Locked Down - 3 in English Fiction Stories by Uplifted books and stories PDF | Locked Down - 3

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Locked Down - 3

( Dear Reader, I am restarting this "Locked Down" series after a long time. So I would request you to please read the first 2 parts "Locked Down 1 and 2" to recapitulate the continuity of the story so far…)

Locked down 3

It was the morning of the next day. We were in the kitchen of Reshmi's flat, which is on the ground floor. Reshmi was making breakfast. She was wearing a pair of short pants and a sleeveless top. I was also in my shorts and T-shirt.

She was standing by the kitchen platform with her left leg resting on a small stool in front of her. That made her left thigh extend forward. She purposely put her leg like that.

When she said that she'll make breakfast and went to the kitchen, I also went along with her. I said, "Reshmi, I want to help, tell me what you want me to do."

She looked down from her impressive height of 6 feet. Yes 6 feet with her slippers on, adding 1 inch to her height of 5'11". Can you imagine how she looked beside me? With my 5'3" height and 64 kgs weight, a 40 year old middle-aged man looking high up standing beside a 18 year old girl of 6 feet height and 95 kgs weight. In fact, it was I, who was looking like a school boy standing beside her.

So, when I told her I wanted to help her prepare breakfast, she looked down at me smiling, like a mother looking at her small boy wanting to help her. She said, "Wait, I'm giving you work".

She took everything she needed at hand… bread, butter, eggs , milk, sugar, plates. Then she pulled that low stool with her legs and put her feet up on it. She then put her hands under my armpits and just hoisted me up bodily and set me up on her thigh which was protruding parallel to the ground. Only that her thigh was at a height of about 3 and half feet from the ground in level with the kitchen platform. I found myself sitting on her thigh. To get my balance I had to hold on to the 18 year old girl's waist.

She giggled, "Now you sit on my leg Baby and talk to me. That's your work."

I said, "Reshmi, you are again treating me like a small child."

She just smiled and put a buttered toast to my mouth. I took a bite from it. She smiled, "Yes, you are my small baby boyfriend, sweet and small and cute. Don't you like sitting on your big girlfriend's leg now ?"

I laughed. This girl is behaving differently today than when she came in last evening. Now, since the time she told me her actual age of 18 years, she is behaving more like her age, a little matured but still a young girl. But she is still treating me like a small boy, just because she is so immensely taller and bigger than me in height and weight.

But this was difficult for me. At my age of 40 years and my nature of being a serious individual, it was quite irritating that a young girl was handling and treating me like a baby. I thought that it is better to thrash it out at the beginning, since it will be some months now, when we two will have to live in the same house together, whether we like it or not.

Now, Reshmi's breakfast was ready. She had made simple toast butter and boiled eggs with tea. But rather than taking the breakfast at the dining table, she was having it standing by the platform. I was still sitting on one of her extended thighs as mentioned. I was holding on to her thick arms for support and balance. She had given me a buttered toast in my hand and I was having bites from it. She was feeding the boiled egg to me with a spoon in between her own bites. She was also holding the tea cup to my lips from time to time. She was talking to me like a mother talks to her baby, "Mera chhota bachha, do you like eggs ? Want some more? Is the toast too hard for you my baby ? You should not drink tea, you know. Babies should drink milk. Next time I'll give you milk with Bournvita."

We were almost at the end of our breakfast. After finishing off the last bread, Reshmi pushed the dishes inside. Then she put her arms under my armpits and raised me up. She straightened her leg and stood erect. Then she casually put me on her hip. I had to cross my legs around her waist for support. She had her left hand under my bottom. She jerked my body up a little which made me put my arms around her neck. She smiled sweetly at me looking down at me sideways. She started walking with me from room to room aimlessly, just like a mother walks with her baby on her hip.

I thought that this was the right time to broach the subject. I said, "Reshmi, I need to talk to you." She continued to keep walking with me on her hip. She looked at me sideways, and said, "Yes, tell me my baby, what do you want now ? Chocolates or Ice cream?"

I said, "Reshmi, will you please stop walking and either sit or stand in one place? I want to discuss something serious with you."

