Bhavin ki Bhavana in English Love Stories by SHAMIM MERCHANT books and stories PDF | Bhavin ki Bhavana

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Bhavin ki Bhavana

Valentine Special 2024

Sparkling and expressive: my eyes! He had shown my eyes more beautiful in his pencil sketch than they were in reality. Sitting in the corner, on a street in Varanasi, outside a restaurant, he had drawn my portrait. That’s how for the first time, I met Bhavin Patel, who has now been my husband for 70 years. At the age of 95, if I still remember all our youth details so vividly, then it’s nothing short of a miracle. I would also attribute this memory to our deep love for one another.

Tears blur my vision as I slowly place my laminated portrait back in the diary and close it. Sauntering out in our small garden, I keep my walking stick aside and sit on the cane-basket armchair. Looking up in the sky and taking a defeated sigh, joining my hands I send up a silent prayer once again, “Please lord, save him!” sinking deeper into the chair, I close my eyes and allow my mind to drift into yester-years.

70 years ago

It was 5 pm in the evening. On one of the landmark shopping areas in Varanasi, a young man sat quietly on the pavement. I was one among the many people, who silently stood gathered around him, admiring his handy work. His skillful hand moved quickly across the white sheet of paper and in merely a matter of minutes, he conjured a fresh image of a person. He was doing it for a living and charged 100/- rupees for each sketch. Impressed by his art, I requested him to draw a picture of me. His glance stayed on my face for a little longer and then he smiled. Several minutes later, my pencil sketch was absolutely mesmerising. While paying him, I said, “You are extremely talented. What’s your name?”
“Thank you so much. I am Bhavin Patel.”
His reply surprised me pleasantly and I couldn’t stifle my grin. Extending my hand, I said, “I am Bhavana Patel.”
He was equally shocked and then his smile became identical to mine as we shook hands.

I couldn’t sleep the whole night and kept looking at my portrait that Bhavin had drawn. Next day, I went back to get another sketch done. Soon we began to meet regularly and exchanged a lot of information about each other. Bhavin didn’t have any family. He lived alone and had a degree in visual communication. He was going through a rough patch financially. “Bhavana, I have applied for many jobs, but till I don’t find a suitable one, I can’t sit idle. So to support myself, I lodge outside this cafe and sketch portraits of people. At least it takes care of my day to day living.”

I told him all about myself. I was a yoga instructor and lived in Gujarat. I had gone to Varanasi to learn some meditation techniques. Other than our names, there was one more common aspect about us which was most stunning: we shared the same birthdate, including the year. Both of us were born on 10th December! Bhavin and I mutually felt that we were destined to meet and God had brought us together for a purpose. I had hopelessly fallen in love with him and was very sure that his feelings for me were identical. Nonetheless, it bewildered me why he failed to voice it out.

It was time for me to return home and I was unable to bear his silence anymore. A day before leaving for Gujarat, I said, “Bhavin, I want to talk to you and ask you something very important.”
“What is it, Bhavana?”
“Bhavin our names are similar and we share the same birthdate. Even you accept that God has brought us together for a reason. You are aware that I’ve fallen in love with you and I’m certain you feel the same about me. Then why don’t you tell me? Why don’t you confess your love for me? You know that I am leaving tomorrow.”
I began to cry.

Putting his arms around me, he made us sit on the bench behind us. After some time, he began slowly, “I am not fit for you dear.”
I became angry, “If you are talking about money, then we are also not rich. We too just get by. I don’t wish for anything else Bhavin, I only want your love.”
In a calm and collected voice, he informed me, “I know that and I am not talking about money. I love you too Bhavana. But, my kidneys are damaged. I need a kidney transplant for which neither do I have the finance nor a donor. I am not fit for you darling?”

Swiftly brushing off my tears, I sat up straight and looked at him with astonishment. “Is that all?”
Keeping my hopes alive, I took his hand in mine and launched into a monologue, “Bhavin my blood type is universal. What’s more, I’m a yoga instructor, absolutely as fit as a fiddle. I’ll happily donate my kidney to you.”
He was totally dumbfounded, “But Bhavana….?”
I cut him off, “No buts and ifs. Do you love me? Yes or no?”
“But Bhavana?”
“Bhavin, do you love me? Yes or no?”
“Yes Bhavana, of course I love you. I love you very much.”
I said determinedly, “That’s settled then. I have decided. I will donate one of my kidneys to you.”

The kidney transplant was successful. Six months later in a simple ceremony, we got married in a temple in Varanasi. We were both health conscious and looked after each other. Bhavin proved to be the most loving husband in the world. Life with him has been nothing less than a paradise. He is also a dedicated father to our two daughters and a funny grandfather to our grandchildren. Even at the age of 95, I am smitten every time he says, “Bhavin ki Bhavana, hum bane, tum bane, ek duje ke liye!”

Present day

The dark shadow of bad luck fell upon us or was it the result of someone’s evil eyes? Last month during a heavy downpour, Bhavin met with a major accident. Badly bruised and old age; the two aspects which are hampering his recovery. He has been in a coma since then and doctors have no idea when he will regain consciousness. Sitting in our garden, my eyes are still closed and I’m shedding silent tears of plea and prayer, “Oh God, please! Save my Bhavin!”


Seated in the garden, Bhavana never opened her eyes again. The maid found her body cold, when she came after two hours. The same night, in the hospital, Bhavin breathed his last breath! They were both saved from the suffering of the news of the other’s death.

Bhavin ki Bhavana! They came into this world on the same day, found each other, lived a long life in the shelter of their mutual love and departed together, to unite in heaven above; to continue their journey of eternal love!

Shamim Merchant, Mumbai.


Shades Of Simplicity

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