Mahabharat - (Story for Kids) in English Spiritual Stories by Sakshi Rote books and stories PDF | Mahabharat - (Story for Kids)

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Mahabharat - (Story for Kids)

If You Don't have time to Read Mahabharat, then
Definitely read this Once.
Precisely Done for You
1) Kuaray - The Wrong Demands and Stubbornness
of the Children are not Curbed in time, then in the end
you will become Helpless
2) Karna - No matter how strong you are, but if you
are with unrighteousness, then all your knowledge,
weapons, power and blessings will be in vain
3) Ashwatthama - Don't make your children so
ambitious that by misusing education you invite
apocalypse by destroying yourself
Never give such a promise to anyone that you have
to surrernder to the unrighteous
4) Bhishma Pitamah Morality says, Always keep your
promises. Wisdom says, Never make promises
because you only know the present moment. You
don't know how things will turn out in the future.
Morality binds you. Wisdom sets you free. Morality is
the path of Bhishma.
5) Duryodhana - Misuse of property, power and
authority and the association of miscreants ultimately
leads to self-destruction
6) Dhritarashtra - Blind person- means currency,
alcohol, ignorance, attachment and work (Mridula).
Power in the hands of a blind person also leads to
7) Arjun If a person has knowledge tied to
8) Shakuni - You cannot be successful always by
creating deceit, deceit and mischief in every work
9) Yudhishthira If you successfuly follow policy,
religion, and karma, then no power in the world can
defeat you
10) To save One's Existence
You have to fight with
your own people,
When Bhishma is the protector of
So one has to become Arjun..00
Krishna's teachings to Arjuna highlighted that all
wars first exist in the mind. And thus winning in
in the
Here are Some of them:
Krishna says: Undoubtedly, O Arjuna, the mind is
restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by
any constant vigorous spiritual practice -- such as
meditation -- with perseverance, and by detachment..
The first step to gaining clarity on any situation is
developing a clear, calm and collected mind. This
sa lot of effort. One way is meditation, another is
by distancing yourself from the situation - not
physically but mentally - where you look at it as an
outsider and have a bird's eye view of it.
Whatever is done without faith - whether it is sacrifice,
charity, austerity, or any other act - is useless. It has
no value here or hereafter.
Imbibe these lessons from the Mahabharata and
make your life more meaningful.!!
Sanatan Dharma
#sanatandharma #mahabharata #india #Hinduism
Well said. I wonder...
Leave your thoughts
Thanks for pos
discretion, then victory is definitely achieved
mind is the first step to winning on the battlefield and
in real life..
Mahabharat Stories
Karna – A Great Being Gone Bad
Karna is among the most popular yet tragic heroes of the epic. What was it that tied Karna to the Kauravas' side despite his noble and honorable character?

Duryodhana’s Big Mistake
This story relates a situation when Krishna was approached to become an ally, by both Duryodhana and Arjuna, as they were building up great armies before the battle at Kurukshetra. Duryodhana‘s attitude and choice cost him dearly, though he doesn’t immediately realize his folly.

No Black and White in Life
Sadhguru looks at Krishna’s offer to Duryodhana to illustrate dharma and adharma, and that there is no black and white in life.

Treachery at Kurukshetra
One of the most confusing aspects of Krishna is his use of deceit during the war. We look at the basis behind these actions through some vividly narrated incidents from the battle.

Krishna’s Game of War
Among the lesser known of the many Mahabharata stories, this short South Indian tale features a king from Udipi and Krishna’s penchant for peanuts.

The Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga of Devotion
Sadhguru looks at the essence of the Gita, and what it means to be a devotee.

Why Is Krishna Blue?
Blue is one aspect of the legend of Krishna that has remain unchanged through time and geography. What is behind this “blue magic?”

Now What is Mahabharat why it happen what's is its moral everything is given in this book for kids
What is the main message of the Mahabharata?
The main message of Mahabharata is to believe in one's sacred duty called dharma and to take actions to follow the right path of dharma. People have a purpose in life, and, it is fulfilled through their actions.

Is the Mahabharata a real story?
Mahabharata is an epic, which makes people believe that it is a mythology, or part of the imagination and it is not true. However, Mahabharata is a real story, and the events occurred in history.

How did the Mahabharata end?
The struggle for power and supremacy led the Pandavas and the Kauravas in a battle of Kurukshetra, which ended after 18 gruesome days. The Pandavas were victorious and the Kauravas did not survive.

Who are some of the important characters in the Mahabharata?
In the Mahabharata there are several characters. Some of the important characters are Dhritarashtra (the king), Yudhisthira (the eldest son of Pandu), Arjuna (one of the Pandavas known for his skills), Duryodhana (the eldest of the Kauravas), and Krishna (he was beside the Pandavas assisting them to take the right path).

What is the story of the Mahabharata?
The story of Mahabharata is about the battle between two groups of cousins named the Pandavas and the Kauravas to gain supreme power and rule the kingdom. It is also about taking right actions and eliminating evil ones from one's life.