Reshmi didn't expect this tone in my voice. I wasn't speaking much all this time. She stopped in her walk. She shifted my body from her hip to face her from the front. She held me straddling her from the front. With my legs around her waist, I was practically sitting on her stomach. My arms went around her neck. She jerked me up a little and held me tightly under my bottom. So I was tightly pressed on her big breasts, with my face right in front of hers. She was supporting my full weight on her two hands as if I weighed nothing. I knew she was holding me so tight and hard, just to make me feel how small and weak I am in her arms. She said softly in her normal tone, "Yes, tell me what is so serious that you want to discuss with me ?"

I said, "Reshmi, I know although you are 18 and I'm 40, you are so much taller and bigger than me, that you are literally toying with me in your arms. I know you like to do this, to lift me and carry me in your arms and treat me as your baby. Reshmi, I don't have any problem with you holding me like a child in your arms. I am only not able to accept the fact that you are also treating me like a child."

Reshmi looked at me seriously and said, "So, my 40 year old gentleman, how do you want to be treated ?"

I said, catching on to her word, "Reshmi, remember what you were telling me last night ? That you were trying to impress the 'Man' in me by lifting and carrying me. But I was treating you like a young girl because of the wrong age you only had given me. You wanted me to treat you as my girlfriend or lover. You wanted me to be a 'Man' to you. Now if you yourself are treating me like a baby, how can I think of you as my girlfriend ?"

Reshmi was still holding me tightly to her body high up on her 6 feet body. She said, "Yes I remember all that. But you did not for once explicitly say that you think of me as your girlfriend. You kept on avoiding my question whether my tall and fat body is turning you off. So, after I let you go last night, I thought and decided that I will continue to treat you like a baby, till such time you give me your honest answer. So Mr 40 year old little man, either you treat me as an adult or I'll treat you as a child. As simple as that."

She removed one hand from my bottom, holding me up on her body with just one hand only. Then she squeezed my cheek hard and smiled at me.

I was at my wits end. How can I convince this girl? I started again, "Listen Reshmi, try to understand my situation. Your parents have given me the responsibility to be your guardian in their absence. They have also told me that you are a very sensitive child and requested me to see that your mood is not off. But I ….".

Reshmi was now all serious. She cut me short mid sentence and started, "Listen Mister. Papa, Mummy likes to think that I'm still their little girl. They treat me like that and that is why, I also behave with them like a kid. But I'm an all grown up young woman of 18. And if not my parents, I want you to at least treat me like an adult."

I replied, still sitting on the 18 year old girl's stomach, being supported by her hands under my bottom, "Yes, I find that you are not so much of a child as your parents think, but have already matured to be a young lady. I understand this, but consider my situation. I myself want to treat you like an adult. But how can I break your parents' trust by starting to behave with you like my girlfriend ?"

Reshmi turned around and started walking towards her bedroom with me hanging from her neck, being helplessly carried away in the arms of the giant teenage girl. "Ok fine. You play your role as my guardian; and I'll play my role as your mother. Now don't expect any mercy from me. I'll convert you literally to a little baby that I can play with."

I protested, "Wait Reshmi ! What are you saying ? No mercy and all ? Where are you taking me ? .."

Reshmi was serious, "Shout as much as you can. Nobody can hear you. And even if they do, during this Lockdown, nobody will come to rescue you."

Reshmi carried me inside her bedroom. She bolted the room from inside. The door had a latch sort of a lock. She took the key from the table and locked the door. All this time, she was holding me to her breast with only one hand under my bottom. She was working with her free hand. After locking the door, she took the key and kept it on the top of a tall six and a half feet steel almirah. Imagine, she's putting the key so high up so that I can't reach it; and she's doing it while carrying me on her hip all along.

I was just clinging on to her with my hands around her neck and my legs wrapped around her waist. I looked in awe at her. It seemed she was getting ferocious. I remembered her parents telling me that if one doesn't listen to what she says, her mood goes off and it is difficult to control her.

I meekly asked her, "What are you going to do to me, Reshmi?"

