Tick Tock Sound Issue of Clock- Geckos Lizards and Heart Disease in English Science by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | Tick Tock Sound Issue of Clock, Geckos Lizards and Heart Disease

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Tick Tock Sound Issue of Clock, Geckos Lizards and Heart Disease

“Tick Tock” is a sound that people are accustomed to and have heard many times. It is the sound of a clock ticking though the proper term for explaining this sound should be irritating. It never lets anyone down when irritation is required to create. This sound always makes people feel like time is ticking or an invisible clock is ticking in their heads. It is the sound of Clocks, Bells, Motorcycle horns and even car horns. This sound alone creates more sound pollution than any other sounds. Also, when it comes to the most irritating social media platform, “Tik Tok” is in first place. Has anyone ever wondered what the origin of this sound is? No, it’s not the sound of a clock but it reminds them of the sound of Geckos. People were fed an irritating sound which is a direct reflection of an unknown sound coming from somewhere in the room. The Gecko’s sound has been converted into the sound of clocks. The fun thing about the Geckos is that they never actually make the “Tik Tik” sound, instead the sound that the Geckos actually create is more like an irritating smile and their entire body vibrates while making such noise without moving their lips. This sound is never questioned and nobody was actually able to see how the “Tik Tik'' sound is created by the Geckos as every time this sound comes out from a hidden source. For reference I have checked a YouTube video where they were able to capture the entire process. For the Bengalis this sound feels like “Thik Thik” which means right as the language itself isn’t that old which allows other words from other countries to enter in the vocabulary modifying it every time and they fall under the trap of making this sound as their justification of truth. This sound lures oneself and others to any half fetched ideas to make that into reality. However, in the case of other languages “Tick Tock” means the sound of time or seconds ticking and so whatever decision they have come up with they need to work on that. The psychological approach to the sound is the same but used in a different way. Now, let’s ensure how this sound is accepted in various societies of the world. For starters one needs to know how sound is measured and on a regular basis sound is measured by dB or decibels which indicate the pressure levels of the sound and Hertz indicates the sound frequency. Now, the full form of decibel is the relative unit of measuring one tenth of a bel (B). The part bel (B) is used after telephone inventor Alexander Graham bell which also is the same as Ringing Bell. Interesting part of Alexander Graham Bell is that he has a Bell attached at the end of his name. The first telephone had a needle connected by a wire to the battery where it was attached by a wire to a receiver and Bell was able to speak to the open end drum like device which ensured vibration to the paper placed below and also the needle. Later the vibrations were converted to electric current which traveled along the wire to the receiver. The main invention in this machine was the battery which ensured the conversion of electric currents to the wire of the receiver. So, it is safe to say that by using Alessandro Volta’s electric battery Alexander Graham Bell got famous and unfortunately nobody remembers that Alessandro Volta created the electric battery. What actually makes the sound of Bel in our ears? The sound of Bel creates a sense of uneasy and pressure which triggers the feelings of anxiety and stress. So, according to researchers the sound of Bel or Tick Tock creates anxiety in most women where they are continuously reminded that their reproductive potential is limited and they should resort to early marriage to have kids. The normal sound acceptable to human ears is 50-60 dB whereas all the horns used in cars, motorcycles, buses range from 100 dB to 120 dB. This continuous sound pollution is repeatedly creating anxiety in people which is leading to early heart diseases and as a result of this horn based society people are continuously dying from Heart Attacks. Also, in the case of “TikTok” videos, the famous Tik Tokers suggest that an ideal Tik Tok video is required to be short within 10-17 seconds which means one has to go through an explosion of sounds every 10-15 seconds while watching “Tik Tok” and continuous watching of such videos will surely cause heart diseases. However, when it comes to creating reels for “TikTok” videos, 10 minutes were forced to this Chinese App and they again found a loophole to shorten the time period to 3minutes ensuring people focus more on shorter “TikTok” videos. Finally, it can be said that “TikTok” is an App designed to create heart diseases and shorten people’s life span. So, no “Tik Tok” is really required to create a heart disease free society.