The new social structure called Power is for good in English Philosophy by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | The new social structure called

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The new social structure called

Power has a different definition to everyone but it is something which is never meant for all as absolute power corrupts people completely. In the 1940s the 1st superhero comics were introduced named Superman to re-introduce the term power is for good and not the fact that good people rise to power. Then the legacy of power is for good began, where entrepreneurs were portrayed as the good doers but revolted against the criminals.  As if the chain of crime never functions at the top of the food chain and the criminals act on their own. This broke the chain called manipulation in between. This did make the entrepreneurs as ideal citizen to portray but gave them the power to influence people with less achievements. They were able to portray themselves as gods among men and a role model with limited achievements.  When it comes to speech representation “power is for good and good people rise to power” both the sentences sound the same but have very different meanings. This is the way Greek Gods and Roman Gods were mentioned. Powerful beings with no self-righteousness and due to their immense power, all their deeds were considered as good. This belief was broken by the Abrahamic religion as he was the 1st person to spread religion out of the regular norm which is religion means following the beliefs of royalties. Then other prophets came along to spread that same belief as none of the other prophets with scriptures were of any royalties excluding Hindus and Buddhists. And even Buddha also left his kingdom to spread his knowledge which is considered as the 9th incarnation of Bishnu. So, considering that fact for the last 5000years the religion came from the ordinary people. However, in the current times the belief of goodness is not for the ordinary people to consider, but rather for the people who have an aerial view of the society to consider as they can predict the future and ordinary people can’t. In the process, they are making choices for the ordinary people not that the ordinary people are making the choices for themselves and the definition of doing good has been transformed as good is something that can be demonstrated by only the abled but not by all. The societies are being formed in a way that one man or an entire country is liable to one another and nobody is left with absolute freedom other than those with family inheritance and with no liability to track down. Normally, the powerful make the decisions of the ordinary people as businesses are the hub of the income source and since the ordinary doesn’t play any role in the direct earning source which shows they lack the courage of decision making or taking risks itself makes them the inferior character. It created a modern day interpretation that is most talked about which is education doesn’t but experience is all that matters as most of the current renowned entrepreneurs are college drop-outs. They, themselves, teach the value of experience over knowledge and as a matter of fact, since they are more concerned about their tactics and less educated recruits' the education seems like a burden to bear when one enters the job force. This emphasized the issue of being street smart instead of educationally versed.