The search for Jack’s Tasty Food in English Short Stories by Neel Mukadam books and stories PDF | The search for Jack’s Tasty Food

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The search for Jack’s Tasty Food

Carl’s boss, Dan looked at him sternly and said, “Carl Johnson is your name from this day. So get used to it.” The words echoed heavily in the air. Seeking to hold onto his former identity Carl said, “Sir, but my first name was Ollie Pope, it felt great”. Dan replied angrily, “Don’t indulge in meaningless logic.” Carl’s life took an unexpected turn by this new name.


Frustrated by this new imposition, Carl left his workplace and went to his friend’s house. Arriving at the entrance, he addressed the security guard in his characteristic straight forward manner, “Open the gate, idiot”. The Guards quickly opened the gate and greeted Carl with a courteous, “Good Morning, Sir. I hope your day goes well”. Carl went inside without revealing any emotions. However, his friend Bill was not at home. Puzzled by Bill’s absence, Carl turned to a servant who was cleaning the floor and enquired “Where has your Bill sir gone? The servant still focused on his task, shared the information, “Sir, Bill sir has reserved a table for you at Jack’s Tasty Food Hotel”.


Yet the elusive Hotel’s location remained a mystery to Carl remained promoting him to inquire once more, “I don’t know where this hotel is”. The servant got angry as he struggled to focus on his work while Carl continued his questioning. Angrily the servant said, “Sir, Bill sir is sending a car for you”. Carl waited and waited. However, the promised car fails to appear, testing the Carl’s patience. Finally, he made the decision to return to his friend Robin’s house. Upon reaching Robin’s residence, Carl discovered that even Robin was absent. The Guard at Robin’s house informed Carl, “Sir, please proceed to Jack’s Tasty Food Hotel. Robin sir has reserved a table for you there.”


With his frustration reaching at boiling point, Carl’s anger overflowed. In a burst of emotion, he forcefully slammed his hand against the guard’s knee and shouted, “Listen, I am not in the mood for jokes. I have had enough.” He threatened, “I will make you regret if it you are playing around”.


Determined to find the mysterious location of Jack’s Tasty Food Hotel, Carl left Robin’s residence and approached two pedestrians on the street for directions. After gathering the necessary information, he finally managed to pinpoint the exact location of Jack’s Tasty Food Hotel. The journey marked by frustration and determination, had led him to the elusive destination.


Later, as Robin and Bill were enjoying their Chinese mea, Carl burst into the scene, exclaiming, “You’ve already started eating without me!” Directing his frustration at Bill, Carl accused, “You are a liar, Bill. You never sent a car.” Bill, his stomach full and not in mood of shouting, responded calmly, “I apologize, bro. I assumed you were headed to a different restaurant.” Bill’s calm apology diffused the tension. Together, the three friends finally sat down to share a meal, the journey of searching and desire for something more has ultimately brought them together.