After all this Time - 7 in English Love Stories by Elizabeth books and stories PDF | After all this Time - 7

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After all this Time - 7

Chapter 7

'Woah...woah' Mithila couldn't hide her surprise from her voice.

' It needs some courage to sleep at your work place on your first day, that too when your boss is around '
Mithila sipped on her remaining hot chocolate from the paper cup and winked at Amaya.

'You should give me some might be useful ' Mithila laughed and kept annoying Amaya.

It was evident from her smile that she enjoyed this way too much.

' Aah am I going back there after sleeping like a log ??'
She mumbled, even the hot chocolate couldn't cheer her up. Amaya covered her face with her palm... ashamed.

' Pretend that it didn't happen at all..and just go. Slept ? Who? You need that confidence. No big deal my friend...not at all '
Mithila joked.

' Yeah yeah laugh some more... it's not your problem right? I am going to die out of embarrassment and that kind of confidence and me ?? Seriously Mithila?'

Amaya sighed. She was pretty embarrassed about the mishap. She was tired , sure but she fell asleep right there, after telling him that she's not tired and ready for the job...wowww... she still couldn't believe herself.

She had woken up after an hour so... Scared and embarrassed all at once.
She had apologized to Adhi profusely who was so sweet and kind about it which baffled her more.

' Hey... don't worry too much Okay? What was your boss's response though?'
Mithila finished her hot chocolate and started tapping the empty cup on the table lightly.

Amaya sighed again...' That's the worst part...he was so understanding about it and said that he was glad I took a nap instead of exhausting myself. It made me feel a little bit better but still what I did was totally wrong ' Amaya grimaced.

' expected, he is a gooood boss..' Mithila singsonged the words making Amaya laugh.

' Ohho....looks like you have high expectations of him? That good was unnecessarily long ' Amaya replied.

' Of course, I am even adding points on his name based on his behaviour. Since he wasn't rude to you, he scored high marks today. Later , I am gonna calculate all of them to see if he's good enough to date you, my friend ' Mithila placed her two hands on her chest and made a heart sign and giggled.

'There you go again with your secret agenda....'
Amaya shook her head disapprovingly yet smiled.

It felt so good to talk to her about something silly like this.
She wondered how she missed out this warmth of a friendship just because she was too busy with herself. All this time she was sad about not having someone on her side when she had Mithila all along with her. She drank the rest of her hot chocolate and licked the gooey stuff from the tip of the cup like Mili does. It was childish she knew...but it was oddly satisfying.

' Ah .. I almost forgot to give you this. It came on post this morning and I think you might need a little bit of my support maybe? '
Mithila opened her handbag and placed a navy blue cover on their tiny table and looked at Amaya nervously.

Amaya noticed the sudden change in the mood and turned the navy blue coloured cover to the front side.
It's a wedding invitation. Vihaan weds Malavika. The names were inscrpted in golden letters in the corner and her name and address were written neatly on the right side with a golden glitter pen. Her breathing hitched a little. So it's happening. Vihaan had called her last month to tell her about the same and she knew about Malavika from the beginning too and she was truly happy for him. Finally, he was happy with his life and he deserved to be happy and she had promised him that she would attend the wedding too.
Now that the invitation was officially here, right before her eyes, Amaya hesitatated for a moment.

Vihaan and Amaya were together for a short period but before that they were friends. Ashi , Vihaan and Amaya they were inseparable and they had a lot of memories together..bad and good and the invitation was a reminder of all of them. What she could have chosen and how different her life would have been.
Amaya traced her fingers through the golden letters , still considering whether she wants to attend the wedding or not.
Mithila gently placed her hand on Amaya's shoulder.

' Are you alright? It is the same Vihaan right? The one you broke up with long ago?'

Mithila had this anxious and nervous aura suddenly. She kicked her lower lip unconsciously .

Amaya was taken aback for a moment to respond right away. She looked right into Mithila's eyes , confused.

' How do you know that?' Amaya croaked . Her voice almost incoherent to her own ears. Amaya didn't know that Mithila had any idea of her personal life. Nobody knew about Vihaan except for Ashi and she was already gone.

'It's the same Vihaan but I don't remember telling you about him ever? How do you know about that Mithila?

Amaya wasn't angry, or nervous, she was just curious.

' Umm... ' she paused a little. Took a moment to compose herself before she started speaking.
Mithila was nervous... Amaya could tell right away.

'It was my first day here and I saw you guys talking at the front gate. I was waiting for my cab after my shift. Remember? It was before my marriage and I lived with my parents? '

Amaya acknowledged this by nodding a little. Of course she remembered that. After a few days they became roommates since her parents loved a little too far away from the resort.

