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Stepmom - 2

Stepmom - Part 2

Delhi to Chandigarh distance wasn't much, a little over 3 hours by train. I planned to go on Saturday and return on Sunday. I packed some clothes and my laptop and took the Delhi - Chandigarh Shatabdi express. I planned to stay in a hotel for these two days.

The address given by Vinita was of a small but beautiful bungalow in Sector 33. My heart was pounding as I rang the bell. My brain was working overtime. I would see my adolescent crush after twenty years. I have never accepted Vinita as my stepmother. I argued to myself that she was my father's second wife but not my stepmother. Because when my father married her, my own mother was very much alive. So Vinita is technically not my stepmother.

I was also confused as to the way I should behave with her. She was the reason why my father left us. She was the reason my mother's life plunged into shame and sadness. She was the reason why our family lost face in the society for the unpardonable scandal. And also she was the reason why my adolescent infatuation, albeit one-sided, was shattered.

The door opened. There she was standing in front of me. She looked even more gorgeous now after twenty years. The tall 5’11” figure has added on some more weight. Seemed like she would be around 85 to 90 kg now. Since I'm 36 years old, I mentally estimated her age to be 44 years now. But she wasn't flabby, it was as if a harmonic feminine body sculptured from solid mass, with her assets real big and curvaceous. I just stood there transfixed, looking at Vinita’s big beautiful figure that totally captivated my brain.

Vinita held my hand and pulled me gently inside the room. She shut the door and turned back to face me. We both had not spoken a single word yet. She came closer to me, very close. She put her heavy hands on my shoulders. She broke the ice first, “Ohh my goodness Ravi. You are just the same small and cute little boy I knew 20 years back.”

She took me in her embrace and hugged me tight. With my 5’3” height, my face went right between her big, soft breasts. She hugged me tightly and lovingly. She bent her head down and kissed the top of my head on my hair, a loving motherly kiss.

She kept standing in front of me. Right in front. Almost touching my body. Standing so close to me, with her height of 5’11”, I had to literally bend my head at almost a right angle to look at her eyes from my height of 5’3”.

“Come my dear son, let's go inside.” Looking down at me, there was suddenly a mischievous smile in her eyes. Before I realised what was happening, she stooped, slid one arm under my armpits and around my chest and her other arm, behind my knees, and then she swept me effortlessly up off my feet to hold me tightly against her, cradled securely in her powerful arms.

The suddenness of her actions startled me. I wrapped my arms around her neck for fear of falling down. But her hands were rock solid, holding me up cradled on her big soft breasts. She threw her head back and laughed out loud, “Ohh ! I love it. How I longed to hold my own child in my arms all these years. Atlast my wish is fulfilled.”

She started walking into her flat with me held securely on her breasts, looking and smiling down at me lovingly. She entered a medium sized drawing room with a plush leather upholstered three piece Sofa set and other drawing room furniture systematically organised. She carried me in her arms and went and sat on one of the large single seater sofas. She took me on her lap sideways, cradling me in her arms. My legs went over one handle of the sofa, my back was towards the other handle, but resting on her big body. She pressed my head on her shoulders, her hands behind my back. With the other hand she pulled my legs up, so that I was actually lying on her big lap, looking up at her face sideways.

I had been so overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events that I did not know what to say. I had stabilised a little by then. I said in a slightly serious tone, “What are you doing Vinita didi ? You are holding me on your lap like I'm your baby. Please put me down”.

“Didi ?? Who is your didi ? I am your mother now, not your elder sister. Maybe not your original mother, but still I'm your father's second wife. I know you used to call your own mother, Ma. So you can call me Mummy.” She said this with a smiling face.

I said a little sternly, “I don't want to call you by any name. Just put me down from your lap.”

She didn't put me down. Instead she stood up still holding me in her cradle. She looked down at me and said, “You want to get down ? Ok ..go ahead. I'll not put you down. You have to get down yourself. Let's see how strong my son has become after growing up to be an adult.” She gave a challenging laugh.

That was a direct hit at my male ego. I gave a sudden jump from her arms…. Or rather I should say, I tried to jump out. Nothing happened. She had just tightened her hold on my body. She just took a step backwards and then stabilised. Her tight grip squeezed my body onto her breasts. It was as if I was pressed against a pair of air pillows. One of my hands instinctively went around her neck, the other went under her armpits and around her back. I did not know what got into me, I started to flail my legs in order to free myself. She started walking with me held tightly across her breasts like that, my legs flailing in the air. My face was turned towards her body and stuck angularly between her neck and shoulder. I suddenly heard her burst out into a paroxysm of laughter. I tried to look at her face. She loosened her hold a little so that my body was straight again. That made me regain energy and I started swinging my legs frantically to make her release her hold on me. She was laughing uncontrollably.

And then I saw it. I saw my reflection. She was standing in front of a full length mirror. It was such a funny sight. A fully grown adult male swinging his legs like mad, held awkwardly in the arms of a tall big middle aged woman, who was laughing away to glory. I stopped. I knew that I was making a fool of myself with that futile struggle.

“What happened dear ? Ho gaya ? Try some more. How pathetic…you couldn't free yourself from the arms of a 44 year old middle aged woman ? And you are, I think, 36 now ? A fully grown adult man of 36 can't free himself from the arms of his mother ! Shame, shame !” She was mocking me.

I pleaded, “Put me down please ! Why are you doing this to me ?”

She smiled, “Say - Mummy please put me down.”

I said, “Nooo !”

She smiled back and started walking, “Ok fine. Come let's go to the balcony. Lots of people would be walking in the compound now. And there would be our neighbour ladies on the other balconies too. Let me introduce my son to them.” Her face showed mocked seriousness.

