The Formula to save lives of Targeted Individuals in English Magazine by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | The Formula to save lives of Targeted Individuals

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The Formula to save lives of Targeted Individuals

The targeted individuals are actually placed in the Targeted Watch list, but the strategy they use for this is the Kim Jong Un Strategy where the target is not only the Targeted Individual and their families are also targets. The physical marks found on most of the targeted individuals posted on Targeted Individual related sites are actually the ones who are protecting him and not the actual Targeted Individuals. Normally, to make a person’s life predictable, it needs 2 orchestrators or family members and 1 enemy and the whole thing can be controlled by a Manipulator. Normally, 1 leads or instructs an issue or topic, then 1 guides the issue or topic and finally the enemy to veto or oppose the action. The entire process can be controlled by the response of the enemy and any work can be done promptly or delayed according to the desire of the enemy. So, if a family member is pushed to conduct a job, the manipulator through V2K forces high radio frequency in their skull to force talk them to instruct, the next family member is next pushed to lead the way and finally the Targeted Individual goes wherever they wish as designed by the manipulator. Ultimately, the instructions are given by those family members through the mobile and to the instructed place as the entire community is managed by the family members’ way ahead of time to orchestrate every action. This ensures the community to act according to the desires of the manipulator as in this case they make sure the enemy is also communicated through V2K and force talk according to the plan. This gives a total predictable life of every Targeted individual. Normally, a Targeted individual has 40seconds prediction time due to mood change as a mood normally changes in every 40seconds where the manipulator says, he changes every character every 40seconds and a 5seconds intent to sentence formation time which is a regular thing for any individual as the intent to the 1st word explains the rest as it can be called filling the blank process. No one’s character changes, but only the mood changes. Ultimately, the entire process is controlled by the street theaters as the enemy confirms the speed or delay of every action. So, the targeted individual thinks he is facing immense pressure from the streets. In every case, the result becomes predictable according to the desires of the manipulator. When it comes to noises Hidden normal mics are used, Cars with Sound boxes capable of portraying abusive slangs are used to harass the targeted individuals. Also, many small street magic tricks to make a good magic trick are used to harass the targeted individual. And in many cases, the targeted individual is introduced with false deaths to discredit the targeted individual completely and make him question his identity leading to the thought of living in a false or unjust world. But, in many cases, as soon as the targeted individual finds out that he is being led by his family, either he flees the place or kills them. The whole thing is covered up by the manipulator as they blame the targeted individual of being Schizophrenic or suicidal. The mechanical slow sounds or noises created by the streets are the only method the street has to warn the targeted individual which is the Morse code method or telegram method of communication and in the case of Morse Code method single letters are formed through each sound making the AI incapable of forming proper words to understand. That is why all targeted individuals have to face immense sounds to be warned, but not to torture the targeted individual. The entire community normally likes this kind of people as being courageous in every way. 

When it comes to Mobile, Computer and Tab hacking, the cybercrime division of the intelligence is used having no idea that the targeted individual is not a terrorist but just a mere human who has made some very powerful people angry and in case of his mind that is being hacked by other division which is authorized by the Drug Authorization department of the intelligence. It is a combined attack with no idea of the other’s works. Normally, the targeted individual is tracked through thermal mapping, communicated through waki taki using untraceable radio frequency and radar technology. The list of the targeted individuals are kept in a storage department of Old Air Force Base in cryptographic form according to his calling name. Finally, the freaky beginning of communication where the targeted individual faces the issue of sounds coming from the toilet is a basic telephonic method of sounds passing through the pipes from one end to another.