'I knew that you were a staff here but we haven't been properly introduced and I thought you guys were having a moment but I still remember Vihaan crying after giving you a hug and you were so strong and reassured him that everything is going to be alright.
I didn't get it then but felt sad about it anyway. Sorry for eves wasn't intentional.'
Mithila gave her an apologetic smile.

Amaya had no such recollection of seeing Mithila there that evening and she was right. Vihaan was crying so much that day and Amaya was being the strong one for both of them... at least she pretended so. There wasn't anything else she could have done at that time. She had to let him go , that was the right thing to do. But now she wondered, was it right? Was it fair?
Should she have fought more for their relationship? Should have tried to work the long distance relationship thing ? She would never know.

' Don't be mad just happened that way.'
Mithila pleaded when the silence stretched for a minute

' I am not mad. I am just surprised ... that's it. Don't worry '

Amaya shrugged and looked away.

'I really hoped you would tell me about it after we became roommates... you know?. You were suffering alone and I have seen you crying in your sleep but you never told me anything about him . So I never got a chance to console you. But I cooked for you every single day you cried you know?? That was all I could do for you then '
Mithila had tried her best during that time but Amaya was closed off and didn't tell her anything about her break up. This was their first time admitting that, so both of them were a little awkward but it was Amaya who was totally in shock.

Amaya was totally blown away by this revelation. Yes , she remembered every time Mithila made extra food and kept there for her in a tupperware with a post it note.

' I cooked extra food again. Hope you like this too' it read.

Amaya had thanked Mithila on those days of course but never really appreciated the thought and effort she put into them.
Her eyes welled up, all these time , she kept thinking that nobody cared but Mithila had been there for her always.
The tears that followed, she brushed it away.
Overwhelmed and ashamed , Amaya didn't know how to tell Mithila that she was thankful for all the things that Mithila had done for her.

Mithila noticed the tears though. She wrapped her left hand around Amaya's shoulder and gently patted on her shoulder.

'If you don't want to go, just don't go. Okay? There's no pressure on you. If you want to go, don't go alone, it's on Sunday right? I could tag along with you.
I am not sure what happened between you two and if he was a good guy or not. Whatever you want to do, we will do that Okay? '

' Thank you ' Amaya managed to get that out of her lips and that wasnt enough to explain her emotions.


'Do you have any super powers? '

'Huh?' Amaya jerked her head from the book she was holding in her hands and blinked at Adhvaith, who was looking at her curiously.

' What super powers? Like what?' she blurted. Confused and flustered at the same time.

Amaya was thinking a lot about what Mithila had said earlier. Going or not going for the wedding was one question and being ignorant about Mithila's kind heart was another thing.
It was safe to say that she was in a daze when she came to Adhvaith's place today even though it wasn't a weekend.
He was sleeping when she came, the house keeper told her so. Amaya was relieved to hear that. No need to face him again about her previous work day disaster. Thank god.

Since then she had been sitting at her assigned table that was set up for her, the manuscript in her hands.
Even though she was sitting there, her mind was wandering around. Things she wanted to remember about Vihaan came back to her immediately like it was just ready to replay at any second she wanted. The memories of her past, how easy there relationship had been.
How hard it was for both of them to separate. It was good to know that Vihaan was happy, finally and she really wanted to go and be a part of his happiness at the same time she wondered, what happened to her life. Why she was standing right where he had left her!

Nothing has changed for her...not really.
She had got a little bit mature may be, older and wiser as they say.

But she still had the same job, same dull life and same people around her. Whenever she tried to get out of it, she failed.
When will that change? Will it ever change?
Will there be good things for her too?
What is the point of living?
She was seriously questioning her existence itself, when Adhvaith asked her such a silly question out of the blue .
So she gaped at him.

' You are reading the book upside down Amaya, that really needs some super powers..' he smiled at her.

He was standing right next to her table. She didn't even listen to him coming up to her. She was too distracted.

The evening sunlight, which came through the big window gave him a golden hallow around him who still looked a little bit sleepy and comfy in his rumbled clothes.
It was so adorable to watch him smile down at her that Amaya could feel her pulse quickening up.
She looked away.

' I... I wasn't really reading ' she stuttered.

' Obviously ' he deadpanned as he took the binder from her hands and closed it gently and placed it on the table.

' What is wrong Amaya?'
She looked at him again, contemplating how to answer that question.
She had embarrassed herself so much so far with all her troubles and worries she didn't want to put him on the spot with another episode of her rambling, but if not for him , who's is going to ask her that? With whom she could confide her thoughts?
She really really needs to get out of there and have a life. A little sigh escaped from her lips .

' What would you do when you realise that you have been ignorant and ungrateful towards someone?' she asked cautiously.