She responded rudely, "Just you wait ! You'll see what is going to happen to you. Yesterday you were saying that I was bullying you. Now I'll show you what actual bullying is like."

She just threw me on her bed. I fell back sprawling on the bed. She stood there looking down at me with fuming eyes and inflating nostrils.

She beckoned me with her fingers to come towards her. She was standing beside the bed. I came closer to her on the bed. I was sitting down on the bed. She asked me to stand up on the bed. When I did, she pulled me right in front of her. Standing on the bed, I was now a little taller than her. She caught hold of my tee shirt and pulled it upwards, so as to take it off. I did not object to this. I put my hands up and she took my tee-shirt off.

She was looking straight into my eyes. I didn't know what she was going to do next. She suddenly caught hold of the elastic of my shorts and pulled it down to my ankles. I immediately reacted by covering up my privates with my hands. I was standing in front of her on the bed, stark naked. She bent down and lifted each of my legs in turn and took my shorts off totally. Then she collected my tee-shirt and shorts and went to the almirah walking quite casually. I immediately got down from the bed and ran to the door. I tried to turn the handle of the door lock. It was locked. She turned back watching with amusement my futile effort to flee from her. She just gave a mischievous smile but didn't say anything.

I, being a fully grown adult man of 40, was trapped in the room standing fully naked in front of an 18 year old girl almost 6 feet tall and 95 kgs of weight. She locked my things in her almirah and then casually walked over to the bed. She was calling me again, bending her fingers. A thought came to my mind to protest, to fight her if required. But it was just a passing thought. Why fight her and make a fool of myself ? Losing to a girl less than half my age won't add to my prestige nor confidence. Since there was no chance of an escape, I went and stood in front of her beside the bed. She held me under my armpits and easily lifted me on the bed. She made me stand by the edge of the bed facing her, while she stood just beside the bed on the floor. It seemed as if she was planning her next round of ragging.

I seized that time gap and spoke up. In a pleading tone, I said, "Arrey Reshmi, you forgot how I saved you and your friends from getting stuck at your hostel in Hyderabad and arranged to bring you all home yesterday ? And you are bullying me this way today ?"

I thought I saw Reshmi just freeze for a moment. She was looking quite furious till now. Suddenly her face went neutral. She paused for a moment, then she pulled me close to her. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight. She bent down a little, put one hand under the bend of my knees and the other behind my back and easily picked me up in her arms cradling me on her breast. Imagine a full grown man of 40 years being cradled up by a tall and big 18 year old girl on her breasts, when the man is fully naked.

She spoke, her voice was normal now, "Ohh my sweet little hero ! Don't say that ! My friends and I are all indebted to you dear. You are my Hero; my Saviour !"

She pulled me a little high up and bent her face down and kissed me all over my face.

And then it happened. The thing that I was dreading from yesterday. My little fellow sprang up !!

Since she was bullying me all this time, stripping me off my clothes forcefully, locking me up in the room stark naked, keeping the keys out of my reach, I was really feeling scared of her. Yes, I, a 40 year old fully grown up man, a software professional in a big company, was shit scared of a hyperactive 18 year old girl, just because of her extraordinary height, massive weight and immense physical strength compared to me. And that is why, although she had stripped me naked and was literally manhandling me, my little fellow down there was also scared. He was lying small and curled up like a little mouse.

But the moment Reshmi picked me up in her solid arms and pressed me on her 18 year old big and firm and soft breasts, and was talking sweetly to me, my romantic hero sprang up to salute her.

When Reshmi finished kissing me, she lifted her face and then she saw my little guy. Since she had pulled me high up above her breasts, my little fellow was standing full erect right in front of her nose.

She burst out laughing, "Oh my goodness !! What is this ? Ohh great ! This is what I have been waiting for. That means my experiment is successful. You Are a Man ! And not only that, I can see that you Are liking it here up in my arms and on my breasts."

She again lifted my body up a little and brought her face down on mine. She crushed my lips with her soft full lips and gave me a long, deep, passionate kiss, which left me breathless.

