The Art To Save Oneself From Manipulation in English Motivational Stories by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | The Art To Save Oneself From Manipulation

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The Art To Save Oneself From Manipulation

The art of convincing or deceiving is something that I have learned by being on the receiver’s end like many others or by seeing others being used in our society. So, I guess it is mostly based on experience of what I have learnt from it. However, the best form of deceiving or whatever you like to do with a person is to create desperation. There are two types of manipulation. One is direct or destructive and the other is indirect or subtle.

1. Impressing someone about their looks and confirming his importance to you:

Impressing someone for motivating or persuading is a very old trick that has been passed on through generations and the first time one tricks us using this method is our parents as they always say my child looks like a prince or princess or hero or heroine. The best technique to impress someone and make him feel special is by associating his facial resemblance with a public figure, preferably actor/actress. It gives him confidence and the feel that you are really looking out for him by addressing with such high standards. He becomes emotionally attached to you. However, it is even better if you say that your best public figure is the one whose facial features match with his. It is an indirect way of saying he is special. However, the thing to look for in that character portrayal is how is the character in reality. It is actually a judging mechanism of the person who is throwing the comment. In reality, nobody thinks of others as a popular figure no matter the resemblance.

In a situation like this, it is better to ask the person how he has been able to associate you with a character that he is referring to and if he can project an accurate character to yours then he is genuinely praising you and if the description gets fixed on facial resemblance then you are of no worth to him. He is only saying this to get your trust and if he is a demanding or extrovert character then it is only to get his submission. Never pay attention to such characters as he is not sincere and being cautious about him is very necessary.

2. Social disciplining of an individual to form an ideal citizen:

It is a method which normally doesn’t happen to anyone as this is a form of continuous scolding to make a person act as the society wishes that individual to act. But any change in the behavior of that person will be checked for matching the required profile that the society wishes the person to follow. Normally, no one actually fits the profile according to the profiles set by the society as everyone wishes him to act beneath them. It is how the untouchables were treated in the society during the prehistoric days and the only place they were able to resort to was either circus or get lost. These people were considered as mad or idiot or deformed and were never considered to be able to measure their family legacy. Everybody can relate to this story from the animation called Hunchback of Notre dame where he was continuously scolded for his deformity. It can also happen to people from higher order who don’t match up to their family standards who are considered as the third wheel of the family as normally they are scolded by everyone in their family for not living up to his family standards and so he normally never gets to be recognized as his own identity but by his father’s only to scold him. The undeserving princes are also treated in that fashion and they are treated as if any chance of their up rise will cause destruction to the empire and either they are treated as scoundrels or as a corrupted soul. Normally, nobody wishes to make him a part of their class and the society believes that this sort of legacy will end up dead in any brothel, drunk dead as the issue of the movie Devdas. In modern times, it is a rare case but if someone is a child of government officials, there is slight chance he will face this kind of situation from his management as they wish him to make all their legal issues disappear where he fails to act as his legacy as it is not up to him and the sequence of not living up to the name begins.

In a situation like this it is better to act with your identity and remember to calculate your every single contribution at all times. More importantly to let everyone know about it as they are expecting something more from you that you can’t achieve and so filling in your contribution is very essential. At first it might seem arrogant but they are asking for such feat of excellence that can never be measured and if you lose focus of your contributions, they will try to frame an idiot out of you as they acted beneath government officials and are eager to take a revenge of all the misdeeds of every government officials they have faced in their entire lives. The charisma might have a good fighting chance and it needs to be presented by measuring your parents’ qualities to yours.

3. Finding out the employee’s connection to the referral:

One of the best ways to find out the linkage of an employee to his employer is to say the employer looks out for its relatives. It is not necessary that the informer himself will get the answer to that but the confidant of the employee will definitely receive the details of the connection. It is natural for most of the employees to be connected through referrals as it creates a binding between the employee and the employer. This process has a high chance that the employee will spill out all the connections leading to the employer. It is a very old trick of the kings as throughout history all the kings were known for being kind, generous and just to their people. It never means that he doesn’t care about himself and if anyone who normally is a close relative to the king is always meant to have his head hanged on a spear for display and all of those relatives were considered as traitors to the nation.

If you are a close relative to the employer it is best to avoid it as much as possible because you are the judging tool of his stern and just nature. If he favors his own relatives, it means he is not caring about the employees of his company as you are not his children to begin with, otherwise you would be ruling them.  

4. Confirming referral employee’s submission towards the owner:

One of the best techniques to crack the confidence of a highly connected employee and ensure submission towards the employer is to say that the connection between the owner and the reference is breaking up. The employee will be frustrated and will try to impress the employer instead of reaching out to his reference. And it will in some cases severe the connection between the certain employee and the reference during his stay. During the time of dividing the countries according to religion the Pakistanis got hold of separate lands as they were submissive towards the British dynasty which they still maintain by following the Americans for competing with the Indians. However, none of them are actually in a good position due to that division as they are still at war due to the unfair division of East Pakistan and Kashmir. Though East Pakistan has transformed to Bangladesh but they never side with Pakistanis for any sort of political issues. Also, Kashmir still remains in collision by siding with the religious referral which is Pakistan.

It is better to be submissive to both your owner and your referral but digging deep by assessing the loss and gain of every side. However, if anyone is trying to divide you it’s better to side with the one who is favoring you at all cos

5. Process to degrade the performance of an employee:

One of the best techniques to degrade the performance of an employee is to confirm through indirect means like through colleagues or fetching a discussion of that similar nature during a conversation between colleagues that he has been transferred to a better department or will be promoted way ahead of the actual time. In that way he will lose focus on his current tasks as he is hoping for the miracle to happen any time soon. Finally, he won’t perform as a regular employee also and when he finds out nothing is happening he will try to switch or resign. This technique is done through the ages for raping women for the promise of a dream job or convincing women of a dream job to sell them as prostitutes.

Any sort of promise from anyone should be disregarded or overlooked as these are the things which can make or turn anyone into anything. So, the action of any sort of promise should be judged thoroughly before leaping onto it and sharing the situation with the closed ones who are aware of such situations can save anyone from any sort of trouble. They might be of no help but may be able to give you a realistic idea of the situation.

6. Gaining personal vendetta through gender manipulation:

One of the best tricks that employers use to gain their personal vendetta is by pairing up a male and female employee together. In the pair they make sure to use the employee that they hate to do all the hard work and give the credits to the opposite gender. It gives clear indication that the employer dislikes the employee. In the case of males it hurts their male ego and creates a hatred towards the employer and in the case of females it demonstrates male societal dominance and similar reaction. We used this trick to force the aggression out of any man into doing anything just saying the simple word like even a girl can do that or calling girlish names to dishonor a person to do anything and in the case of females this technique is used to hurt their competitive nature into letting them know when a man can do that why you can’t a direct way of saying that the woman is dumb or a doll.

In this case, before pairing up it is better to have a conversation among each other to assess the respect that the other party has towards you. It is even better to discuss the achievements of each other and to see if the other one shows the same respect towards you. If not, it is better to ask for another same gender pair and be frank that the person you are being paired with has limited respect towards you and without respect it might affect the business. Normally, same genders can’t hurt the ego of any individual like the opposite gender.