Economical take over by the International Organizations in English Business by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | Economical take over by the International Organizations

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Economical take over by the International Organizations

The name multinational organization seems like a big deal doesn’t it. A dream job for every middle class citizen in modern times. A job much preferred even that of a government employee and the power to get submission from all the businesses in many of the nations. Also, when it comes to assessing talents they seem to be the ones setting the bar for every private organization in existence and many students prefer Multinational Jobs over Government Jobs due to the immense salary difference from the Government Jobs. And truly speaking when one sees the job market from the employees of Multinational Organizations, they feel they have more control over the business than that of the government employees as they don’t take bribes and government employees do. In return, respect is a deserving thing for them. But, what they don’t understand is how they are being treated actually reflects how the owners of the multinational organizations treat their nation. As a matter of fact, look at the salary difference between an employee of the same rank of a foreign country and local country. It has a difference of 3 to 5 times on a regular case for normal officers. If you dig deep to the worker level the difference may exceed 10-20 times. Now, how does a multinational organization play when they are the main importers of most of the finished goods? It is very simple, play according to your strength and control the sides that show your weakness. A simple but most effective business trick. So, look at the businesses that are going on all around the world. In many cases the price of Cigarettes is the first to rise up. What really happens in case of Cigarettes, the Nicotine Salts are the things that need to be imported to every country for processing their products? So, instead of controlling the price of cigarettes they just tap onto the price of those two which leads to a hike in all the resources related to it. The funny thing with cigarettes is menthol and regular cigarettes have the same price as if there is no manufacturing cost for menthol capsules. Next is the setup of the Tea and coffee business, they are more concerned about all the business structures, rights of all the workers of exporting companies but when it comes to the farmers who manufacture the tobacco leaves, Tea leaves, they seem to have no concern for their human rights or the financial stability. These are also part of their local supply chain but they are concerned of the rights of the workers of the importing companies who produce goods for them as any casualty in those might affect the business in their country. However, on the part of rights and workers salary, they are very concerned but they are never concerned about the cheap product price or their direct high priced supply chain. The first thing they made sure to introduce was tea leaves as a part of aristocracy in the name of English breakfast, but when the Chinese started to introduce their form of Tea in the tea business internationally. They simply changed the dynamics to another form of business of getting the supply chain by eliminating the use of Sugarcane as the only source of sugar to artificial sugar manufactured from Corns as it is one thing they have ample amount of is Corns which is much sweeter, cheap and hazardous to health. This artificial product has turned into the rise of the unstoppable disease called Diabetes. So, in case of taking the form of being the end product, they took a step back and introduced themselves in the supply chain. As a result the Cigarette price and Sugar price has a tendency to rise simultaneously causing the impact of the change in economy in the total demography. However, now-a-days the take away form is being maintained not putting themselves in the restaurant business but in the delivery chain as they know very well one cannot change a countries food habit. However, it can also reap a profit by engaging themselves in the delivery service. So, instead of pulling the strings of the product in their supply chain, they encourage a change in price by projecting high food value of prepared foods in their apps. Hence, the three way attack leaves no country able to resist the control of markets and slides in the changes as requested by the public or local businesses. This is a very decisive economic take down policy performed by these so demanding multinational companies which no Asian country is capable enough to resist.