She reached a door which looked like it was leading to a balcony. I almost screamed, “Mummy ! Stop ! Please don't go out on the balcony carrying me in your arms.”

Her face lit up with a big smile. She stopped. But she did not put me down. Instead she continued walking slowly in the room carrying me helplessly cradled in her arms. “That's like a good boy. Now listen. I have serious discussions with you. And I need your time. But first tell me, where's your luggage ?”

“I left my bag and laptop in the hotel”, I said straightforwardly.

“Hotel ?? Are you going to put up in a hotel ? Why ? Isn't this your house ? Isn't my house your house too ? I'm your mother, damn it. I'm your stepmother. Why don't you accept the fact ? This flat is bought with your own father's money. Not my money. So this is as much my house as yours. Come, let's go to the hotel. I'll get your luggage out here.” She seemed to be visibly angry.

But what is this new angle she is taking now ? My house, your house.. I wondered.

I said, “Why bother for a day? You tell me what you want to say or give. Then I'll go back tomorrow morning. I'll have to attend my office on Monday.”

She suddenly broke down into tears. She took some steps back and sat down on the big sofa, still holding me in her cradle. I was sitting on her big wide lap, sideways. My legs got stretched out on the sofa out of her lap. She removed her hand from under my knees and hid her face in her big palm and started crying. Uncontrollably. Her other hand was still behind my back holding me on her breast. I felt so odd. Being a young man of 36, I was now sitting on the wide soft lap of a big tall middle aged woman, held on her big soft breasts, like a child sitting on his mother's lap. And my stepmother was crying…literally.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. On an impulse I held her hand which was covering her face. Ohh wow ! Her wrist…what thick wide boned wrist. My fingers could go around it only half the way. It gave me an odd sensation down under. Anyways, getting over that, I slowly pulled her hand away from her face. Her eyes were full of tears.

She looked sadly at me and in a heavy voice said, “You were not this obstinate and rude when you were young. We used to chat as friends, you remember, when you used to come to meet your father in his office. I know, you were all hurt when your father left you. You have reason to hate me. But that was a momentary mistake from both our part, your father’s and mine. There wasn't any emotion in that. And we both had to pay the price for that all through our life. Your father regretted that all his life. He didn't want to leave his family…your mother and you.”

My upper body was cradled in one of her arms. She held me lightly. So I was practically lying on her lap with my back supported on her strong arm. Her other hand which I removed from her face was now placed on my chest. She was slowly moving her hand all over my body. My chest, my stomach, my thighs, my legs. The effect on me of this slow messaging of my body was becoming devastating. What could I do? I was a young man sitting on the lap of my adolescent crush. And she was so tall, so big, so sexy. I was getting all excited. I could feel my underwear getting tight. I was apprehensive that Vinita would be able to feel it growing while her hand passed over my middle portion.

Now she looked at my eyes a little seriously. She said softly, “Tell me Ravi. Honestly. Why are you behaving so rudely with me after so many years ? Is it solely because your father left you and your family 20 years back because of me ? Or because you lost your first love when I was gone ?”

I was surprised. What was she saying ? How did she know that I had a crush on her? I looked sheepishly up at her face. I stammered, “What ? What do you mean by that ?’

She was now smiling. I could sense her hand had stopped on the centre of my pants, right over my crotch. I could also sense that a small tent has now formed inside my pants, which is now covered by her big palm cupping over it. She gave a small squeeze with her palm. Very softly. A sharp ecstacy ran through my loins. She whispered, “This. I saw this same reaction in your pants when I used to stand in front of you and shake your hand in our office, 20 years back. You were only 15-16 then and I was 23-24. I knew that you had a crush on me back then. You called me Vinita didi then. I see that you have the same craziness for me even now. Do you love me still, Ravi ?”

I heard myself saying, “Yes, I am crazy about you. I love everything about you. Your height, your size, your strength, the way I feel small and helpless when you hold me in your arms or lap. But I can't call you Mummy. You are still my big tall Vinita didi.”

She smiled lovingly down at me lying on her big soft lap, “Ok fine…you call me by whatever name you want to. I will love you all the same.”

Her voice was just a whisper, “You know Ravi…I loved it when I used to see you trying to hide your bulge in your pants when standing close to me, twenty years back. I was myself a young girl of 23-24 then. I used to feel proud how I could control your senses just by standing in front of you. And remember that car ride back from our office picnic, where your dad brought you along ? While returning, since there was no extra space in your dad's car, you had to sit on your dad's secretary’s lap. My hands were around your body holding you on to my lap. My palms were resting on your pants front. I could feel this bulge in your pants that day too. Ohh I loved it then. My small and cute silent lover boy.”

While talking to me, she was all along rubbing her fingers over my pants on my little bulge. I was finding it difficult to control myself, as my ecstasy was heightened. She was looking me straight into my eyes now. She was unbuttoning my pants. I couldn't do anything. I just held her wrist. Just feeling her thick strong wrist was driving me nuts. My little fellow was getting restless inside my underwear. Getting bigger, getting harder. She opened my pants’ buttons. Pulled down the front zip. She raised my upper body a little from her lap. With her free hand, she pulled down my pants and along with it my underwear, just to the level of my knees. Her big big hand now moved to my crotch area again. She held my small but hard member in her big palm… totally vanished inside her hand. She squeezed again. Started caressing it, rubbing it slowly but steadily. She held my upper body up. Bent her head down so that her face was right over mine. She gave me a long steady kiss full on my lips, rolling my tongue inside hers.

I could not hold it any longer.

“ Vinitaaaaaaa……..”