The Gameplay Called War in English Motivational Stories by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | The Gameplay Called War

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The Gameplay Called War

According to history, every war starts in the name of religion and ends up making a great business deal. For continuing the process successfully throughout every generation, we are always meant to believe that the end of days is coming at any possible time. From my belief, the function of war is to influence vision and culture from one society to the next. First strategy of war is to infiltrate the society that is about to be attacked from the inside, then wait for the suitable time for attacking from within and outside. In such a two sided attack it can be certain that the war will be won by the attacking side as they wish others to see it fit. Yes, as the winning side wishes others to see it fit as in some cases a seemingly peaceful retreat can also turn out to be a good win and the smaller side which is thought to be won will in many cases face damage in the long run. Because in any battle the one invading will always result in a winning side as wars are fought for conquering lands and results in destroying property. So, the invader even after retreating will destroy most of the property causing poverty, hunger, death to the seemingly winning side. Then religious institutes, charitable institutes, health and safety institutes are introduced to the defeated society to gain trust of the invasive society or any other counter invasive society. The only difference is that there has only been a shift of hand. It is not necessary to believe in the religion of the invasive society, but to know that they also pose good faith. Then, the business, infrastructure development and culture of the invasive society is introduced to the defeated society or smaller society to make them accustomed with the new culture.

Now, when it comes to killing a human being is it really that necessary in the name of Justice or race. No, it is not. I am not saying that considering the aspect of saving the innocent or killing the racists. Every racist is in other words terrorist with only one difference which is some are minority racist and some are majority racist based on religion, ethnicity, culture, politics etc. When it comes to considering the psychology of a human being from a neutral point of view, it is actually not necessary to kill such a species which is literally ready to make any possible deal to survive and no one is willing to kill it to consume it. So, from that point of view though the media and even religion portrays killing as justified for war but I personally find it unnecessary. The whole world has become automated starting from flying drones capable of causing any sort of unmanned attack and automated remote controlled war machines can also be made for causing any sort of lethal blow. So, killing humans which causes no loss but mostly panic is not necessary as the basic purpose of war is destroying business and conquering lands not destroying lives.   

However, the end of days might eventually come one day, but it is never necessary to rage war amongst each other for that. Currently, this is what has been happening throughout the ages after every 5 to 10 years in the name of religion, terrorism, political suppression, ideological difference etc. We are so accustomed with the term war that we use it as Debate, corporate war, political war, union war, local fight, playground fight, movie war, and in every way possible. Finally, as long as we are together as a united world we can always hope that the inevitable will not happen for having peace amongst each other and we are so insignificant that we can face doom at any time possible like the time of the dinosaurs.