The Angel Inside - 52 in English Love Stories by Khyati Makwana books and stories PDF | The Angel Inside - 52 - Dead End

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The Angel Inside - 52 - Dead End

Author's POV

Deserted hallways on the top floor clashed with footsteps that echoed in silence. Jay had noticed daily patterns of time in this so-called hospital for years, where he worked as a simple and understanding doctor. A surgeon who was a puppet under his seniors, who wouldn't ponder and protest. But his insides held the storms that no one knew of. His heart burned, desperately wanting to avenge those who made him and his grandmother suffer.

He held an unattractive persona that could draw less attention to him. A nerd, to be specific. And that was a plus point to the mission that he had planned and pledged to accomplish. Until Amy entered his life,.

His simple plans now seemed tough to conquer. His hand gripped around the key that Amy had left him. It was lunchtime, the only time that the floor had its guard down. For an hour, it was enough for him to get what he wanted.

He strode his way to the door and he glanced at the sides to check if there was an uninvited entity. He gently pushed the key into the lock, twisting and unlocking it.

Entering inside, he flicked on his phone's flashlight, and all he saw was a plethora of files that had been abandoned for years. Because now all the data is available on multiple complex, sophisticated computers. But he knew for sure they wouldn't even mention such information on the computers; of course, they wouldn't let anyone reach here.

He stalked towards the large shelves where the files were sequenced according to year. He rummaged through the dusted textures of the carved years. His eyes traced through the years until they finally halted at one of the sections. He patted the dust off the files before and started skimming through the texts.

His eyes paused at a particular file as his grandmother's name flashed in the eye. His hand held the phone with a flashlight on while he read through it. As he continued to read, his eyes held shock. It was a cardiac arrest. His brows furrowed in anticipation. It couldn't be a heart attack; he couldn't believe it.

In the past, they reasoned that his grandmother's death was to be a brain hemorrhage. He couldn't believe his eyes. He knew for sure that a brain injury couldn't be the reason. But a heart attack was something he hadn't expected. His mind diverted to Amy's words, "It could be her stepmother." Now he somewhat believed that, but it needed more proof, and more importantly, Mrs. Park's confession was all that he needed.

He quickly clicked a few photos of the document before placing it back on the shelf as he left. As soon as he was outside, to his surprise, he found one of his seniors nearby. He was doomed for sure.

"What were you doing there?"

Jay held his silence as if his senior could just disappear.

"You know it's not allowed in there! Who gave you the keys?"

Another question was asked while he heaved a sigh, trying to answer.

Before he could utter a word, another voice interrupted.

Max: Did you find anything in there? What was it that we heard?

Max's eyes flickered at him, secretly gesturing for him to play along.

Jay: It must be the rats, I guess.

Max got closer, grabbing the keys that dangled across Jay's finger.

Max: Oh, Ms. Amy had given the keys to me. She wanted to return it.

He gave the key to the senior, who wasn't ready to buy their words but soon he dropped his suspicion and walked away.

Max: Can't you even save yourself?

He mocked with a snicker.

Jay: Piss off.

With that, Jay passed through the side, hitting his Max's shoulder from the side on purpose as they exchanged their phones at the moment. Jay knew that if the staff suspected that he had gone inside, they would surely check everything, including his phone, which he deliberately exchanged with Max. After all, it was a foolproof plan.

Having his smirk hidden, he left the crime scene, entering his cabin like his normal routine. Pacing near the cabin's window, all he could feel was dazed, his mind wandering around Amy. He could see his hazy, partly visible reflection on the glass window. His eyes caught the shining black magnetic earring that enhanced his features. It made him look different.

He couldn't pile up the courage to put this precious gift away from him, given by his only ex-wife. His heart ached because he had made her almost cry that day. He knew he had hurt her badly that day. He regretted his actions for sure.

Deep down, he knew it wasn't her fault. She was a small little girl back then who had no one to fall back on and maybe it was fated that he would lose his grandmother. His sufferings weren't even half of what Amy had suffered. He had his loved ones around to help him stand back and hold onto his sanity but Amy had none. There was no one to help her escape from that hellhole of an underworld.

He wished he could apologize and make it up to her. Say sweet nothings and hold her in his arms. He now seemed to understand her perspective; she wanted him safe. Through what Edward revealed about her, he knew the reason behind the divorce was for his safety. She feared that she would lose something she had found after years. Trust. Support and partly love.

He wondered what the next time would be. Maybe never. He doubted.

He immersed himself in work for the rest of the day. It was finally that he called for the day, adjusting his pile of documents around and looking after one of the patients. He had his keys and was walking to the parking lot. He drove off to go back to his house.

It was almost midnight, and he realized that he had lost track of time. The roads were unusually empty. He wasn't trapped in traffic. Realization hit him like a truck. He fished out his phone only to see the network signal being deliberately hacked and cut off. History was being repeated. He speeded his car, his eyes glancing at the rearview mirror. Two black cars were speeding behind him.

He cursed under his breath, speeding his car even more. Opening the cabinet, he grabbed a gun that was given to him by Amy for defense. Amy was right; people were behind their backs to get their skin for sure.

He decided to drive it to an even more secluded area, where Amy's mansion was located. He knew one thing: if Amy was so powerful, then these guys wouldn't dare enter her territory. That mansion, along with the area, was her territory, and there were hopes that he might catch her attention. If she had her people guarding the place,.

He drove closer, only to find two more cars blocking his way to the mansion. He was in a dilemma, as his senses felt numb. He had no other option than to turn the other way; he didn't plan to die soon, not until he delivered justice to his late grandma.

But turning the other way around was even worse. It had a dead end and no way of returning. He was unable to decrease the speed, so he gripped the steering wheel to create friction with the wheels on the road in hopes of slowing it. His attempts were futile.

His attention flocked towards the dead end, and his eyes widened as he pressed the breaks harder. But it didn't work; the breaks had failed. Hell, these people wanted him dead. They did mess with his car breaks. Panick rose to his veins. He couldn't think straight. So, he opted for the only last option that was left.

Getting rid of his seatbelt, he tucked the gun behind his pants waistband. The gush of adrenaline had forced his senses to look for any possibilities.

'It will be okay.' He chanted the words in his head like a mantra and eventually increased the car's speed even more.

Counting in reverse from 10, he unlocked the door. Until he mumbled the number 1, he jumped off the car, making it collide with the concrete dead end as it flew off the restraints, dropping itself directly off the cliff.

Jay found himself landing in the nearby bushes. It was a forest, which was pitch dark. His breath ragged as he raised his hand, his finger touching his forehead, bringing his fingers into view. He was sure that he had been injured as he felt blood trickle down against his cheek.

He wasn't sure if he was going to live but his heart still had hopes that he could make it alive and maybe find Amy by his side.

He couldn't give up. He found himself struggling to get up; a stinging pain shot up to his leg. He had injured it too, in a desperate attempt to escape. He knew that if the bleeding continued, he might die. However, he couldn't spot his injuries in the dark and know if he would make it or not. He couldn't sense anything. He felt his life flashing infront of his eyes. His past memories and the special ones he desperately wished to see.

His vision turned blurry as he spotted something glowing brightly from a faraway. His ears ringed as he heard a loud blast from afar. That was the last thing that he heard. His desperate attempt to keep his conscious mind awake had failed. Finally losing control over his senses, he lost his consciousness.

Maybe it was the end.

Hey guys. Took me a while to update with another episode as we are reaching close to an end. Hope you guys like it and comment down your views.

Thank you
Peace 🕊️