The Deadly disease named Diabetes in English Business by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | The Deadly disease named Diabetes

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The Deadly disease named Diabetes

The disease named diabetes has become a global pandemic. Considering the current condition, it is getting very difficult to control. Now, after looking at the current scenario and if we consider the main cause of diabetes, which is artificial sugar prepared from corn syrup, it first started being prepared during the mid 1970s. After that the diabetes exploded like wildfire starting from 1995 to 2024 clocking from 4% to 12% having an 8% growth in the last 30years. This pandemic has caused a growth in death rate below 70years resulting in an early death. However, since any form of artificial sugar needs to be FDA approved as the only authorizing party in the entire world, it is very difficult for other countries to authorize any sort of artificial sugar which enables the global sugar market control of US as the US and Brazil is the 60% producer of Corn in the entire globe. So, when it comes to the use of sugar, the price is directly controlled by them. Whenever any budget is announced, the price of sugar is the first thing to rise. Also, it is such a sweetener that nobody can properly estimate the required quantity and the FDA never mentions the proper quantity required for any sort of use or the required consumption of any person to avoid diabetes. But, whenever other countries try to manufacture artificial sugar, they put an embargo on those to maintain complete control of sugar patents. Now, when it comes to coke which was freely distributed during the beginning of 1980s, they made it appeal to the people of rural community as halal without mentioning the use of caffeine in those and first established its routes as a party delicacy and then it just became a part of the culture and started offering fridges to ensure force selling instead of cold water. However, the massive amount of sugar used in those was never mentioned until recently and to avoid that claim it was made less sweet to beat other competitors. Acidulant use was massive during the early days which avoided the ability to reach the mass market and so it was reduced to ensure proper reach. Then, to ensure the price can maintain its higher position, the bottle and caffeine was delivered from their allotted suppliers from abroad which included force importing charges. So, ultimately the price hike in the costs of both these substances and importing cost, also affects other countries' economies which could be easily controlled by using local manufacturing plants. Now, to ensure the force entry of corps which has no use after manufacturing sugars, are used for force selling in movie theaters as a part of excellent niche marketing strategy as no one actually bothers about what is being consumed while watching movie which suppresses the bland taste of popcorn without people ever being able to notice. Now, since the intake of sugar is causing such harm what is a proper study on the daily requirements should be studied not the approval policy or criteria of all the artificial sugars worldwide and if the previous method of caned sugar is less harmful, the patent of recent Chinese Sugarcane needs to be distributed or a similar hybrid sugar cane farm should research project need to be established worldwide. If something kills, it should be avoided, which is our regular motto.