New World Order with the help of Artificial Intelligence in English Science by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | New World Order with the help of Artificial Intelligence

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New World Order with the help of Artificial Intelligence

Forming Undetectable spies:

The term seems like a person who just comes out in the open with all the superior strength as any superhero and becomes Jason Bourne out of nowhere. No spy acts like that and as a matter of fact they lead such a normal life that it becomes very difficult to recognize them and when one can actually figure out a spy in their entire life, they will find them the most boring persons you can find. Because we forget the basic term to mingle, but they don’t, which is to listen and a good listener who rarely participates is the most undetectable of all as he is not getting noticed but only being part of the crowd. So, in the process of forming undetectable spies, the best is to keep the person himself unaware of the fact that he is being used for spying others’ deeds and in the process of preparing such a character it is better to form him with flaws that he would rarely participate in any kind of conversation but listen. It is the process to form inferiority complex in a character through circumstances and even abusive remarks to let him be a less vocal and a good listener or a person who obeys. In that way, he would notice the entire society in a very different way and judge everyone in a singular phase with their unique flaws because leaders look at the society as crowds and normally don't judge them as a singular being. It is the best way to collect information on a singular basis. When the time is necessary he could be used to direct accusations towards his own family, his locales and even his country as he won’t hold back on anything due his inferior nature and he is not raised to protect others but being protected by others. So, as soon as the protection goes away, he would resort to any other form of protection as he can’t make his decisions on his own and he won’t hold back on anyone to get the required protection.

Solder’s intent converted into robot orders:

We are still waiting for robots that can think like us and appear as structured human skeletons. However, such robots are inferior as it lacks structural advantage and so does the human as it can run at a less speed due to the use of two legs while being vulnerable in every way as its abdomen is exposed. The best form of robots for any sort of combat is Fighter drones, in the land nothing beats a tank and an automated tank is better. But, in a warfare of robots single bullet firing guns or even guns with continuous bullets are not that required. So, in that case the robots are already in use without moving the flare of human touch as we humans don’t believe that robots can be trusted. However, this belief is wrong and a fed lie through generations on its own as we program the functions of any AI which is written by humans and humans can easily be removed from war considering the expense of a human soldier is far superior to any unmanned equipment as for robots the entire lifetime expense needs to be considered for 10 to 20 soldiers. Thus, if a soldier only acts on intents, he need not to take the responsibility or guilt of decision making of killing and normally intents are direct reflections of orders from superior. It also gives a faster response and a very much desired outcome for the generals.

Hive mind:

Hive Mind might be the approach to make everyone’s dream come true. The ultimate form of conference calls. However, the advertisement sounds fun even for the proposal of a conference call, but what do we use that function for? To create the game of witness or to prove if one is lying. Similar thing is with Hive mind, it sounds like the ultimate bond in a family filled with transparency, love and support. However, the thing one is forgetting is that it gives everyone the chance to let everyone know that their parents, their elder brothers/sisters, their spouses also had a past, where they had to take decisions on their own and sometimes act as rebels or sometimes foolish or sometimes scared. And all have to go into arguments in their day to day life. The truth is not meant for all and a truth that direct can shatter the perception of portraying anyone as a hero or role model. So, the actual formation of the hive mind will tear a family apart due to the lack of respect among one another not bind it. But, the more nuclear a family becomes, the product consumption becomes more due to more space requirement, stress eating and the business rolls in nicely.

One Mind One world:

This might be the ultimate goal that every scientist ever hoped for, a world where everybody acts as a single mind and solves all the problems of humanity. This is also considered that such a mind will have so much capacity that we could even dominate the entire universe. A unique mind functioning just like a god. However, the problem with this approach is every individual has many flaws and are filled with various diversity. So, when two or three minds are filled with flaws and have rational diversity on their own, it is with full certainty that two minds will gang up on the weaker or stronger one. It is actually human nature to follow someone and it has nothing to do with the quality of the person but rather the benefit the other humans will get from the person. Hence, in order to create unity among all the minds ensuring no conflict among themselves, the minds need to be single tracked free from the burden of rational thinking which can only be found in Autistic children. Unfortunately, all the young geniuses that we see now-a-days specializing in a particular subject from their early age are actually autistics as they find it very hard to express themselves or get interested in other subjects without that particular subject. Thus, none of them are really ever portrayed as a social being in the media also as they are not and never can be. These minds can be a very good tool for solving problems as a united mind, but can they be considered as fully formed rational human beings?

