone else argues with the topic, and a group of two or more supports the initial topic. Finally, the main person who is the center of manipulation will definitely respond in favor of the started conversation due to the effect of majority of the crowd. This is a very effective technique to frame someone with false ideology or portrayed ideology. In many occasions, it can act to develop required ideology in a person. Now, when it comes to manipulating a conversation it is certain that you will notice the below changes in any form of conversation:

·  When someone starts a conversation completely disregard him and continue a conversation between each other. The person will stop putting his input in any conversation due to boredom and turn out to be the third wheel in a cycle.

·   A powerful liar will dominate a conversation in any way possible as he knows the trick that being patient is not the trick to lie, but dominating a conversation is. He will come up as arrogant but it is certain, you will be defeated as you don’t have the gap to discredit him.

·  When one talks, try to hear what he says and in most cases fill the gaps in his conversation according to your direction. In this case, one can always be portrayed as a good leader as he can predict a conversation and also this will make him appear as arrogant.

·   If you want direct dominance over someone with his full submission just politely say you know what he is willing to say and you are planning on something much better or you know more.

·    Asking someone a provocative question and then stop to let him explain, then stop his conversation repeatedly to lengthen his explanation. A continuous loop until it leads to a fight or even something more.

·    Ask someone a question to let him explain and then just ask more to lengthen the issue or add more issues until he gets trapped discussing that issue. After you have got his fault, you just keep that in mind and complain it to the higher authorities without letting the person know about it.

·  If someone wishes to insult someone right in front of his face then they can exclude his name while 2people are talking. It lets the accused know about being insulted, but even then he can’t harm the accuser. Girlish feelings portrayal technique or abusing technique.


The power play of this conversation trapping mechanism can be controlled by the Manipulator. In this game of conversation manipulation one right to speech can be controlled and it is made sure that the targeted person don’t have any say on any type of conversation. So, instead of being a third wheel in any kind of conversation it is necessary to study on current topics to make yourself heard by others.

·  Each day and everyday prepare yourself with general knowledge to start the conversation and control the conversation as you please. But always be prepared.

·  In case someone is facing a powerful liar be calm and find the gaps, clues, and flaws in his conversation. Try to destroy the liar by beating him in his conversation. Next time he won’t stop your conversation and will try to learn from those.

·   Always be a good listener instead of a good speaker and you will find gaps to turn that conversation according to your direction and people will automatically follow you instead of the liar.

·   When someone is measuring your conversation, you should weigh his conversation pattern and find gaps in the current topic that no one is aware of. You can also change the topic according to your liking.

·   When someone is criticizing your conversation just simply avoid him and go away from him as continuous criticism is not something to be tolerated. It is best to stop following a fake leader and be alone without being influenced by a corrupt person who never listens.

·  Always remember whom you are talking to and his connection in the organization will dictate what he desires to become. So, if someone is pushing you around a particular topic just avoid the conversation and leave the place.

·  Don’t bother about what else are saying because you are the topic of their conversation and they can’t insult you directly at your face. This confirms you are being famous as nobody is interested in talking about themselves other than you. Be patient, and find the source of the conversation starter, and insult him in front of others using the same technique.