She brought my face right under her face, looked down at my eyes and said, "So now my 40 year old little saviour, I want your full confession now. Tell me whether you like my big, tall figure ? Tell me whether you like being lifted and carried by this tall, big, fat girl ? You can't say no. Because your little Willy has already saluted me and betrayed you. Now I just want to hear it from your mouth, my little Hero."

Seeing Reshmi laugh and become normal, I was relieved. I was getting worried whether she was having some mental problem or not. That sudden change of her mood and attitude had worried me. Especially that ferocious look which she had, I really didn't know how to tackle that. She is so huge and so immensely strong that I was afraid that she might bodily harm me.

But now that Reshmi was talking to me normally and was also hugging me and kissing me, my tension relaxed. As such my nerves got relaxed and all my pent up tensions got the better of my self restraint I was imposing on myself. After all, I'm not an old man. I'm 40 and a bachelor. Just imagine… If a tall buxom young girl with skimpy hot-pants on, forcefully carries you and locks you up in a room. Then she forcefully strips you off your clothes and picks you up in her cradle fully naked, right up on her big full breasts. Then she forcefully kisses you, capturing you on her big tight breasts, almost five feet over the ground. Will you be able to control yourself ? At least I couldn't. So my little fellow did what he always wanted to do. He jumped straight up right in front of Reshmi's mouth. And that's how I lost my self control.

Lying in her cradle fully naked, my arms around her neck, I smiled up at her, "You win Reshmi. I'll just tell you a secret which I've not yet told even to my parents also. You know why I'm still a bachelor even at 40 ? Because I've not yet found the girl of my type. I like a special sort of girl who would be much taller than me. Also the bigger and heavier her size, it's all the more better for me. And an important requirement is that my big tall girlfriend should be strong enough to physically dominate me and carry me around in her arms and lap like a child."

Reshmi was listening to me with an amused face and a faint smile on her lips. When I finished, that smile broadened into a wide grin and she said, "Ab toh tu gaya, beta. Now nobody can save you from me; not even my parents. I will just eat you up."

She sat down on the bed with me still on her cradle. She moved inside and sat on the bed with her legs outstretched. She set me up on her fat thighs facing her. I was sitting on her thighs straddling her. She then bent her knees up at an angle, so that I slid down her thighs and fell right against her body. She laughed and pushed me back to lean on her bent thighs as my backrest. I was now sitting on her fat thighs, right in front of her face with my legs going around her waist and placed on the bed behind her. My back was leaning against her bent thighs, as if I'm sitting on a reclining chair of a very thick soft cushion.

"Are you comfortable, my 40 year old boyfriend?" Reshmi asked, smiling.

I was comfortable alright. But the fact that I was sitting naked on an oversized teenage girl's lap was embarrassing enough.

Reshmi slowly extended her bent knees, so that her feet stretched out on the bed. My upper body which was resting on her thigh and knees also went down with her legs. I was now lying flat on both her big, long legs with my head resting on her feet.

I was shocked. This is how a baby less than a year old is laid on his mother or aunt or nanny's legs before he is given an oil or powder massage. And here I am a fully grown middle aged man of 40 being laid like a year old baby on an 18 year old girl's legs, with my head resting on her feet.

She was smiling down at me lying like a baby, on her thighs and legs. She started to slowly rub her big, soft palm on my belly and chest. She took my hands and massaged them one after the other, rolling her palms over my forearm and then my upper arm. I said, "What are you doing Reshmi? You are massaging me lying on your legs, like a very small baby is massaged by his mother or nanny."

She smiled, "Exactly so. You ARE my baby now. Don't you like this massage ?"

It was a strange realization that I was actually loving it. It felt so relaxing. Also I felt so safe and secure lying on her feet like a baby lying on her mother's lap.

After my hands, she started massaging my thighs. Simultaneously with both her hands on either of my thighs. Her hands moved from my thighs to my belly..then to my chest..light circular motions..moving over to my thighs again..the inner portions of my thighs.. carefully avoiding my crotch.

I was tense again. My groin area was tense. The little fellow was standing at full attention now. More than that, he was growing every second. A pain was developing in my groin. I knew what it was. But Reshmi was not touching it . She was just going around it. Light circular motions. The circle was widening. With one hand now. Moving from my belly to one thigh. Passing over to the other thigh. Back to the belly. Then my chest. Both my chests. Back to the belly. Then back again to one thigh. Passing over the next thigh.