This was a real question. Amaya had been thinking about it a lot now.
All this time Mithila had tried so hard and she was so cold and aloof towards her. If the roles had been reversed, Amaya doubted that weather she would have stuck around with this much diligence. She knew the answer too.
No.. Amaya would have given up long ago unlike Mithila who still stood by her .

' That is some big question right there Amaya?' he replied thoughtfully.

He walked towards the long window and looked outside for a moment.
Amaya felt relieved to look at him now. It's more easy and less intense when she doesn't have to look at him in the eyes and wonder why her heart is doing a little flip flop every second. She could manage this.
Having a crush on someone is a difficult task, she knows that now.

' There's no easy answers know that right?? ' His voice was a little low and he was talking to himself than to her.
Amaya told herself to pay more attention to the details of what he was telling her than swooning over his voice.

'Once you have realised that you were ungrateful towards someone, just try to accept it and try to be more open and honest towards that person from now onwards may be?
It's not like that we could just change the past and move on like nothing happened. The hurt you might have caused and the guilt you feel right now are all so real. '

He turned towards her and looked at her kindly.

Amaya held her eyes on him. What he was saying was true.
She can't move forward just yet , feeling all guilty about it.

She looked downward and nodded her head in acceptance.
What he said was not surprising yet she felt the confirmation of the same ripping her heart a little more. She really doesn't want to cry again...but the tears were there , she blinked them away.

' It's ok Amaya we all have done that at some point in our lives.
It's ok to mess up but you can always try to do better next time. I hope that person is still around so that you can apologise and start over again.'
There was a catch in his voice that he stopped talking altogether.

He sounded so sad that Amaya looked at him, searching his face for reasons which she didn't get to see. The sadness looming over him made him look so tired. She wanted to ask what is worrying him? Could she help him out of this misery?
Then was she in a place to console someone else? She knew the answer to this one !
She is in no place to console someone else when she's barely holding herself together. So , like a coward, she held her tongue and pretended that she didn't see the painful look that passed on his features.

' We need to put effort to make a relationship work Amaya. It's not easy, it's too much work and sometimes painful but in the end , their smile would be worth it.'
He smiled languidly. There was silence after that. They both looked exhausted and tired. Both mirrored each other well....people who are broken somehow, not in a place to comfort each other yet doing the same.

Amaya was still thinking about all that happened over and over when Mithila barged into her apartment with a lot of shopping bags in her arms the next morning.

' What is this ? Why are you here , it's your day off?'
Amaya looked at Mithila confused, waving around the bags now settled on the floor.

' Let me take breath Amaya. It's quite heavier than I thought ' Mithila huffed in response. She settled herself down on the small sofa with a cup of water in her hand , drank it and gave a bright smile to a flustered Amaya.

' Those are clothes....some party wear...mine of course '

Amaya crossed her hands in front of her chest and waited for the further explanation from Mithila.

' Ok ok... don't glare at me...let me explain ' Mithila got up from the couch and went through the kitchen cupboards and drawers until she found a packet of biscuits and settled again on the sofa as she teared open the packet and munched on a piece.

Amaya sighed looking heavenward.
' If you are settled down now, please explain all these ..' she almost pleaded.

' Since we are contemplating about attending the wedding party, I thought we should have a plan about what to wear too. Since I am the one with lots of experience and skills, I am here to help you with the outfit selection. '
She replied innocently and went back to eat more from the packet.

' Ha....this is good. Do you have anything else to eat...I am still hungry!'
She announced and went back to searching for more treats.
Amaya looked around her...all the carefully packed clothes and sighed.

After finishing one more biscuit packet, Mithila started to strip off the covers and expose the content inside.
There was a pink and white lehenga ,
Sarees and salwars too . Along with carefully packed accessories to go with it , which matched with each dress.
It's obvious that Mithila took care of her wardrobe very well and indeed was ready to share it with Amaya.

' This kemp jewelry set will go well with this saree and that lehenga. Try the lehenga first then we will try the other clothes too. I don't think there's much for alterations. Good that we have a similar physique even though I am taller than you. ' her thoughtful expression changed into a teasing smile.

Yes, Mithila was taller than Amaya , tall and lean and definitely in better shape.

' Mithila...I ..I don't think I could receive all these from you. ' Amaya felt more and more guilty for always being in the receiving end and being ignorant about it at the same time. It was overwhelming for her.

' Why?' Mithila stood up from the sofa where she was sitting cross legged and looked at her in confusion.
Amaya could feel the hurt in Mithila's eyes even though she was not saying anything.

No...she doesn't want to hurt anyone... especially Mithila. There are things to clarify and resolve before she could apologize for the hurt she must have caused her. So Amaya tried to muster up her courage and tried to face it.