Sin Free World:

As long as a person has diverse emotions in him, he is prone to have various urges and expectations from life. Expectations and urges are the direct result of sinful thoughts. It is our human nature to expect more from life and it is one that all animals have in them which is seen in wildlife as territory marking. So, in order to create a sinfree world, either you will need to make most of the conflicting sins seem normal to the most or create human beings which are incapable of causing any sin at all. If many of the regular sins that can turn into dangerous sins can be accepted by the society as regular human norms and the society accepts those as a regular part of themselves then on many aspect the term sin will become so vague that other than any form of grave sin all others will seem very normal creating a lie free, sin free world. For example, the use of dildo, sex doll is exactly the same act as having sex with a dead person or soulless person. On the other hand, the people incapable of thinking in a rational pattern to differentiate from right or wrong as their brains are engaged in external suggestive stimuli all the time, will find their world mostly sin free based on the external suggestions or deem themselves as sin free. Finally, a brain that is so single tracked that it is incapable of registering sin as sin itself will be considered by the world as sin free or do anything and be free from the burden of sin. So, the drawback of a sin free world is that you need to erase many lines from the morals of a human being.

Controlled Population:

It is true that the population needs to be controlled as it is expanding exponentially. There are two ways to firmly control the population which is by either breaking the constitution called marriage or control the tool or woman that is used to populate. In modern civilization, both have been tried but the second one got the most success. At first, to avoid arranged marriages which has a great success in creating an army of humans, the aspect of marrying a known individual has been portrayed as a better option. So, the young women found it more logical as it lifts the burden of gifts or dowry from their father’s shoulders and they latched onto that aspect as no arrange marriage, no dowry, no torture and freedom of speech over the man. However, normally some men are shy or introverts and some are more demanding or extroverts. It is natural for any woman to be attracted to potential leaders as they find the characteristics of the prince of her dreams in them. So, in order to get the right partner, they fall for the demanding one or extrovert one. As usual a demanding character is demanding for everything and so the women needed to portray themselves as more revealing to meet their demands. Shorter trends came into existence. Normally, women are the ones who believe in Cinderella stories but in case of wives, men are pretty brute as they need someone who can not only please themselves but also please their parents. Thus, when women are looking for a kind hearted gentleman, then men are looking for a woman who is both educated to match with his family and also charming enough to please him. Sex is normally a natural thing that builds trust among men and women as a bond. Thus in order to seal the deal women gave in to the demands of men for sex and in order to seal the deal fast they started moving towards that step as soon as possible. The more revealing they became and the more men found it an advantage to try new prospects. Because the thing is both men and women are actually looking for a partner and nobody is willing to give it a slack or settle for 2nd best as it is easier to convince parents or elderly with a combination of beauty and talent, but younger generations with less experience always strive for better and if possible the best. Thus, that simple process led to the start of betrayal for both men and women as nobody feels they are getting the right partner. Then came the dating app, college flirting to school flirting and sex came down to the stage of pedophile as now children crossing puberty are also engaged in that very battle of getting someone who knows her from the early stages of her life. But no matter how hard the game is ultimately due to the nature of today’s society, they both need to build an identity in the society. Thus, the process of sex with control or protection came into existence. When sex became certain with no chance of unwanted results or undesired outcome. Then it took the place of regularity and the prospect of finding a suitable marriage partner became a time tested ordeal where nobody was getting full marks. Ultimately, the constitution of marriage became an unnecessary tool as lust can be fulfilled without any obligation to each other. When human moral boundary towards sex became irrelevant then moral boundary towards opposite sex also became irrelevant, same sex or polygamous sex was also tested as a form of pleasuring the male or female. Then bisexual became exposed as a very natural phenomenon and ultimately as same sex usually have more respect towards one another than the opposite sex due to their emotional similarities, same sex or gay partnering took its place among the society. However, it is definitely true that in order to test all aspects of lust polygamous sex remained for generations among the higher orders of the society which just got public in order to create a controlled population. But, till now no gay normally denies the fact that they haven’t tested both sexual orientations. So, the normal process of controlling population led to the aspect of reducing arranged marriages that led to the fact of empowering women which created less responsible men as men are actually irresponsible in nature which only a woman can form into a responsible character and finally a world filled with empowered women with lesser men. Now, women are finding difficulty getting empowered men to form a strong marriage and are stressed with their work so much to look after their in-laws, children. So, a controlled population is created with a world filled with self-obsessed women which was their initial intention to remove from the nature of men. Finally, a controlled population can definitely be created as all tools are in existence by following the old ways of engaging or letting the poor women know of their potential partner beforehand. Marriage can take its original form as required by physical standards of any human being but it can definitely lift a lot of burden from the poor souls of desperate young girls to please their parents.

