Dead Man Walking in English Short Stories by Tiyamike Bwanali books and stories PDF | Dead Man Walking

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Dead Man Walking

I threw my eyes across the room , scanning each and every corner and yet she wasn't in here . I sighed a sigh of relief and sat down comfortably while putting a smile on my face . I wasn't in love or anything but I was just drawn to this woman , something about her made me feel a different spark one that I've never felt before but just like all love stories she was taken and her man was my best friend . It wasn't like I wouldn't get her but my friend got her first and I knew her later . She was beautiful, kind , understanding, caring, loving, sweet and she was Indigo. " So what do you think about tonight" Grey smiled as he poured some more wine into our cups "Duncan! Are you listening". Ofcourse I was lost in thoughts thinking about his girlfriend. I looked at him and smiled trying so hard not to seem awkward, I took a sip then said " where is Indigo by the way , I haven't seen her around?". " She went out with her friends or so " he shrugged " I don't really know". " Dude she's your girlfriend aren't you supposed to know her whereabouts?" " She's old enough to take care of herself".My heart skipped a few beats and I wanted to contact her and know where she was but I couldn't. I quickly said my goodbyes and just as I was driving past a nearby bar I saw her drinking, taking shots at the counter by herself. Even while drank she looked amazing, gorgeous and I found myself standing in the doorway just staring at her . She had this unexplainable thing that kept me drawn to her and no matter how hard I tried to push it back she always managed to make it glow again . " Heyyyyy Duncan." A smiling Indigo was in my face " you wanna drink ". " Why are you here Indigo". " I just wanted to clear my mind ". " Of what ". " Grey!!!. ". She took two more shots " his the guy I want but sometimes I think I'm wrong ". It was times like this that made me wanna tell her to just come to me straight but Grey was my friend . I watched her drink more and I couldn't stop her . She was all over me and I took her to my place and allowed her to be more comfortable . I once again built a foundation of trust within us .

As the sun rose from it's horizon , I gazed upon Indigo who was flatly asleep and probably didn't know where she was . I freshened up and made breakfast then awaited . It didn't take long before I heard a knock on the door and it was Grey. " Have you seen Indie , she didn't come home last night". He didn't even seem worried rather for the sake of caring he found himself on my doorstep. I wasn't gonna give up an opportunity like this so I said " no but check her friends house maybe " . He left . I was relieved and felt bad at the same time, " who was that ?" A lazy indigo stood in the living room wearing my shirt . " Mail man " I locked the door . " Well where's the mail" she sat down. " Wrong mail" I sighed " I made you breakfast" I smiled as I brought out the tray of my finest bacon and eggs with Mac and cheese. " Duncan" she smiled " how'd you know " . " Lucky guess " . She leaned forward and hugged me . Ofcourse I knew she loved Mac and cheese, I had made it a priority to study her and make her mine without hurting anyone . " I really should get going. Thanks for the breakfast" . " So soon " . " I don't wanna have any more arguments with Grey" . She got back to the room and got dressed , i wasn't gonna let her go like that so I followed her there and passionately kissed her while I held on tight to her . I could feel her wanting to hold me too and take control over me but she restrained. " I cannot do this . He would kill me " . " We did it once , we can do it again " . With heavy breaths in-between we continued what we started, every moment , every moan that she let out made me go even crazy for her and by the time we where done it wàs already in the afternoon. " We really need to stop this" she said while putting her clothes back on . I pulled her closer to me and said " don't you like it " . She smiled " I'm taken Duncan" . " But it's not marriage" I exclaimed. " Your impossible" she picked up her phone " I'll see you later " and with that she left , once again I was left alone with her memories and her sweet scent all-over me . I wasnt gonna let memories flock my mind anymore so I took the chances of trying to stop her and ask her to marry me but she was already gone . " She just went out" I mumbled to myself in between heavy breaths then I started to ran again with every step I laid on the ground I grew even more confident that I was gonna achieve something. As I approached there house I heard noises and soft sobs , I peaked through the window, " what where you doing at Duncan's place , I hate how my friends are always talking about you being a whore" Grey said sounding furious. " I'm not a whore and stop calling me that" a crying indigo shouted " can't you respect me for once ". He laughed then grabbed her by the neck and whispered something in her ears , she pushed him away then broke down . I saw the disappointment and how hurt she was but I couldn't help her or maybe I just didn't know how to help her .

"Duncan what are you doing here". I opened my eyes and saw Indigo in her night gown , looking around I saw that I had fallen asleep in her backyard with a few bottles by my side I didn't even remember anything and I was too embarrassed. " You look wasted please come inside" she extended her hand to help me up , I gladly took the opportunity and placed my hands in hers " isn't Grey home ?". " He went to work " . With my hand in hers she led me inside and gave me lime juice . " How'd you end up in my yard " . " Honestly I don't know" I chuckled softly. " But it must've been because of you ". " Me? Why?" She narrowed her eyes as though to signal me not to do anything stupid . " I heard what Grey said to you . He shouldn't treat you like that" . She stood up " it was a small fight , I'm ok now". " The guy is abusing you not only physically but mentally too" I put my drink down , stood up and held her hands " don't let him destroy your life you are not weak". I felt her feeling nervous as she let go of my hand and touched her necklace and with the other she held on to me tightly, in a glimpse of an eye she started to drop tears , silent tears she didn't sob or make any sound they just rolled down her soft cheeks and she stood there emotionless. I hugged her " whatever he does to you doesn't have to be permanent". " But I love him ". " And he hurts you ". She moved away from me with tears still in her eyes she looked straight at me as if trying so hard to let me see through her and help her " you've to leave if Grey finds out you where here then I'm done" suddenly she was panicking and looking outside the windows . " How will he find out ?" I stood in front of her . " You don't know Grey he knows everything" . She caught my arm and led me to the door when it opened, " going so soon Duncan?" . Grey stood in front of us and i saw fear in indigo's eyes . She quickly let go of my arm and said " your back early " . " I forgot something " he sighed" but I didn't know you and him had something ". She looked at me then back at him " he was just visiting " . He walked towards her and she was taking steps back " you know Duncan I really hate surprise visits but since your here already can you tell me what's your business " . " I was jogging and needed some water " I said hesitantly. " Funny how this morning I saw you sleeping in my bushes " he narrowed his eyes at me " should I get a restraining order " he put his hands in his pockets . " Sorry about that , I was drinking last night and didn't know what brought me here " I shook my head to maybe try and relate it to the jogging story . " Maybe my wife brought you here " he walked across the kitchen and poured himself a glass of wine" she really seems to have her way around men " . " What do you mean by that " indigo said in low tone of voice. " You know what I mean . You think I've no idea your sleeping around with him". " Do you know why I did it " . " Leave my house ". I was about to walk out when he stopped me " not you , her ". " But she's your girlfriend " I said. " And not my wife ". He went to the living room and she broke out crying. She was trapped in between explaining and ignoring it all , at this point I didn't know whether to comfort her or leave her there but I loved her or so I thought.

As the sun rose from it's horizon , I gazed upon Indigo,she wasn't asleep she just stood there looking outside the window and when she noticed me I saw her rub a few years off . " I'll take my leave now". " And where will you go ?". " Back to him ". I didn't stop her . I was also battling with my emotions. I recalled how I was threatened the previous night by Grey to stay away from her . As she drove off I cried , watching the lover I will never have leave and wandering did I really love her or I just desired to be around her body??