The Unfortunate Earthquake ridden Land Named Japan in English Science by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | The Unfortunate Earthquake ridden Land Named Japan

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The Unfortunate Earthquake ridden Land Named Japan

Sometimes all the money in the world is not appropriate to survive in this world but a control on the environment is. The earthquake is a regular phenomenon which has taken a drastic form in the Asian region as it starts from Japan and can lead its way to various parts of Asia. As a result, this is causing catastrophic events in this very region on a regular basis and these Japanese people are having a hard time surviving in their own lands with limited accommodation space and very few high rise buildings. But, when it comes to assessing their financial capability, they are still one of the richest countries in the world. Every year they are facing earthquakes on a regular basis and though Tokyo being the capital of Japan this is the city which faces most of the earthquakes every year. No one can build bridges in Japan and need to stretch their way around every water vessel or lakes or rivers. This is a costly way for transportation and the expense of making roads, highways may reach double the cost of making bridges. So, due to these earthquakes, Japanese people have to accommodate themselves in a small space and when it comes to transportation the process becomes time consuming. That explains that they are wasting money and time with no benefit of such money with proper family accommodation set-up. With all the wealth in the world these Japanese people are under constant fear of death throughout their lives. Now, there is the global research facility HAARP which uses Extremely Low Frequency to penetrate the surface of the earth to detect cavities in order to find natural resources and the funniest thing is this very research facility has the same resource named Induced Ionosphere Ducts. Now, when it comes to the ionosphere, it is the layer of earth’s atmosphere which contains a high concentration of ions and free electrons which is capable of reflecting radio waves. In the process of finding the cavity the structure of the tectonic plates get visible to them by passing extremely low frequency radio waves as it can penetrate in the surface easily and they specifically know when the cavity is dry. Now, the first thing that comes to our mind should be what are these tectonic plates? Tectonic plates are pieces or slabs or chunks or portions of earth’s lithosphere that allows us to know why our continents, oceans are on constant move. Next, what is this lithosphere? Lithosphere is the outer, solid portion of the Earth. Also called the geosphere. The movement of the lithosphere is controlled by the dynamic movement in the mantle or middle layer of earth or mostly of solid, dense oceanic crust or thin layer of the Earth that sits beneath ocean basins interacting with the ductile asthenosphere which can withstand a certain amount of force changing form, even the rotation of the planet. Then in order to search for iron, steel, oil and gas High Frequency Radio Waves or Electromagnetic Waves are passed inside the earth’s mantle. However, if this research facility wishes to create vibrations they just need to control the frequency and adjust the frequency in any suitable band length to create vibration according to their will. And in the process or in the name of finding natural resources they can actually control the vibration of the earth or they can produce earthquakes according to their will. Now, think from the perspective of a businessman while considering this scientific analysis, what is the benefit of causing earthquakes in a country that is capable of manufacturing automated machines as Toyota. First, in 1937, Toyota was originally a loom manufacturing company which focused their business mostly on cars from the 1960s due to the safety of themselves from rapid earthquakes. So, when they were thinking about the safety of all, the cars were manufactured fast but in affordable prices. Now, who becomes more benefitted, the car manufacturer or the steel, plastic, seat cover supplier? The unfortunate truth is the supplier who actually supplies all those items as they are getting most of the items at a low cost and as they are supplying to manufacture cars the cost of the products go up. Though China and Japan are not aligned with each other, but in the case of car business the most amount of earnings go to China no matter where the cars origin lies as Cars are compact products where the suppliers are benefited the most. Thus, we can say in the rivalry of those countries, China is winning the most and wherever cars are made China is earning the most. Unfortunately, Earthquake ridden made us capable of using affordable cars and we all need to rethink about purchasing more cars whether that is not causing the destruction of a country.