Power for good:

Power has a different definition to everyone but it is something which is never meant for all as absolute power corrupts people completely. In the 1940s the 1st superhero comics were introduced named Superman to re-introduce the term power is for good and not the fact that good people rise to power. Then the legacy of power for good began, where entrepreneurs were portrayed as the good doers but revolted against the criminals.  As if the chain of crime never functions at the top of the food chain and the criminals act on their own. This broke the chain called manipulation in between. This did make the entrepreneurs as ideal citizens to portray but gave them the power to influence people with less achievements. They were able to portray themselves as gods among men and a role model with limited achievements.  When it comes to speech representation “power for good and good people rise to power” both the sentences sound the same but have very different meanings. This is the way Greek Gods and Roman Gods were mentioned. Powerful beings with no self-righteousness and due to their immense power, all their deeds were considered as good. This belief was broken by the Abrahamic religion as he was the 1st person to spread religion out of the regular norm which is, religion means following the beliefs of royalties. Then other prophets came along to spread that same belief as none of the other prophets with scriptures were of any royalties excluding Hindus and Buddhists. And even Buddha also left his kingdom to spread his knowledge which is considered as the 9th incarnation of Bishnu. So, considering that fact for the last 5000years the religion came from the ordinary people. However, in the current times the belief of goodness is not for the ordinary people to consider, but rather for the people who have an aerial view of the society to consider as they can predict the future and ordinary people can’t. In the process, they are making choices for the ordinary people not that the ordinary people are making the choices for themselves and the definition of doing good has been transformed as good is something that can be demonstrated by only the abled but not by all. The societies are being formed in a way that one man or an entire country is liable to one another and nobody is left with absolute freedom other than those with family inheritance and with no liability to track down. Normally, the powerful make the decisions of the ordinary people as businesses are the hub of the income source and since the ordinary doesn’t play any role in the direct earning source which shows they lack the courage of decision making or taking risks itself makes them the inferior character. It created a modern day interpretation that is most talked about which is education doesn’t but experience is all that matters as most of the current renowned entrepreneurs are college drop-outs. They, themselves, teach the value of experience over knowledge and as a matter of fact, since they are more concerned about their tactics and less educated recruits' the education seems like a burden to bear when one enters the job force. This emphasized the issue of being street smart instead of educationally versed.

