Issue of Patent claim on New discoveries or inventions in English Philosophy by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | Issue of Patent claim on New discoveries or inventions

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Issue of Patent claim on New discoveries or inventions

Patent claim is definitely a workable formula for others to avoid claiming rights to genetic modification or new discoveries. However, this is good for a particular business but in order to maintain the rights to a particular invention we are losing the very essence which is intended for any sort of discovery that is to serve humanity, not the business, not the nation, but the entire humanity. In order to get ahead of the evolution curve we are losing the actual purpose of our existence which is to serve humankind. As a result every nation is keeping their uniqueness in maintaining the hierarchy in the world, they are keeping their success hidden from the rest. So, some nations are moving fast and some are left behind as the underappreciated or unacknowledged which in result creates poverty, hunger to one nation and on the other hand some nations are prospering on a regular basis. The time has reached such a position where some are benefiting with enormous amount of land with little effort to survive or with little requirement to create genetically modified products for survival and on the other hand some nations are finding ways to feed their enormous population with the limited resources or lands they have and still facing difficulty in getting recognition or survival. On the other hand, policies are made to avoid the transfer of particular inventions from one part of the world to another part. Which made us live in a world where some nations are technologically developed, some nations are fortunate with their natural resources, some nations are good at producing genetically modified products, some nations are best at producing skilled manpower or intellectual manpower and all nations are struggling to achieve absolute freedom as one is avoiding other or discrediting other based on the value of the product or the business of the product. Nobody seems to be willing to see the bigger picture which is ensuring the survival of the nation, most importantly ensuring the survival of humanity. See for example, one nation is good at manufacturing technological equipment as they don’t need to focus on agriculture as they have ample amount of lands to feed their people and the other is restricting that technology to promote their own and on the other hand due scarcity of land the restricting nation is good at producing genetically modified products which the technologically advanced nation has no intention of taking leaving most of their cultivable lands unutilized or less utilized. So, from my belief the restriction of both the parties need to come to some sort of agreement which can benefit all the nations by leasing or free exporting or a proper exchange of manpower based on the needs of all the nations not only the nation willing to pay the most. Restricting nations for earning by putting patent claim or talent claim or intellectual claim is not essential, when a proper exchange of free policy can benefit all the nations of the world just by not focusing on the value of the product based on fluctuating currency. This sort of exchange policy might minimize the inflation which is currently eating all the nations and mostly normal individuals are suffering instead of the businesses as a whole.