Then her hand touched it. Just so lightly. As if by mistake. The hand moved on. To the belly...the thigh…again it touched…purposely I think…her hand lingered a little…

I was not able to take it anymore. My little fellow was straining hard. Reshmi was looking at my eyes steadily. A slight smile on her lips.

I had to speak up, "Reshmi, what are you doing ? Stop. This is not right."

She didn't stop, "What is not right dear ? What have I done? I'm just massaging your body."

I said, "You know what I mean. You are just an 18 year old young girl. I'm 40 years old. You don't know what you are doing. Let me get up."

She said, "You want to get up? Wait.. "

Saying that she just separated her legs a little outside at an angle, so that my body lying on her legs now fell on the bed between her stretched out legs. She then lifted both her legs and placed them over my shoulders, so that her big feet were right beside my head.

Ohh ! I suddenly found myself trapped under her heavy legs. I was lying flat on the bed, with both her legs pinning down my shoulders and arms. I tried to remove her legs. But my arms were also trapped under her legs and thighs. Her thighs were so fat and heavy. I couldn't even move her legs. My legs were around her waist. In fact my butt was still lying on her thighs. Reshmi was just sitting on the bed, smiling down at me. Both her hands were free…she was just casually tying her hair in a bun. I realised that she was not at all making any effort or even slightly exerting herself to hold me down. She was just simply sitting there on the bed with her legs outstretched over my shoulders, with me pinned down helpless under her. But even then I was hopelessly trapped under her legs, totally unable to move.

She took her phone lying beside her and started to scroll through it. She was just wanting to convey the message to me that she is totally not using her strength on me, but still I was helplessly trapped under her legs unable to move.

Reshmi resumed her massages. This time it was more intense. Only on the lower portion of my belly. Moving over to my thighs. To my left thigh. Then to my right thigh. Then back again on my left thigh. Then her hand stopped in the middle. Her big palm and long fat fingers caught hold of my little fellow. My little fellow was not so little any more. He was a fast growing stud now. Firm and arrogant. He had changed his complexion by now. He has gone fairer. He has grown taller, sorry longer.

I implored, "Reshmi Nooo…don't do it ...let me go…don't pull Reshmi..no don't…it's not right…Reshmiii listen to me…"

But she was not listening to me anymore. She was not even looking at my face now. Her attention was on my crotch. She was busy with her new toy gun. She was playing with it…pulling at it…pumping it…oooofff !!

I wasn't able to take it any more. My little guy was not in control now. He was straining fully. And the pain inside my groin was getting unbearable. It might explode anytime.

Reshmi was at it now.. She was not letting up..she was increasing her speed.. she started slowly at first..now gathering momentum..

It was unbearable now…I was not able to hold on any longer.…I screamed, "Reshmi noooooooo…."..

….And then it was all over.

I looked up at Reshmi's face. Her mouth was open…her eyes were big..she was looking at her hand…it was in a mess…a soggy mess...

She reached out to the side table beside the bed with her long hand. She pulled out a bunch of tissues. She wiped her hand clean. She pressed the tissues on my crotch and wiped my mess. She was looking at the thing now. Holding it with her fingers tentatively. Funny how small it looked now in her huge palm. Getting smaller.

She hadn't removed her fat legs from over my shoulders yet. I was still stuck under her legs. Stuck helplessly and hopelessly under two fat legs of a teenage six footerl girl.

I said feebly, "Reshmi, remove your legs. Let me sit up. Please."

It was as if she came out of a trance. She moved her legs from over my shoulders. She pulled me up by my hands. I was sitting on her fat thighs once again. She hugged me tightly to her breasts. Filled my face with kisses. Then a big long kiss on my lips.

She held my face in both her hands cupping my face in her two big palms. My face was right in front of hers, with me sitting on her big, fat, soft thighs.

She looked straight into my eyes and said, "That was real fun ! By when will you be ready for the next shot ? I want to play this game again."