Create Open Minded people:

Creating open mindedness on the topic of religion among the rest of the population is a dream for most of us. It is truly something that the world is striving to achieve and in many cases they have achieved that in many countries. The perfect definition of an open minded person is a person who respects all the other religions and is not restricted by his own religious beliefs. But, unfortunately all the religions are so backward compared to the modern world that other than the fact of creating peace among each other, nobody can relate to the teachings of the religious scriptures with the modern world. In most cases open minded people believe that religion or radicalization is the root of all destruction. So, when they are discussing about any of the religions, they come up with the point that the science has already proven some mistakes of the religion and science can create peace as everything that can be done according to the religion or nature can be done by men. But unfortunately in order to prove something you have to know that first, not the other way around and so religion is the pillar that informed the people of the scientific issues of what to prove and what not to in a way that was understandable to the people having the knowledge capacity of thousands years behind but not the knowledge capacity of the modern day where information is so overwhelmed that now people are trying to find the shortest possible way to grasp and resorting to one sidedness or ever other’s views if that is offered to them in a concise content. They have proved what prophets were able to do thousands of years before at a time where science never existed and the scientific knowledge of that miraculous act at that time is in itself a miracle. The religion which is closer to science not exactly as accurate to science is the one which is the more credible religion as all religions actually were able to do miraculous acts of science thousands of years before that. Finally, remember that the religions came to earth when the civilization started, then it was last modified when the number of people were 1/10 of the modern day population and the people themselves did not credit themselves to learn new things from one another, other than the self-proclaimed leaders not that the prophets lacked in their approach. However, human nature has always been the same and submission has been a great part of it even no matter if someone is an atheist or a believer. And nobody is that eager to have bad luck or no luck at all. So, no matter your religion or no religion, being prejudiced has always been a part of human nature as everybody wants something in life where he wishes himself to shine above all and thus a bit of luck is always needed by anyone. Then, if a human is ready to submit and is also asking for luck or favor, is that so difficult to ask for that favor to the creator of all.

Justice shouldn’t be blind but focused:

Justice should be people’s justice which is the ultimate goal for any justice and it needs to be delivered fast without giving the chance for the perpetrator to escape due to delay in the justice system. This type of justice needs to be performed by a Just and stern leader who is unbiased by being raised from the very roots of the society and rose to the position of leader enabling him to be capable of understanding the true pain of the deprived of every demographics as he has the aerial view of the society to take on the powerful with an unbiased judgment. The aerial view can be considered as one eyed view as the deprived or the regular individuals don’t know what is right for themselves so in order to get justice in time, they need to resort to the ideologies of a leader who is the one dictating the terms of right or wrong for themselves. It is the problem with this quick and people’s judgment system that in order to drag a powerful dictator down they are resorting to the ideologies of another dictator and they are not getting the point that they have no say in any of the judgment performed by any of the two. Now, the symbol of justice that we see in the courtroom where a woman is having her eyes blindfolded with a weighing scale in one hand and the sword in another means that the justice is unbiased as it is open to the reasons of all rich and the poor with the fact that whoever can prove himself as innocent will be spared without looking at the appearance of the person. If proven guilty then also the justice should be severe with the open edge of the sword. Though the ideology the existing justice system portrays is far better than the first as it doesn’t see the appearance of the person if he is powerful or deprived ensuring an unbiased justice but due to backwardness and delay in judgment the 1st one is the one for the people tend to choose. However, justice is never for anyone to decide and definitely no leader is good enough to dictate unbiased justice no matter how aerial view or how much experience he has about the lives of all the people of the system. Ultimately, any single individual dictating any form of justice is biased no matter how stern or just the person is.    

Order needs to be purified:

Politicians need to be bold leaders who will not only be liable for his actions, but also take responsibility for others’ actions and will only be allowed to act as a leader when he has made necessary sacrifices accordingly. So, the true leaders need to be purified in every way to demonstrate their devotion towards their country and otherwise they won’t be accepted as leaders among everyone. Thus, a perfect example of a perfect leader became an imperfect one who will take responsibility for others’ crimes and also is bold to confess his own. However, if someone is a perfect leader, he never needs to confess about his crimes but rather be ready to be punished for it. Leading is not something someone asks for but rather acts on it. So, someone who is ready to act on his promises is the true leader no matter the consequence and he would go to any extent to make it a reality. However, the leader who is ready to accept others’ crimes means he will slip in some of his own and as he is going to be blamed anyway having any sort of morality won’t be a problem. So, a purified leader of modern times means a corrupt leader anyway.

