Managing Cholesterol Level
Cholesterol - Cholesterol is a substance present in blood plasma of all living animal tissues. Chemically it belongs to steroid family .Our body needs cholesterol for its proper working . We get it from two sources - nearly 80 % from the liver which makes it within our body and the remainder from our diets, mainly fats . But there is an upper limit beyond which cholesterol is bad for health .
These days most of us know about fats’ role in our health . Fats can be a cause of high cholesterol . High cholesterol ultimately results in fatty deposits in our arteries ( plaques ) which hardens and narrows the arteries leading to reduced blood flow to our heart . If uncontrolled this further leads to heart diseases , heart attack and stroke .
Whom to blame - We initially put all the blame on dietary cholesterol . Poor food choices , being overweight and a sedentary lifestyle can up our cholesterol level . But knowing just how much fat we eat is not okay. We need to know both the quantity and quality of fat .
3 Types of Fats - Fats may be Unsaturated fats , Saturated fats and Trans fats . Each has different effects on our health . While Unsaturated fats are healthy , Trans fats are trash and Saturated fats lie in between them . Unsaturated fats can be further divided in MonoUnsaturated fats ( like olive oil - considered healthy ) and PolyUnsaturated fats
( like those derived from plants and seafoods - also considered healthy ) . While yolk of eggs has saturated fat, it’s not so bad as eggs have other nutrients having natural anti-inflammatory properties .
We should limit total fat and saturated fat - not more than 25 - 35 % of daily calories should come from dietary fats and no more than 7 % from saturated fats .
Normally Men 45 and above and women 55 and above should get its level checked regularly , those above 65 preferably annually . This is done by blood test ( fasting ) , called Lipid Profile , for followings -
As per Indian heart association limits are as under -
Total cholesterol - below 200 mg/dL
LDL ( Low density Lipoprotein ) or bad cholesterol – 100 - 130 mg/dL( better ) 159 mg/dL borderline
HDL ( High density Lipoprotein ) or good cholesterol – 50 - 60 mg/ dL and anything below 40 mg/dL is considered bad
Triglycerides - below 150 mg/dL
Avoid Trans Fats to lower Cholesterol
In order to control or reduce cholesterol level we need to avoid Trans fats . Usually trans fats are artificial - hydrogenated oils which are pro- inflammatory . They can easily build up high cholesterol in our blood stream leading to further heart complications . They are found in processed foods we eat e.g. frozen foods , microwavable popcorns , non dairy tea creamer , many baked edibles etc.
Manufacturers usually label ‘ 0’ trans fats instead of “ No Trans fats “ which is misleading . Usually 0.5 % or less trans fat is permitted to be labeled as ‘ 0’ trans fats . But it’s per serving and if you take many servings each meal it multiplies .
So we have to cut down on Processed foods / fast foods , fried foods, frozen foods , beverages , baked goods and snacks ,as besides trans fats they might be loaded with sweeteners and such ingredients or even artificial ones which we may not even pronounce well . They have practically no nutrients but do have empty calories which can add up to your weight and sugar level and finally cholesterol level .
Next step is to Limit Saturated Fats too- Eating saturated foods in moderation is not bad . We should weigh the healthfulness of saturated foods . Many saturated foods are healthy e.g. nuts , avocados , eggs , dairy products etc. As with most medicines we weigh its benefits and side effects , similarly we can consume some saturated fats in moderation .
Finally filtering and finding what to eat to control / reduce cholesterol
Food habits around the world or even in different states in our own country are different. But in all cultures there are some key components in their diet which keep them fit. Whole foods are good . Eating them with a local mix of plants preferably with fibers ( vegetables and fruits ) , fish ,lean meat , dairy foods , eggs etc is recommended universally .
But in today’s fast-paced life many young generations get ready to eat foods from markets - taking fruit juice instead of fruit which deprives fibers and adds sugar , taking vegetables just from pizza toppings or veg. Biryani , and getting refined starchy carbohydrates from most meals .
To limit cholesterol we need to -
1 . Reduce saturated fats , it lowers Bad Cholesterol LDL
2 . Eliminate Trans Fats - as said above
3. Take foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids - Flax seeds , walnuts , salmon fish etc. might up HDL marginally .
4. Increase soluble fibers in diet - oatmeal , kidney beans,sprouts , apple , pear etc
5 . Add whey protein - found in dairy products - Whey protein is a mixture of proteins isolated from whey as a byproduct in cheese production . It is marketed as a protein supplement ( whey powder ) .
Lifestyle Management - Only Diet control is not enough in managing cholesterol .
1 . Must have some regular exercise as per your age and games and workout suitable to your health - like walking, jogging , swimming , bicycling , yoga . This ups HDL , good cholesterol
2 . No smoking - This also ups HDL , good cholesterol . Alcohol also should be avoided or minimized .
3 . Lose weight - By limiting diet fats and carbohydrates , sugar , processed / packaged ready to eat foods.
4 . Medication - Sometimes if diet and lifestyle might fail then take medications as advised by your doctor .
Bottomline - Moderation is the key factor of any healthy meal . Derive as much food as possible from plants . Excessing any meal is an unhealthy practice . A healthy Lifestyle is also needed in limiting / managing cholesterol .