Now, when it comes to enlisting all those names of the targeted people. In this case, the countries don’t matter, what really matters is the country willing to take all the names that anyone applies for. In this case, the formation of the secret service needs to be considered. The game that is actually played with the targeted individuals is mostly deceiving and so the names need to be enlisted in a deceiving manner which makes none of the people be ever enlisted in a particular secret service’s list and the procedure goes on for endless periods. After the 1950s China was a disaster country which needed reforming at every level and so America came to their aid to reform their secret service and then the Japanese people have no Army after WW2 which makes them a perfect candidate for the secret service of the American Society, the entire German secret society is bribed into reforming the secret service of America which makes the Americans take control of their Secret Service also, the Pakistanis resorted to America as they were not willing to bargain with England to defeat or save themselves from Indian invasion, England was not willing to rage any sort of war with anyone but needed diplomatic protection to ensure all their 14 countries are intact specially Canada, Australia and New Zealand. So, to avoid the conflict between Canada and America, America willingly recruited MI6 to gain access to the previous information of China, India, Pakistan, and South Africa which rooted for the British from the very beginning. Thus, MI6 and CIA is in collaboration in handling all the intelligence affairs worldwide and it is certain the records are mostly kept to Pakistan intelligence as CIA is so willing to attack all terrorists and so any trace of the existence of such a list in their database is harmful as other intelligence may hack or take a hold of the list. Such a list can go sideways for the entire world if that can exist in a notable country and so a country who is willing to take the blame, but no one is looking at them due to lack of stable country set-up, this might be the best place to look for any sort of terrorist not only the Talibans, but Hizbullah, Hamas, Houthi or anyone in the world or anyone in existence. That is why this intelligence agency is praised by all after showing minimum effort in controlling terrorism. Most other Muslim countries might not have any idea of what the actual size and number of the list is. However, these 3 intelligence agencies can perform any tasks not only getting targets but also if they wish collapsing governments.

When it comes to discussing with the AI each sentence is formed within 2seconds and normally the targeted Individual responses within 5-6seconds. It happens due to the reason of the speed gap between the machine conversation which normally generates a sentence within light speed and for any human it takes more time to respond as the vocal cords are used in every vowel response. Also, people normally cannot think of a response that fast as it is not possible. This speed makes the Targeted Individual face immense torture and when it comes with allegations it makes them even harder to respond. This pain reflects in their social life and personal life. Also, the AI can mimic any voices in the target individual’s head, even his closed ones like father, mother, sister, brother, son, daughter or even maid or driver abusing or praising him along with friends, relatives, neighbors and mostly the enemy. And for the fact that the family members are also tortured this makes the torture more effective to make him appear as mad. Actually, the targeted individuals are problem solvers of various issues of businesses according to the perpetrator's societal business. From YouTube videos, Marketing Ads, Various Movie Scripts, Porn Videos etc. The scripts are formed in a way that nobody can ever understand which is using the next letter like “love” turns into “mpwf” and sent through fax machines which makes the script untraceable in modern times as nobody uses fax now-a-days. Also, the fax machine ensures a two way script, one which is the original that is kept to the automated script writer and the other is sent to the media contract which normally ends up by using reporters. Normally, the issues related to specific problems that need solution come to the target’s family members within 5:00pm of the working day of the perpetrator’s time and sent to the organizing country according to their changed time depending on the country. The Common or the repeat questions appear with answers of those based on the targeted individual’s profile. Most of the times the derogative images are sent on the targeted individual’s head to keep him in line as he is under the suspicion that everyone is watching the images of his mind, but actually only the family members share the images and arranges the society accordingly.

Fortunately, the repeating questions by the AI can be trapped as long as one wishes which I have made possible. Actually, they want fast problem solvers which is done by 5 repeats of individual prime or time related “allegation” and after that an “allegation” related to a problem comes up. Once the targeted individual starts solving problems, they start bringing in specifics leading questions to the answer to the solution. After that they torture the targeted individual to get the solution perfectly and while rethinking the problem makes everyone know the broad issues to the solution in advance which makes everyone appear as smart before the targeted individual. However, avoiding any question or repeating the same answers will lead to further allegations and more resistance will lead to a pile of allegations. Moreover, once an answer is formed which is a threat then cognition is stopped temporarily to ensure that the targeted individual is forgetful. Finally, the word trapping of AI is very simple which is ask questions like while the AI is accusing the targeted individual just needs to answer, what is the meaning of that “allegation” will lead to “you think you are cleaver” within 5-6 tries, next is while the AI is accusing then just answer “Clever” which will lead to “you think you are clever” within 5-6 tries, next is while the AI is accusing then just answer “meaning” which will lead to “you think you are clever” within 5-6 tries, next is while the AI is accusing then just answer “God Willing” which will lead to “you think you are clever” within 5-6 tries, next is while the AI is accusing then just answer “O God” which will lead to “you think you are clever” within 5-6 tries and finally, while the AI is accusing then just answer “Criminal” which will lead to “you think you are clever” within 5-6 tries.

Hope this technique will help other people's lives and stop them from being a tool to solve problems. Please remember what is yours that is yours, your family, your neighbors, your community, your friends and your relatives. Make sure to show that kindness every time to them and everyone will love to even give their lives for you.