Fulfilling human wants:

Fulfilling human wants is actually a part of this game, but not desires. There is a difference between the term want and desire. If you ask someone what they want, normally they end up asking within a limited reach, maybe a bit improved lifestyle then his fellow mates or neighbor or relatives. But when it comes to desires, people have no limit and literally have no limits of dreaming. However, in case of want people actually end up ensuring a bit more secure lifestyle than others. So, the main drawback is the powerful will actually decide which is the better life to offer for the general public  as they are very well aware of what people can’t dream of and can’t hope for. Our current world is exactly like that as we normally don’t buy anything based on its functional value rather than its appearance or social value which are being confirmed by the media.

Everybody can prophesize through analytical research:

When it comes to prophecies anyone can be a prophet, just the thing they need to have is access to proper tools. A data sheet, a sample to analyze and an encrypted computer which has access to all the computers data, peoples data, stock data, daily routine of every specific work force, gender priority based information, everyone’s salary structure, individual income, annual income, tax report, social media posts, job offers, job application, daily to yearly expense information, market rate of products, government contract information etc. If someone or some computer has all that data stored in it and can access everyone's personal to profession details, it can predict the future of any country, any organization, and any person of the entire world.

Building statues as a memorial to respect the heroes or shapers of the nation:

Building statues are very necessary to remember great visionaries of time whose efforts made great achievements. Now, the thing is making statues for memorizing a notable person at one time can make something very different from that very person at another time, at another era. If we look at all the societies’ of gods and goddesses, the explanations of their character seem like every normal human with various faults and there are even some with questionable faults but since there is a statue they need to be worshiped because no one builds statues of normal people. So, ultimately the effort of building a statue even made Elephants, Snakes, Rats, Lions and Ravans be worshiped similar to the gods and it is also true when one properly judges the characters of those built statues they also don’t seem very special. Just some regular Joe with excellent warrior skills. In the modern era, the number of regular Joes with superior skills are plentiful. However, what is happening now can also happen in the past which means many skilled gods or men were lost for just not having a statue and the ones having statues doesn't mean they were morally perfect. They all showed a very persuasive side of themselves. So, according to The Abrahamic religion building statues were prohibited.

Preserve memories of skilled tacticians who can withstand psychological warfare having the experience of enduring all circumstances of the battlefield for creating further Human Clones or AI generated Robots:

This is the final product that most of the people don’t know about is that people are being hunted by interrogating Artificial Intelligence in there head which actually took a legit form since 1983 after developing the first AI “Analeza” and now there are a huge number of people being part of various cults like Targeted Individual Cult, UFO Cult, LGBTQ Cult, Conspiracy Theorists, Time Travel conspiracy Cult, Satanic Cult etc. All of them claim the same thing: they are getting instructions in their head and following the instructions accordingly. Only the difference is the UFO Cult and the Targeted Individual Cults who confirm either they are interrogated by Artificial Intelligence or by Extraterrestrial Aliens. Responding to their queries, solving problems, being harassed in their head and having the only difference is that UFO Cults believe they were abducted and so Aliens can talk to them and Targeted Individuals believe they are interrogated for being a terrorist to their nation. Others only think God or Satan is talking directly to them and giving offers to achieve their desired goals and so they make the deal with God willingly. However, this knowledge of all their experience is stored in a secured database to make two possible subjects of the New World Rulers. One copy will be clones as evidently an organization named Clonaid has already developed clones in 2002 which itself is a very risky procedure as many surrogate mothers are required to deliver a perfectly healthy clone baby, 18 is the number to be precise. These clones will be taught by their father or original through Brain to Brain interface for faster learning and another copy will be used to create AI generated Robots which will enable these so called rulers to travel the Universe as they don’t have the proper knowledge of science where 70 lightyear distance doesn’t mean 70years to travel. It means about 2million earth years to travel at the current rocket speed of 24000miles/hour. A totally illogical approach in the name of finding the next suitable earth for human civilization.