The Change Of Ideal Human Perception Based On Time Is Money in English Motivational Stories by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | The Change Of Ideal Human Perception Based On Time Is Money

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The Change Of Ideal Human Perception Based On Time Is Money

When it comes to explaining an ideal citizen or an ideal employee, the words that always come first are honest, obedient, punctual, talented and poor. A person with all those qualities need to be poor to portray himself as honest because we can never portray any rich person being honest. This character is set in our mind as this is how honest government officers are portrayed in media and their children also need to follow the same fate and the same footprint and definitely his children, grandchildren and everyone need to follow that same patterned behavior or they have a generational record of corruption. We are pretty set on honesty equals to poverty, honesty equals to hard work and we need honest people everywhere to change the world with their charisma. Let’s get back to reality on how we actually treat any employees government or private it really doesn’t matter. Any private employee if he doesn’t have a car or a house, he is working as a clerk and if he has both then he is a smart, charismatic person who is honest and valued by his organization. But, for government employees, we don’t associate them or get fooled by their looks but we think of everyone based on our personal association at any government organization and judge them through that standard not as a single person but as how the entire government is behaving towards us. Everyone in every country is more accustomed with only government service sectors where they see people taking forever to respond to their purposes and forget the fact that government services are for all not for a particular community and we all need to follow a huge line or wait for a queue for every possible work which affects our own personal scheduled works. It is our nature to value our own time more than rules or more than others as time always equals to money and fast service means good reputation. So, cutting lines becomes a necessary part to stop the waste of our precious time and in order to save our own time, we start slipping in a tea expense or a token for buying some gifts for a government officers family to get a fast deal at a reasonable rate and in all cases the slipping in part or slipping all in part starts from the bottom chain as he is the barrier initiate a government work and getting the service comes next. Thus, in order to save our time we ourselves start the process of bribing and then whatever happens with the higher officials doesn’t really matter as we are always under the impression that if money is taken then money should be shared and all government employees may look honest but all are part of the bribing syndicate. Anything becomes possible as we push it in a particular way to make the work done and once a token of appreciation is slipped in, it is natural for anyone to ask for more token of appreciations and we ourselves begin the process of bribing as no one normally is fault free and everyone needs everything on time. In the process, we forget that these employees are very limited in numbers who are making everything to meet a deadline also and they have their own time for their families, and everything. But, regarding less timing of many of the government offices are mostly due to the fact that those are mostly service oriented and private organizations are mostly production oriented that means a production organization need more time to prepare and after initiating a deal service the private organization also need more time to complete the work. So, in both cases it is quiet necessary for any production service to require more time than any service industry which is also why buying houses or mobile network services have limited work time similar to the government employees. However, like all numbers do matter and also influence take a part in shaping any human behavior which is a result ultimately government employees are seeing a huge number for which they cannot complete their service on time, there are some who is willing to provide any amount for a fast service and a government willing to pay less on technologies finally resulting in a service with either faults or delay. So, instead of getting blamed with no benefits most resort to the easy way of getting blamed with benefits as it is pretty certain the technology and job volume is bound to make mistakes. Hence, some benefits and a profitable service resulting in some connections and a reach with higher authorities doesn’t seem bad for the government employees. Now, about the honest employees, normal people like them but nobody in any office wishes to see them taking responsible jobs as a honest employee means a delayed employee with severed connections to the higher authorities. So, in most cases there are honest government employees but they are mostly doing bogey jobs which actually cause no fear among the public and as a result a honest government employee is a respect less or authority less employee and feared by no one. Now, when it comes to private employees, we normally address most of them as honest or ideal citizens as we have no clue how all the private organizations rotate. In this case, we also forget the basic principle of money which is time always equals to money. So, how do you think a private employer will evaluate their employees, they will evaluate their employees exactly in the same fashion as a fast provider will always bring in more benefits. The only difference is the time that requires for waiting in the queue is also hated by the private employers and this is where the queue breaker comes in someone who is smart enough to break the delay and start a fast process. Actually, it is the same thing a good government employee is a good bribe receiver and a good private employee is a good bribe negotiator. And all honest employees are pretty useless anywhere. Hence, it is safe to say, we want people to look the part but not actually doing the part.