Modern concept of creating open minded people in English Spiritual Stories by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | Modern concept of creating open minded people

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Modern concept of creating open minded people

Creating open mindedness on the topic of religion among the rest of the population is a dream for most of us. It is truly something that the world is striving to achieve and in many cases they have achieved that in many countries. The perfect definition of an open minded person is a person who respects all the other religions and is not restricted by his own religious beliefs. But, unfortunately all the religions are so backdated compared to the modern world that other than the fact of creating peace among each other, nobody can relate to the teachings of the religious scriptures with the modern world. In most cases open minded people believe that religion or radicalization is the root of all destruction. So, when they are discussing about any of the religions, they come up with the point that the science has already proven some mistakes of the religion and science can create peace as everything that can be done according to the religion or nature can be done by men. But unfortunately in order to prove something you have to know that first, not the other way around and so religion is the pillar that informed the people of the scientific issues of what to prove and what not to in a way that was understandable to the people having the knowledge capacity of thousands years behind but not the knowledge capacity of the modern day where information is so overwhelmed that now people are trying to find the shortest possible way to grasp and resorting to one sidedness or ever other’s views if that is offered to them in a concise content. They have proved what prophets were able to do thousands of years before at a time where science never existed and the scientific knowledge of that miraculous act at that time is in itself a miracle. The religion which is closer to science not exactly as accurate to science is the one which is the more credible religion as all religions actually were able to do miraculous acts of science thousands of years before that. Finally, remember that the religions came to earth when the civilization started, then it was last modified when the number of people were 1/10 of the modern day population and the people themselves did not credit themselves to learn new things from one another, other than the self-proclaimed leaders not that the prophets lacked in their approach. However, the human nature has always been the same and submission has been a great part of it even no matter if someone is an atheist or a believer. And nobody is that eager to have bad luck or no luck at all. So, no matter your religion or no religion, being prejudiced has always been a part of human nature as everybody wants something in life where he wishes himself to shine above all and thus a bit of luck is always needed by anyone. Then, if a human is ready to submit and is also asking for luck or favor, is that so difficult to ask for that favor to the creator of all.