Misconceptions of Prophet Mohammad in English Moral Stories by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | Misconceptions of Prophet Mohammad

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Misconceptions of Prophet Mohammad

· The Prophet’s ideology which the Maulana’s follow of keeping a mustache & beard is very essential for not getting dust inside the mouth and protecting from heat. This was needed for the Arabs to survive in the desert as it could even save them from sunburn.

· The Prophet shortened his mustache to ensure the germs don’t get inside the mouth while drinking water and so he mentioned that as haram as it could lead to many diseases.

· Killing dogs or avoiding dogs as pets was not necessary for the purpose of its heightened senses that the foreigners use for their advantage, but for the purpose of protecting one selves from getting rabies diseases when beaten by those.

· He had two marriages which was considered controversial at his time which was marrying Ayesha (Ra:) as she was very little during the period of his life but the only virgin that he married and he had to wait till she became of age to prove that marriages can be formed without the need of sexual pleasure and can wait till the woman comes of age. Even a husband can educate a woman into becoming a scholar. The marriage of a divorce who called him Foster Father to show that without blood relations any foster child can be married as orphans can be married to foster parents if no one else wishes to marry her. Finally, the one that no one talks about is the diplomatic marriage for peace with another tribal leader who didn’t turn and even though he married her. He made sure none of his other wives could scold her for being a descendent of Non-Muslim to ensure Non-Muslims can be married to for the purpose of spreading religion. Also, he made sure none of his other wives ever scold her to demonstrate that the converted Muslim has the same right as any regular Muslim woman.

· Consulted with Jews regarding their procedure of the religion to show everyone that the enemy can also be consulted for getting to the source of information and to know the truth. Educating the Non-Muslims is also a part of one’s religion, not only slaughtering them.

· The Prophet Mohammad died by poison from a Jew woman where he accepted the invitation of an enemy. It was done by the god to show that prophets can be killed even by a mere woman after being able to win all the battles and conquer the nation. Even after that no woman should ever be harmed as he was a father of daughters.

· The Prophet Mohammad treated an old woman when she was sick even after knowing she tried to harm him by placing pins on his way. It was a way to demonstrate that a woman should always be respected even if she is not unattractive, old or an enemy and should always be treated with kindness. Women are child bearers and they should not be harmed even if that led to the demise of a prophet.

· Property is divided into one son and two daughters and more daughters were encouraged as men have a tendency to overpower women to get the property. One sister can protect the property of the other disadvantaged sister.

· Gonimoter Mal, the most controversial aspect of the Muslim history. At that time, enemy’s property and woman were only for raping and killing. In that time, treating woman as one’s wife let them be relieved from the torture and returning the woman to be killed by his enemy’s can be avoided as the enemy’s husband tend to question her loyalty to the husband. This was needed to save the woman from continuous rape by all the people of the battalion.

· The Prophet Mohammad loved the property of spiders not due to its appearance but due to its patience to catch any object due to its slow speed it needed to rely on its web to catch the prey, precision to make an accurate catch and preserve the food for long time storage. The practice of no food wastage can be taught from the spiders.

· The issue of killing lizards in one’s home is an issue to make sure nobody can be fooled by the tik tik sound of it as it sounds exactly like right. So, people will be led to believe lies based on that sound. Also, the sound itself is very disturbing.

· Makruh was allowed by Prophet Mohammad as he didn’t like eating those which is very much allowed as it was actually never mentioned he ever drank wine whereas Ali (Ra:) did. However, after wine was forbidden by Allah as it was creating addiction to Ali (Ra:) while in prayer, he stopped drinking those. Most probably at that time the wine was prepared from fresh fruits like our juices and as soon as people started drinking wines which were created from waste fruits causing hallucination, it was considered haram. And even after that Prophet Mohammad never stopped the production of wines as it had the properties of antiseptic. Finally, Makruh is definitely allowed by Allah as it doesn’t mean Prophets have to like everything that other people eat, but haram is never allowed.

· In the time of war and famine people are allowed to eat anything, because survival is the 1st priority above anything. (What Chinese people did during the time of famine or food crisis of communist suppression from the early 1950s in order to survive and yet how their lives, their children’s lives are being controlled by the communist party, they are forced to portray their derogative food habits to the world which they don’t like in most cases. It is their nature to protect themselves from the world by creating the Great Wall of China and they maintained this policy till 2009 for which it was very difficult for others to get a visa from China.)

· Going through the right direction not only means that you need to only walk along the right direction, but it signifies right means right. And when people walk through a specific side it avoids collision between one another which first causes a shoulder clash and then that leads to a word clash and ultimately a fight. It is always good to follow one side of the road.

· Prophet Mohammad instructed his people to go to China to seek knowledge as it was not the most distant land to go, but a city which was very difficult to enter and with much knowledge of ancient times. However, the important thing of all is his knowledge about this Walled place in the 6th Century which no one noticed, that how an illiterate man could have such knowledge which was discovered by other races so late.

· All Muslims are brothers does not mean the unity of only Muslims, but how they behave towards one another. In normal cases, people behave constructively towards each other and explain their faults right at their face if they get close. We feel attached towards that person as he has the ability to analyze that person uniquely and find his faults. In many cases, that very behavior gets the person in trouble which the other person has of him. But when it comes to brothers, they normally hide their faults even to the next brother, but explain it to him in a different manner by making examples or suggestions without criticism. This is the lesson which the recent society lacks that is being as brothers.

· In most of Prophet Mohammad’s wars he used his relatives and friends as his soldiers which was a perfect example of nepotism. This ensured that he cared less about the lives of his friends and relatives and more about the other people.

· Prophet Mohammad loved flowers and it is still maintained in that way. It was not only because the flower is beautiful but most of the flowers contain honey in those and that is what the bees collected from the flowers. So, destroying flowers mean destroying the source of the honey and finally that will lead to lack of alternative sweeteners or sugars for food. He liked honeys and currently honeys don’t cause diabetes.

· He promised not to have any sugar after an incident with a boy where the boy was addicted to sugar and he gave up sugar to make sure that the boy also lose the addiction of sugar. At this moment, the item that causes diabetes, gastric issues is too much use of that vey ingredient.