' Mithila...I feel soo terrible for being such an ungrateful friend to you.
I never realised it or may be I ignored it even when I saw the genuine interest of you in me?
I don't know but I messed up and I am sorry.
I.. I don't know what to say. I just feel sorry and terrible '
Amaya bit her lower lip and looked at Mithila... trying to understand her facial expressions, which changed in every seconds .. right now it's anger no it's concern.

' Idiot ' Mithila muttered as she got a hold of Amaya's hands and dragged her to the sofa and made her to sit down.
Mithila took her both hands on her own and clutched it together. Her long fingers covered Amaya's small hands.

' Ammu... listen to me. ' This was the first time when Mithila called her by that nick name.
Amaya raised her eyes to look at Mithila.

' Ammu ...there was a time that I desperately wanted you to realise that I am here for you. I wanted you to share everything with me and be comfortable around me. But you know what ??sometimes it doesn't work out the way we want ...but you shouldn't get upset over this.' Mithila looked at Amaya, trying to read her expression and ensure that she's listening to her.
A little sigh escaped through Amaya's lips.

' How can't I get upset when you felt so bad about my ignorance ' Amaya had a lot of thoughts on this. She could go on and on about how much she should have appreciated Mithila's kindness. Now that she could see it and remembered it , she felt guilty.

' God ..this girl!!' Mithila slapped her forehead with her right hand .

' Well.... I am sure that you don't believe what I am going to say but listen to me okay?
Ammu , you have been there for me from the beginning. Maybe not the way I wanted bffs but you have always looked out for me.
You never complained about me taking leaves out of nowhere. Ammu , it was you who used to take care of me when I was ill. Yes, we didn't have these chatty fun-filled days but I was comfortable whenever you were around.
All I wanted was to be there for you too. I knew you were suffering alone, I wished I could help you too.
Other than that, there's nothing that you have to feel guilty about it. ..I promise '
She made a puppy face and blinked twice making Amaya smile.

' See...You smiled. I made you smile. I wanted to do that from the I am doing it. ' Mithila almost did a victory dance while sitting on her tiny sofa.

' You know what Ammu, you are a really awesome human being. You are kind.
It's in your nature and you don't have to try harder or remind yourself to be kind to people. Have you seen the customer reviews for personal assistance in our website? She looked at Amaya expectantly.
Seeing Amaya's blank expression...another exasperated sigh came out of Mithila's lips.

Surely not. !!!!

Amaya knew about the review page and all but never really paid any attention to it. Now, Mithila was telling her that people wrote about her service? She was kind of surprised. Whatever she had done in the past, it was her job. She never thought she was doing something great there. It was a new information for her .

' Those people remember you as a kind young lady who did not complain about their naughty kid and let them have some fun when they were here or the old couple, who used to get scolded by you for not taking their medication on time. There are should read them..!' Mithila continued.

Believe it or not Ammu, you are doing well and you are a really warm person and I am so glad that I can talk to you like this ...thanks to Mr. Writer but I won't listen a single objection from you today for not trying out all these dresses. Because it took me a lot of time and energy to pull this together and I want to see you trying them on.
We are not going to mull over something that happened long ago. We are close now, I am standing beside you and that's what all that matters ....' Mithila pulled her hair into a bun on top of her head , all set for some trial show .

Amaya was so taken aback by all the nice things Mithila had remembered and shared now. However, how it took a second for her to realise that Mithila was practically dragging her to the washroom to try a bunch of clothes.

' But still ...I can't...' before Amaya could protest again, Mithila put a finger on her lips n shushed her.

' There's no buts or ifs here are trying all of them and the ornaments too ..I need to check the looks and then we will fix one. Now move your lazy ass and try them we don't have a lot of time '

Amaya sighed inwardly as she knew that she had no other choice than obeying her friend. She looked at herself in the mirror on the wall of her washroom. She looked tired, her hair messy and unkempt tied in a knot on top of her head.
Her wrinkled old pajama with long sleeves covered half of her palm.
She looked too small and tired yet a tiny little smile lingered on her lips.
Mithila had said that she's a good friend for her too. Amaya still doesn't remember doing anything special for her and the guilt was also looming over her but she found herself comforted by Mithila's words.

' Maybe I wasn't that terrible of a friend for her?
I was good enough? Maybe?
She put the clothes on the hook carefully and decided to try them on.
Sometimes,just sometimes Amaya was good enough. For now, that's good. She decided.

Hi there
So the next chapter is here. It's taking me a lot of time to write each chapter.

Anyways here we are... it's not a complete chapter but more like a filler.
Hope you enjoy this one too. Thank you 😊